PowerApps Charts - Plus learn to shape and summarize the data

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in today's show we're talking about powerapps charts so you guys have asked for them for a long time right powerapps has a column chart a line chart and a pie chart all built in but they're not the best to work with so what we're going to do in this video is talk to you about how to work with it which is really about shaping your data and then just show you some little nooks and crannies so you guys can hopefully build some better reporting solutions but first here's our intro hi my name is shane young with powerapps911 those guys and today we're going to dive into powerapps charts and so we're going to look at the column chart the line chart and the pie chart right all three of your options and help you understand better how to use them you know and the charts themselves aren't that difficult to use the challenge becomes though is that it's all about getting your data right so we're going to spend a little more time on shaping the data than you probably wanted but that's what's really the key to using these charts because the charts don't have a lot of settings or a lot of controls of flexibility so you have to kind of use them the way they're meant to be used but if you get pretty good at manipulating your data then it's not a problem so that's what we're going to look at here and with that you know i just remind you if you're kind of into this and you need a more specific man i really want to do some charting some reporting but it needs to look a little nicer right the person i'm building this report for really likes it when spacing is like this then if that type of customizations you're going to need to go over to power bi so i've got a few different videos as well maybe i'll link to them down below to talk about integrating power bi into your power app but we're not going to talk about any of that today today is all about powerapps charts so that let's just switch over to my desktop and take a look i thought i'd start by just showing you a few of the different things we're going to build kind of give you an idea of what we're we're after and just kind of set the groundwork here you know me that will probably diverge a little bit from this but this is roughly what i built as i was practicing for this and so this one is a column chart as you would expect you can have one or more columns for a particular data source so in this case we're going to use my employees list and so we're just going to pull in some different columns just to kind of show how that works you'll notice you know we have the ability to select different ones we'll talk about when you select them how we get the data out i think that's something that doesn't get covered enough so how to kind of integrate that and then we'll also talk a little bit about these uh labels down here and you know how you uh you can control the legend a little bit because you know it it defaults to something but it's all customizable we also talk about the colors so nothing too exciting but at least get you an idea here on the pie chart side um same type of thing one of the things i thought might be fun with the pie chart though is kind of take that idea that you know we want to show details better so like if we click on chewie not only do we get to see you know chewie's his slice of the pie but we're going to load his record up over here in a form and so you could edit save modify or just view the complete details so kind of make sure you understand how to bridge these chart controls back into your data set because sometimes you want to change your data so we'll look at that a little bit the pie chart one it has the least amount of customization so pretty uh pretty straightforward and then we also have the line charts um you know as you probably expect here the line chart you know you can kind of go in we've got two different series going um so we'll look at this but there's not there's nothing really tangibly different from this one versus i think the column chart i feel like they're both very similar so we won't have to spend too much time here and then the last one here which i realized i did not have a button navigate to is we're also going to make this one and so this one came from someone on twitter who i cannot think of their name at the moment i apologize to you but whoever you were this uh this idea here is we're going to dynamically sum some of the data so i'm we're going to group my employees of us that same data set we're just looking at but we're going to dynamically group it by the department they're in and then for each department we're going to you know figure out the slice of the pie for the salaries for that department and even like if we click on it you can see that it's total salaries are 355 000 whoa i hope one day i have a company where my it department needs 355 000 salaries because i think that'd be a pretty good size company but today you know my fake data that is what it is but i just thought this was kind of fun because this was a you know just more of that shaping data we have a bunch of flat records like we usually do and so how we're going to kind of come in here and massage this to be what it wants to be so so that's what we're going to build so let's switch back over here and let's just pop open a new screen and let's build one of these and so the first one i want to talk about here and we'll go over here to insert and so you can go to charts and so there's where you're going to see your different options so column chart line chart of pie chart and remember the power bi tile so this is the idea we can embed a power bi report that we'd built in here but our tile i guess from that report but don't uh we're not going to mess with that today but i have other content out there for that one so it's still a column chart on here and one of the other things we're going to do as we go through this i want to make sure we kind of talk a little bit about how i figured this stuff out right because i think that's another important skill that hopefully you guys are picking up along the way is not only how to you know go recreate something i teach you but how to start to poke and prod and make up your own stuff so when you add a uh column