Ghost Storm | Full Movie | Voyage

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[Music] will rob stop playing games will [Music] will oh you ass I hate you oh yeah come on we're just having some fun you call this fun welcome to small island living Missy get used to it cuz you are stuck here only until we graduate can we go now the storm is getting worse no that's the point yeah it's automatic every time there's an electrical storm in the area there's a lightning strike in this graveyard it's freaky freaky romantic W there it is oh oh that's it I'm out of here me too crack the old memorial a creepy is that that's messed up what's the old memorial Sabbath day suicide what our urban legends don't make it to the big city you're lucky if your male makes it to the mainland hey it's not a legend you buffoon well well years ago there was an old priest who got a bunch of crazies together who burned themselves to death in some like ritual like the Jonestown called yes can we go now yeah yeah first we got to take a leek don't watch ladies [Music] is you [Music] [Applause] what happened D what's going on I just saw something on my screen well well Daisy's freaking out we got to go I'm calling him now this better not be another joke where are you well well all right come on all right father give it a try and the Lord said let there be lights and there was light and he saw that the light was good well I don't know how good the light is but now I'm just glad that they're working again you know you're truly a jack of all trades well father unfortunately my ex-wife would tell you I'm a jack of a different kind excuse me hello Daisy what's going all right calm down Cal calm down where are you all right look I want you to stay there I'm on my way okay stay there bye and that's the last of it we bided you to you Mr thunderstorm Thanks for the Memories really what it was an attempt at humor sadly you're not going to have another attempt like that for at least another week yeah I know that high pressure system is going to keep things pretty boring around here pal yeah it's me something's up with Daisy what happened I don't know she called me in a panic she's at the cemetery what's she doing at the cemetery how should I know it's not my night it's yours oh so you're going to start with me now oh look I'm headed over there pick her up right now okay why don't you meet us at the house all right you okay yeah I'm fine um just get the weather update to the mainland station thanks Brett tell me something does that look like the corpse of a 17-year-old boy to you more like 200 are you sure this is Will that's what they said why you think they Zoom the body know kids in their pranks we're all 17 once no I don't know Doug look at their faces I don't think it's a prank let's get it over the morg see if we can get a positive idea huh sweetie are you okay Will's dead what honey why don't you go inside and light out huh what happened we don't know what happened yet look I thought we said that she wasn't going to hang out with that kid anymore no you you said that she's 17 not seven that's not what I meant look I said the wrong thing I'm sorry look it's cold out here I'm going to go see how she's doing all right wait I um I made you a sandwich you made me a sandwich yeah you know I figured you'd have a late night and I know how you get when you eat that junk out of the vending machine so you still like me hey don't push it will Daisy help [Applause] me [Music] a the rate of decomposition is absolutely staggering what could have caused this the kids did say there was a lightning strike in the area you think he was struck by lightning it could answer part of it but there's got to be more a lot more the sheer tissue deterioration his internal organs are drained of all fluids you've been doing this a long time Doug you ever seen anything like this before no never look I'm out of my league here H I don't have the tools for this kind of analysis I want to send this body off to a lab in Seattle Al Will's father's here to see you he seems pretty upset yeah I'm sure he is Carl I'm sorry for your loss what happened we don't know what happened yet my boy's dead I know he is look it could have just as easily been my own daughter I want to know what happened just as badly as you do and when I find out you'll be the first person I call I promise I want to see him it's not a good idea I want to see him the body's in bad shape I want to see my son okay come on what what the hell is this where's my boy Doug what's going on I haven't left the room stop lying to me Carl we're the only two people that have been in this room I promise you I was looking at your boy a minute ago this is some kind of a sick joke just so as you know I'm packing heat and I came first in my shooting class hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] H come in there's something strange happening at the cemetery Mary it's hell what's going [Music] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Mary do you read [Music] me that's a mistake it can't be how big of a drop we're at about 870 mbars I'd say that's impossible we'd have a hurricane yeah but we don't have a hurricane and yet wait for it what's that cell over that's the cemetery that's where the kids were last night what's it at now oh it's still way too low check the equipment it's got to be a malfunction well where are you going some her my god dog take a look at [Music] this that can't be her can [Music] it what the hell's going on around here what do you mean he called you I'm telling you my phone rang and when I looked at it it was