Getting started with Power BI and SharePoint Online

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in today's show we'll into an introduction to power bi with sharepoint online ruin how to get the client installed how to connect your data for the first time how to publish that report and then how to set it up in the sharepoint online web part it's pretty awesome I can't wait so let's get started but first here's our intro hi my name is Shane Young with bold zebras those guys and in today's video we're going to dive into power bi with sharepoint online it's one of those up-and-coming topics it's a lot of fun and can we get all of us interested so I want to walk through it today so we're a look at the mechanics right how to get the client installed how to connect to your SharePoint list how to then pull that in and build a report from that publish that report and then consume that report with a sharepoint web part so it can embed it on your page it's pretty cool stuff so from there we'll kind of go and we'll run a series of videos here we just had different tips and tricks different power bi videos I want to share with you along the way so should be a lot of fun let's just dive right in okay so over here on my desktop what I want to do open my browser and you can see our H II did but I went to power bi dot Microsoft com and the very first thing we need to get started is we're going to install the desktop client now it's true that you don't have to use the desktop client you can do Moses's through the browser but I'm a desktop client kind of guy so that's where I'm going to put it on I'm gonna products power bi desktop and then now I'm gonna click on download I'm going to ignore this thing to sign up but if you guys are interested in learning more they will send you some pretty helpful emails so don't ignore it necessarily but I've already signed up so I'll close this out but down here at the bottom I'm gonna say I want to save this and it's going to download now there is a 32 and a 64 bit version and so but the good news is it knows which one you have and so it's going to download the correct one for you all so I'm doing these demos on Windows 8.1 just because that was VM I had handy but I believe it's supported on Windows 10 Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 8 1 Windows Server 2008 r2 28 2008 r2 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 r2 it's a pretty available program so you should have figure it out alright so now it's downloaded I'm gonna click on run and we'll minimize this to get rid of the screen and so we're going to say next you're going to read all these license terms you looks good I accept say next default location work so next and click install and so this is going to install it takes about a minute or so so I'll just pause the video I'll be right back okay so on my little machine it took mom just shy of a minute and that's on a wimpy little VM so you should probably run even faster than that so we'll about power bi launch will quick finish all right when the thinks the power of editing once again we took out about a minute of the time it took to launch and so the first thing we're doing prompted here is I'm gonna say I want to sign in right because the do power bi it is a web-based tool so we're going to have a account for it anyway so we're just going to go ahead and sign in every chance we get so that way just makes it easier for us to can't keep all of our settings or accounts all it together especially we want to publish so I'm going to put in my account now you can do if you need a power bi account you can click here and get a free account no problem but I'm going to use my account so sign in and then now I'm going to put in my password you guys don't peek so I'll say sign in I'll probably edit it so it'll be a blurry for you ha I know you're trying to steal it but up here in the top you can see mod administrator so you can tell that I've installed it so now we're in the power bi desktop and right we just want to connect to our SharePoint data so if we switch over to a browser real quick we'll see that I've got a SharePoint site and over here I've created a list called swg Oh H which stands for Star Wars Galaxies of Heroes one of the games I'm playing on my phone right now and I just needed some data and I didn't look quite making up random data so I went and created a list with all of my rebels and their current stats if you're into the game you get it if you're not whatever it's just data so we have something to play with okay so there's my list so we'll switch back over to power bi and what I'm going to say is I want to get data something quickly get data and then I'm going to online services because I want to SharePoint Online lists so right here will say connect and now it's like hey what's SharePoint list you want to connect to so I don't actually want to give it the SharePoint list URL I give it my site collection URL say okay or if you were in a sub-site you want to give it your web's URL but I'm giving it a specific location and so that's like hey how do you want to connect I want to use my organizational account I must sign in again so there is a few signing ins as we go through this process but once we get all this worked out I don't sign in very often on a day to day basis so sign in is admin again what is his password man I will have to edit this one out for you too because I know you guys are trying to get it all right so says hey you're currently signed in so I'm going to connect ok that's about 30 seconds