POWERAPPS and POWER BI can do what?!? It's bananas!

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yo what's up this is Patrick from guy in the cube and in this video we're gonna talk all about integrating a power app into your power bi report power app so a lot of people are commenting hey why don't you guys do videos on power apps and like well we kind of do power bi and besides there's lots of great content out there about power absence templates there's websites there's other people doing tons of videos on it and we just kind of focus on power bi but in this video what I want to show you is how to get power bi I mean get power apps integrated into one of your Part VI reports okay so I'm not gonna show you how to create a power app all right so let's set that up set the baseline right there I'm not showing you how to create a power half what I'm gonna show you is the steps you need to take to get a power app an existing power app integrate it into your power bi report okay got it alright so the first thing you need to think about is do you want the data changes that you make in the power app for the table that the source of your power apps are let's say I write a power after that update some data right and do I want those reflected immediately in my power bi report in this particular example I'm pretending that I'm just remote manager that's out traveling about and I'm visiting my stores and I'm talking to the managers in those stores and do I want to update their quota or change their quota and what I want is I want that quota adjustment to be reflected immediately in my power bi report and so if you want the data changes to be reflected immediately the table the source table for that power app needs to be in direct query mode if you don't care if you don't care about that then you can leave the table in import mode and just when you refresh that data model that's using that table where I ate the datum all that's referencing that table when that refresh happens then those changes will be reflected in your power app I mean in your power bi report all right wait wait wait instead of all this talking you guys know what I like to do let's head over to my laptop alright so in the scenario that I was talking about in the scenario I explained that the data model that I have I have two tables and the store table the table that contains all the stories that I'm gonna visit as the manager it's in dual storage mode if you don't know about storage modes go read about it base with dual moe it can act as an import table or directquery table okay and then the table that contains the data that I'm gonna be manipulating the day that I'm gonna update the data that's the source for my power app it's indirect query mode okay and so I have a composite model because I want my data changes to be reflected immediately immediately the moment I click that button in my power bi report okay so you need to consider your data model considerate alright once you have your data model connected that's the first thing you need to consider the second thing you need to do is you design your report in the desktop but once the report is designed do not add your power app if you want the full integration you need to publish that power that power bi report up to power bi then begin integrating the pyro app okay so two things so far think about your data model and publish your report then bring in the power app okay so once let's get the let's go into the power bi service let's good get it open here so I have a report already and so once you have the report created and published then you go into edit mode and once you're in edit mode what you would do is click on the ellipsis choose wherever you want to get the visual from go to more marketplace and search for power apps and then you'll see the visual there you can see that it is a certified visual you click Add now I've already integrated it I've already brought that into my my report here then click in the white space on your report click the power app and you'll see that it adds it and then they do a really good job of explaining the next steps you need to take and basically the next step is you need to add some columns into the power apps data fields so that you can begin the integration so I'm gonna add I know the columns that I want to integrate I'm going to add a comment ID so let's add comment ID and what you see it'll say choose app or create new app as I said at the beginning not creating a new app but if you click the button that's labeled create new it'll take you through the process so you can build your own brand new power app I'm gonna use an existing app for this so I'm gonna click Choose app and choose the one that I've already created and click Add alright it'll prompt you with a dialog box say you can finalize and do stuff but I'm gonna skip it cuz I've already created and the next really important thing is that people that's gonna consume this report and interact with this power app you need to go into power apps and give them access I'll show that later right you need to share the power out so I'm gonna close this dialog now you can see as I select things nothing's really happening to my power app that's because I haven't added any of the data fields that can really do the interaction so if you think back to my model I had a one-to-many relationship between two tables and that relationship was based on store ID and so if I go back to my Power happen make sure to select it you'll see the field and I have store ID from the table drop it here and it's gonna try to count it I'm gonna tell it do not do not aggregate it and now you can see right give it a second the interaction is happening and if I unselect everything you can see the three stores that I have quotas for that's already specified my underlying table and I remember when I was designing this I also display the comments so if I drag the comment like wait wait make sure the power app is selected and then if I drag the comment to that feel power apps data field well then I'll start seeing the comment so the third thing is you need to make sure any of the fields that you want to interact with view change and that integrated power app they're part of that power apps data field well you've dragged them down okay and so I'm gonna choose 67 to 67 you can see everything updates I'm gonna click this to go into edit mode why isn't email address there well because email address is not part of the fields that I've specified for my power app so check it out right so if I drag date enter drop it and if I drag email address or is the email address manage your email gonna drop it there also and then you can see how it's updating everything quota I'm gonna add the quota and then I remember when I developed this I made the comment intentionally empty but because I'm gonna update it I'm gonna go and it all right so any of those fields that you want to interact with make sure they're part of that power apps data field well you drag them to that field well all right so now what I can do is the quota is way too high I don't think they're gonna make it I like this person I'm gonna drop the quota to 20 million and say you better do better you you should you should have your job next year all right and then if I click update I submit the form what will happen is if you pay attention you'll see everything goes green because it wrote back to the data source because my table isn't directquery mode and then it automatically refreshed the power bi report how did that happen Patrick that's the last thing you need to do okay that's the last thing you need to do so the final thing is you open up our apps that comm and then you go and edit the report so if I click here and go to edit mode it'll open up my report here and so what you need to do is on that particular button right or in this case on this icon I have an event that fires off and what I can do is you can see the code for it one thing I want to point out one thing I want to point out is they have this format text option so I can remove the formatting I can add the format it wouldn't it be nice to have that in the little Dex editor right wouldn't it be nice but anyway anyway I digress basically what happens here is each function is separated by a semicolon you can see it semicolon and so the first function is kind of like an absurd right so I pass in the table name that I want to update and then right you you link it you establish a relationship between the primary key in that table to ensure that it's updating the right value and inserting it just in case that value doesn't exist then you tell it what things you want to update so I'm going to update the quota in the comment and then basically what happens after that is I go back to the main screen and then this is them this is the main thing right here this is what triggers the Refresh of the power bi report and because those objects the elements on that report because they are in that red query mode so if I go back to the report because these elements or indirect query mode they'll automatically refresh along with the report what so anything that's in an import it's not gonna refresh it won't refresh until you actually refresh the data set itself any tables that are in direct query mode the changes will automatically be reflected in the report that's bananas that's great right and so I did it I liked it I'm happy they did it okay so what do you guys think you got any questions comments you know what to do post them in the comments below this is your first time visiting a guy on the cube Channel hit that subscribe button if you liked my video too big thumbs up as always from Adam and myself thanks for watching see you in the next video swingin
Channel: Guy in a Cube
Views: 178,750
Rating: 4.9492602 out of 5
Keywords: powerapps, powerapps for beginners, powerapps forms, powerapps in office 365, powerapps tutorial, learn powerapps, microsoft powerapps tutorial, power bi powerapps, power bi powerapps data entry, power bi powerapps integration, power bi powerapps visual, power bi powerapps write back, power bi, power bi reports, power bi tutorial, Power Platform, microsoft powerapps, power apps
Id: us0hPFwQ4Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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