ghost stories dub crack 2

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when this [ __ ] kicks i'm moving to vegas [Laughter] you sure you both are okay it'll be all right don't worry about us just don't be late for your first day of work i won't now remember you two just say no to everything okay kaya just showed up on the day of our mother's funeral our dead mother you feel bad now i can only hope she knew about jesus you're in the same class as your next-door neighbor that's great god's great nothing great about it it's just like living next to charlie sheen too much coffee i should have just pissed in the sink in the teacher's lounge no one would have known or maybe in mrs hadley's thermos he was attacked by hanako the bathroom ghost so that was it so what was what at first i thought i just had to go to the bathroom but now i realize it was the holy spirit well convulsion that was weird okay i'm sorry what are you saying you came in here alone are you a [ __ ] yes but that's beside the point god bless you god will supply all your needs according to his riches philippians 4 19 what i'm too young to die the only person i've had sex with is my babysitter we're totally on the same page what don't be coy with me you know what i'm talking about don't make me say it out loud you what well it's just i don't know i've been holding this in too long it's time this came out i got a poop what there's a talisman on it i wonder if that's what mom used someone chopped off his head he said head the stairs are cursed cursed stairs you're kidding me cursed stairs god is bigger than any demonic curse and true believers like me don't believe in curses we have jesus if we ask stairs nothing will happen only prayers get answered oh good god i think that's a great idea cool let's test this out i want a huge allowance and breasts when i get older and when i get older i want to fondle said breasts i pray that all my friends will become born again christians why because it might not it might not be a jehovah's witness oh no you'd be surprised at how these religious freaks will push their way on you it's disgusting no move it that was freaky what you sounded like mom i didn't know you did impressions what are you talking about oh my goodness do i need to get back on my medication are my eyes red and i stayed up all night working on my custom and throbs oh my what a gifted seamstress i hope you're not a homosexual the jew who can act and so so obviously i'm gay disgusting really and still he kept practicing running faster and then on the morning of the sports festival oh god not you again leave me alone if the rain stops your little brother can fulfill us bruce jenner dreams now go away change of plans chief you have to cancel the festival what you're the one who nagged me for this hold on give me a sec but this hurricane okay he's so slow mentally and physically and don't get me started on her performance joel olsteen's church wouldn't be my first choice for vacation if you prefer we could go to praiseworld in topeka pardon me i really enjoyed running with you today don't you have any money for shoes did the crips beat you up and take yours too they took mine and now my dad only buys me cheap ones from payless i'll go get ketchup okay that is so awesome you'll risk your own life to save your little [ __ ] brother priest over that's right i'm six one 180 brown brown nine inches cut uh cut you know like you know as in i've been uh i'm jewish nothing happened to you no on my way to the store i ran into mr monchita and we just got caught up talking about jesus his shirt it's a sign i found the bottle you kept it down to three glasses this time i'm proud of you not grand theft auto again what would hillary clinton say [Music] mom what's going on come rub my nipples excuse me so i'm nailing this [ __ ] when my mom walks in and then the mid screams out hang on i got company do you think my eyebrows are even i hate pride and arrogance proverbs 8 13. and i for one don't see one thing you have to be proud about or are you just hoping to grow pretty one day oh daddy can i please have facial reconstruction oh so who are tweedledum and tweedledork the meek shall inherit i have no idea now then come into the mirror world my mirror homies are trying to knock down the front door like angry avon ladies have you done your homework yet oh wait you're dyslexic done your yet homework have you you i'm answer hate talking me too i made it who knew juice could run so fast huh a bunch of somber quiet people against a red nuclear sky near a river of blood wow that doesn't look threatening at all what how high are you there's no one around i can't hear anything i'm freaking out paranoid you smoked all of it didn't you i mean what are you talking about there are tons of people here you smoked all of it there's no one here so what do you think cute huh bend over and look at that one hold still one pill makes you larger what do you want over here this way i met bj bridget in the woods for a wednesday usual and i found something even more interesting in the animal graveyard you're a rabbit necrophiliac so you're telling me that sure tubby died god gave mankind a minion over the animals and they all look alike anyway oh my god this is disgusting it's like rabbit jonestown oh cheryl tommy oh all dead but you it's a miracle hey maybe we should arm the rabbits with little guns sometimes i wish all people could marry the animals huh lord reveal your salvation since i am your favorite among these heathens sentimental flashback time is over you stupid buddy loving [ __ ] she greases more pumps than you know who we need more weirdos like her in this school she's like a mexican doing all the jobs white people don't want she has no friends but i think she's kind of hot why don't the three of you get a room uh yeah you see kids the boy bunny has a thing called a penis and he puts that into the girl bunny's vagina the girl bunny then starts acting like she owns that penis what you got no perfect it's in japanese wait that's chinese luckily i can read barricade look for the jesus christ superstar looking graphic lord is that you yes it is nah i'm just kidding don't be cute hi daddy what the hell you're home early were the bars closed no i stopped by oh gotta sit down remember that test i flunked and you beat me so hard i couldn't sit down for a week look now wow that's my girl petro get your ass down here don't what me when i call you say yes ma'am you're such a [ __ ] what did you say i have an itch hey hush me where's the bathroom just piss on the toby keith poster number two it only gets worse when you get older there's no paper what i'm freezing nature's little thermometer's acting up i'm ignoring