Esri Pipeline Webinar Series — Modernizing Pipeline GIS

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[Music] hi I'm Tom Coolidge Ezra's pipeline industry manager along with my colleagues Jeff Allen Vanessa Ramirez and Angela van gay welcome to the second webinar in Ezra's 2017 pipeline webinar series you may have heard that earlier this year as we introduced its new brand the science of where the science of wear reflects Ezra's commitment to Geoscience and to innovating the great technologies that harness it so that you can continue to create the maps that run the global pipeline industry today's seminar focuses on one of those innovations ArcGIS pipeline referencing this webinar is being recorded and will be posted in the next few days you will receive a follow-up email with a link to the recording we hope you'll revisit it to learn more before we get started I would like to encourage you to post your questions in the go-to webinar questions dialog box during the presentation we will answer as many questions as time permits after the webinar now please welcome my colleague Jeff Allen thank you Tom thanks everybody for joining us this morning I have a couple of slides here we're going to go through before we get into the actual demonstration of APR but just to kind of set the stage of why we develop APR and where we're heading with our technology in the pipeline industry really every is has taken a new focus looking at the entire lifecycle within a pipeline organization so traditionally we've we've really focused on the asset management group in the pipeline integrity group probably two largest consumers of GIS data within the organization but we see that really expanding out to the rest of the groups so we now see more adoption and things like asset operations with our mobile computing inspections workforce applications folks in the HS and E looking at workflows that you utilize GIS business management as well as the upstream looking at new pipelines being developed the planning the right away in the engineering so all of these groups within the pipeline organization really pull from a common set of data the common center or the single set of truths about those pipeline assets and so we commonly refer to that as our system of record so the system of record is not only the GIS but all those other interconnected systems within the pipeline organization that hold key elements or key data about the pipeline assets and their operations so the jas tends to be at the center managing location about those assets these other systems of record are also integral in to making decisions about the pipeline operations so within that GIS core is where we really focus our our development efforts related to APR so what is our chess pipeline referencing APR simply is a core linear management system built into the core of the ESRI technology so it's not a pipeline data model per se but a core location model to do linear referencing within the enterprise geo database it allows us to create center lines manage routes and then manage the point in linear events that sit on top of those routes APL really focuses on your GIS professionals the folks within the organization that are editing and maintaining the pipeline databases within the GIS so in that to that end there's a number of tools that are built into our new ArcGIS online pro product to be able to manage routes and then a web editing tool to be able to manage the event along those routes but one of the key features of APR is that actually create feature classes within the enterprise geo database that can be easily shared with the rest of the organization through technology like portal so once data is been created using the APR to live in because inside a web map and then a web map can be published to your organization it can be used through web applications as well as our mobile computing platform so let's take a dive and see what is actually embedded inside of the ArcGIS pipeline referencing tool box so as I mentioned it's a core data management tool for editing linear data so obviously data management there's a huge component of it so the editing of the routes and editing of the events along those routes we've also included it within that some quality control and workflow functionality as well I also mentioned the information model so the information model is a core set of tables that are embedded into geo database to help you manage those routes and event along those routes we also include an extension for server that allows web services arrest endpoints exposure on the server and this is what our event editing tool takes advantage of it could also be used to enable other web applications to consume linear reference functionality as well and then finally a number of geoprocessing tools that can use for date bulk data loading data transformation basically anything you can do with a single click in the desktop editing environment you can do in batch to geoprocessing tools which that can be consumed inside of us a Python application or model builder application so here's that location Chim model I was referencing so these are the core set of feature classes and tables that are required for APR to be able to function in the geo database it starts with a center line the center line being that geographic location of where that pipeline exists on the face of the earth from there Center lines are consumed in two routes or in routes are also part of a network a network basically is a common set of measuring measuring system for a pipeline so engineering stationing would be in that work continuous station might be a separate network model posting might be its own network or domitor readings could be its own network inside of those networks we have routes routes or that common set of pipeline attributes or pipeline the way we organize a pipeline in the pipeline database within those networks and then we calibrate those routes using a point feature class called calibration point feature class so the routes end up becoming a measured polyline in the geo database and that measured polyline is actually created by a combination of that central line object and those