chart here you can see that it actually uh comes in as a few different pieces oh you want you guys don't see something else kind of cool look at that you can finally collapse this to the right what i know which is weird because in today's video we're actually going to use the right side all my other videos i never use it very excited for that anyway so over here on the column chart we pull it in it pulls in a group of three um so the legend goes down here at the bottom and to me this feels a lot like it's really just a gallery it's not as customizable we don't have all the controls but it really just feels like a horizontal gallery because you're just going to feed it items and that's how it knows what to show across the bottom we have the main star of the show the column chart and then we also just get a title up here which is just a label right so i can be like employee chart demo it's just literally a normal label so you can do all your fancy bold underline sizings you know whatever it's just text it's just a text label okay so the column chart so when you go to look at this the key to understand is that it's just going to take items right which that tells me right away it's a table of data and so they give me a sample table so i just expanded this i'm like all right well what's in that table and if i look at that without even paying any attention i'm like all right i take that as it's going to be a number column some text columns numbers numbers numbers and so really that is what it is so if you go over here and if you go into the advanced properties of the chart you're going to see that this is where the items come from and then here the label so i'm like oh instead of series 1 being area i want that to be density boom it just changes and you know if i change the city well cities just work so that can't be done that way so that doesn't work population probably does is that that's what happens and i thought i found it really confusing because they just kind of guessed and i didn't realize this was over here so i just thought they took the columns in the order i sent them but i finally found this and i was like oh that makes a lot more sense the same goes for the colors so the colors that it uses is just a table of colors right you can kind of see this rgba blah blah blah blah that is clearly some type of green but i'm like oh i want that to be green yellow and look at that now it's green yellow so this chart is really just using this color palette to do what it needs to do now also i believe if you come in here if we delete all of these and we just put in blue so then now because there's only two colors it's just going to alternate so that's how you control the color of what is being presented out here you just you know put in two here it re it just iterates between the two also remember this is just a single column table right i know that because i can tell by the two single brackets so you could feed it a table from another data source if you wanted it doesn't care it just needs to show um it just needs a single column that has got um you know the the colors in it so there you go so that's how we do the colors other fun things here before we start adding my data so the item gap you know if you want to have a little space between everything which i think is pretty uh pretty handy to do i should probably also change that neon green right as much as i love green yellow i do not think it shows up very well here we go red there we go probably easier for you guys to see okay so then number of series so this is controlling because right now you know we're just showing population if you change this to two now we're seeing population and density and the way that knows to do density right is over here like hey population is series ones density is series two so this is what it's using based on how many of the series you tell it to pull over so you can set the axis minimums and axis maximum so if you want to kind of control the range of the data on the other thing that i was a fan of so grid style right now is x only i've been doing all i like to have you know kind of that full there you go zoom in for a second but that full flushed out right i can i can visualize better i don't know i'm not very good at graphing data so for me i need as many indicators as possible you'll also notice here like if we come in and you know we can select these but nothing really happens we'll talk about that in just a second ah now let's just make that right now so what can happen here so like you saw i selected one of those well immediately what i said was hey let's do a label on the screen and we can see that that is currently named column chart two so let's see what the output is column chart two dot oh look at that selected and then dot how about city and so then now if we click on cairo one of the cairo fields now notice whether i click on the red or the blue it doesn't matter because both of these um data points are tied to the city of cairo so that's why we're seeing it if i go over here to shanghai same type of thing so that was important for me though you know and this is one of the ways that i learn right is i just went in and i literally just typed in column chart two and i just started scrolling through i was like oh look there's my friend selected i know it's selected does that gives me the whole record and when it gives me a whole record back yay once i've got my whole record right then i can really drive in here and be like oh yeah i want to see the population and so then it's going to let me kind of do that so so that was kind of another big key for me um other than that i'm trying to think you know you also have the whole um angles down here i think that's important like if you notice new york city's kind of doesn't show because it's been angled out it's like hey x label your angle needs to be 30. so that way it's kind of flatter which gives it more room and still though new york city is getting you know dot dotted because it ran out of space which is funny right it needed one more character the y but it put three dots instead of showing me the y and this is where it's easy to get frustrated right you don't control this you know i would like to be able to click on new york city and just make it wider so that way it shows