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welcome back to oh you thought i was going to say it [Laughter] welcome you got it you thought i was gonna say it i thought i was gonna say it welcome to ghost stories the anime the drinking game i'm your host your bud tevin and back again with the two greatest men who ever exist on this planet misinformed i'm missing akira for this and embedded repose i'm excited man i love this show i know you guys want personified the animation but hey guess what like all things persona i'm burnt out so we're gonna move on we're gonna move on to a new anime that you guys also heavily requested which is ghost stories now if you don't know about ghost stories it's uh where's the damn cat buddy what ketchup what are you [ __ ] i hope to god you're adopted it's out there tyler's never even like heard of this [ __ ] so nope because i have barely seen bits and pieces and raposa scene literally like the entire thing i left it up to him to create the rules so that we may drink will you please kindly let us know what we will be drinking for good sir rule number one anytime a pop culture reference is made anytime that someone says jewish anytime someone makes mention of god or jesus whenever a certain talking feline threatens or laughs at somebody whenever quechuro talks gibberish whenever someone is mentioned to look or be homosexual whenever a character says something explicitly horny whenever the voice actors make jokes related to the animation anytime someone is called an idiot or something similar and anytime they chant while exercising a ghost i just thought of an 11th rule oh my god yeah um yeah when the imposter god is it in the thumbnail 10 million views if that makes it in i'm never doing it all right well i guess you're not doing any more of these anyway i think the 10 rules are very solid the 10 commandments of ghost stories i'm ready to hop into it yes why is there road marks there stay in your [ __ ] lane yeah why are there lanes i think we're having a great time with this it's no benjamin franklin type beat but you know it's all right yeah i miss lynn already lynn please dm me you keep saying that yeah i wish you would be up there off to the end you're gonna go out your way no you gotta send her a message like on twitter and tell people to retweet it i'll send her to him and say please dm me you ever see that uh video where the dude he's like naked and he gets on his knees and goes miss will you please let me private message you please ma'am you think that's typing i don't yeah i've never seen i've never seen that video so like where do you go where do you guys even go to find that [ __ ] that cat talks maybe that dad is fitted up dude they're having this conversation with the [ __ ] moving driver right next to him yeah every time there's a new shot of that cab a new person just appears he's going to slowly have the whole cast just all fitted in there man [ __ ] i'm more of a man piss the guy myself why do you want to live in your dead wife's old house when this [ __ ] kicks i'm moving to vegas he's got goals that can't be strutting that cat's like fit into the background very weird yeah he's on he's on a different plane of reality help me with your mother will you help me with your mother yeah all right so she doesn't have a mother sad sad sad pathetic why are you wearing rain boots no it's not even raining don't have any friends here yet it's your first day of school it's your first day at school there's literally no way you would have friend and now you lost your [ __ ] cat it's a very localized tornado wait wait hold on did he just do some gibberish right there oh i heard him [Laughter] i mean not saying words in any language no trespassing in the old school house so you went into the old school house to tell them they're transposing in the old school house knowing they would show up to the old school house he's a hypocrite like all good teachers you're an older classman giggity giggity what that's a pop culture reference right i can't believe family guy ripped off [ __ ] ghostbusters that's a reference to a show that's known for referencing other pop cultures that's deep bro have you accepted jesus as your personal savior what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that what is even the context of this she got possessed by the holy spirit for a quick second bro ever since i was saved i've had the gifts the gifts oh wow what the [ __ ] is happening it's the same cgi used in persona 5 yeah you didn't like that 3g stupid idiot why did he punch him because he's an idiot which is awesome yeah goddammit i'm just here to drink [Music] how is that young child running as fast as the teenagers it's the rain boots jesus that was scary they have plus speech