it's loaded all my different lists so I'm gonna scroll down here my find my swg o H and I'm gonna click the check box and I'm gonna say load now you could hit the edit button there and kind of jump ahead a couple steps but I thought it'd make more sense if I did all this in context so we're just going to load up the whole list and then we'll go and fix it ok so now our list is loaded it's over here on the right you can see all the different crazy columns that's a little bit of overwhelming for me I don't know what you that's too much for me so what we're going to do is real estate we're going to edit queries so this will open the query editor for us and so then now here what I'm going to do the first thing is I'm gonna say choose columns I'm going to deselect all and so what I want to do is I want to pull just the main columns I'm using so it almost always starts with title so pull title level gear level and stars if we went and looked over here again you see that I actually had to name level gear level and stars well that's because I renamed the title column to tune name but underneath the cover SharePoint didn't actually do that's kind of a presentation thing so when power bi queries it sees it as title so don't let that confuse you if you rename your column title is that first column so we'll say ok and so here you can see this looks a lot better right now we just have my different troopers and their attributes so the other thing I need you to do though is you can see that even though I made this level column a number column and share point power bi didn't see that I don't know why or what I don't get hung up on I just know it doesn't happen so what I can do is I can click on this ABC one two three I'm going to change this to be a whole number right this is important especially I can you want to do metrics you want to count averages you know anytime you want to actually work with it as a number you need to make sure you change it to a number type over here so we need to do that for all three columns the other thing you could do is I could click on this column and I can use the drop-down up here if that's more comfortable for you I don't know why this the same way to do exact same thing but I'm gonna use another whole number we'll come back over here and we'll do whole number for stars okay so I got numbers I got my title everything looks good so we're going to do something close and apply and so now we're back over here with our nice blank canvas but if we click the little data thing we'd see here's our data or back in the blank canvas we can see that you know we just have four columns to choose from there's this third option over here relationships right now we only have one table so all you're going to see is the current table that we have so this is something we'll learn in a later video how you set up relationships between different tables for some really cool effect okay so now that we're good and go over to the report piece and what I want to do is I'm going to build a fancy u chart that I'll probably end up messing up but you get the idea so I'm actually going to use this line in stacked column chart so there we go yeah we're done now right we don't have any data we just have a blank call piece and so before I move too much further though I also want to kind of make these columns a little better for me so if you go over here to title hit the ellipsis you can actually rename this right and we said we call this to name I think it's what I named it but so that way in your report over here your visuals you can have the names you want so I find often right SharePoint I needed look one way when I get over here start formatting and building actual dashboards for customers I need to change the columns and stuff so it's important to know you can change that and you just change them right here in the editor so I'm going to say you know what to name that's me my shared axis and let's just grab gear level that's an easy one I'm gonna put that in as a column value wait a second and so there you can see there's our first past report I'll grab the little arrow here and resize this guy to make it as big and easy for you guys to read as possible and so then there you can see now we've got all of my um toons and then the what is their current gear level so I hover over it you can see Biggs is currently 11 go Biggs so I can also then go over here oh let's click back on our chart if it's if you're not seeing the right things in this column it's because you don't have your chart selected or your visualizations selected and so now I'm going to grab their level or another stars and so if I did that it makes me a stacked chart or I can grab the Stars drag it down here putting the line values and so now you have a nice little line chart via our versus a stack chart that's kind of giving me a visualization of my data take it one step further because you guys like to see crazy I can grab the level I'm gonna make that a column series and so now you can see that like everyone who is level 85 they are this I don't know my of color I'm not very good at names my color so I'm gonna set part of preschool but so it's given me a different way to kind of group and see my data you know because now I can visualize all right all those guys are all eighty-five whereas all they level 50s are yellow so they've been Bodhi or both yellow and looks like Sabine is also level yellow right she's level 50 so gives you a way to visualize your data not important the key is is that we're building a nice visual office