GFC "Rewind Revival" With Bishop James Whitehead

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join me in a word of Prayer dear lord I thank you for this chance to speak to my brothers and my sisters of the kingdom and I ask God that you totally crucify me so that everything I say will be to your glory amen Bishop Blake called us to war just in time the theme God gave him last year before all of this does happen was fight for salvation and righteousness in a violent and immoral world I'm going to use as a subject with the help of God sooner or later you've got to learn how to fight I took this from the story in the Book of Numbers the 13th chapter and I think I should read it the 13th chapter most of you know it but I think I should read it 32nd verse 13 chapter thirty second verse and they brought an evil report of a land which they had searched unto the children of Israel saying the land through which we have gone to search it is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof and all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature and we saw the Giants the sons of Enoch which come of the Giants and we were in our own sight grasshoppers and so we were in their sight I saw at the age of seven or eight the tragedy of being afraid to fight I was unfortunately raised in a gang-infested community and these guys would just take turns miss using and abusing you and if they learn you are afraid to fight and we didn't have school buses in Detroit you had to live in fear going and coming from school the only hope you had was they either join a gang or have some tough brothers I and my mother didn't allow me to join a gang because she was the game but this kind of misuse would go on until you got tired of it and decided to fight back when or lose but the strangest thing happened once you decided to fight back help would come strangers saying I can still hear when you get ready to fight some loud voices was say nobody's getting in it nobody's getting in it and those voices were so intimidating until games step back history tells us the nation we enjoy today we came close to losing 70 years ago you will never learn the truth about a war from those who won but 70 years later is becoming quite clear that Hitler was about to conquer the entire world he had brought all of the big nations to their knees and Roosevelt felt not to fight was a solution and if he had of stayed back just a few months longer this nation was still suffered genocide and slavery and segregation would be our least worry in our text Israel lost the great land of promise that God prepared for them because they were unwilling to fight for it please remember these words they allowed the size of their enemy to make them afraid they allowed the height and the large number of the adversary to make them run what's sad is they didn't even try if they two just grabbed a broomstick and some rocks and when after those people are y'all hearing me God would have given them the same help he gave Joshua and gave them all the miracles they needed am i right someone how many of us in our life have lost so many wonderful things because we were afraid to try certain people with business potential and if there's anybody ought to go in business as Saints and you get broke you can fast and pray am I correct how many goals we fail to achieve how many problems we did not solve because we let the size of the problem make us run away I have a theological question for the Bible scholars in Matthew 17 and 15 when the man brought his son who was obviously an epileptic to the disciple to be healed they could not heal him was it because they didn't even try I'm speculating that that thing was so intimidating because I cannot see God not hearing their prayer if just one of them had a step forward and said in the name of Jesus and when the man brought his son to Jesus Jesus told him y'all had only one problem you had no faith Saints should never be intimidated by the devil Saints should never allow the presence of evil to threaten your faith or steal your peace am I correct somebody you got to remember you are not self-employed you work for Jesus victory is the ultimate responsibility of God and all God want you to do is go through the motions am I correct Moses should not have been surprised at the cowardice of those people there were people who complain and fuss the whole trip any time you have a group of people who complain all the time they're not gonna be around when trouble comes God had just given Israel smooth-sailing somebody say you were smooth worked out miracles opened up a Red Sea am I correct and I mean every time God had become not only their protector but their personal chef he give him some bread near Halloween altars breathe and God throw down to me am i correct somebody and and and and and they push Moses until he was ready to turn in his license and ordination paper am I correct now the brothers don't get me but then he said a bad word there got him so mad he said a word so bad that God said you ain't even getting in the Promised Land you should never allow the perpetual complaining and criticism of people to affect you like it did move this most people who complain is not because of what's going on with you but it it's what's going on in them when people are happy with their lives they are happy for everyone else they want everyone to be as they are but if people are unhappy with themselves they find it difficult to be happy for others this is not psychology 101 is James four-in-one because James Edmonds and Ford 1 did coming out to live in the Bible why do you fight so much he said you fight others because there's a war going on inside of you you want this is James for one you want what you don't have so you scheme and kill to get it you are jealous of what others have but you can't get it so you fight and wage war to take it away from them yet the reason you don't have it is cause you don't ask God for and then every time you ask God