Getting started with ArcGIS Pro

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welcome to directions live online my name is Laura Berman technical director at ESRI Australia so just before we start I wanted to let you know that we are recording today's session and the recording will be made available shortly after today's session ok so today's topic is getting started with arcgis pro so we have been looking at the capability within the latest desktop application over the past few months but one thing consistently that I had feedback on was getting back to basics type session so that's why we're bringing this one to you today now in terms of a high-level agenda about what we're going to cover we will take you on a little bit of a tour so we'll sort of have a look at the interface but then from there we really will just spend the majority of the session taking you through a step-by-step common workflow so looking at visualizing your data options around editing and analyzing your data before setting out your layout and of course sharing that content so we'll be looking at those options as well as always please do ask questions at any point during the session I've just popped up a little visual there of the questions pane so that's where you can type in your question and then at the end we will allow time to go through those so I'm very pleased to welcome our presenter for today camels and Gaza our consultant within our industry solutions team and based out of our Brisbane office so tell follow quite a unique path to this consulting side of ESRI Australia we've since in both in client services technical support but also training so ty is experienced in using GIS technology for both best practice in urban and environmental solutions as well as customer and market research the back in her training days tal was very focused on desktop so it's definitely the person he'll be best placed to take us through a focus look at arcgis pro I'll hand over to Tarr now who can start taking us on the tour Thank You Tarr thank you very much Laura for that warm welcome and hi everyone thank you so much for joining us today as we take an interactive talk through getting to know arcgis pro now our cheers pro is a powerful web GIS enabled desktop mapping application that's been designed on new architecture that leverages 64-bit processing and it lays a solid foundation for optimum performance as well as user experience now it enables you to perform mapping in a modern ribbon based interface that's familiar to other interfaces that you use daily I think Microsoft Word or PowerPoint where a contextual ribbon interface enables relevant tools and functionality that are specific to your data now functionality is displayed in tabs and under each tab there are groups of tools tools and functionality windows are known as panes and similar to arcmap windows these can be dealt with in the pro interface now Pro utilizes project which contain a folder structure that stores and accesses your underlying data for existing augmentive users fear not because you can choose to import existing map documents into pro now Pro supports multiple 2d and 3d map views side-by-side comparison as well as the conversion of your 2d maps into 3d scenes now for this webinar I'm using pro version 1.4 but I'd like to let you guys know that version 2.0 is due for release later this year so there will be additional functionality and capability with near release now for your viewing pleasure I have pre-recorded a couple of demonstrations to try and minimize any technical difficulties and what we're going to do is go through a workflow using Pro we'll look at creating a new project and briefly reviewing the interface we'll also import an existing arcmap document we'll run some analysis and finally we'll go through a sharing exercise so let's get started now this is my RTS Pro sign-in page and as a with GIS enabled desktop application signed in with my ESRI username now Pro allows you to access an existing project or to create new blank projects now for this demonstration I created a brand new blank project because this project will be based on an existing arcmap document that I have now projects contain a folder structure and a folder structure houses the database as well as additional folders where all my data exists now once I created a new folder for the project it will open up the pro interface and this is my pro interface in the center I have a project view and then allows me to look at what's contained within my project and that's my project structures I have a project pane on the right and a content pane on the left very similar to arcmap and my project pane allows me to view all of my folder connections now you can add either existing folder connections or connect to a brand new project as we did earlier now within that folder connection that I just created I have my new project as well as databases an existing arcmap document which I'm going to import shortly now my project view in the center allows me to view all the projects I have I have my interactive ribbon based interface at the top and my content pane react to what's in my view panel now at the top I have my ribbon based interface and I can see the various tabs that allow me to access additional tools to run either processing or functionality for my various layers now we'll be able to go through more of these tabs in details as we run through this workflow but to start with I'll quickly import an existing arcmap document and see what it looks like in pro I've imported an arcmap document and this is displayed as a map view in pro now you can see all of my layers on the left-hand side and that's all the layers contained in my original arcmap document by clicking on a vector layer I get a feature layer contextual tab and under this feature layer I can choose to change the appearance the labeling or access the data you can see I can set transparency quickly via a little swiping tool up the top and I can also access the symbology pane I really like Pro because it brings up panes on the side of the panel and what I really like about Pro is as I update my symbology you'll find that it will update in the map view in the center now this is really important because color is an influential tool when mapping data because it helps you create understanding and clarity about your Maps fundamental message now my map at the moment looks really busy so by accessing the properties through that symbology pane I can remove the outline color and start to see the distribution of those building damaged polygons now what I want to do is just focus on the polygons that have a damage that is greater than 14 so by changing anything that's equal or less than 14 two-nil color I then change the context of the data