SharePoint data list data and let's face it you guys are probably better at this than I am I'm just trying to make something looks kind of cool so right whoo all right so a couple of things to play with now that we've got our data in place one of them is is I'm going to go over here so the format column this is where you do a lot of the things you like Shane how do I fix that I'm glad you asked because it's going to be fixed here so for example you can see that it made us the generic title well that doesn't work for me so I'm gonna go title I'm going to change this to be Shane's rebels like that we're going to change the font color to be white we're going to change these like a red color here yeah something like that I'll make the font a little bigger to Center it up so there you go I've got a nice little chart there and so then like if you want to change the y-axis right you can set the start in the end so how high does it go you can adjust the scaling once again the colors the fonts things like that and what you're going to see in this format column is depending on which one of these visualizations you chose up here you can get different options in different settings but almost all of the crazy ideas you have about how you want to adjust things generally speaking is in this particular one so I'd always start there before you go hunting all right good news is we've created a visualization with our SharePoint data so let's save this get it published and trying to consume it out in SharePoint so if you just go straight over here and hit save you could save it anywhere you want but I always like to save it in my SharePoint Online list you know just because on my SharePoint Online yeah a document I write it's just comfortable for me either way I'm kind of working on a one repository not a requirement but it's where I'm going to put it and I want to do that also because I'm going to show you the issue with doing that in the beginning right I always got a reason so we'll put in the URL to my SharePoint web and after a few seconds here it's going to yell us and say I don't know what you mean how do you want to put the data out there so we'll hit pause why this gets mad for 30 seconds alright so after 30 seconds or so maybe minute I cut out the recording and then I went to an hour phone call but you already know about that you can see it says you can't save the location please choose another location so Windows 10 give you a better error message but Windows 8 this is kind of the confusing one it gives you you're like wait a minute why can't I get to my own SharePoint the reason for that was quick okay is what you need to do we'll cancel let's go over to your SharePoint site so here's my SharePoint site I'm going to click on the add these SharePoint settings but the Internet Explorer setting so we're here there we go and we're going to say Internet Options and so what it is it's a security issue so I'm going to take my SharePoint site I'm going to add to my trusted sites so sites and adhere close that and then I'm going to set it to a custom level let's go all the way at the bottom and let's say automatically login with my current username and password say okay are you sure I want to yes I do click OK here we'll do a refresh which we'll see won't break my browser at all okay so SharePoint refreshed so now we go back over here we're going to hit the Save button again well paste in our URL we'll say save and so there's your SharePoint stuff make sure that you hit refresh though over in the browser if you don't do that will happen you'll get a different error message here so sometimes I do sometimes I don't so just remember once you've made the trusted sites and automatically log in it just takes a minute for anything to sync back up nothing's working close out ie all together and come back and that'll take care of it okay so now we're in SharePoint and so then now what you can do is put your power bi file in a document library so I put mine in the shared documents and my customer environment so you should create one called like be a power bi files something like that whatever works for you let's put a SharePoint document library one call this SW geo H hit save okay so now my power my report is saved right it's been public or it's been saved so now we need to publish it and make it available on the web so if we hit publish now it's going to say hey here all your power bi locations now the first time that you do this you're not going to have all this other stuff down here you're just going to have my workspace or you could go over to power bi I'll show you where in a minute and create your own workspace I'm just when publish it to my workspace so my workspace it select and it says hey I'm publishing it out there so we'll give this a few seconds alright and after like five seconds that was done and so then now we're going to say I want to open this in the browser so this is going to take you out to the power bi app is a hey you're going to account you to sign-in well I do because I already signed in to the desktop client and after 30 seconds or so you can see boom here is my swg o h just like we built in the dashboard but now it's a online report so this is pretty cool right you can click on these you can slice them you can dice um you know you have all the functionality you can change the sword over here all types of stuff but that's not our end goal right this is still in the power bi browser we want to do this in SharePoint so to do this over and SharePoint now we're going to need to do