for it God hangs up on you because you asked for the wrong purpose the story of Israel failure to fight the Giants explain well there so much failure in our lives can you still hear me people take all the good things in their life for granted they don't realize every good thing in your life one day you won't have to fight to keep I need some help up here tell your neighbor neighbor I don't care how much good you have a day is going to come that you will have to fight to keep it we take our marriages for granted most people get married with a beautiful love they can't get enough of each other they so in love they make you tired I've seen the groom sing to the bride and then the bride sing to the groom I've seen the wedding train so long it took three people to carry it I believe that's a secret signal that if you mistreat me I'm gonna get the train out of here when you say you may kiss the bride we don't mean what y'all doing we mean two seconds just two seconds three seconds am I correct people are so in love they can't wait for the whole channel but what they don't know is one day they're gonna have to fight harder to keep that love than they did to get it there are challenges to the marriage relationship from the moment you leave the altar things like stress finances parenting am I correct and the greatest enemy to a marriage is relationships Eve messed us up out there visiting with the devil am I correct somebody if you if the man is working everyday and the wife in the afternoon then Saturday is ketchup and when you get into that kind of schedule the relationship has a tendency to lose its romance and move into a business arrangement and if you're not careful and prayerful you will find yourself developing friendships and relationships you don't need and the closeness you once had you got to fight to get it back when you hear people testify they've been married 60 years and 65 years they mean they have fought every evil attack against that relationship presently the divorce rate by some is 5 out of every 10 but there are certain researchers who say dr. Tom Ellis who is the commission of the family of the Southern Baptist Convention he said he's done research and he says that average couple who will get premarital counseling from their pastor attend church every Sunday make every midweek service at least one service in the in the week and have family prayer every day he said the divorce rate is one every thirty nine thousand somebody said God makes the difference so if we're gonna fight let's challenge a fight to the marriages and saving the home the same principle of fighting applies to raising our children children have such a natural purity about them we can't stop holding them some of us can't have Church which you passing them around but what parents don't realize if you don't commit yourself to fighting against all the evil things around them you will lose the beauty of that child while they're in your house the seymour institute hired 20 scholars to do a book on the future of the black family and what they said in their study was today because of the wickedness the average child born today is going to spend some time in jail on drugs sexually active before time gender confused and so on the wickedness in our society will kidnap the mine of your child while he's still in your house I need some help up here let me pause for station identification to the young people I say stop talking back and realize the greatest blessing you can have is strict parents in your home the greatest blessing you can have whose parents were not trying to be your buddy but will knock you out to save your life they have a long now Beach a child go to jail if they had that law when me and Bishop Wells was coming up our parents would still be in prison am I correct somebody in my day they didn't just whoop you but they'd send you to get the strap to add to the torment and they didn't call them whipping they call them beatings they get you make you kneel B until they were content going to kitchen get some coffee and come back to see if you needed some move don't you sit down a call dignified on me am i right somebody and then they had the nerve to require you to have a nice attitude they would ask you are you rolling your eyes [Applause] here's your lip out and God don't let that door slam they went into a Frankenstein motion and the hands was doing this cause it was reason for anything that could find skill it on pot broom and they came towards you shaking and just before they knock you out they gave the bread history historical words have you lost your mind we learn how to speak in tongues before we got say no my oh my my my mind my mind good my mommy [Applause] sometimes you got to act like something wrong with you y'all telling my grand my daddy didn't handle sense and and I ain't got much either didn't I tell you to be in at 8 o'clock am I telling the truth the moral development of our children please hear me has one major image enemy one there's an epidemic in America worse than a bubonic plague worse than measles there's a disease in America worse than cancer and that's the epidemic of absent fathers this tendency of our sons to become fathers without being husband is literally killing our nation just because a boy is born with the body of the man does not mean he has the mind of a man manhood is learned behavior am i right somebody there needs to be a man in that house that can teach that boy what and how to be a man the reason many of our young men want to walk like their mama talk like their mama dress like a mama well their mama's clothes is because their mother is their only consistent role model [Applause] it's a statistical fact six out of every ten after American homes today are headed but after American women there needs to be the Father in that home can teach that boy when the boy began to walk strange he needs a man in that house come back your son that's not how men walk change how you walk y'all do not like