calibration points along that center line I will show you this in more detail when we get to a demo portion of the webinar as I mentioned the main editing the route editing tools have been built to work inside of our ArcGIS Pro environment so when you're in the Pro environment and you add data to the map you'll get a new location referencing ribbon and this ribbon is where we do most of our route editing or all our route editing operations against the network's and again we'll show you this in more detail when we get to the demo itself and then finally we have a web application that is used to edit the events along the pipeline centerline so we split out the editing environment so we do some desktop editing on the desktop we do the route editing the route calibration oh we're actually placing events in linear point event along those pipelines we do that through a web application so this is html5 JavaScript application that's taking advantage server extension can be a standalone or it can be registered with the portal itself and so in this application the advantage here is that you could actually publish multiple versions of this application that to different constituents within the organization that might be editing different types of data so I might be publishing all my facilities to my jazz group so they can enter all the pipe the case in the encoding but I might have a separate web map that's used for my Tegrity departments who's placing things like maop class HD a range that's along those pipelines so the advantage of this is you can kind of spit up the split up the editing workflow and also push some of those edits to folks that aren't necessarily desktop users or jests professionals so let's take a I'll step back and see how the whole ecosystem of the arcjet pipeline referencing works as I mentioned we have those core components the route editor the event editor the server extension the geoprocessing tools we also ship with the product three additional extensions one is the ArcGIS data reviewer this is important because we took all the data QA QC checks that the tool would perform and actually put them into the data reviewer tool so the linear referencing checks are now embedded into data review with all the other data checks that data review are provided the key to this is that you can actually point data reviewer not only to the enterprise geo database but also to other incoming data sets you might receive say from a survey contractor so you can do your data QA QC checks on a say a file geodatabase as receipt you from the survey contractor check it there and then load it into the enterprise to your database we also ship ArcGIS workflow manager this is really used for those longer workflows a pipeline editing cycle so we might do be doing a reroute that would constitute doing the rewrite online adding facility details to that line doing an MAO PE calculation on the new rerouted section may be potentially a class for an HCA calculation that long workflow that might cover a week or a month to take place with inside the database could be all tracked and managed with the workflow manager and then finally we've also added a we've also included as a reproduction mapping this is be utilized for say those wall maps and system maps we want to produce from this data to distribute to the organization now along with the software components there's also other key components that you would want to take advantage of when using our chess pipeline referencing the largest one being our partner solutions and services so although we're doing some of the editing in the core ESRI environment we still have a number of different partner applications that are supportive of this workflow things like calamity generation risk calculations ma AP class D ot reporting all those things our partner solutions that plug into the stack and utilize our chest pipeline referencing to retrieve its data for those analytical calculations now our chess pipeline referencing can be used with a number of the industry data standard data models so we've been working with pods to have a new version the next generation of pods which will have the APR tables embedded into them as well as the utility and pipeline data model that you can download from ESRI this also has the APR artists pipeline referencing core tables embedded into it as well you'll hear I start talking more or more about ArcGIS utility network this is the next generation of our geometric network or utility network tools also these will be available in pro and as we move forward a number of our pipeline operators that manage both distribution and transmission or transmission and gathering or all three could utilize a mixture of linear referencing and utility or networking within the same core data model and then finally we have the rich online content and services that you can consume with our platform so not only can you edit the pipelines with our chests by by referencing which you can pull in a whole host of data from our online store or living Atlas to help with that data workflow and so from this ecosystem then we have a number of different folks that would plug into this obviously the GIS professionals that are doing the heavy editing but also developers can take advantage of the rest endpoints and the server extension to write additional applications using this functionality with the knowledge workers that are pulling information from this core system the field crews that could take advantage of linear referencing in the mobile environment as well as decision-makers in the organization we're using GIS to make those daily decisions about the operations so with that we're going to turn it over to Vanessa who is going to show us a demo of AP are both on the desktop in the web editor with that I'll turn it over to Vanessa thank you Jeff so I'm just going to pop over here and hopefully everybody can see my screen and so I really didn't want to talk about I want to start with talking about that core information model that Jeff was describing because I think this is a really important concept so what I've done is I've actually taken a blank file geodatabase and I have actually