Will's number except I have Will's phone and then when I answered it it was just static I just can't believe this look we all saw the lightning strike the memorial something Supernatural is going on in that Cemetery what you think it's a curse from the Sabbath suicide victims I bet father Telmo knows something well he knows a history better than anyone maybe we should go ask him he sitting around here talking about it meliss me uh no way I got enough B juu to last a year but um let me know how it goes okay okay bye sweetie hey do you hear that no Doug did you see that no right that's just what I need what are you doing here nice to see you too no no no no no no I have a crime scene here I can't let you go any further I brought my equipment I'm going to take a reading not today what the hell Dad a father tommo somebody should be here know maybe he's in the back office maybe he's doing an exorcism not funny Carl you see this thing what the hell is it we don't know what it is it came from the graveyard the what cells are all down I need to use your phone need someone else's I'm not asking Carl it's emergency father hello doesn't look like he's here yeah what's up did you know that guy or something Daisy that guy was on my phone last night what what do you mean you what are you doing you steal from the church now I'm investigating what no no tomorrow doesn't work hey this is an emergency we have three fatalities here I need help now you have got to be kidding me all right look just make sure they get here by morning so they're not sending anyone bureaucratic garbage they can't get a team here till the morning Hal you better come see [Music] this what the hell are they doing hey everybody listen up you cannot be here it's not safe State authorities are coming here tomorrow to help us figure out what's going on but until then you cannot be here this area is off limit so go home come on I'm going to launch my weather balloon into that stormcloud what are you crazy after what we just saw no way until we figure out what's going on in there I'm not letting anybody in there that includes you what we're seeing here is defying explanation my point exactly that's why I'm not letting you in there if my instruments can pick it up we can figure out what it is three people have died within a day we don't have till tomorrow you're right wow if you'd said that more often we might still be together let's not get carried away what is that thing it's a radio s measures atmospheric parameters it'll tell us everything we need to know about this storm's physical properties okay we can let it go it's working what's happening I don't know what's that you see that [Music] as all right that's it we're out of [Music] here that was fun I think I have what I need that thing doesn't look too good you sure the data is usable these things are made to take a beating great let me know what you find out wait where will you be here here how are you crazy we don't know what we're dealing with yeah I know but I can't risk somebody else getting killed post a sign then put your family first actually what kind of a father would I be if I let somebody else get killed while I'm busy protecting my own skin just go please I'll be fine all right okay be careful all right sweetie I need that computer do you know who this is where did you find that at the church do you know who this is that's um father Barrett your great-grandfather my great-grandfather Suicide Massac father Bears now's not the time why don't we wait another 17 years he was not a good man Daisy he did Unthinkable things it's not something that I'm proud of I just think it's something you might have mentioned you're right I'm sorry now please I need to get in there the latest inform theeta at the current rates of expansion projections for the [Applause] week Dad Dad help [Applause] me [Music] come on on damn it this is so strange humidity is way too low too low to create water vapor and it's heating up not cooling that storm can't physically exist I'll tell you what doesn't make sense I saw my great-grandfather's face on my phone last night when the memorial was struck by lightning I saw a ghost mom I think he's the one that's making all of this happen hey Brett I'm going to upload the data so you can see exactly hello Brett [Applause] [Music] those are P shoes that do not look good I don't understand ow something happened to Ben good God it's the devil's work all right CLA I'll take out of this I saw it Thomas it took a hold of him like rag doll took hold of him it's Zapped him how like like like a death ray all right all right look what exactly did you see I saw the wrath of Satan he come right down the street it took his soul calm down there's a logical explanation to all of this right there is a logical explanation military testing military testing it's always military testing all right Thomas that's enough thank you look everybody I need you to clear out please go home tell your friends it's not safe to be outside please go I saw it [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] we got the backup J you working it's sort of kicked on by itself but I'll take the credit what happened to this these things aren't cheap yeah I know I hope the data isn't corrupted what do you want me to do with it just build a computer model so we can see where the storm is drawing its energy from yeah okay where are you going how really needs my help okay thanks [Music] well people are gathering in the streets this is Sheriff Hal Miller transmitting on the state emergency channel do you read [Music] me I read you H where's my help