she said she said she said jesus yeah [ __ ] we will not survive the night no no we're doing three episodes max i hope we get to the third episode this [ __ ] is hitting different hearty boy let's just get out of here is that that's a culture of reference right yeah that's a pop culture reference i said already this is gonna take longer than the [ __ ] persona videos hey yeah you didn't get this video to at least 3 000 likes but if you want to see us do other anime why does it get lower every time i'm literally drunk right now he's giving up he's giving up hey six six likes and ten dollars to my paypal and uh i'll do the next one butt ass naked face cam on butthole exposure i want to be free that was the that was that was that was going to be the name of my band if i had a bad butthole exposure what kind of music would you make butthole music it's in the title yeah butthole exposure what's so like hyper pop no that's just where i go oh just over and over again and i wrap on it also like dubstep [Music] it's gonna be like limp biscuits showed up on the day of our mother's funeral our dead mother you feel bad now [Laughter] oh my god that's a drink this stupid [ __ ] i hate her she's the morgana of this show it's her goddamn fault we're drinking you better pray to god you live the rest of these episodes oh that's why there's road marks on the [ __ ] floor it's all coming together it's also a roadway for some reason you need some heads up i'm getting motion sickness oh my god he just [ __ ] yeah i know yeah we all heard it i'm officially naming this child playboy cardi you could just have him say playboy cardi lyrics and literally not let anybody else hear what we they'll get the hear amount of information yeah and we would literally be having the same amount of stimulus that they would be getting you're lonely you need a friend no orphans that lonely believe it you'd rather have me as a friend than an enemy what because what the [ __ ] is happening dude a lot of [ __ ] happens really quickly why were they smiling umbrella oh my god when he listed out the rules i was like oh my god rule number five because it's every line now all of a sudden he lost the cat and he lost the ability to speak clear words is he wearing a skirt no it's the [ __ ] rain boots in my head he's just in one singular big ass rain boot i'm pissed he's kind of fitted up dude he has a mung drip right now what the [ __ ] oh when the imposter suss are we drinking oh my god he's [ __ ] jesus oh they're talking she asked him a question and he responded dude a rap battle between him and courage the cowardly dog would be [ __ ] legendary run away what the [ __ ] this is the principal's office how would you okay how did you know that the only female principal principals always look like lesbians she said lesbians all right whatever bro it looks like her in the future so like what was she trying to get into this series is my purgatory i just thought of something when i was peeing i had a great thought you know how like that ghost was like let's be friends and then when she was like nah he just turned into like a [ __ ] [ __ ] that's just like all men ever that's every reply guys every man to ever exist like so you know what you're trying to get into and then they're like and he's like [ __ ] you [ __ ] help you die you [ __ ] [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] that's like he's like i won't make you feel as unsafe as possible you have one line tyler where it's just like a [ __ ] heater that like describes the whole episode and i think that's the one right there [Laughter] listen bro i pick my pictures all right i don't swing very often what i do i'm hitting [ __ ] dingers out here okay mom what i met this woman who was there who looked a lot like that lesbian i mean woman that's a drink yeah but wait hold on it is it's a re-reference though so do we count that i say to keep it consistent on the same exact topic we shouldn't count it yeah all right i agree with that whatever that's our mother what i'm so sorry i mean praise god well it didn't it didn't even it didn't even [ __ ] matter dumb [ __ ] like it's getting ugly this one's bad i'm quarter way through my bottle already of whiskey what what damn yes [ __ ] going at it our jokes are hit the hardest because our livers are hit the hardest drink up i love you drake please sign my forehead drake please let me piss on you man straight drinks i swear god there's one piss one piss small wank big [ __ ] no sex [Laughter] people are not gonna understand anything are you listening to porn categories nobody's gonna say what i'm talking about unless they watch my streams which you should be 3k likes right now 3k likes and we'll kill or pose what sorry i was just peeing real quick let's