and start to see the underlying message now in pro and map views are available in the content pane and I'll just rename this to my 2d map view because I want to compare between 2d and 3d map views now as we saw before symbolizing data and pro makes visual analysis really easy I can quickly and easily change the appearance of my data to highlight specific information I symbolize 2d data using graduated colors and transparency to highlight changes and I can also extrude 3d data to highlight density where extrusion will add a height element to my symbol I can also overlay data sets on top of one another and then compare the results and as you make changes in Pro you can immediately see the outcomes within the view area now we'll take a look at visualizing and symbolizing data in both a 2d and 3d perspective so I'll just zoom into an earthquake's layer within my map view and by training on that layer I can see the symbols of the earthquakes on the map now it's hundreds and hundreds of dots but I do know that my earthquake flakes Z values so because of this I can convert my entire project well my entire map into a 3d scene by converting to a 3d scene I get the capability to start to pan and zoom and tilt my map and see the underlying either height or depth within my data now just using the appearance I can also clear the visibility range that way I'm not constrained by any scale limitations now for this I'll just change the name that way I can see the 2d as well as the 3d map views and what I can do is also choose to change this to a local scene so scenes can be viewed either at a global scale or a local scale to see just the extent of the data that I have on my map view now because my earthquakes layer is said enabled I want to allow navigation below ground and I also want to add an elevation source so I can actually look at the terrain of the data within my map so by adding that elevation layer we'll see shortly that I can start to tilt and navigate around the scene and look at the topography and the terrain now I also have an existing style or layer file and this layer file contains specific symbology to view my 3d layers as I mentioned before and how you symbolize or color your map is really going to influence the data and the story you want to tell now in looking at the magnitude of the earthquakes and using the explore tool I can start to pan and zoom and tilt my map by tilting I see the terrain and I can also see all of the earthquake data and below the steps of the ground I didn't get a little too far when I make this I do apologize for that but I can see as I'm panning and zooming just the different angles when I'm looking at that 3d scene now this is really taking advantage of the 64-bit processing by symbolizing my 3d data and then starting to pan and zoom now another thing that I really like about Pro is get to link the views so by linking the views it means that as I pan or zoom across one map I pan and zoom across the other map automatically because both of these views are linked now notice the little chain link that appeared in the top left corner of the little View tab and as I pan and zoom across my 2d or 3d it automatically updates in the secondary view and just notice how quickly that draws as well again taking advantage of that 64-bit processing the workflow for editing in pro is very simple whether you're creating new features or modifying existing ones by default editing is always enabled in pro and you can edit both 2d and 3d data using the same basic workflows now the Edit tab provides quick access to 2d and 3d editing tools whether you're creating or modifying feature layers or feature services the create features pane enables you to choose a feature template and create a feature or the modified features pane enables tools that amend features you can also choose to create features that share many of the same attributes using the active template page so now we'll go through an editing exercise for both 2d and 3d data and again using just one tool the explore tool I can click on a feature and it identifies the attributes that are at that feature so you don't have multiple tools to do multiple interactions it's one tool for many things now what I want to do is create a new station feature on my map and by clicking on the Edit tab I can see the different groups of tools now the create features pane opens up on the right and I can see my future templates as well as each of the create features tools that are available for each template now before I create a feature I can choose to update existing attributes or add new similar attributes by using the active template pane now note that with the pain on the right hand side that active template is directly linked to the specific feature we're creating and as I'm updating those just take a moment to look up at the Edit tab you see the various groups of tools that are available to you tools to manage edits quickly access snapping choose to create and modify features I love as an elevation stretcher for um zid enabled data now once I've updated those attributes I simply select a tool to create the feature and I can either click on the map at the feature but because I have the absolute X&Y the UTM for this I can just right click not choose the absolute XY add the specific coordinate and press Enter now once I've added that you see the new features been added and just to the bottom of those earthquakes and using the Explorer tool I can see that all of my attributes have been added there now editing is 3 in 3d is much the same just by using that editing tool but before I start to edit I just want to change the color scheme for the current symbols now I'm doing this just to change to a purple to blue green so that when I add a new feature it stands out against my existing features I'll make sure that my selection color is a bright pink that way when I add it you can see the new feature on the map and once I change the symbology it's the same access to create features pane select the specific future template select the tool and then choose to either click on the map or add an absolute XY if you know it now you'll see once I hit enter and the new feature is automatically added again to my view so I can see it as I update it now I'll explore and earlier I had added a depth with Z value yet so by navigating under the terrain I can also see the depths of that new feature now the analysis tab houses arctoolbox and enables access to the most commonly used analysis tools as well as geoprocessing options through a new and easy to navigate interface now a search function enables you to find a tool and the toolboxes are categorized based on their function so you can search for and find them by function a geoprocessing tool pane opens on the side of the