enabled the linear referencing capabilities on it so we can actually see the AL RS being enabled and that l RS actually manages both are continuous and our station series network right so we have multiple networks that can actually participate within the l RS and you'll notice within this database the core tables that Jeff was describing we have our calibration points we have our center line and then we actually have our network which houses our routes and then if we drill a little bit further our networks can actually contain events so if I clear be associate have events associated to them I should say so when I click on the station series Network for example you'll see that I have pipe and valve events that are associated with that network and again these are all highlighted or shown as simple features within the geo database right so it's not really a special object within catalog it's just a class now the reason I did this in a blank to your database was to kind of show you just the inform a isolate the information model but presumably you're going to be using this for the larger data model so for example if I click on my enterprise connection here in this case I'm using UTM so the ESRI you PDM data model is providing a lot of the structure within the database but I still have that core al RS functionality and those core tables now in this particular case I have three networks but today we're going to focus on the station series network which in my example has quite a few different types of events associated with it so each of these events is within the data model as an actual feature class now the reason I'm showing you this in our catalog is that at the first release of a PR setting up the LRS and some of the initial data loading actually happens within arcmap and our catalog however all of the data editing and all of your edit we'll actually utilize the tool within ArcGIS pro so for those of you that are not familiar with ArcGIS pro this is our next-generation desktop software and like Jeff mentioned has this ribbon based contextual interface so what do I really mean by that so if we look at that same Apr information model database that simple database we got at first and we grabbed the center line remember this is a feature class managed by APR when I drag this into my map and I'm going to be appearance tab will appear so I'm actually going to change this really quickly to reflect a slightly different symbol not going to worry too much about what it is just want to make sure you guys can see it and then one thing I want you to notice is that the location referencing toolbar has appeared so Pro is intelligent enough to recognize that a PR managed data has been added to the map and it actually triggers this particular toolbar so I just wanted to show you guys how that functionality isn't enabled but for the purposes of our demo here today I'm actually going to use our data coming from you PDM because it's a little bit more complete so in this case I have my station series network and I have it symbolized based on the commodity type like you can see in the table of contents right so what I want to walk through today is what it would look like to add a new route to this particular network so for example let's say we have a new gathering field and we need to connect to it right we need to add a lateral that will connect us that gathering field presumably we'd have some sort of shapefile or feature class that contains that geometry might come from the field it might have been digitized whatever the case may be so I have the survey data geo database I can actually drag and drop that lateral onto the map and I'll actually see the location so let's zoom a little bit closer and maybe make the appearance a bit easier to see so I'm going to come in here and change my appearance again we'll make our symbol a ramp again just for simplicity okay so now what I'm really looking at is I've just got the geometry for this new line and then you notice as I zoomed in some additional layers came on so I have valve events and pipe events which I'm actually going to turn off for the time being then I also have station C my calibration points and my network but if you remember just mention that all of the networks are driven by a single underlying centerline so there's really one single centerline feature class that's actually driving everything all of the networks and keeping them in sync so what I'm going to do the first thing I need to do is actually incorporate this particular segment into my centerline feature class so I can do that using the traditional editing tools I'll come to edit and select the segments and in this case I actually have two small segments and then I can do a simple copy and paste into that centerline layer so it will ask for the target layer we'll say it's the center line and it'll paste those features taking them out or popping them to the underlying center line so now we can remove the data set from the field and you'll see it's now part it now corresponds to that underlying centerline now keep in mind this center line is just geometry it does not have any measure values and actually has no attributes with it either it's just simple geometry so the next thing I want to do is actually incorporate this into my station series network so I actually want to put some measure values on this particular line turn it into a route so for that I'll go to the location referencing toolbar and I'm going to trigger the create a route tool the first thing it's going to ask me is what network is going to participate in so for the in this example we're just going to stick with the station series network and then I'll be asked to provide a route name so a route name is required by 8 our and routes can roll up into lines so I'm just going to call this webinar March 2017 and then our line can be webinar series and then everything in Apr is time and abled like you'll see later in the demo so everything has a date associated with it so in this case I'm actually going to set this to March 15 and then the next thing I need to do is provide the from and to measure for the route that's supposed to be created so I can