get back in this whole time all right he's sitting in his chair he didn't even get up drake's underneath him it's funny because drake's my favorite artist i'm just [ __ ] going dumb right now he'll never want to hang out with me after this that's going to suck what the [ __ ] is going on bro found it in the name of jesus all right that's a drink she only talks about jesus and god so you made it oh my god yeah yeah you're a victim no yeah what's the opposite of a victim a perpetrator i'm very defeated we're getting two episodes maybe they've got bunsen burners [Laughter] are they gonna start chanting that a was that chanty enough for you guys oh that oh well that's it right there if i actually drink this i think i'm gonna [ __ ] like die just give it to me i don't know why you guys do liquor for this you also [ __ ] yeah my [ __ ] hurt i'm tyler my fault bro i shouldn't have revealed your biggest secret i'm gonna get that in the front page of uh i swear to god emotion listen i swear to god and i'm so sorry that i'm about to say this next sentence but i swear to god you were gonna say gotta get that boom boom pal what i'm so sorry because like i s i heard it the cadence was literally perfect he's gonna say boom boom pow right now isn't it and then you actually said like a correct sentence and i was like no [ __ ] i was like no [ __ ] way what the [ __ ] would you say boom boom boom because those chickens are jocking your style that's not going in the fridge [Laughter] i played all of us dude who would win a fight between albert pujols and chris dodger because they're the same person they just chose different paths you know one started singing and one started hit taking steroids and hitting really hard steroids beat out singing this can go in the video because i want everyone to know about this chris daughtry has absolute [ __ ] bangers chris daughtry if you're out there come on the show bro chris dodge is the lightest light-skinned person i've ever seen i mean he's white i can't i can't read i'm floyd mayweather i'm illiterate yako kamiyama that was mom's name before she married dad oh funny house oh my [ __ ] god oh my god every time this kid spits a verse i hate it oh i'm pissed off all right yeah she wanted [Music] all these ghosts in the show this rule is the real [ __ ] demon hey look at my man on the left though yeah he's falling please can we make that a new emote cut that part out and then i'll turn into emo i'm gonna make you pay for this girlie that's a threatened by the way oh is that a rule hey there what are you kids doing here school's over no thanks oh nice cat i do european as hell whatever just fill the whole whole filler i wish i i wish i had that job i had a dime for every time i was called that oh [ __ ] jigging you gotta go that's a threat right that's that's a threat i wish some [ __ ] would threaten me with a good time instead i'm hanging out with two dudes drinking toy about an anime game i can't believe our sweet precious cat is now possessed by keebler elf reject that's a reference that's a pop culture reference yeah i guess it is also he just made that can get in front of her trip and they made it like a big [ __ ] deal that's two drinks recommended this why the two it's harm by making the can go underneath here and then also the pop culture reference yeah yeah i got pee again people peeing people dying you practice what you preach that was fired you can't deny oh that wasn't fire still possesses ghostly powers kind of like david blaine that's a paw patrol culture he went down the wrong pipe now i'm like this dude i'll throw up they have the slime cam shut up i'll be right back okay bye so uh [ __ ] yeah now that repose is gone yeah how you feel about white people bro you may know about science but you don't know diddly about girls i'm just waiting for a nice jewish girl yeah oh well all right do you think jewish girls have big clits or what [Laughter] except for a few pale trekkies this is the creepiest thing i've ever come in contact with that's that's a pop culture reference he said trekkies bro your light blue hands are total chub material oh my god that's horny as [ __ ] yeah yeah that's yeah it's explicitly hoarding you guys all drink bro my fingertips are numb what in the hell what happened to you i got beat up by an apparition of gloria stein how are you glorious and that's a reference i know it is i know it is i'm shocked by that one i gotta pee again you guys make the commentary and the jokes and i'll just drink ain't kevin such a [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] that's great that's great yep yeah i heard it why are we here just to suffer nothing great about it it's just like living next to charlie sheen oh my god oh we can't go anywhere in this