my messy [Applause] take off your mamma's clothes you not only need a man in that home to protect his sons but you need a man and that home to protect his daughters now am i correct somebody Lisa Mancini a lead professor at Western Connecticut State University did a research on the effect of absent fathers on their daughters she said research shows that if girls and young women who have an unstable father figure in their home are more liable to have unplanned pregnancy low self-esteem high school and college dropouts poverty divorced and become sexually promiscuous when our daughters see their mothers dishonoured and disrespected their self-worth never has a chance to grow they don't even realize a man April's would be putting his hands all over you until after he is married some of y'all mad but let's just do be mad together somebody say after oh six of them sheets sign I say six cause if they lose three you ought to have three excellent now am i right somebody our young people are under more pressure to sin than you can imagine when I was in college in the 60s they had a men's dormitory and a woman's dormitory on each side of the campus in fact Spelman and Morehouse had separate campuses am i right someone today they have co-ed dorms and at least a hundred and fifty colleges have co-ed rooms we have a war on our hands those of you that have to send your children away pick their church first if there is no good kojic Church there reconsider where you send your child Misha Blake in our bless our parents coincidentally sent us to be under the watch care of Bishop and mother Hensley they didn't leave us on the campus they made me the youth pastor of Hensley temple and they sent mr. Blake to pastor the church in Marietta Georgia am i right somebody somehow another you have got to protect your child if you got to send them away call them pray on the phone save your money and make sure they are willing to testify to you every time you call I'm about to close finally we cannot only fight for the marriage and fight for children but the biggest fight we have is to keep the world out of the church [Applause] I need some help up here said women the biggest fight we got is keep the world out of the church when did the gospel of prosperity become more important than the gospel of holiness where does this stuff come and teach you how to speak in tongues go in a room and I'll teach you how to speak in tongue they can teach you Greek they can teach you German they can teach you French but they cannot teach you God's language oh I need some help up here tongues is God's private language that he has with you and even you many times don't know what God is saying unless he sends you an interpreter I'm so glad for sister McAlister and Betty Nelson when they sang their music I know how to pray when they saying I know what to do but some of this music come out you don't know if to do this or do this [Applause] there is one main reason we can't keep following the world there is one main reason we can't keep doing whatever the world does it's because we live in a democracy and in a democracy in time anything can become legal now am i correct somebody one sociologist observed in a democracy every 50 years what was called deviant behavior becomes normal behavior what was classified as mental illness and immoral 50 years ago becomes acceptable am i right somebody for example 60 years ago if a man will walk down the street with his pants below his posterior showing his flesh he was arrested for indecent exposure today this is acceptable behavior if a man sat by you fifty years ago with his hair down to his waist he was on that seat by itself somebody say Amen if the church continues to follow the world rather than be a light to the world we're going to end up immoral and mentally ill ourselves we are the light help me Holy Ghost we are the light of the world they are not I like we are their life we don't do as they do they do what we do in a sick society we must remain a peculiar people our fight for holiness it's harder than ever before the government has become the new neighborhood bully you know it's true 50 years ago they made us take prey out of the school and we got the worst problem on earth but they and they made us take it out because they said it was unfair to people who didn't agree with it they said we violated the constitutional rights of folks who didn't believe in prayer I need help now fifty years later not only do we have the worst mess on earth but 50 years later they are making your children and mine a part of the curriculum is to understand the LGBT lifestyle I think I got it right lesbian gay bisexual transgender your 10 year old is forced to learn that lifestyle if you can force my children to learn about LGBT then they ought to be able to learn about j esus hol y GH o SC [Applause] am i telling the truth if we don't fight to keep the legacy that Bishop mason gave us we're gonna lose our identity bishop if CEO Clemens went to the brain with one message don't lose your spiritual DNA 60 years ago everything was the same you couldn't Bowl couldn't shoot pool couldn't go to show women can wear makeup no red lipstick no red fingernail polish couldn't wear shoes with tolls and heels out couldn't wear pants and for a while weren't allowed to straighten their hair now I got to be honest I'm glad some of them things change I'm gonna tell no story I'm glad we can have a little sport you know but I think we better draw a line I need help up here somebody tell take your hand and say I think it's time for the Church of God in Christ to draw a line [Applause] there some things should never be acceptable I don't care what happens in society smoking drinking night public gambling sexual misconduct and this new definition of marriage and any kind of sin has no place in the Church of God in Christ [Applause] I don't care what they do next year I don't care what they're doing a hundred years this is the Church of God in Christ am i