Christian Anime Girl ~ Ghost Stories

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you're such brave strong handsome men have you accepted Jesus as your personal Saviour no I'm Jewish our dead mother you feel bad now I can only hope she knew about Jesus they're not the Lord God is with you in the name of Jesus what are you doing will you stop that casting you're obviously a demon straight from the pit of hell when I volunteered at the wonderful Exodus homosexual conversion camp I met this woman who was there who looked a lot like that lesbian and me woman oh that's our mother what I'm so sorry I mean praise God no way what a blessed coincidence from the Lord I think my friends today we answer to a higher calling we found an evil spirit and placed it back in the big camper tree hallelujah they're in the same class as your next-door neighbor that's great that's great when I met her she was a homosexual destined for eternal damnation then she was blessed with holy power who knew to destroy the object a ghost in spiritual sleep is occupying that ghost will begin haunting again like the soul who doesn't know Jesus floating without purpose your mother was so full of Jesus she saved those Souls from Hell by banishing them into the force so that was it so what was what at first I thought I just had to go to the bathroom but now I realize it was the Holy Spirit well you came in here alone are you a [ __ ] yes but that's beside the point god bless you God will supply all your needs according to his riches Philippians 4:19 when when a stronger spirit appears the weaker spirit cowers but all evil spirits cower before Jesus oh my what a gifted seamstress I hope you're not a homosexual God is bigger than any demonic curse and true believers like me don't believe in curses we have Jesus if we ask stares nothing will happen only prayers could answer I pray that all my friends will become born-again Christians and the way all of you are still acting you're going down if you want something to happen you just need to pray and not be a Muslim or Jewish I have faith in my Lord Jesus I don't believe in curse tears and this test will prove a good one if they don't have sukiyaki then our theory is as bogus as Scientology Leo's going to die I should have given him the number of Jews for Jesus perhaps when your mother was still alive the piano goes wasn't around and you could be meeting your Savior sooner than your God is with you God will wipe away every tear from their eyes revelations 2100 don't give me any credit it was all the Lord Jesus okay whatever how did the Lord Jesus tell you how to put it to sleep not me I was just an instrument of the Lord the one will go fuzzy on the details Joel Osteen's Church wouldn't be my first choice for vacation if you prefer me to go to praise world in Topeka it's times like this that I support the Amish mode of dress it is on the plain side but it does curtail adolescent directions it's not right to teach a child to respond with violence he should follow the example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and forgive his persecutors stride forward in the greatness of his strength do not lust in your heart Jesus your wife weird ass boy go get thee behind me Satan behind oh dear Lord oh dear Lord you know even if your parents free 24/7 their hell bound unless they embrace Jesus oh you'd be surprised how many transgressions of filthy real sinner like you can wrap up in just a day look one thing jesus loves me come on you know the words let's eat let's pray first it's that satanic cult oh um no I'll handle these freaks you'd be surprised at how these religious freaks will push their way on you it's disgusting no oh look a different heathen let's right screw it up little boy on my way to the store I ran into mr. monchita and we just got caught up talking about Jesus his shirt it's a sign do you think my eyebrows are even I hate pride and arrogance proverbs 8:13 so who are Tweedledum and tweedle dork the meek shall inherit I have no idea train up a child in the way he should go proverbs 22:6 what's a home page very good little Christian soldier and you should never see home pages you see the internet was a blessing from the Lord Jesus to spread the word of God throughout the world but pedophiles and Muslims stole it and used it totally power to seduce children like yourself and yet not get out.get save Verizon like Jesus it never stops working for you you can use it if you promise not to be on the phone too long I know how you pagans take advantage of others oh hold on signal faded Colossus on Verizon oh it went through like a pre well we're trying to save you but perhaps you're beyond salvation now give me the phone and shut up train up a child in the way he should go what's happening well in Buddhism it's a river they say people cross when they die and it leads to the next world but born-again Christians know the truth Buddhism leads to one place and that's how wait a minute in addition to false religion the devil can take many forms to trick people off the path think Jesse Jackson God gave mankind dominion over the animals and they all look alike anyway no satanic activity yet holy reveal your salvation Siam your favorite among these heathens they were tempted by hands and they knew they were fellow sinner God can you go bomb an abortion clinic or some you just wait when that wonderful president finishes stacking the Supreme Court we won't have to don't forget what I told you about premarital sex god bless him leaving me here alone and defenseless in a cemetery what a guy I forgot my hourly devotional look for the Jesus Christ Superstar looking graphic whoo oh boy is that you yes it is yeah I'm just kidding James 1:14 each one is tempted by his own evil desire but I think your skirt is helping him out Slutsky I mean Satsuki [Applause] [Music] are you praying I have such fond memories of that hospital it's a loving place of healing except for those who died before I met Jesus I was really [ __ ] up no and a [ __ ] that patient swear to God flatlined I mean truly beaten Jesus I gotta tell you I was a mess before I came here the drugs the sex crazy Jesus saved my ass that nurse isn't the Grim Reaper she's an angel of the Lord telling people to say their goodbyes I thought it was just having a flashback or something when your mother told me about her I mean I was a huge user huge maybe I should have done a painting of the Last Supper with Mary Magdalene the hora and Jesus is right given she could have been onto something god bless you Barrett's here should be in heaven right now and I'm sorry it pissed me off if kids were bothering my spiritual rest but when he saw that he'd killed her he didn't repent on his knees to the Lord probably due to his half-pakistani bloodline those poor judged hell bound havens where is your right-wing Christianity you have to help us the righteous man is rescued from troubles as proverbs 11 8 looks like your alcoholic on st. father's gonna die sorry sucks these people are poor no street lamps God rewards the righteous that's why me and my family are loaded the situation has brought him to his knees he's accepting Jesus maybe without health they had a moment to turn to Jesus she's being punished the only royalty is Jesus and blackrapid satanic praise God he's covered the world in the white blanket of holiness Romans 1:26 God gave them over to shameful lust I'd like to be given over to shameful lust and they shall be white as snow except you here all evens it's the Lord I'm so close to his gentle spirit I can feel when he's disturbed over the presence of evil where's birth God finally did it he killed him as punishment for his wickedness she must be one of God's chosen like me I'm feeling an immense sense of evil emanating from a liberal broadcasting studio none of this would happen if they would err focus on the family the old time gospel hour and jars of clay listen a dirty [ __ ] like you will be the first to burn in hell if we don't stop the ghost you filthy Murray spawn of Satan god damn you to hell my cousin has coughed some of the world's biggest Christian celebrities Kathie Lee Gifford Patricia Heaton and Mel closest to the lap of our Lord Jesus Christ Gibson now you have to go to church with me you're gonna do it sea-monkeys a filthy anal pirate gives oral pleasure to man so it's gay remember not to get your hopes up too high thank you Lord forgive me for stealing my people are always punished now at the goddamn Hamas it's gonna get even worse really you know probably shouldn't kill didi the Lord has saved us - Satsuki once again does my mother really in heaven on the cult yes but you have yet to embrace your Saviour so it's the flames of eternal damnation for you I on the other hand have a palace of golden headed seat and spawn what's happening tell us my mother Mary he then you you should pray fast if Kyle would have died do you think his little spirit would have gone to heaven that's a good question catcher Oh some Christians believe there are dogs and cats in heaven but I don't think so so Amano Chuck who's gone God in His infinite mercy has taken a Manu Taku into his loving forgiving bosom where God facts
Channel: WarmAnime
Views: 844,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ghost Stories, Anime, Christian, Momoko Koigakubo, Jesus Christ
Id: 5yg8o4cWojc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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