actually use the to centerline tool to select the segments on the map so using the shift key I can select multiple segments and actually see the direction in which the route will flow now this is based on the direction in which the lines were digitized so if you wanted to reverse this direction you would actually have to reverse the digitizing on the line now from what I selected on the map it's created a from and to measure but let's say I knew the true measure in so let's say I knew they were really 78,000 feet of pipe in the ground I could actually type in that measure and have the line calibrate according to the beginning and end now in this case I've chosen to include a few attributes it's up to you whether you include attributes in which attributes you include this is set up in the configuration so in this case I'm going to say this is a transmission line it's moving crude oil and it's an onshore line so I can go ahead and run that tool and that will actually create two things it will create a route within my Station series network and then it will create two calibration points one at the beginning of the route and one at the end of the row so it's really just calibrated the line based off of that beginning and calibration point now in reality you probably want to have additional calibration points so for example we may want a calibration point at every Bend so if that's the case perhaps we have more survey data from the field so we have calibration points that have been collected via GPS I can actually drag and drop them on the map and see that they correspond to the various bends so in order to recalibrate our line what we really need to do is incorporate these calibration points from the field with that core calibration points table with that station serious calibration points now before we can do that we need to tell a PR which route these calibration points are associated with so I'm actually going to click on this particular route and grab this route ID and copy it so I can match that to my calibration points so I'll open up the calibration points coming from the field and that you'll notice they have a route ID so I will actually calculate this field to update the value to reflect the correct route within my GIS so I'm going to go ahead and just paste that value in here and actually run the tool and when I do that those values will update so now I'm ready to actually bring those calibration points into that greater feature class so for that I can use the out-of-the-box a pen tool so the append tool will simply take features from one data set and input them into another so my input is going to be the whole Dale calibration point and my target data set is going to be the station series calibration points so when I run that tool you'll actually see those measure values appear on the map and if I remove the field based calibration points you can now see I have all these new calibration points within that core table now what I've done so far is just add the calibration points I have not actually recalibrated the line so in order to do that I'll run what we call the generate route tool which is specific to a PR so I'll actually open up that tool and it'll ask me to input which route I would like to calibrate now if I don't make a selection on the map it will run it on the entire network so what I wanted to do is actually select the particular route that I'm trying to recalibrate and then ask it to recalibrate the station series Network so when I do that I can actually run the tool and it will recalibrate based on the calibration points that I've added so I can then you go to location referencing and use my identify routes tool to click anywhere along the map and actually see that measure value right so we now have a polyline em within the database that's been calibrated based on those calibration points that were brought in from the field so just to recap we've taken a feature class incorporated it to the underlying center line and then created a route off of that and calibrated it using a set of calibration points so really that wraps up the route editing piece that I want to show you within ArcGIS pro so I'm going to go ahead and actually save my edits this will save my new route now if you remember I had a linear event that was the pipe event as well as a point event that were the valves represented on my map so I actually want to go create events on this route or perhaps somebody else in my organization is going to create events on this route so that's actually done through the event editor so the event editor is a web application that dedicated purpose is to create events along the route so if we zoom to that area of interest we should see that line or that route that we just created within ArcGIS Pro so remember this is all connecting to my central UPD M database so everything stays in sync I hope my table of contents you'll see that in this case I'm editing all my events through a single event editor however this could be broken out the way Jeff described by different groups so if you'll notice I have just the network and I need to add the pipe and the valve as well so I'm going to walk you through how to add both point and line events well come up to the Edit tab and I want to create a new point event this will take me to a wizard to walk me through how to do that the first thing I have to select is what type of event would I like to create so we're going to create a valve on station series Network and then it's going to ask me the name of the route I can either type this in I don't quite remember what I put in for the name so we're actually just going to select it using the map I don't populate that information and then it will ask me what my method for locating it is so we can use offsets but in this case we're just going to stick with a station in series Network and then it asked me to provide a measure if I had a measure I could actually place it in or I could click on the map and have it derive the measure from the geometry so I'm just going to drop the valve in the middle of the line there and then the last thing is if you remember everything is time enabled so it's going to