up it doesn't do so that can be a little annoying um the only other one i think that was hiding over here so markers that's whether or not you see the values at the tops right so that 172 goes away comes back yay so that's what the markers are and then we also have um hiding in here is a marker suffix so if you wanted to slap the letter a on all these for some reason i don't know why but there you go and so then now you've got different suffixes they're all now 172as i not something i've ever had to do but i want to make sure you guys knew that because that was kind of hidden over there on the left minimum bar width so you can kind of control the sizing let's try setting that to 50 and just see what does it do yeah so see then all of a sudden now it's too big you know let's just make it 100 so it's really obvious and so then now we've got to scroll to see our whole chart so okay let's fix that back to 10. um so now what i want to do though so now that you've kind of got you know the basics because that was kind of where i started was all right let me click around here and figure out how these works now let's pull in some data and start to feel what mess with it so i'm going to switch up here to my items property because i'm going to do lots of fun stuff items is spelled with i which is up here and then we're going to do employees all right because that's the name of our good old favorite sharepoint list so my sharepoint list has got some different number columns and so in this case you can see that it kind of just figured it out it's like hey i'm going to pull in age and hourly wage and set all the rest of these to id oh and then for the uh label it did complete compliance asset id it must be the first text label and so right now we're just going to do first name so there you go we are now charting my sharepoint data where in red is the age and blue is the person's hourly wage that's fun and all but what if that's not exactly right that's the data that's coming back from my sharepoint list but what if we wanted to do something more like let's say first off let's show people's full names well so in here you notice like like all right well how about for the um let's see what they call that they call it the label so is there a label there's not a label over here right there's not a come right a formula to get it there's a label angle but there's not an actual label field so how am i going to do this so this is where we're going to get back to our data shaping functions and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go up here to my list i'm like hey what i really want to do is i want to take the employees list i want to add a column to it so i'm going to say add a column to employees and i'm going to call the column full name and the expression is going to be and i'm going to just make my life easier i'm going to use a new feature called this record so i'm going to say take this record's first name ambersand which means concatenate a space and then concatenate this record dot last name and then just like that we now have a column called a full name so if we go back over here into our labels we can now change it to say hey i want to use that full name column and so then now we see everyone's full names well unless they get ellipse the ellipses but you get the idea is that i needed more advanced stuff i couldn't go change it inside the control so what i did was i've manipulated the data coming in and i couldn't go change my sharepoint list that would break like a thousand apps so i'm just dynamically adding a column remember this add columns function does not affect the sharepoint list in any way it just affects this instance of it and gives it this column called full name so that was kind of my first piece of this like alright cool i can now do that the other one here is you know i also remember this you know this just needs to be a table so one of the things that annoys me about my data set here is you can see that red is an age and for some reason daniel doesn't have an age right he's too pretty i think to have an age so what we want to do is i don't want to show anyone who doesn't have an age that seems like a fair thing to do in a chart that is showing age data so what i can do you know just go up here and write in a filter right so filter employees and how do i want to fill i notice i kind of close it outside and don't get confused and what do i want to do i want to filter where age is greater than zero and so then now it should recompile itself now sometimes this happens i found and so when it does this oh do not do that i'm gonna highlight all this i'm gonna take it out it's gonna like go what and then i'm going to just put it right back and then it redoes but notice now in my data set daniel has been dropped because his age was not greater than zero because he didn't have one so i want to make sure you guys kind of thought about that as well is that there's nothing all right all that this thing cares about the end you give it a table it doesn't care how you get there so you're gonna filter you can add columns you can rename columns you can show columns you can hide columns drop columns whatever you call it you have complete control but it's about doing your data and as we go through these examples you're going to see that we're going to do a little more advanced with that but this first one just thrown full name in there kind of felt nice right i can see selected that population is no longer thing so let's do selected dot uh do their department and so then now let's just make sure that still works there you go chewie is apparently an i.t cool so we have got the basics right we've already the basics that's that's pretty good stuff i feel like we've got a good understanding of kind of how this works uh for the chart we know that's the label so then down here what you're going to need to understand is that your items property it's just it just shows whatever table you get now it is just automatically using the series label so column chart two right it's the name of our chart control it just pulls the series label that's how it just worked automatically but literally earlier you surprised all the demo i had the color names i just i just did this i literally just typed in red and blue it doesn't care it