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talking about things to delete let's go ahead and delete this chap he's just bugging me straight up no one's gonna miss him okay that should have worked just a big giant vampire logo in the back there and then surprise she has bridge worm for a hand [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing tiny town i've had about a thousand comments from people saying finn when are you gonna play tiny town when are you gonna do a champ well guess what we're doing it that's cartoon rabbit i kind of regret making this thing a little bit you know what i mean it is one of the spookiest looking monsters i've actually made on this tiny town world it just gives me the heap each 100 percent heebie jeebies now you may also notice all of this world is back again so last couple of times i played this this game i steamrolled the entire map with the giant cylinder from eternal cylinder and you know like always that makes people mad when i do that people get mad when i destroy a lot of my creations but i said i backed it up just like this little champ the doorman i backed everything up so everything was safe one of the reasons why i did delete a lot of the stuff is because the map just had too much stuff in it and it was running mega slow and there's a little bit of that going on at the moment hey jelly mouth hey go on champ you want a munch on my hand it's delicious one of the things i want to do with tiny town this time around is actually get some mods made so if you know anyone who knows how to mod unity games let me know in the comments just chuck their name or if you're one of them let me know one of the things i'd love to be able to do is like get something like this for example our thanos siren head and actually group all of these individual objects together and then save it as one object like go bang lock it in that's one object we got some building to do i got rid of poopy tim which is a little bit sad we need to put him back in again oh yeah here's our poopy tim let's get him let's get him hey bro how's it going just rip that arm in there get the head oh man the scaling is way off okay well i'm gonna like shrink him down to teeny size here's a great spot he's just over here having a barbie with the kangaroo and jacksepticeye and we'll give him a ginormous head for a minute there there we go that is a massive head okay shrink this arm down need to turn off snapping oh god this game is running so slow it's running so slow i need to delete some stuff all right dudes i want you guys to to just make some suggestions in the comments of some things you would like me to delete just to speed things up a little bit bearing in mind we've got bug snack island over there right snacktooth island it's all the way over there the other things we could delete this guy this ginormous golem thing this uses so many objects so many objects i remember building it and the game was slowing down majorly while i was building it so that's i don't know just just have some suggestions talk amongst yourselves and think of some stuff that we could delete all right poopy tim let's just bring your head down a couple of notches there dude oh this reminds me i need to paint the poopy tim head that i uh that i 3d printed i need to do that snapping is off whack the head there hey poopy tim yeah he's there having a barbecue jacksepticeye there looks a little bit stunned that there's a naked poopy tim just stood right there they're not even barbecuing anything that's the worst what are they barbecuing a crab of course the crabs awake and alive by the way he's having a good time he is also a crab with a gun talking about useless objects crabs with guns ah now if this is the first time you've seen a tiny town level of mine this thing is intense we have fire siren head we have mega siren head we have siren head spider thing i can't even remember what that thing was called but man we went to town there is all sorts of crap oh man talking about things to delete let's go ahead and delete this champ he's just bugging me straight up okay no one's gonna miss him we've even got angel siren head and the devil siren head it's insane but where am i gonna put mother siren head where am i gonna stick this thing oh yeah cartoon spider cat so good and we could have her so she's like trodden on the plane that'd be kind of cool it might look good i don't know because i would like to start building out this way oh my god we've got bridgeworm just hanging out in that tube let's get rid of him i think pipehead might be one of the ones to go what do you guys reckon the only pre-made piece i will be using are these things because there aren't any long cylinders in this game let's just get these long cylinders now legs oh is that a good leg maybe i don't think it's thick enough maybe that's it's too thick just some big old legs maybe we could double them up yeah that kind of works all right let's get like a foot yeah yeah this is working this is working don't you guys worry this isn't my first giant trevor henderson creation trust me did trevor henderson even come up with mother mega phone did he do that or was it like a fan thing the good thing about mother megaphone is that it doesn't have like any other crazy veiny sort of stuff going on on the outside like these guys the amount of polygons involved in these chaps is huge so many that's why i had to import them in parts could probably start out with just a singular tooth as a foot get the feet like that and then we'll get some like claws or something