right somebody we are a holiness people we believe that should be a difference in holiness and unholiness we will talk come out from among them and be separated you don't dress like the world sing like the world dance like the world you don't go where the world go am i right anytime you look like it don't dress like a duck go where ducks go swim with duck see it you will end up being a duck [Applause] this is war [Applause] closing let me give you a few just a few rules about spiritual warfare you first must win the battle with yourself try not to be guilty of the very thing you're fighting against can't fight the devil on the outside if he lives inside of you [Applause] number two you can't defeat the devil by running from the devil some people have joined so many churches they've been Saint Matthew Church of God in Christ st. John Church of God in Christ st. Luke Church of God and Christ Saint March of God in Christ so now they own the mountain Mount Sinai Church of God and Christ my Carmel Church of God in Christ [Applause] remember the real purpose of the holy ghost somebody hollered the Holy Ghost is to give you power over what has power over you I don't have much longer but if you pray stop saying a prayer but pray and pray according to the formula of Bishop Mason Bishop Mason gave us a formula he said you worked all day your mind is everywhere when you get on your knees sing to God same to him for about 20 minutes yes Lord yes Lord have that own way tap dine always I need some help tell somebody I dare you to do it I dare you to just seen the God for 15 or 20 minutes and then after a while something takes over there's a peace and a power that takes over your mouth and it ain't you praying but it's God speaking to himself [Applause] I've got too close to your name I don't care what you're going through prayer can take you through anything but close don't miss number three don't miss your lion and bear training say your neighbor say neighbor the reason you get knocked down cuz you miss your line and bear training when David applied to solve for the position of killing Goliath so ask him what is your resume David say well I've killed a few lines in a bed see a lion came after my sheep are y'all hearing me every time God allows a trial as to get you ready for a greater trial when you finish where the trial stops in who I guess it's over it ain't over God is getting you ready for something worse am i right some time every time the Bible said if you can't handle the footmen you never handle the horsemen and then I'm about to close somebody say hallelujah we got to stop promoting folk who ain't had no lion and bear train somebody's folk get promoted too fast you got save on Monday preaching on Tuesday superintendent on third Wednesday Bishop on Thursday and ready to lead the church on Friday tell your neighbors you better get some old line and bad training in fact if you're gonna be a leader in this church you better get lion bear and Tiger train [Applause] got to close but you got to remember your greatest weapon is endurance got to be able to stand and hang in there try to remember whenever you fight for God the battle is already won am I correct somebody you got to learn to outlast the devil touch the neighbors and neighbor outlast him now y'all hearing me for anything that's not in the will of God will not last history proves that devil always loses Caesar tried to conquer the world but we heard about the fall of the Roman Empire the early church had to go to persecution but that didn't last Napoleon try to enslave the world and died in a snow storm the self tried to enslave black America but touch your knee but that didn't last Hitler tried to kill all the Jews but tell somebody that didn't let the pop side of south Eric of Africa did not last segregation in the south did not last and this new definition of marriage will not last all you got to do is stand where you are touch your neighbor say neighbor all you got to do is stand and wait I told you in Albuquerque what do you do when the devil's look like he's winning you got to learn how to laugh at the devil let's just some practices that they were trying to attack you just say harder ha ha ha tell the devil ain't nothing he can do to you because you got God on your side till your neighbor neighbor you might as well as laugh at the devil cause many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord will deliver you out of them all am i right somebody touch a neighbor's a neighbor learn to laugh at the devil because they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they will mount up with wings like an eagle and run and not be weary grab your neighbor say neighbor you ain't gonna wait for the battle to win to your neighbor God has already scheduled your deliverance it's alright to praise Him right now till your neighbor neighbor it's alright to give him the glory somebody wrote a song I've been lied on cheated talked about mistreated I've been used and scorned talked about issues I've been born I've been up and down almost to the round but tell your neighbor as long as I got King Jesus nobody else may take a name of God will God will he'll take care of you grab your neighbors say beneath his wings his love of God tell somebody God will is alright to praise him right now it's alright to give God the glory put your hand on somebody say neighbor go ahead and praise Him right now gonna be alright now tell your neighbor neighbor you want to still know how to shout and you got you old a shout you're the fake it like I do when it's time to praise the Lord and just bit your knees like that and make somebody think you're praising him am i right somebody but tell your neighbors gonna be alright now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Greater Fountain COGIC
Views: 590
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: y4rBabgPZbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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