Getting Things Done: Tackling To-do List Items And Running Around Town

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I have found my reasons now to keep my burdens left behind I did not know what it would bring now I'm capable of [Music] everything good morning dreamers so actually it's morning here it's won't be when I upload this I am today um going to be working on my to-do list so I'm trying to get as many of these things off of my list done before I start any other projects so um my to-do list is like two pages long can you guys see that so I'm just going to go through and try and get as much of it done as I can today I um yesterday was Wednesday so you probably won't see this until Sunday but um yesterday was Wednesday today's Thursday and yesterday I spent the day uh stretching my dog fence outside because my puppies figured out a way to push the bottom of the fence and um get out and I can't have that so I put everything everything else on hold and uh had a friend come over um Susie came over and helped me and we tried to use her come along to stretch it got part of it stretched but there's still another area of the dog fence that I have to uh fix and make make Puppy proof so that'll be on my to-do list too I also have to make a gate for outside and a gate for the garden but that's not going to happen today um so today is a Jammy day and I'm just going to get as many of these things done as I can that's the stuff that I have you know the materials for some of it's going to be gardening stuff so that's where we're going to start I need to replant My Le pot system the indoor hydroponic system um so I'm going to get that started first and then we're going to go out to the garden and plant some watermelons and and some sunflower seeds and yeah I'm just going to start Crossing stuff off of this list so uh bear with me um I put you guys in time lapse and give you some great music to listen to while you watch me work [Music] [Music] okay guys I got that all planted up and I'm going to let you know what I planted wear mainly so that I can uh go back and refer to this video if I need to uh on the left here I planted spinach these all came from oregano Republic um they I have a bunch of their seeds like this um but this one's salad greens I have some that are carrots and medicinal herbs and packs and all that stuff so and I've really been enjoying them um so I got spinach on the left then I have oak leaf green lettuce and then I have a row of arugula that's the third Row the fourth row is curled Crest lettuce the next one is butter crunch lettuce and the final one I planted simmeron red lettuce I don't even know if these Lett uses grow and get a head on them or if they're just Leaf lettuces but I guess I'll find out right um but I am really really liking this indoor hydroponic system it makes it easy to grow lettuce when I go to make a sandwich or whatever I could just pull off a couple leaves or I can pull off leaves and make a a salad at night and um it doesn't bolt as fast as it would um outside uh you know growing it in the heat so I'm really in in enjoying it and I had to order refills and what they sent me I think this was like7 $1 for the new refill kit but it's enough to plant quite a few more times so um I'm excited I can't wait to get the lettuce growing again it's been horrible not having lettuce here you know tacos without lettuce is just they're not tacos um I don't make street tacos unfortunately I should learn okay let me go cross that off my list I'm going to go set this up over there and uh hook up the water to it and and cuz it does an automatic pump uh to pump the water through and I got to set up the application and stuff on my phone but uh let me get another thing crossed off the list I'll be back okay y'all so now I'm out here going to plant my giant sunflowers that I got from Stringfield Ridge Farm and I think what I want to do is plant them along the fence line I I think that would be cool I can even plant some along that fence line back there and then I also have watermelon that I'm going to plant in this bed so let me get started let me find Billy Billy didn't know know where she ran off to she's she's really good she always comes back it's the other dogs that don't come back instead they want to go explore the world okay I'm going to set you guys over here in the shade so you don't over heat [Laughter] now let's get these watermelon seeds in the ground and then water everything out here CU I don't think we're going to get the rain that they say we're getting [Laughter] no no jly out go lay down no no go lay down all way down [Laughter] okay okay guys the next planting thing I have to do is pot up these uh going this blackberries but I have to cut a barrel in half and it's hot out here so I'm going to do that tonight when it cools off some least I hope it cools off some I still have some more chores I got to do out in the garden so hopefully I'll get back out there tonight water my flowers and my trees and uh I got to cut back the chives and and and and it's never ending I can cross off a few more things off my list for right now I'm going to go sit in the air condition and cool off some and then see what else I can get into uh that's on this list so I'll be back hello dreamers okay so I didn't get back out here yesterday I actually didn't wind up doing anything else yesterday except for eating some Strawberry Shortcake and sleeping most of the day but um I did accomplish staying in my jammies all day because I was asleep and then today I had every intention I had every intention of bringing you out here while I worked in the garden I had to stake up my Peas I had to do a bunch of weeding and pruning and like all that stuff but it started raining but the rain felt so good so I stayed out here and I powered through and I got it all done and as you can see there's no Weeds now it's just plants which which is fun I had to prune back my um squashes I don't know why I always forget what they're called and uh anyhow so I got all the weeding done my radishes are almost ready my carrots are finally coming up it's exciting but it's expensive because I just had to go online and order some fertilizers and some more steaks look at even my asparagus are coming up and I think next year the tomatoes will not be in here this whole bed I think I'm going to do asparagus but for now I only have the three asparagus plants so we're good there um but yeah I got it all weeded I got that planted yesterday that's the watermelons and what else did I do I did the Clips on the fence oh yeah I still have to do some weeding over here these are the blueberries they need mulch and they're okay for now because it's still rainy but these are the raspberries they're doing great but I do got to get in there and clean them up a little bit and the uh grapes I got strung up on the Arbor well I shouldn't say grapes because there's only one grape vine right now CU my dogs ate the other one but um so I'll have to get another grape plant someday but for now it's all strung up on the arbor so it'll grow up over that but uh yeah and other than that I did a lot of research online cuz like I said I'm learning how to do the gardening in this Zone and then also learning you know because I haven't had a vegetable garden in a couple years so refreshing my memory on all that stuff I had planned today to just do work on the inside cuz it was going to rain but it didn't rain that