doesn't know red blue let's just give it a third one red blue yellow right it doesn't know what it's doing it just knows that it's um it needs to show the table of data you pass it and it needs to uh and it just follows the color pattern that came out of the chart that's all it knows um right item color set see column chart two item color sets so i can even change this color set hey i want all these to be um orange so we'll just do orange like that and so now they're all three orange so terrible not something you would do get it but this is what i need you guys to do i need to plant the seeds and the seed is is that items is just a table and item color set is just a table the default values are awesome because they just worked we didn't have to think about them so if they work for you i forget what the item color set oh that even knows it's okay give me that and then we'll change this back here it knows what it needs to be sorry i got confused typing column chart 2 and then dot series of labels and so it the defaults are probably what you want but you can manipulate them if you don't like them and so you could use them you could you know add your own column to this data set you could do some looking up you you could manipulate this to be whatever you wanted it to be but just keep in mind it needs to be a table okay i feel like i harp on that enough so so that's the uh the column chart so let's go over here and let's do another idea so let's do another new screen and let's throw in the line chart and so the line chart is uh almost identical i mean really the same thing right we got a nice little label up at the top this legend same exact concept it's just a table just does its thing we won't mess with that um honestly the only thing that i found that was really tangibly different right because you still have the hole you can control the grid style control the items so we can go back to employees again there you go and so then you have the number of series control you still control the angles you can control the y angle this time as well you couldn't control it another one i don't think and then um it's the same picker it's the same color so everything about this one is the same the only minor exception to that is if you throw a label on here and if we say line chart 2 dot it is only selected items which is unfortunately just the entire oh man it's mad at me hang on so we just can cat line nine chart two uh first name there you go so there's nothing selected if i select it so if we're going to select right like very specifically this one it grabs everyone's name so it doesn't actually know what records you have or have not selected it just basically you either get all the values or none of the values so i don't think there's any scenario where line chart two dot selected items would ever be used because in reality that is no different than just using whatever you had in items there that's the same [Music] same data set so also there is an on select for these so if you wanted to have something happen when they clicked on your chart other than just selecting the record you know you could fire off and have it you know show a pop-up or navigate to the screen open power bi might be a matter of idea but yeah you have complete control of that but yeah so the line chart you know it doesn't do anything too exciting you can come over here and be like hey i want it and notice like you know it's real easy to accidentally click on the whole thing you don't see your settings so then you just click again you get in here but oh yeah number series is three and then you go over here you know it's showing age hourly wage and id so those are just three columns yay but no matter which one of these you change or you click on you know you're getting the same data up at the top so and you notice oh it's showing you like weird data there so we would just change that let's make it last name and so there you go okay so line chart column chart pretty spot on um on what's going on between the two so nothing i won't belabor the point all right last but not least let's throw in our friend the pie chart hello bye george yay pie chart mostly works exactly the same also um the only difference maybe with pie chart is that you can't do more than one so you can see here it's kind of pulled my oh let's not use that data let's use our employees click in here switch back to employees and so then and once we've got employees um what we want to do here is we want to um you see you only get to choose one series so we can be okay do this off of our wage for the moment but we're going to make this one a lot more complicated in a second where did hourly wage go there it is losing my mind but there you go you see everyone's hourly wage that's kind of annoying because i wanted to see their thing that's fair so then maybe you change the label here that should probably be first name this one should probably have been hourly wage there it was way at the top there you go so that is kind of everyone's hourly wage shown in a pie chart you can do um some stuff around where the positions go the border thickness the border color so i was playing with this earlier like reminded me of playing a trivial pursuit because now i had all these little wedges um i think clear is probably the best one that way pull it in there you can um also set a uh explode and so this one is weird i mean it makes sense but it kind of literally explodes out right um so you know i was like oh maybe this was cool no that looks really weird so i don't know i i wasn't smart enough to use explode and not make it seem weird but you can kind of see now when i hover whoo i'm easily amused okay anyway that's not what you're here to see so the thing that i want to talk about now um so there's two more things we need to cover so one is earlier i showed you how to get into the details of a person i demoed it so make sure you understand that so if you click on a form don't edit form over here we'll just kind of slide it over here [Music] and something like that and so then i'm going to say hey forum use employees and you're going to render cool there it is and so then we're gonna just change it to one column so it looks a little nicer and then the only thing you need to do is you go up here to item and so