like that maybe just big old gross claw type feet talons you know what i mean like some gross auntie is like oh yeah come here sonny come and rub my feet and then you look at her feet and then they look like this and then you just regret life i'm okay with them being weird are you okay with them being weird you better be because guess what they're weird do i have some feet regret yeah i do do i care no i don't that's fine maybe we could shrink them now i want you guys to rate this build you know go ahead and give it a rating out of 99 maybe it's a solid 86 maybe it's uh 100 which is impossible i've also been getting like a bajillion comments people asking me if i know about slime rancher 2 yeah i do believe it or not i know about it and am i pumped yeah i am it's gonna be so good and yes i'm gonna be playing it of course i am that would be ridiculous if i didn't okay now everybody knows mother mega horn has a weird gut it's like real weird real weird it's like pot belly style stomach thing going on build it to the best of our ability well we have given mother siren head some junk right there right there right in the trunk all right that's all good though doesn't matter let's give us some mad thigh bones oh hip bones are sticking out yeah this will work yeah you can see like the the hip bone pelvis thing because she's still a skeletal looking monster whoa okay so it's got legs this thing is gonna be so tall it's gonna be really big which is you know that makes sense it makes sense mother megahorn is supposed to be massive this is actually super hard believe it or not to get the shapes right and not make it look ridiculous i think that's pretty good could probably widen these out a little bit because they could be the shoulders there we go i just realized everything is like so white behind here and you guys probably can't even see what's going on so i will fix that give me one minute uh that might work okay is that working okay that should have worked just a big giant finpile logo in the back there okay cool now we need to build some ribs um i'm probably going to use these teeth i think these teeth would work perfectly for ribs let's just make these things a bit bigger there we go oh yeah that actually works really well would they go this way or the other way ah dude this thing looks so weird okay there we go got some ribs looking pretty creepy i'm fairly happy with that though i think that's looking pretty good so far the top by like the top part here might be a bit long not sure it's a bit it's a bit weird let's just dial it back a little bit just constantly making fine adjustments until i'm happy with it yeah i think i'm pretty happy with that i think that looks a lot better all right get a bit of an arm thing going on there we go gonna have this arm reaching out i think [Music] and then just thicken up the upper arm a little bit [Music] we don't want them to look like weird bean poles all right yeah that's pretty good and then surprise she has bridge worm for a hand like a sock puppet that is so creepy where's it gone it's back here oh my god that thing is terrifying it's so terrifying imagine that for a sock puppet that would actually kind of work i think people would buy that oh yeah that's good that was a good diy hand i like it i better give it a just another finger over that side yeah that looks so good all right our mother megaphone has arms hands legs and a body even though the body is super weird [Music] it's all good this is mostly without reference like i have a rough idea about what it looks like but uh this is you know the rest of it's kind of just off the top of my head oh game could you not slow down thanks okay i need to go ahead and build a neck i think the neck should be not too thick god i actually can't remember this is part i'm going to struggle with i'm going to struggle big time here all right need a cone shape a cone shape should be something like that how's it how's that oh it's a bit big how's that size no i can't get the proportions right yeah okay that's pretty good uh let's grab this and we're gonna just reverse that a little bit and join these two together with some spheres i just realized i said spheres i meant cylinders there we go get a cylinder like that dude this is impossible how are we looking oh i think we're actually looking pretty good for what we've got for shapes that sort of works i'm gonna get one of these bad boys all right now we've got to give it a bit of a mouth so i'm gonna say i'm gonna go with red this is the part where it starts to look mega freaky oh yeah yeah we're looking good i just made the teeth a little bit bigger and i think that is perfect i'm actually happy with the way that that looks i think it looks pretty good what do you guys reckon of my mother megaphone it's so much bigger when you compare it to like siren head and stuff over there bearing in mind that the mega siren head was actually the supposed to be you know bigger than regular siren head but this one is just straight up ginormous it looks really cool let me know in the comments what you guys want to see me build next in tiny town and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 221,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Tiny Town, Tiny Town VR, Virtual Reality, VR builder game, virtual reality lego, tiny town gaming, oculus rift s gaming, siren head, siren head vr, SCP, SCP Monsters, cartoon monsters, mother megaphone
Id: SCzu8T64oHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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