Homesteading From Raw Land | Planting a Raised Bed Garden | Finishing Trash Bin & Tool Shed

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I have found my reasons now to keep my burdens left behind I did not know what it would bring now I'm capable of [Music] everything when we wake hear the bird and see the sun side by side our fears are done oh the good times just [Music] begun oh we know what we have let's Hold On Tight found what we're looking for in life call us crazy but things are finally right with you and now the future is [Music] bright oh You and I we got it oh we don't need no [Music] more even in the hard time you and I can weather any [Music] stor before sleep hear the cricket see the [Music] moon side by side and through and through no limit to what we can do oh we know what we have let's Hold On Tight found what we're looking for in life call us crazy but things are finally right right with you and I the future is bright oh You and I we got it oh we don't need no [Music] more even in the heart time you and I can weather any storm [Music] okay dreamers I don't know how much of this you're going to hear because I have a friend that's over here Leaf blowing for me way over there and I have another friend that's pressure washing the roof so that we can put the elosta meric on it I did all I'm doing today which was shoveling all that rock into the back I thought thought I had gotten enough to do both sides um but apparently I didn't which is fine I didn't want to weigh down my truck with a bunch of gravel I just don't trust the springs in it and there's only like a 12in area over here it doesn't have to be all the way full so I'll take some of the driveway chat that I have piled up over there and I'll put that on the bottom there so I don't get weeds in there but uh so 20 bucks I got gravel enough to you know they have a minimum of 20 bucks I could go back and get more I just don't feel like shoveling gravel right now so this side is done I still have to uh rip down the board that goes over in this corner uh to fill that in and then start working on the roof hopefully I can get a roof on it tomorrow we'll see because we'll also be painting the roof of the mobile home tomorrow so we'll see what we can get done this week my back is just not my back is just not participating very well but we did get the roof cleaned off so that's good all the gutters are clean so that's good hopefully we'll get the rest stuff put on it today or tomorrow and then be able to paint it this week so I will rest easier once it's all seal CED all right I'm going to uh stop for now I'll be back when we get more stuff done 2 a our favorite song Turn It Up windows down we sing [Music] along the song summer night has just [Music] begun the Moon is bright let's have some fun oh this is [Music] everything with you right next to me so alive and tonight I'm thinking that I don't want to go W to [Music] go calling sick in the morning baby don't [Music] leave they don't need to know we're out here Wild and Free they say we're crazy it's too much [Music] and yeah we're crazy deep in love oh oh this is [Music] everything with you right next to me so alive and tonight I'm thinking that I don't want to go [Music] oh this is everything with you right next to me so alive and tonight I'm thinking I don't want to go this is everything with you and next to me soive and tonight I'm thinking that I don't want to go hey darling can I tell you what's been on my mind sick and tired of the N of in the city [Music] life hey darling we could get out of town see the beautiful world around want to see it now pack our bags and get in that car leave a little no that won drive real far let's get out we can leave this city let's drive to the open air and the countryside is so pretty with the and blowing in your hair we can look back someday baby don't you understand that we only get one life I want to make it count honey come on now and take my [Music] hand hey darling I love it when it's me and you on the road with a couple of Tunes in a car for two [Music] hey darling you know we're going to have a really good time driving in the middle of the night when the stars are bright pack our bags and get in that [Music] car leave a little note and we'll drive real far let's get out we can leave this City let's drive to the open air yeah the countryside is so pretty with the wind blowing in your hair we can look back someday baby don't you understand that we only get one life I want to make it count honey come on now and take my [Music] hand oh [Music] oh oh let's get out we can leave this city let's drive to the open air yeah the country side is so pretty with the wind blowing in your hair we can look back someday baby don't you understand that we we only give one I want to make a car honey come on now and take my hand yeah we only give one I want to make it count honey come on now and take my hand I'm man I said tell me your story [Music] he took out an [Music] open and wrote something for me then he kept walking on down the road and I watched him disappear like smoke and I thought I'd just seen a [Music] ghost and I looked down at what he wrot he said son when you grow up you'll be fine I know you've got questions on your mind life is going to happen one way or the other whether you like it or not stop looking for the answers and you'll find what you've [Music] got I met a young man searching for [Music] Glory I [Music] took okay dreamers there it is completed Well for now it has a roof on it I know some of you aren't going to like that roof but you know what it didn't cost me a thing cuz I just used the scraps from when we built the other shed and uh made it work so all it has to do is keep the garbage cans dry so it don't have to look pretty but there's all the gravel in the garbage cans are in there no I don't fill three garbage cans each week but sometimes in the winter or if it's been been raining a lot the garbage man can't get get down here