for the item you're just going to say use pie chart two dot selected because oh it's pie chart three that's why pie chart three dot selected and so then what should happen is it um should pull in that record so let's try so let's go here and so if we click on jeff's record we do not get anything to display why is that all right so if it's not going to cooperate that way it's very rude i would have to say so what it for whatever reason the form does not believe that they're both using the same data source which i wonder if did i do something weird with my items i don't think i did let's check no okay well in this case what am i going to do is i'm going to click on the form eventually so instead of the item being selected right we have the id so we're just going to look up so we're going to say look up to employees if i can type employees and we're going to say where id equals this selected id so then now if we select jeff there he is if we select chewy cool so then now this is how you can connect your form data or you know right and it's not about form data you know me i don't build a lot of form solutions but the idea is that i was able to bridge the gap between the two and get it into another control so i could could go manipulate the data so whether it's a patch or whether it's running a flow i don't care what you're really doing it's just about um you know connecting the bridge here and actually this is important that i did it this way because this is going to uh you know most of the time you're going to manipulate your data and so when you manipulate your data then you're going to want to have to kind of think about that and so getting it out via lookup's easier okay so let's do the more advanced solution now let's go talk about how to do that kind of summary view so let's do another one so we're going to do a new screen again and so for this one we're going to another pie chart and for our items oh just give me my pie chart we're going to do employees again but so this time though what i want to do is i want oh that is not employees what i want to do here is i want to do some calculations and now so you could do uh let's do simple first and so the simple one might be is you know right now we show hourly wage but i want to show that instead of hourly i want to show that like on a year yearly or salary basis and so you know roughly hourly wage times 2000 is the way that we think of salary the salary number so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to add a column i'm going to say hey i want to add a column to employees and what column am i going to add i'm going to add one we're going to call this salary and so then how do we get the salary well we're going to take this record just because i'm really a big fan of using this to avoid any confusion so hourly wage times 2000 and so then now my data set we have new data right it should be called salaries if we scroll over here to the right there's a salary and so then now in my little chart or my little pie chart here we can make hey i want the label to be the employee a name no now let's do first name and then instead of age we're going to do we now have the ability to use salary and so now we're getting the pie chart now unfortunately with the pie chart there's no easy way to show that salary column but what you could do i guess is you could throw a label over here and you could do something like this you could say gallery or no this is pie chart this is probably pie chart four huh pie chart four dot selected dot salary and so then now if i click on a person right chewie we see that chewy makes 200 000 a year yikes let's make that easier to read though so i'd throw the text function around that and we do dollar sign number comma number number number dot zero zero boop and so then now yeah you can see that by clicking on chewy makes two hundred thousand and whereas jeff makes sixty nine thousand nine hundred eighty dollars so this is um important though because this showed you how to you know add a computed column and in this case you know it's kind of annoying because you gotta click on it to see it but what i might do is go back over here to my line chart and so what if we just did that same thing here well let's just go copy that formula shane must be lazy so ctrl a ctrl c back over here click in here and so let's just add that here because this will be a lot easier to visualize and then like hey i just want to see on this first one i want to see their salary right there at the top and then we'll just change this to number of series to be one and so then now we've got our our data kind of on a much easier way to kind of represent people's salaries so but this is where also you might find yourself annoyed because you're like hey i want to change this to have a currency symbol can't do it so you'd have to kind of you know fake it but there's no way to manipulate what shows over here you can change the range so i could say start at 50 000 and end at 200 000 you know we can do that by clicking in here and saying um oh max value right here and change this to be 200 000. so we can change it that way and we'll start it at 50 000. we have people fall off yikes but you can zoom in like that it looks like one of those uh news websites the way that they you know misrepresent numbers that's that's how it works right there um but anyway so that is important is understanding how to add a column okay so that was the first part of summing part two of summing let's get in there a little fancier so instead of what i'm gonna instead of this let's go back to employees first let's dumb this down okay we're back to normal employees yay we're gonna just delete this label for the moment so now what i want to do is instead i want to group my data by department okay and so there is a function called group by because you know everyone's in an apartment so we're going to say hey i want to group by employ or i want to group the employees data by department there it is and so when you use the group by function then you have to say where do you want the rest of the data to go like so you have to like have a holder which is a sub table that holds all the records that are grouped into that group and so what we're going to do is i always call it something like data like this so it's