application so that you can see your data as you set the parameters of the tool now after you run a tool the geoprocessing pain remains open with all the variables that you said earlier still present if you want to run the tool again with different inputs simply change your parameters and choose to run again now you still have access to model builder to string several geoprocessing tools together into a workflow as well as python for scripting and those tools are available under the analysis tab within the geoprocessing group now for analysis the first thing I want to do is just quickly change my elevation and produce a hill shade now note the context menu that's come up for my raster layer and under the appearance I'll choose the raster functions search for the hill shade to add my elevation and quickly run on that tool to produce a hill shade output now the hill shade is going to be used for better context for my analysis and I'll turn on the major source layer so that I can see where those faults lie against the hill shade now what I want to do is run some analysis based on the epicenter of specific earthquake and what I'll be doing is creating outputs to show em how far shockwaves or tiny rays travel now to change the symbology of the epicenter base so that it stands more and they can be the focal point of my processing and my analysis I'm happy with that symbology so what I'll do is access the toolbox under analysis and the geoprocessing cane opened on the right now I want to create a multi ring buffer to show just how far my waves travel I notice that within the geoprocessing pane I have the parameters as well as the environment options I'll quickly update the environments before I choose to run the tool with my specified parameters now an input feature is the epicenter since that's the focal point of my analysis and not that the output feature class is going to be written to the default geodatabase that was created when I created my project and the folder structure now what I'm doing is creating an output for primary waves and these travel quickly and fairly far out from the epicenter after the initial earthquake has occurred now I'll quickly run the tool and I'll get an output and that's immediately added to my map so what my output there and again what I want to do is change that symbology or the appearance of that so that I can see just how far each section of those waves travels I honestly think symbology is probably my favorite section of them using Pro so you'll find me going on and on about changing colors as well as comparing results using deep transparency I reversed that order so that you can see that the more intense waves at the center and increased transparencies that I can see just how far those waves travel from the epicenter again in comparison to my hillshade and my fault lines now notice how the geoprocessing pane has remained open on the right and I simply change the parameters so the output feature class name as well as the distances and very quickly run that tool again now this is reducing any processing or analysis time without having to open multiple windows back and forth and just using the axis of the panes now again I'll change the symbology I'll use graduated colors but this time I'll use a different color scheme to represent my shock waves now these don't travel as far out as primary waves but they are more intense so by reversing that color order I can then see where the most damage would occur to buildings based again on those secondary or shock waves by turning on both layers against my hillshade as well as my major faults I see just how far and the waves travel as well as the amount of damage that can result from those waves I mentioned before about analysis in 3d so within my 3d scene I'm just adding the building damage layer and to the 3d layers again I'll quickly change the symbology so that we can see the color of these on buildings once I run an extrusion exercise I'm quite happy with that color scheme the purple to red and by removing the outline I get to just concentrate on the data that actually is relevant to my map and not the amout line of polygons so again under the appearance I select the minimum height for extrusion and then I multiply the damaged area by 25 to add a height element to my output now by quickly running that tool again taking advantage of my 64-bit processing I get an output literally within seconds and I get to start to tilt and view around my scene and to see my output and what I really like about running this extrusion is that I actually get to visually analyze my data I can see that the data and the toll of the building the more intensity building damages now octave Pro offers several ways to share your maps and data and analysis results either digitally or in print now the most traditional way that we're used to sharing our maps is as printed maps and in our case Pro you can create layouts for export to a PDF file or create packages to share layers maps and entire projects digitally now Pro also allows you to share the map directly to the web as a web map or layer and that takes advantage of your web GIS enabled capability whether you want to share maps or entire projects to your organization's ArcGIS online or to your enterprise portal now we'll quickly go through a package exercise and I'll show you the different options for packaging so with a 2d map view you get to either package a whole project or map you can share web maps and web layers or you can choose to export again to PDF file format it's the same for 3d web scenes package a map or share a web scene to your organization's portal or online or export the map to a PDF file now earlier I had created a layout so when I add this layout to pro it comes up as in layout view now mayor view is very similar to layouts and arcmap and I get to view my layout the way I would as a 2d printed map now layouts can contain multiple map views within them as well as maps around so my text my North arrow scale and legend and what I'll do is I'll just export this to PDF format to share with my colleagues for a result for a report that she's creating quickly exporting that to PDF format I can then share that with my colleague for example via email now I will be out of the office for a couple of days and since I've started creating a new project based on an existing map document I want to share the entire project and folder structure now the package project pane allows me to upload my package to an online account or to save the package to file similar to publishing you simply add a main a summary and some tags and you can choose to share it to your artists online either to your entire organization or to specify groups or to the public now in this instance I've chosen to save the package