that perv and i'm sure it's no different than the shrinkage issues you're having right now do you know how much i hate you and it's not cold weather it's cold swimming pools james 114. each one is tempted by his own evil desire but i think your skirt is helping him out slutsky i mean satsuki well look at you what a tardy little outfit you've got a call on line one make it quick hello i'm sorry to keep you waiting this is satsuki speaking now i'm at foot locker hospitals and nurses and stuff bad memories listen satsuki you only get a chance like this once in your life all right who's first do you know how long i waited outside that room for him to finish oh dear god you shut the curtains already i don't want that drag queen nurse peeking in at me drag queens won't bother you worry about priests why don't you just stay home really what are you saying quechua could you wear a wig and a dress i think i'm in enough trouble and stuff abroad make sure you tie your peepee down i don't want to be the only kid without a mom catarell they beat me up all the time i don't need another goddamn reason you watch your goddamn mouth okay i'm off the hook dad i understand them satsuki they make fun of me all the time too now i don't need another goddamn reason either [Music] oh darling our daughter got first place just like you did 28 years ago just like i got to first base 28 years ago is that pot dad ew what are you a lesbian [Music] my daughter's dead and you're making food jokes it's been three years now shizuka was a tragic hit and run victim near that very railroad crossing she was engaged to be married i don't know why she was trolling around the railroad tracks shizuko was quite a little [ __ ] not my fault i tried to raise her right i guess what's a [ __ ] always says what we never found her engagement ring was it expensive i don't think so he got it at jared's are you sure i think the skin cream's gonna help it's expensive you're telling me it's not a rash it's a ghost god you are so smart but that's not right she momiko hasn't done anything wrong and you're [ __ ] life isn't fair is it shut up get out you shut up get out he talked to me at my locker and tried to fill me up wow worshiping satan is awesome knock it off like i said they're using spells it doesn't work i used a ouija board once to contact a dead hooker i saw on the news and she never showed up [ __ ] what should we do that blood thing was so gross we abort this like an unwanted child mashima she i mean hello i'm sorry to call you at this hour can i speak to mommy to mommy ain't nothing mommy girl living here sober get your crackhead ass into some rehab i ain't got time for this balls [ __ ] the righteous man is rescued from trouble since proverbs 11 8. looks like your alcoholic unsaved father's gonna die sorry satsuki so that's where the minorities lived i'm gonna get beat up or not probably more like robbed and sodomized i'm glad i'm saved and blessed poor people are disgusting i told you these aren't your normal apartments kids these are the projects of the haunted hood you feel me [ __ ] yeah i hear you stupid cat keanu looks like it's you and me bragging again call me barbie okay fine looks like it's you and me barbie i'm going [ __ ] crazy these people are poor no street lamps god rewards the righteous that's why me and my family are loaded [Music] what the damn she's got big feet they at least dress nice here says look over there she's hot oh no she's going to kill herself well she is poor yeah i have to see something else to forget an extra large black penis maybe man that was awesome you ate the head in your stupid get me a chair stay there i'll stand very close behind you well if you're gonna stand close behind me stand closer i can't even feel it and they wonder why i like black men so is my mother really in heaven momiko yes but you have yet to embrace your savior so it's the flames of eternal damnation for you [Music] because the broadcast students are all out sick today i'll be filling in welcome to the nooner with bobby matsushima i'm your host bobby matsushima let's start off lunch with a bang this teacher dedication needs [Music] you're right oh yeah bang me till i'm screaming by raging horny [ __ ] [ __ ] oh this is perfect oh and just enough time to fit in a douche good then you can do the broadcast so i can get my brains banged out by mr cicada before third period i mean mr cicada and i have a very private teacher teacher conference we have to do this afternoon oh wow i can't even comprehend how inappropriate this is where's the dj nerd oh who knows i was giving you an f on that terrible term paper you did when she came in complaining of cramps i tried to be consoling but i really don't like her if her mother didn't tell her what a [ __ ] [ __ ] blood and pain is every month it ain't my goddamn problem i'll do the broadcast if you never talk to me again please good girl you keep sucking up like this and i'll make you valedictorian harvard's in the bag okay but i want prime time next year got it good i've got a hot load with my name on it how hard can this be all means it broadcasts to all the school and laid means i'm horny i've explained it six times and cicada's waiting do you have this down yet yes at 4 30 hit all got it oh that reminds me i've got something hard and bent waiting for me god you're making me sick one day you'll understand the benefits of a good curve go god i hope cicadas curves hard left that hits my spot like you won't believe get out oh this is not happening that was a close one i thought i was gonna have to have you do me for a second there or at least have a moment alone with that mic that is the gayest sounding bicorn i've ever heard i can't wait to see what your cousin's going to do to me oh you dirty-minded little sinner you're in for quite a disappointment my cousin is not going to like you i'm so sick of you dissing my looks he'll like me no he won't yes he will no he won't yes he will i have a great rack awesome legs and a cute butt do you have a penis and a big what a penis i know you're kind of manly but i doubt you have what monkey's looking for you see maggie is a filthy anal pirate and gives oral pleasure to men so he's gay hey mamaco let me ask you something if kyle would have died do you think his little spirit would have gone to heaven that's a good question quechua some christians believe there are dogs and cats in heaven but i don't think so
Channel: paul lester
Views: 1,618,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghost, story, stories, dub, english, crack, funny, anime, christian, girl, part 2
Id: c8JRb3-W8uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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