a couple things so first we're going to do is I'm going to save you all right now - I'm gonna say file I'm saying bed in SharePoint Online preview and so this is going to give me the link so we're going to copy that copy we'll close out and now we're going to go over to our SharePoint site and we go up here to this Settings icon you're not this one that looks exactly the same but this one for SharePoint and we're gonna say add a page and so the power bi web part is only available on modern SharePoint pages so that's why we need to use this interface to create ourselves a new modern page if you're using a classic page it's not going to work or a SharePoint law or ship one on-prem it's not going to work today either so now you can see you know name your page my first power bi web page yay modern pages are so cute well click the plus symbol here and so scroll down you'll see that there is a power bi web part remember it's still in preview but that should I've had any issues with whatsoever so it should be coming out of preview hopefully soon and now we'll click on add reports we're going to go over here we're going to paste in that URL that we just had and we'll click off of that now it's going to refresh a little bit or not refresh per load I guess there's no reads this first time hey there's chains rebels so we'll click on publish so my page has been published we'll hit X out of this little guy BAM Oh whammo now my power bi web page is here so now I am servicing SharePoint list data inside a SharePoint using power bi you know and you still can come in here right I can hover I still there say Jen is level 66 I click on her it's only going to highlight them not very interesting now but later on when you have reports we have multiple reports on the page or multiple visualizations on the page and so maybe clicking on Jen here would filter a different chart and only show you Jen's that type of scenario is all enabled all right here within the SharePoint interface okay one more thing I need to show you before we call today so switch back over here to SharePoint or SharePoint switch right over to power bi but this power bi window there you go so click on your my workspaces and so here you can see that on my workspaces I don't have any dashboards but if I click on reports I have the test ones I did before I made this video which is the exact same steps to make sure I knew what it's doing um and then the swg OAH report that we just did also if you click on datasets you'll see that it automatically created the datasets for us and so what I need to do is I want to enable the SharePoint can refresh my data right I don't want to just load that static data I want to be a lot of connection or not live put a refreshable connection so there is a refresh option here but what I'm going to do is we'll hit the ellipse here and I want to say settings because what I want you to see is if you go in here and look at datasource credentials you can see that mine are a safe but normally you have to say do your credentials and so you want to use OAuth to say sign in right there's my office 365 account it has my password safe for me good job so then that is taken care of making it so I can use my username and password to refresh the data all the time so you might need to create a service account for that if you don't want to use your own account and then scheduled refresh always comes up by default it will not refresh your data ever so we want to say yes I want to do a refresh will do it daily and we're going to do it it looks like five o'clock Eastern Time weird time to do it but whatever wait apply and so then now every day at five o'clock Eastern give or take fifteen minutes I believe is what somewhere in the documentation it says they will refresh your data so that here on this page next time it gets loaded you'll see new data so whether you add list items remove list items all of that will take place so pretty cool all right so I think that gets us to the end hopefully that's helped you guys with kind of the understanding of what is power bi how do I use it with SharePoint where the options available to you I'm going to do future videos that kind of shows some more customizations some of the other tricks I've learned along the way but I thought this was a good one to get you started as always if you need anything you can always hit me down below in the comments or you can hit me up you know consulting work through bold zebras on Twitter at chains cows and also remember to subscribe over here because it always helps me out so all right hey thanks have a great day me again hey just a reminder if you want to subscribe click on my face over here or if you want to work together or just need a friend hit me up over here or if really what you wanted was more power show videos probably it they are over here alright thanks see ya my stop the recording
Channel: Shane Young
Views: 90,854
Rating: 4.9229121 out of 5
Keywords: Power BI, Shane Young, Bold Zebras, SharePoint Online, SharePoint Online Power BI, SharePoint, SharePoint Power BI, Power BI Desktop, Power BI Tutorial for Beginners, visualizations, line and stacked column chart, SharePoint Modern Pages, sharepoint power bi integration, powerbi, embed in sharepoint online, embed link for sharepoint, power bi web part, powerbi webpart, powerbi web part, power bi sharepoint sync, power bi sharepoint refresh, sharepoint power bi dashboard
Id: w8nYU4Qp_tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2017
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