to file and I'll just put it on an organization's network my colleagues have access to arcgis pro so they'll just be able to access that and then open up the package now at this point I'm really hoping everyone's super keen and wants to know how do I access protocol started well in three simple steps you'll be up and running now you can access arcgis pro software through your organization's my ESRI software downloads but if you're not part of an organization you can get access to Pro to an ArcGIS desktop trial now if you or your organization have maintained desktop licenses then you already have access to access pro named user entitlements simply create a new area user name or use your existing user name and then have your pro Commission's entitled and added to your user name once you've downloaded and installed the software sign into pro and you're ready to go pro now we'll just recap on some of the points that we went over today and the first is that our Chiu's Pro is a web GIS connected and enabled application access your organization's existing objects online or portal data you can easily import existing MXD map documents and data interpret you can also choose to link maps and scenes for side-by-side comparison and when you're ready to share you have many many options to choose the right sharing method to suit your audience now you can access pro by your organization's ArcGIS online or portal and if you have maintained desktop licenses you're ready to go pro now I hand back to Laura and see if we have any questions Thank You Todd and that was great I'm really comprehensive and a good basic overview especially for someone like me who uses a lot of back nap or used to so we do have a couple of questions that have come in but there's still time if you do have a burning question you want to ask please do do so through the questions pane and but this is a start um Daniel's asked what happened to all my arcmap symbols in that Jasper and that's a really great question actually so fewer symbols were included in the address Pro installation to keep it small and fast but they aren't gone forever and you can import your style files from arcmap using the import button in the Styles section you can also import the LGS Pro versions of these symbols from artists online but there's a portal tab in the project pane and you can simply just search search for style X and they'll come up okay great and we have a question from Jay he asks um how hard is it to convert existing Python scripts in ArcGIS desktop into a Python script used for pro it's a really great question um it's not difficult at all you should be able to import and use the Python script again in pro now there's a more comprehensive and detailed answer if you go to the frequently asked questions that does give more context about specifics for the type of script you're using but it's very easy use simply import your script into Pro and you're ready to go okay so that frequently asked questions is that on that Ezra Australia page the frequently asked questions is actually under the Pro rjs comm there's a frequently asked questions section there oh great we might send a link to Jay so he can find that easily so okay so another another questions come through from Stuart and he asked and I have a single use license so how do I access arcgis pro it's a really really good question so with single youth licenses you get access to an end-user entitlement as well as the same level of arcgis pro so what you do is go to your organization's ArcGIS online account and under manage licenses you just assign the pro license to your username now your pro license will come at the same level of your desktop single use license so if you have the basic standard advanced you'd have the same level for your Pro once you've assigned it you just simply install and open a Pro and sign in with that username okay great okay and one last question about coming through from Kate so so obviously Pro users and you can do and use 2d and 3d data and the question is is the 3d analyst extension required for arcgis pro if you're working with 3d maps and my out it's a really good question actually and the short answer is no you don't have to have the 3d analyst extension but you can still navigate author and edit and share 3d scenes and maps now you'd want to use a 3d analyst extension only if you're performing 3d analysis so if you have a specific need to run a geoprocessing tool in there 3d analyst toolbox then you'd need the 3d analyst extension for all of the um processes and analysis I did today I didn't have the 3d analyst and extension turned on that was all just inherit as part of Pro ok that's really good to know ok well thank you everyone for your for attending today and for your questions as well just to cover off on what's next so next Thursday we're taking a bit of a look in the utility space but specifically looking at the solution templates that are available through ArcGIS so dance mo our local utilities industry specialists will be joining us so taking us through a practical and workflow for applying one of those solution templates in terms of feedback do please let us know like I mentioned at the start of today the reason we put on today's session was based on your feedback and I really appreciate it I so please fill out the survey let us know what you think but also you can email us at any time at events at ESRI Australia comm delay you also if you do want to re-watch this recording and will maybe share that with your team we will make the recording available shortly on the ESRI Australia events page and in fact you should receive an email with a link to that early next week now before I go I can't not mention Audrey and registrations are now open and it's great to see lots of people are registering so make sure you don't miss out we'll be coming to Melbourne Sydney and Brisbane in August and if you go up online you can have a look at the program we're glad to release a lot of the sessions that will be available including a session by tower around you guess that act G is pro so ty will be taking a bit of a deeper dive into some of the the work flows through pro so you've got the basic so now we're going to start building on that as well so really look forward to seeing you and Audrey so make sure you register so for now I'd just like to thank you again too after today's session and thanks everyone for joining us and we will see you next week
Channel: Esri Australia
Views: 9,130
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Esri Australia, Directions LIVE Online, webinar, ArcGIS Pro
Id: 2s9lPLeUrNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 47sec (1907 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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