so that's why I have three counts but that's what it looks like and on the back side here I am thinking I have this leftover conduit so I was thinking about just cutting little pieces and screwing it to the bottom and then I could put the hand bundles of all the stuff in that or I might just run a 2x4 across there and uh you know to help hold the stuff in I still have to rip down this one board I don't know what you guys can see out over in the corner but that's not happening today cuz I can hardly walk uh the up and down on the ladder just kills me so I did take yesterday off and did nothing well I say nothing but uh I did a little odd things around the house but most of the day I spent watching uh the guy come into my roof I think I took a before picture oops I know I took a before picture so I will insert the before picture but we put the rust converter uh it converts rust to phosphate I guess and so all the rest is gone I don't know what you guys can see up there but all the rest is gone and we were planning on painting it today doing the elastomeric on it today but we have rain coming uh golly that's no better huh we have rain coming uh this week and you you can't do that stuff it has to be dry for 48 hours so hopefully next week we'll get to paint it and then the roof will look so good that I might want to paint the metal siding that I'm not keeping but just to make it look not so hokey um he did leave his pressure washer here so I could pressure wash the outside of the house I have a little Rinky Dink pressure washer that I bought but that's more for like washing cars and stuff like that it's not heavy duty and the PSI on it or whatever that number is isn't very high so it didn't do really good on the uh metal siding I tried though so yeah I'm thinking maybe if it stays cool long enough after he gets the roof done um I can go back andt paint the gutters I want to put the same elastomeric stuff in the gutters and uh maybe just paint the outside the house like a solid color or something so it doesn't look so bad cuz right now you look at it it looks really it doesn't look as bad as the day I got it with all the broken windows and stuff and the door hanging by one screw but it does look pretty bad mainly because there's no trim on two of the windows I was waiting to do the trim until I replaced these last two windows um so the living room window here and that back bedroom window still need to be replaced and I have the windows I'm just waiting on help to come do it with me because in my condition right now there's no way I'm lifting a window so anyhow and then I don't remember if I showed you guys but I did get all my garden planted I have broccoli brussel sprouts back there snap peas back there um I believe these are the squash and zucchini Zenia I have a bunch of herbs planted around the outside I did the companion planting so looked them all up mapped it all out I got camomile and marold and lavender and basil parsley jives lemon balm uh and this one we got zenas oh naums bunch of parsley time Sage all that stuff these are the jalapeno peppers these are the uh green cabbage here got red cabbage over there got chives down on the end I got carrots and radishes planted in there onions and garlic in the center strawberries on the outside although one of my strawberry plants died and then they were Walmart strawberry plants so I'm blaming Walmart instead of me but here I got a big slicing tomato roma tomato I got asparagus these are yellow B bell peppers and red bell peppers and there's nothing planted in the center but and then I think that bed over there is going to be melons and I have bricks to do another bed but I don't have the uh dirt to put in it you know the garden soil so I'm probably just going to put off on doing another bed until the winter uh or fall planting uh we'll see I think I got enough in here now that'll keep me busy I want to get a um a timer for a sprinkler you know put one of those great big sprinklers back in here I don't know what they're called it's oscillating or you know it fanss and they have my tripods I want to get one of those out here and just put it on a timer so I won't have to uh remember to run out here oh look we already got this is garlic already coming up they haven't even been in there that long so that's pretty cool I got onions coming up down there they've only been in there since Sunday the garlic I planted before probably uh about a week ago maybe longer but the onions like just put in Sunday today is Wednesday and they're already peeking through at the end down there so that's kind of fun so need to get out my planner and write down on the calendar went to check to see if they uh sprouted and went to check to see when they're ready to harvest and all that stuff I did get I did get two thornless blackberry bushes but I haven't planted them yet because this iconic trellis that I've drug from the Bay Area up to the sieras and then to Washington and now to Arkansas and then it sat over there just laying in the yard for 3 years so it is finally upright and I have two 55 gallon drums that I sliced in half and made them into troughs and I'm going to put one on each side one's got raspberries growing in it and the other one has grapes growing in it and uh eventually I'll have hopefully very soon I'll have fencing along here so the grapes can grow along the fencing and yeah slowly getting there it's only taken three years to get a garden in you know uh most people would have planted that right away but I didn't have running water out here so uh that's my story and I'm sticking to it last year I got the well drilled in May um but I still didn't have water over across the street I had it over here at that spet right there didn't even have it running inside until what November this year so um it's slowly coming along it's just shaking a bit but it's not a race it's a journey and I am thoroughly enjoying the journey and I'm so thankful that you guys want to hang out