real obvious to me that that's my dump and so then now that we've grouped this you know there isn't anything to show though it's like where it doesn't uh you know because the only column that pulled through is department and department's not a number column because when you group data only the columns that are before your catch-all here at the end show up so what i need to do is i need to add a column to this right so we're going to use your friend add columns right we've grouped the data and so to add the column we're going to say we're going to add one we're going to call it department total like that and so what we're going to do is i'm going to say hey i want you to use the sum function against data remember data is a table what column do i want you to sum i want you to sum the hourly wage like that and then i want you to multiply that by 2000. remember because that's how we got to our our salary number so that should close that out and so then now that that is done now you can see that all the data is set up and if you kind of hover here you can see so data has all the remainder data department executive finance blah blah blah and then each department's total is over here and if you're like well i don't understand what's happening i get that um let's do this an easier way for you to understand this if you're having a hard time with it is just grab a button and say clear collect uh coal show me put your code in there press the button and then now you can go up here and view collections call show me and you can see that look executive and it has the data and this represents a table so if you click on the data you can see that everyone who had a department of executive which is looks like nicola me jennifer and sarah all four of us we got grouped into the data table for this particular record and so then what it's doing is it is taking our hourly wage column which is efg i'm really bad there you go hourly wage so it's adding these up so 40 38 75 99 right it's adding these four numbers up and then what is it doing with those four numbers it is multiplying them by two thousand and so that's where it's getting this giant number so that's that's how group me works i probably or group by not group me i probably need to do a video on group by that just explains it in over detail for a really long time but that's the drive-by version of how group might work so let's get rid of that um right here one more thing to show you real quick so over here like if you clicked on finance you know there was only one person so greg was on one that went into finance it had uh daniel may and chewie and so that's where it's it's how it's computing the numbers okay so i'm gonna i'll leave this down here but i let's put it over here so there you go so that now that we've kind of done that though we've got this data in here so then what you could do because this is what i showed earlier in the last demo and this is the last thing to show you guys is what we might just do here is be like all right so then i want you to be um pie chart four yes pie chart four dot selected i'm going to copy that so i'm going to have to type that again and selected dot department and then we just do an amberson and like this and be like total salary and then like this and then this and then department total and so then now if i've done a good job we click on executive we see the 507 540 and of course i do not approve of that not looking like a currency because i never do so i do not know how many times in my life i have typed this formula but it's a lot there we go so that looks nice and so then boom boom so you know we've got in there the other thing to remember is you probably um let's see so let's just add a bonus one real quick why because we're way over on time so why would i add bonus stuff duh um so what i might do here is just throw employees and so then here i can be like hey and i then i want to filter oh type in filter chain filter employees where department equals oh not data you get to see the different pieces so we hit play so we click on executive we see the executives we hit janitorial we see the janitorials you get the the different data you're summing it so you've built a pretty complex reporting dashboard with just a couple clicks of the mouse but it was really about figuring out how to shape your data okay so there you go i will stop talking about these crazy controls hopefully you guys find this interesting and helpful because you guys have asked for this video for a long time um as always you remember if you're a subscriber to training.powerapps911.com you can download this app and all the other apps that i've shown you also get notified about these things you know it's a good little setup so go check that out also we can help you build these if you need help so hit us up and finally leave me comments below did you like this do you hate this do you have ideas to improve this if you have great comments i love to pin those up the top if people have ideas like oh you didn't think of this i'm like whoa so be sure to share all right and with that i think i'm just gonna say thanks and have a great day hey it's me again if you got a second click the subscribe button that always keeps me making more videos or if you want to work together need some help getting your power apps going hit me up with powerapps911 always happy to work together or finally if you're really just looking for more videos that's probably what it is check out the powerapps playlist over here and you know enjoy that all right thanks and have a great day
Channel: Shane Young
Views: 35,377
Rating: 4.965909 out of 5
Keywords: Shane Young, powerapps911, powerapps charts, powerapps chart from sharepoint list, powerapps charts items, powerapps chart tutorial, powerapps chart group by, powerapps column chart, powerapps column chart from sharepoint list, powerapps line chart, powerapps line chart sharepoint list, powerapps pie chart, powerapps pie chart from sharepoint list, power apps chart, shane young powerapps, microsoft powerapps, power apps charts, powerapps graph, powerapps graph tutorial
Id: b8iz1ar1I4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 16sec (2236 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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