ask me for a start date on that particular valve I want to use the same date as the route because I want everything to stay consistent with respect to construction so I'll hit next and it'll ask me to fill out all of the attributes for that particular valve so this is actually coming from my data model in this case I'm not going to go through and fill everything out but I will give it a facility ID so that we can find it later in the demo so we'll call it hall-dale 200 and then actually save that particular point event so that gets saved back to my database now creating a linear event is quite similar there's just one key distinction of functionality in APR that I want to highlight again we'll work off of our station series network and the line name can be selected from the map but the main difference here is you'll notice I have a from route and to route so in a PR events can actually span route so for example I might have a pipe event or an maop event that would span multiple routes I could actually account for that in this case I'm just going to stick to a single route so again I'll select using a map and then I'll say I want the met to start measure to be the route start and then the to route is going to be the same route but in this case we're going to use the route end so essentially we're saying apply this pipe event to the entire length of this route I'll push my start date because the fifteenth and then I'll hit next and I'll be met with a series of attributes so I'm going to say I have an outside diameter of 20 my pipe grade is and next let's go back to our wall thickness to 0.20 three and my manufacturer is u.s. steel so I'll save those events for that event I should say and we now see that event on the map now there may be situations in which you want to edit more than one event at one time so what you can do is actually select the layer you want to work with so in this case let's stick with our valves and then select via our rectangle so I can drag and drop a box and have a tabular form appear where I can actually do inline editing and make changes to the data in bulk there's also a calculator that allows me to change a whole attribute for an area at a time right so bulk calculations similar to what you may be used to in desktop so really the event editor is your primary place for doing all of the event editing that corresponds to the routes being edited in pro that being said let's actually return to pro and refresh our database connection so we can see what's been created inside the event editor so I'll come to my connection and then actually refresh and when I do that I see both my pipe with the attributes that I've entered and the valve with that valve ID incorporated into my into my data now this will become more important as we continue through the demo but notice at the top I actually have a time slider so right now I'm viewing the time period from March 2nd to March 26th if you recall all of this was created on March 15th if I was to move back in time all of this information with the would disappear I don't have time enabled on my calibration points this is why you see that but so we return roughly to that time frame you'll see that information so everything is temporal and can be visualized using the time slider okay now I'm going to actually turn off my events here for a second and just in my calibration points and actually just focus on our route so now let's say that for some reason there's either a wetland here or we've had a landowner we've had to renegotiate for some reason we actually have to reroute this particular portion of the line I want to walk you through how you would do that in APR so again I have a reroute feature class coming in from the field I can actually drop that on the map again will tweak the appearance to make it a little bit easier to see and just like last time the first thing we need to do is incorporate it into the underlying centerline feature class so I can go up to my edit tab I can select that particular segment and again do a copy and then paste into that centerline layer will clear our selection remove the field data and you now see it's incorporated to the underlying centerline now this time we're not actually going to create a new route we actually want to do what we call a real line so we want to move the location the route so for that we have a real line tool so I'll launch that and just like you see throughout the system it'll ask me which network are you working with and what's your effective date so we're going to make that reroute effective today and then it will ask me to select the route I can actually use that to center line tool again to select my new route and have it automatically populate this for me so what's the route that's being realigned and and what's the from and to measure for that realignment now there's a couple checkboxes here that are key the first is this reassigned to abandon route we do not want these measures to be reassigned to the abandoned route so we're actually going to uncheck that box the other is recalibrate the route downstream if we leave this check a PR will automatically recalibrate all of these measures but we actually don't want to do that we want to retain the measure values for this portion of the route so we'll go ahead and run that tool and I'll get a quick warning telling me that a new route will be created in a realigned portion which is what we would expect right we want to see a route that constitutes this so that's fine and then I'll be asked to give that route and name so we'll call it webinar new route and give it the attributes like we have throughout the demo so crude oil and onshore actually go ahead and run that tool now the results initially may appear like nothing is happening but keep in mind our time is stopped at the 25th so what I'm going to do is close down our time window and actually move us to the 31st where you'll actually see that that route has changed so if we click off the underlying centerline and I identify you'll see two segments two routes one that represents the new realigned portion and then the initial downstream portion of the route so going back in time I am