heavy I got the barrel over here to cut in half to plant the blackberries but I have to go get more garden soil first so yeah there's that and then my poor pretty flowers got decimated by the rain the other night look at my little trees and the nursery pot they're doing really good they're actually doing better than the ones that are in the ground so anyhow the ones in the ground I did check them today and watered well I didn't have to water them today I watered them the other day but uh the ones that are in the ground do have some growth on them so that's good anyhow so I just wanted to check in for today I'm not going to be doing much of anything else today so uh I'm going to turn the camera off and I will get back to you guys tomorrow hopefully back to work on the house and my to-do list that has to do with the house instead of the garden all right I'll see you tomorrow hey there Jammer so I am back at it again today working on this to-do list and top of the list today this has been on my list for a while and I'm finally fed up with it so when I installed the drawer I had to put new um rails in here for the drawer and what happened was this side is flush I had bought um rails for a flush mount um cabinet but this cabinet has a lip in here so I had to shim it up to you know with these blocks so that it would sit right well what was happening with this drawer was this side is a little bit back and so it was just enough space for the drawer to come off of this wheel and it always sat wonky and sometimes you know I'd have to lift the whole drawer up to put it back on the rack so anyhow all that to say I'm going to take this apart and shim it up and hope that it works right now so uh let me put you on time lapse well that went a whole lot easier than I expected I was putting this off cuz I thought I was going to have to climb into that cabinet again and you know it's making it all complicated but it looks like just shimming it up a little on that side worked so it's not falling off of the rail anymore and it's working just fine so yay see sometimes you expect something to be horrible and a big chore and it took me all of what 2 minutes all right next on the to-do list is going to be to cut some holes in the ceiling in here and run lights or wires for lights so crossing my fingers that uh that goes as easy hopefully it's doesn't get too hot in here let me put you back on time lapse [Music] well that went easy enough now let's just hope that running the wires will will go as easy I need to find a different place to put my fan cuz it's hot up there in the ceiling right now I have the fan sitting over here but it's really hot up there in the ceiling so I need to find a place to plug it in because I have to shut off the power so I just hope that I could thread this wire it's going to come from let's see it's going to come from oh my goodness it's going to come from this backlight across into that hole and then over to the next hole so the big obstacle is going to be getting up past whatever's up in here in the ceiling I just hope that these um the legs of this tripod are getting on my nerves I just hope that these sticks make it easy uh like it did before so let's find out [Music] okay plan B cuz I don't know where the fish tape is going in the ceiling I can't find it up in there and I'm not fond of being showered with a itation um I think what I might do instead is just wire the two kitchen lights over there to the switch down there that also operates the light over the uh kitchen sink so I'll have one switch that operates the left side of the kitchen and one switch that operates the dining room cuz that's what's easier so uh let me pull this back out and see if I can't fish a wire from the kitchen light instead it's a shorter distance I'm only going from that light bulb there up to each of these so maybe that'll be easier [Music] [Music] okay this says I have 10% battery left so I'm going to see if I could do this really quick but this light will control all three of these lights here this one will be a pendant light very soon after I paint the ceiling and then this light over here oops this switch over here will control that side and look at how bright it is in there now Alexa turn off the kitchen light okay so that's without my string lights that's how bright it'll be and I have two more lights that I can add if I want it more light but I think this is going to be enough so there's that I can cross off the list okay as was I was saying before this camera so rudely interrupted me I'm going to be pulling the lights or the wires for the uh ceiling fan and the cam lights in the living room but I am going to do that once it cools off so in the meantime I have tons of itation all over my kitchen that I'm going to get cleaned up and uh try and get some of it off of me hey and I'll see what else I can I'm going to clean up this mess and then see if there's something else I could do on my to-do list in the meantime while I wait for it to cool down cuz it's way too hot up in that ceiling I don't know if you can see how I'm I'm not glistening I'm like dripping but yeah it's it's warm up there all righty I will check back in with you guys sh sh okay guys that's what the end of erand day looks like which is the reason why I got nothing done at the homestead today I went to town did my laundry went and bought dog food went to Tractor Supply and bought more fencing supplies went to the thrift store and bought some items that I'll show you on the next video that I'm going to redo reuse repurpose into other items but have to get more items first but yeah I'm exhausted I'm worn out and that's all I'm doing today and it is all of uh 3:00 maybe no it's 5:00 no wonder why I'm so tired I'm going to put away all this stuff and um sit down and edit this video hopefully and get it up to you guys uh and yeah I never came back and finished anything more in the ceiling up there [Music] because now it's saying my SD card's full but because I broke out in hives and I don't know if it's from the insul insulation or whatever I was doing in in the garden but I've been dealing with hives all over my body for the last couple days so anyhow let me get all this stuff put away get all my clothes put away let the dogs out and play and I'll edit this video and upload it to you guys oh wait I know what something I could show you on this video real quick hang on don't hang up yet this is my le pot these uh seedlings are 3 days old and are already coming up I've got 1 2 three four of them coming up two more should be sprouting any day but yep all all four different varieties have popped up just in the last day so that's pretty cool anyhow that means I'll have salad in a week or two okay now I'm ending the video I'll see you on the next one thanks for watching I did not know what it would bring now I'm capable of everything [Music]
Channel: Big Dreams Tiny Budget
Views: 1,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, big dreams homestead, starting a homestead, diy mobile home, Homestead from raw land, mobile home living, mobile home remodeling, mobile home makeover, fixer upper, mobile home life, debt free, how to, to do list, extreme kitchen renovation, extreme kitchen makeover, kitchen remodel on a budget, gardening on raw land, raised bed gardening, letpot, getting things done
Id: oTTU-qWn4qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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