they're on the FY they'll be there soon all right thank you out H get out of here what going on here folks Carl what is this we want the truth hell yeah we have a right to know what's happening there's something you're not telling us that's right look we have no idea what's going on but State investigators are on a ferry coming here right now but until they get here I need you all to take shelter Shel Shelter From what there's a dangerous atmospheric phenomenon happening on the island she's right about the phenomenon but it's not atmospheric no well then what is it Supernatural I need everybody to stay calm and show no fear that's the first rule fear empowers evil spirits it makes them stronger I'm sorry who are you Greg Garis Paranormal Investigator I'm here to help Mr Garis I don't know what dinghy you just jumped off of but the last thing this town needs is some Outsider coming around scaring this island is exploding with PK you should be scared PK psychokinetic energy Dark Energy spiritual energy has it taken a life yet yeah we've we've lost several in the last 24 hours I need to see the victim and we don't have victims we have piles of Ashes oh we don't have a lot of time then do we who here has suffered the biggest loss so far my boy will has he tried to contact you excuse me contact uh light bulbs popping strange phone calls was static I I don't know maybe there was something in my TV last night damn near scared me half to death all right we'll start there hold on hold on I'm not letting you start anywhere why not because these people are afraid they've lost loved ones I don't need you scaring them anymore with your talk of garlic and holy water so what you're just going to sit around and wait for that help of yours to show up yeah that's right and what if they don't why are you here anyways I really can't control it I just go where I'm called look Sheriff I want to help these people same as you give me a chance what do you got to lose tell you what your help arrives I [Music] disappear all right Mr Garis give it a shot thank you Sheriff You Lost Me In The Unfinished Business part if Spirits feel like they've been wronged or unfulfilled in this world then they seek to resolve it before passing on to the next so so if this is about the Sabbath suicide victims then maybe something in the church archives will help us figure out how to stop it where the heck did you hear that from the internet so what is all this stuff it's looking for speech patterns in the storm's electromagnetic waves this is a white noise generator it opens a window allows those on the other side to appear in it it's just a lot of dim store Electronics it cost a lot more than a few dimes I can tell you that much but you get the electronics part right it's basically what a spirit is it's a it's an electronic impulse you guys just happen to have a rather large one what you're saying is that we have a storm of spirits evil spirits trapped in this world the angry souls are the the dark energy the yin of the storm so to speak but there has to be a Yang a a light Soul a pure soul that they're clinging to what is that over there in the [Music] car [Music] hello can you hear us we're here to help you who am I speaking to will will will son is that you yes [Applause] [Music] will I don't believe this all right how do we stop these things 1996 there was a pke Outbreak on a farm in Washington County we loaded up a crop duster with a bunch of salt water and it dispersed The Entity I know it sounds crazy but saltwater absorbs the dark energy of [Music] spirits [Music] those come on start the pump I got it up anytime no no no not yet let to get closer not yet wait wait now get it now look out oh my God come on let's go go go go go go go go go go go go what the hell just happened back there that salt only made it worse I don't know Sal it usually works the fair's coming finally a little help it's not the kind of help we need Hur [Music] up I got I got got it [Music] oh my God oh my God here I got it I got it [Music] hey hey [Music] sheriff sheriff sh go we got to go Jer get in the car we got to go Jer come on move move get in the car let's go hurry drive drive Sheriff Drive come on go go go go [Music] go these things go back ages did you ever hear about a missing alter boy during the time of a mass suicide before now no why I don't know it's odd it's not an agency in the world that'll be able to help us you got to evacuate this island and how are we going to do that you saw what it did to the marina that's the only way out of here it's bigger than anything I've ever seen there's got to be something we could do to stop it there's a light in that storm as dim as it is I know it's there just got to find it what nothing started in the cemetery right yeah yeah the memorial for the mass suicide stop the car what stop the car where are you going Cemetery you want to solve a problem you start where it started hey be careful [Music] hey me check this out come here what is that looks like a journal written by father TMO in 1912 tell senior I guess so May 13th 1912 with Father Barrett's break from the Holy Covenant I've been appointed to assume duties as the religious leader of the parish this was great and deepest forret that I was the following events is true I don't understand this this isn't what everyone thinks happened so what does this mean I don't know but I got to show this to my dad mom dad Daisy thank God joke Daisy where you been I found this journal honey it's not safe outside we got to get you back home no this journal was father tmos we don't have time for that right now more