if we go to the twenty second for example we actually see the original route right so everything is temporal and we can kind of have that history for our route now that history is also relevant for our events so for example if I turn my pipe and valve layers back on you'll notice okay this is where they were on the 22nd but we're going to notice something a little bit odd as I move to the 31st I see my reroute but those events actually have not been updated so we need to run one more tool to actually apply the event behaviors to the real line that we performed so if we return to the geoprocessing we can find a tool called apply event behaviors and again what we want to do is select all the routes that we want to run this for so I'm going to expand this time frame so we can grab all the routes I'm going to select the route this is in that particular area and then tell it to apply the event behaviors to all all the routes selected in the station series Network so it's going to take a second for it to figure out which routes it's working with and what the event behaviors it needs to update are and once it gets all the parameters I'll be able to run the tool and show you temporally what happens with the events okay so let's clear our selection so now our time window is let's reduce our time window again so if we go back to the 15th we had that one pipe event that spanned the entire route but as we move forward to when we reroute it on the 30th so if we move to the 31st you'll now see that that valve has actually disappeared because it's been retired and that that pipe event has been split so the pipe event is retained for the original portions of the route but the rerouted piece does not have a pipe event on it so we've actually split that event using the event behaviors so really just to recap because I know we've covered a lot so we've incorporated data from the field into our underlying center line made that a part of our network calibrated that route and then created events on it then we actually rerouted that particular route and applied the event behaviors to see how our events behave in in the wake of changes to that particular route now keep in mind that everything we've shown you today has been simple features everything is just feature classes so I could very easily come up to the share tab and say I'd like to share this as a web map so I can share this linear reference enterprise data up to my portal for others to consume and I won't walk you through the publication process today but what I will show you is what that end result looks like so I could come to my portal and click on a facilities map that would have all of my a PR data in it and if you'll notice there's actually our new route right there and we can actually search for that Valve that we created so you could type in whole Vale 200 and then it would actually zoom us to that location I'm going to zoom out a few clicks since we're a bit close but you can actually see the valve and its location on that route so everything is connected to that single source of truth that's managed by APR so hopefully that kind of shows you some of the functionality that's available within APR and with that I will hand it back to Jeff to talk about some of the components excellent Thank You Vanessa so what we showed you today was a number of different applications working together in ArcGIS platform so we showed you pro doing the editing for the routes and the calibration of center lines we also showed you arcmap and our catalog that we're doing the initial bit setup of the linear referencing system the configuration so both of those tools were configured to point directly to the enterprise geo database but then as we moved into the portal or the event editor application we're actually using ArcGIS server with the event editor registered with the portal so it's a web server it's the portal application and then it's the Enterprise Server federated together with our portal so those are really the the API really does cover a lot of the stack from ESRI and a lot of moving components so we have professional services that can also help with setting up this environment as well as number of business partners that have been doing a PR implementations for a number of our customers but this is basically the deployment pattern for a PR within your existing ESRI framework and then finally what I wanted to kind of bring to your attention is everything that we showed you today was actually configured not customized so the API allows you a lot of flexibility to go into our catalog to go into the web map and configure your facility viewer and configure those event layers exactly how you need them for your organization if you have additional requirements for additional events or different additional attributes on those events it's easily done through the catalog window and Enterprise geo database and then the APR to will pick up those changes and reflect them in the editing interface as well same with the publishing and the consuming of that data through the portal all that's done through a configure first customized second methodology as we move forward with the platform and with that that concludes the demo portion and the slides portion of our presentation and I'm going to hand it back to Tom to feel some questions Tom yeah hey Jeff thanks a lot we did get a handful of questions so let's start walking through those Anjali if you wouldn't mind taking the lead on answering these we'd appreciate it the first couple have to do with licensing for ArcGIS data reviewer and workflow manager features do these extensions require a licensing for those tools separately or is that license included in a PR ArcGIS data reviewer and Polk flow manager is included along with our GIS pipeline referencing license so one she covers all of those yes okay then a separate question came in is the APR to LaVon all license levels of our GIS desktop ArcGIS pipeline referencing extension will need either standard or advanced licenses ok standard or advanced ok the next question refers back to our current documentation in there there's a statement ArcGIS desktop location referencing that DLL does