and follow along on the journey uh these allergies are kicking my butt I never had allergies before ever until I came to Arkansas and now I know what my son and my mom felt like cuz they had really bad allergies so anyhow I'm going to call it for this one it's going to be probably a short video I don't know what all I got on it but um yeah oh and the other thing I want to mention is thank you to my friend who came and she did all the weed whacking for me so she cleared the back part of the the uh garden over there and did all the leaf blowing for me and all that stuff so thank you thank you because uh I couldn't have done it there is no way with my back in the condition that it is in I couldn't do it it hurts to walk I have to probably tomorrow put the chick stuff down on the ground and I needed to weed whack and blow the leaves off so that I could put the chick stuff down so that's all done now but I'd be doing it today but I can't walk today so tomorrow morning I'll get out here and I'll put the chick stuff down that'll help the dogs and the cats a little bit the cats and the dogs run off into the forest and get chicks anyhow but it'll at least clear this area you know the area that I'm living in from having to worry about too many chicks and I'm hoping that she blew most of them off into the forest when she did the blowering but yeah the other thing I want to do out here okay I treated myself and bought myself these two uh chairs and what I'd like to do is make a fire pit I have all the rocks from the old fire pit so I want to make a fire ring and do a fire pit out here but see I get ahead of myself again because where I would probably do it is right back in here where I moved all my materials too so for now no fire pit maybe this fall I just don't feel like removing removing all these stacks of supplies I've got a bunch of pallets I've got teapot out here resting on all my wood this is the Cedar uh planks that I got and then that is a whole bunch of tin and moving the 10 was a pain and then under that other tarp is all my wood supply um just leftovers or I bought a bunch of it when um when I first moved out here I bought a bunch of lumber from a guy for you know it was just a buy a truckload for 200 bucks or something and uh that's what I built my front deck with it's not pressure treated but it's lasted three years so far um but there's other uh in this wood here is where I got most of the wood to do that garbage cans around so that's why it didn't cost me much and it takes a little chore off of my weekly list you know all I have to do is remember to go fill the cans but they'll just sit there the garbage man will pull up and um he'll just back up and dump the garbage cans so before I had him sitting over here by the house and I had to put all the garbage in it during the week and then when it was Heavy I was lifting it and carrying it down to where the peach tree is and it was Heavy I always had to remember to put it out on you know that night of the week or whatever now I don't have to worry about it I just take my garbage out and put it in the garbage can when it's full in the house and the garbage man comes when he comes so took one of the to-do things off of my list of weekly chores and I no longer have to chase my garbage cans down the street cuz the wind comes from this direction and blows straight up this way so it was always blowing the garbage can down or even when I would put it out there it would blow it over so now I can just leave it in the little shed and I won't be tring back and forth from my carport shed to over here with the garden tools anymore they'll just be you know shovels and hose and stuff will be kept out here so it works for me um I think the next outdoor projects that I got going on is we'll be doing a fence hopefully soon oh there's a bug I don't know what kind of bug but it's gone anyhow uh hopefully I'll be doing the fencing around the garden soon and I want to run water lines underneath the house to have spigots in the backyard so I could hook up my shower again my outdoor shower so uh those are two outdoor things that are going to be getting done and if it stays cool long enough uh building a chicken coop I would love to do that this spring but if it gets too hot it's going to be put off until the fall so uh we'll have to wait and see and when I say hot anything over 7075 I'm just miserable out here I can't cope so I I have not acclimated yet anyhow I'm done rambling rambling uh I'm going to go inside and relax take a few days off uh it's supposed to rain this week so I'll just take care of little stuff inside the house until the rains end and oh we'll be back out here painting the roof I don't know if I'll have footage of that because I have to get permission from the guy who's doing the work for me uh I am not climbing up on a ladder to do a roof anyhow I could but I'm not doing it um but he's going to come and paint that for me and so maybe I'll get pictures maybe I'll have video I'll get permission from him but I just want to say thank you guys so much for following Along on my journey and keeping me motivated and encouraged and you know cuz sometimes that to-do list feels like it's 10,000 years long and I have to keep remembering it's the journey it's not a race so I will see you guys on the next one members I will see you for morning coffee I'll talk to you guys later now I'm capable of everything [Music]
Channel: Big Dreams Tiny Budget
Views: 1,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, big dreams homestead, starting a homestead, mobile home renovation on a budget, budget mobile home remodel, diy mobile home, Homestead from raw land, mobile home living, mobile home remodeling, mobile home makeover, mobile home updates, fixer upper, mobile home life, debt free, DIY Garbage can shed, mobile home roof coating, raised garden beds
Id: -0Zr1vLCc-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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