people have been hurt hurt you mean killed yes killed yes you need to read this enough you're going home right now go mayday mayday mayday doeses anyone copy are there any vessels receiving me [Applause] [Music] have [Music] [Music] [Music] Rob on storm's coming into town well we have to get off the island possible just took out the marina okay I want you to go inside lock all the doors and close all the windows what are you going to do nobody's coming to help us Daisy your dad's alone I got to go help him everything's going to be all right I love you Mom I love you too oh my God move Mo it [Music] wa [Music] [Music] this way help help help you got to go back inside there's no getting off the island close your windows lock your doors a what is [Music] happening everybody listen up I need you to lock this place down stay put all right seal up all the doors windows vents every crack all right and stay in here Sheriff Where Da he she's with her mother listen Rob make sure they seal this place up good all right you heard the man let's seal this place up now let's go [Music] is [Music] Daisy Daisy [Music] [Applause] oh open the door come on open the door don't open you can't just leave him out there get out what are you doing get off me what are you doing get off me [Applause] door get in [Applause] go where's Daisy she's she's okay she's safe at the house we need to get off these streets back it up back it up stop the car stop the car get out get out come on get out let's go in the church quick hey open up H open up H open open up seal the cracks grab whatever you can seal it [Music] up Mom hello Mom FR have you seen my mom she's not here DJ come on I just why is it just hovering out there I wish I knew I got to get back to the station there's got to be some scientific solution to this what happened to the help the storm took out their fairies they were coming in we're on our own and where the hell is Father TMO holy church I venerate thee as our guardian and protector he's the one that should know what the spirit wants right or maybe you know Ashley to forgive the sins of our fathers and crush the evil Souls at our doorstep it's your grand his face we keep seeing I don't know any more than you do Carl Almighty Lord Vanquish these evil Souls so that they may no longer retain us captive and do harm why is this striking the yard there's got to be something under there maybe there's something in here at once we need to seal these windows do you have any tape uh yeah here is your phone working oh my God it's you it wants you don't [Music] answer don't answer your phone don't answer it [Applause] [Music] don't don't answer them no one answer your phone the evil spirit surrounding this church is Father Baron her grandfather he led all those people to their death and now it's back he wants more this is no time to start pointing fingers Carl whatever it is it's not going to stop until it gets What It Wants we don't know what it wants we are all going to die if we don't do something she is part of the damn bloodline what are you talking about that's Insanity Carl no this is our one chance to save ourselves it want her all right that's enough come on we're getting out of here no me stop fighting me calm down [Music] let go of her now I know you're all scared we are too but that's no reason to start sacrificing each other and we're going to walk out of here and anybody who follows us I'm going to shoot all right go go this way come on be here [Music] quick get back help he's ATS how do you know he only had four rounds left I think they're gone what's happening I don't know I don't know I'm so sorry what I'm so sorry for what's happened to us it wasn't your fault things weren't that bad were they compared to this it was a picnic isn't this what Daisy gave you yeah written by Tel's father look she bookmarked it wait May 16th 1912 father helped me for I know not what to do with each passing day my guilt consumes my every hour there's no Penance that can absolve me of this darkest sin oh my god there was no mass suicide these people were [Music] killed can't get me [Music] I follow me [Music] I'm so scared Rob it's okay baby I don't want to die it's okay it's okay [Music] right R something's happening out [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] where the hell are they Church hurry all right let's go right come on don't what is that but kiss me no find CL I let the youen Rejoice I will face from my sins father what are you doing trying to save our souls's coming pray it's the only weapon we have Daisy found your father's Journal I should have burned that diary I don't understand why keep the truth a secret all these years to protect the town to protect the town or to protect your family's reputation it was your father who led the Lynch mod that killed all those people he was trying to save the life of an innocent child Barrett and his followers were going to sacrifice a young alter boy it was your father who killed the alter boy get what you're talking about this is my father father [Music] father [Music] b Bruce this [Music] sh [Music] B [Music] [Music] there I was wrong it's not Ash this all once it's him all right calm down Carl a little while ago you saying it wants Ash now you're saying it's father Telmo that's before I read what's in here your father murdered the cult and the alter board well that's why the ghosts are cing the church they want you you have to atone for the sins of your father all right look we need to band together not turn on each other this storm is tearing this island apart I'm taking them wait stopit no enough I will