pulling linda blair with my cat she just said another reference didn't she back it up the real problem is that demon that's pulling a linda blair with my cat yep i knew it oh [ __ ] off all right we'll just drink real quick those you know a good exercise or al sharpton do you oh my god are you [ __ ] serious are you actually are you actually serious i'm just angry bro the background animations are [ __ ] it's terrible when i met her she was a homosexual destiny oh my god bro her mom can't draw look at that [ __ ] they look like tyler that's tyler that's that's tyler right you're [ __ ] up no i meant that looks like you on the bottom right well i didn't see him your mother was so full of jesus oh my god god damn it that's that's that's that's that's that's i'm gonna start taking shots of [ __ ] arsenic are you all right we're friends bro like you can just tell us what's going on i'm going through it bro how do they poop i don't get i don't understand how japanese people they just they squat i'm not gonna lie i thought they like laid down on their stomach and then rammed their ass into the back of the thing and then [ __ ] wait do you mean you lay on their stomach oh my brain if you need to pee or anything just use the one at the old haunted school house you need to pee just fine drake just trying to check not the dick man it it's a dick bandit like how they gonna have the scariest ghost in episode two three two one oh yeah all right yeah all right who suggested this [ __ ] anime the person that recommended this video was actually tevin yeah i knew it i [ __ ] knew it can either of you beat my ass two on one [ __ ] tables ladders and chairs match sure go ahead deadly boys remember though i am white so i can't fight yeah because repose is literally a non factor in this i can't do [ __ ] can you i can kick i can do your taxes he's like he's just your meat shield bruh don't you worry about a thing every little thing is going to be oh my god are we counting that i don't want to count that yeah it's actually a very specific reference this [ __ ] picked him up off the ground with no stop the stop the video saw the video stop the video saw the video he picked him up off the ground with just arm strength no legs no shoulders no nothing you know can we run it back that's you've never seen somebody so strong in your goddamn life this is somebody stronger than that why isn't he getting in there fighting the ghost frame that's the worst [ __ ] i've ever seen bro that okay stop because that actually looks like me that actually looks like me bro that's [ __ ] very uh that's very uncomfortable for can you send me a picture right now kevin yeah i would send a picture of me but i haven't done my face reveal yet i can't show it to you guys you see how drunk you see how drunk i am i'm [ __ ] up i see the eye my eyes are so low to the ground why is your facial hair look drunk because it is holy [ __ ] you're so beautiful damn repose you got a [ __ ] all right bro i want you to know that repose looks so [ __ ] handsome and that you need to and you need to literally all go dm him because if he was taller he would actually be worth the [ __ ] i am average height okay i don't want to hear it i'm five foot eleven i don't want to [ __ ] hear it that's a great high that's the perfect height what do you think that's an okay height yeah you're all right bro what the [ __ ] you just say i said that's crazy frog that thing is way faster than him that's just me that's literally just me bro [Music] that's how my fingers move ladies gamer at first i thought i just had to go to the bathroom but now i realize it was the holy spirit well convulsion that was weird okay that's part of the rules boys wow it is i'm looking at it i'm looking at it right now are you a [ __ ] yes but that's besides she caught him an idiot second i'm gonna go pee i'm making a drink right now yo kevin you ever used prep h bro no what the [ __ ] you gotta keep that in because you just said the dumbest [ __ ] you literally just said the dumbest [ __ ] i've uh preparation age i'm [ __ ] up actually that one's just like an episode taking so long because we talked for a [ __ ] 45 minutes we were talking about about how handsome each other is you know what we gotta stop being friends yeah yeah we gotta do this as enemies we gotta hate each other and then we'll want to get out of here are we all good all right [ __ ] [ __ ] let's get into that story god either you [ __ ] speak to me i'm out of here oh my gosh she's a ghost like an among us when you die [Laughter] finish your task bro stop [ __ ] around she's saying something stupid speak okay fine yeah yeah someone else stupid 2 a.m already oh the dick bandit oh not the cocktail it looks like it looks like a party down there oh