not have a public API and is currently for ESRI internal use only is there a plan for this to change and if so when so at this current release we do not have API for the desktop level however we provide API at the server level web developers can leverage the linear referencing web services to augment existing applications or build new ones that incorporate linear referencing functionality and data this is available at obvious pie blind referencing for server we do not support as of this current release the API at the desktop level okay the next question is can we import events in from say an Excel table with measured distances the answer is yes we have geoprocessing tools called append events provided the users has route ID information and measures they can use append event to your processing tools to load bulk event data okay then next our measures between calibration points interpolated on the basis of 2d length or 3d length assuming of course the center lines of disease at the current release we support the calibration the calibration points interpolated on the basis of 2d length only in the future release we are in the in the future releases we are considering the support of 3d however at this release the calibration points are interpolated purely on the basis of 2d length okay then there was a question related to Vanessa's towards the end of Vanessa's Demons demonstration and the question is why would you not recalc measures for the downstream center line on the realignment you just did we may need to revisit that if you're not recalling at what point in the demonstration that was done or Vanessa if you do perhaps yeah so Tom I can I can grab that one so in that in that process basically at the end of that reroute when we didn't push the changes downstream we basically create an equation so a lot of pipeline operators still use equations quite frequently under the pipeline data model so we have the ability to either create that equation which would hold the original measure values on the downstream segment or some operators and you know like to push those changes out for the rest of that route you have that checkbox option you can either create the equation which would maintain the original stationing of the downstream segment or push that change in length through the rest of the route okay and just let's stay with you for this next one because I know it's something you've thought about a lot but the question is please comment on inline inspection bulk load to UPD m and related tools and workflow is this functionality included in AP R or in portal event editor or is working with a every business partner required for ili upload functionality so a couple things we have a another demo where we show bulk loading ili data into ap R and what we did for that demo is we actually created a third network called odometer readings and we calibrated that route to reflect the odometer readings themselves and then what we did was we directly loaded from the Excel spreadsheet into that feature into that iolite feature class using the odometer reading as our measure down the pipeline and then from there we could convert from that odometer to engineering stationing by just using the AP R to London figuration method an additional configuration method would be to potentially utilize is some type of process to stretch an align that data calculate an engineering station and then bulk load those engineering stations into the station series network so a PR doesn't really prescribe a method but it gives you a number of different options to deal with ili data most of the business partners from Ezra who have tools that deal with Eyal idea are also investigating methods of how they quickly APR into their tool sets so I would encourage anyone that has any interest in this to to reach out to to myself directly or Vanessa directly or to contact the business partners are currently working with with ili data to discuss support for APR going forward thanks Jeff Anjali back to you the next question is what if you have temporal information for the same point event for example can you see it all at the same time using ArcGIS Pro you can see all the data if you've removed the time awareness that's the property when you right click on the layer go to the properties you can remove the time filter in there and you should be able to see the data at all the time okay and then the next question is can we do image geoprocessing in APR I will have to I don't have to get more details on that question hopefully we could answer that in detail okay there are numbers are our number image processing tools your referencing tools that have been published in the latest version of Pro 1.4 for sure okay so on that question and a few others which appear to probably require more discussion and time than is available we'll get back to those of you who asked those questions I think there's another three or four questions which are reasonably specific or complicated in that regard so as we mentioned earlier a recording of this webinar will be posted in the next few days and you'll receive a follow-up email with a link to the recording and just a reminder APR is being featured at the ESRI petroleum vis conference in Houston April 12 and 13 if you haven't already registered to attend we encourage you to to do so we have a very strong day long pipeline track packed with good presentations from customers and other experts and the list of registrants is already very very strong so if you can join us encourage you to do that a number of us will be there and would be delighted to pick up conversations around APR or anything else we can do to help you implement of the ArcGIS platform folia in your company so thank you very much for attending today's webinar and all of us hope you have a great day thank you you [Music]
Channel: Esri Industries
Views: 7,449
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pipeline, ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing
Id: v9NGwtCWIsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 33sec (3093 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2017
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