go don't do it father you're going to thank me when this is over are you okay look you need to go get Daisy all right but what about you I'm going to go try to save father Tello go go [Music] [Music] May stop it won't work how do you know how besides the priest is the only hand we have to play isn't that right father he may be right I may be able to stop this it's suicide I have to try come on everybody out of here everybody out come dad will this we [Music] go go go let's go time all right listen up I want you to seal this up whatever you do don't go outside all right okay seal that out daisy daisy daisy so happy to see you thank God you're okay it's coming through the bottom of the door it repels the Mist okay we need to seal up the door I thought you were dead me too found this save my life what is it this Talisman a what Talisman is a a ritual object it's what kept us Souls trapped in that tomb could it stop this the storm isn't one entity it's it's multiple Souls not not all of them are evil some of them are trapped some of them are confused I'm just looking for a way to stop this thing I know that's my point there's a a pure Soul trapped in the storm and innocent the alter boy what got found out a few things too that Memorial it wasn't a suicide it was a massacre there was a cult led by this priest father Barrett they were going to sacrifice a young Alder boy the rest of the Town tried to stop him and became violent the boy got caught in the crossfire was killed that's the pure Soul the alter boy yeah if we can if we can identify the frequency of the pure Soul if we can amplify it it it'll it'll weaken the storm we can trap it again with the talisman Amplified about a weather balloon would that work yeah a radio s sure okay that I can help you with this thing run battery's dead great what about that uh Talisman thing is that going to protect us out there I have no idea I guess we'll find out come on we got to get going let's go I can yes you can I can't just keep moving I can't go just go no I can't you got to go on you got to leave me no you're going to be all right we both die everybody [Music] dies you have a wife and a little girl get up what are you doing find the light in the Darkness stand it's going to get in oh my god dad are you okay I'm so sorry I'm so sorry you guys are all right what are you doing with that thing I I don't know it repels it let me see it it's Class C it's used to put out electrical fires that means it's not immune to the laws of physics that's right we can kill it okay what is that that is our other weapon and this is going to protect us that is the only reason I'm still alive even if this works the status still could be destroyed well if that's the case then we all need to start saying a prayer because that is our only shot of finding that frequency you mean the alter boy that's right okay I think I'm getting something is the data still there yeah the data seems to be here thank you Brett okay so I've stripped everything except the electrical signatures I don't see it hold on I'm not done okay so far the frequency seems to be pretty consistent 300 MHz what's that right there that's only 80 that's got to be it it's son of a gun Greg was right okay so now what well now we have to get in there and amplify that frequency how we going to do that use the weather balloon we tried that in last 2 seconds Trojan Horse huh Trojan Horse we send up the weather balloon transmitting 300 MHz the same frequency as the evil spirits they'll think it's one of their own and then once it's in we can switch it to 80 and then amplify the signal exactly Theory being that it weakens the evil spirits and gives us a chance to trap them when did you come up with that just now I'm the Trojan Horse bird tra them well look I'm kind of winging in here but think about it where did those spirits come from the ground right what kept them in the ground the talisman well we have the Talisman now all we need to do is get those Spirits back in the ground Daisy I need you to put together a wire a long wire make it out of phone cord cable whatever you can find what is this for the spirits are electrical so we can just ground them with the wire exactly okay I'm ready dad will this work oh that's great Daisy that's great all right so attach one end to the radio Sound and this end of the Tower and then hope that it works better than salt and water remember don't change the frequency till I tell you to wait I still love you I love you too hey come here proud of you I love you Daddy all right I'll be back you better [Music] be [Music] [Applause] Mom oh my God change the [Applause] frequency change the frequency oh come on come on [Music] I got it great oh my God what is [Music] that [Music] Mom it's [Music] gone [Music] mom you got it got [Music] to oh dear God help [Music] Dad don't you leave me does this mean you want me back really you're [Music] grounded do you think it's over yeah I do can we go home now I don't know can we well I got a bunch of paperwork to do back at the office and uh Dad yeah let's go [Music] home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Voyage
Views: 174,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sci-fi, sci fi, syfy, science fiction, horror, genre, scene, compilation, best of, blade runner, spiderman, spider-man, clip, movie, films, close encounters, alien, space, best sci-fi movies 2019, sci-movies 2019, sci-fi 2019, film sci-fi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 55sec (5395 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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