my god i hate her i hate her she's never said anything of value other than god and jesus you guys take your drinks yep oh that wasn't drink what are we drinking for what what happened he about to go to brazil hang on why didn't i think of that yeah that's brazil down there i'll be borrowing your restroom i'll be following you that's a chance god damn it that is a chance dude i'm so [ __ ] drunk and that's usually when i'm like [ __ ] drunk you know what the [ __ ] does that even mean you're saying like i want you to i know i heard him well i was here i was there but you know like when you feel like yo i'm so [ __ ] drunk but i'm drunk you [Laughter] know okay all right all right i want to let y'all know a secret let's hear it well proposes in here let me hear it this is probably some of the most fun i've had during quarantine two handsome men side by side ah it's just a great time i love you man it's just the greatest guy you know [ __ ] man you're great at tekken 7 i don't care what they say oh good god you're the lead who are they gonna replace you with tom cruise that's a [ __ ] reference god damn it yeah i'm sliding over cars while i shoot dude but [ __ ] i'm blind run up me and tyler are way too similar for this [ __ ] bro for real i seriously think that you guys are like the same person from a different dimension honestly god if i was canadian i'm just tyler for real i want that vegeta one that says bad mon on it or the or the piccolo one that says mailman that shit's fire always goes to arson huh that's the crime wheel it always it's weighted i'm telling you it's always it's always ours it's black okay stop stop stop stop what's your problem he said that way it's not a drink too pause the [ __ ] video let's get out of here all right yeah yeah yeah what a gifted seamstress i hope you're not a homosexual yeah that's a lesbian rhetoric yeah that's right that's homosexual i'm not gay you born again homophobe halfwit but i am gonna be [ __ ] goddammit that's another drink yeah cause you called him a halfway caught him yeah that's like someone idiot yeah her post can't make the rules anymore i'm sorry so have i been cursed by the ghost after all bravo somewhere keanu reeves is getting nervous all right bro well they know what they're doing they really do wake up samurai we got a city to burn impressive [ __ ] too if i want your body i'll [ __ ] it that's the best one dude if something bad happens to him i get to do it right is he praying on his downfall yes these [ __ ] prayed on my downfall not the screw not a screw shout out dj screw move you on youtube right now look at me this is by far the most we've ever had to drink in our lives if you don't get this to ten hundred thousand likes the number keeps my liver will never recover there's been a lot cut out of this right yeah like three hours and we've had to drink so much look at my eyeballs bro i got the lazy eye on dukes of hazard type [ __ ] this is by far in a way the most we've ever had to drink and they [Music] that wasn't a word you have got to show appreciation if you want us to continue because this cause this is ridiculous bro so i'm gonna take off the camera and you're gonna like the video cuz like this is it's actually like obtuse believers like me don't believe in curses we have jesus oh my god yeah all right i'm not i'm actually not going to be able to finish this at all i have to go lay down and i'm just tired and we can watch this from the sidelines do you guys want to just end it right here how long do we have left oh bro yeah actually yeah actually we have to stop it right here cuz i'm gonna throw up if you want to see episode three you're gonna have to get 15 000 likes on it cuz like i actually am dead inside bro i want to reiterate i said we should not do episode three we should call it a two yeah if you want it 15 000 likes and i want 2 000 comments so get pull your all accounts out anyway we're gonna we're gonna wrap it up misinformed uh repose do you have anything else that you wanna say i'm sorry for making the rules yeah you should be sorry i hope i don't wake up after i fall asleep bro this is what i'll say as far as drinking games go this is the furthest extent that i've taken it please like the video because my liver and my entire personality suffers when you [Music] don't
Channel: YourBudTevin
Views: 1,458,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghost stories dub, Ghost stories drinking game, Anime drinking game, ghost stories anime dub, Yourbudtevin anime drinking game, yourbudtevin persona 5 anime, yourbudtevin level 99, yourbudtevin persona 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 22sec (1822 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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