Getting started in CARVECO 3D Relief Models, Machining and more

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[Music] hello there this is roger clyde webb and welcome to this cavco friday night tutorial i do plan to uh put out a new tutorial for kavco every friday night to greet you for the weekend so what i'm about to show you can be done in any of the three cavco programs whether it be cafco the main program which i'm using here kafka maker or kavco maker plus so we're going to start off with opening a new model and we're going to say the x is going to be 1 50 and the y we're going to say 200 and we're going to have the orientation in the middle of our material and we're going to take the resolution all the way up because we're going to do a a 3d model and as a matter of course i always put the uh the graphics resolution all the way up to the top because you want the best you can achieve this is a fairly fast computer so that's what i would recommend so we're going to press oh we're working in millimeters so i'm going to press ok so this is our piece of work and we're going to be doing this in the 3d window to switch from 2d window to 3d window it's just these two tags up here so when i'm working with 3d release or multiple 3d release i like to turn on the rulers so i can see exactly where i'm putting things so to do that you come up here to view come down here and turn on rulers so in today's tutorial what we're going to do is put some multiple reliefs this is reliefs within cavco so we're going to open the relief library and then we're going to scroll down actually where we need to go to first i want um dishes so we'll select dishes or bowls and we're going to select this one and bring it over and bring us about in the middle there pretty well bang in the middle we can correct that if we wish and let's zoom out a little bit i'm just going to catch all of the handles here and just roughly take it in because you're doing i what i would call art in this you know you don't you a near sort of uh half millimeter is fine and uh like i just turned the rulers on just now too and you can see exactly you know where you are if you want to be more precise you can put precise numbers in here as in you know with zero center it and what have you but when you're working in wood and you're dealing with art it's uh it's okay to be approximate then we'll say because wood is very very forgiving and that's about 10 millimeters down um that's fine that's fine i just want a bit of a lip around this so let's move this up what i did there to move this in its entirety was uh just press down the left and right mouse key together and you can bodily move it around the screen and like i said in the opening screen of this tutorial what i'm doing you can do in all three programs of cavco so i don't think you can only do this in kafka the main pro program so i'm just a bit happy with that and and if i wanted to be precise i could just by doing this but i like to get a bit of a visual first so i'm gonna say 130 millimeters and i'm going to say 180 is fine zero this is the one i really need to alter and that is i need to come down to i think about 13 millimeters we'll give that a try uh but i'll show you in a minute that you can actually um alter that even after you paste it down so let's change this now to add i want to add this into the material oh just before i do i will alter this i'll be very precise and go zero and zero so it will appear right in the middle and i'm gonna say and now i'm gonna say paste okay so there it is now what i think i'm going to do now we're going to let's for the moment we'll just get rid of that so we get a bit of a bigger screen we can see what we're doing and we're going to go to the isometric view and we'll zoom in on that and it looks a little deep for what we want to do so now this is in maker and also make a plus so i'm going to i'm going to resize that and you can do this after you've pasted it down so what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring this up because it's a bit too deep and we're going to say oh let's say let's be more precise i'm going to go 13 millimeters and we're going to apply that okay so we've applied that um roughly 13 millimeters um like i say we're dealing with wood so it can be very forgiving okay so there it is exactly 13 millimeters no i can have a look right there you can see it's actually dished it in as a dish with a flat bottom an oval dish with a flat bottom which is exactly what we need so what i'm going to do now is choose top so we're looking straight down on it so zoom in a little so we're going to go to our 3d library again and this time we're going to choose something else objects people let's have a look in reliefs so chosen release and i can look through now the entire library of which um i believe there's still over 500 uh reliefs within any of the cavco programs that is free with the uh with the program and of course uh even kavco maker you can manipulate 3d reliefs and multiple 3d release you're not limited you just cannot create a 3d relief you need make a plus or this main cavco program for that so we're scrolling down you can see there's many many different reliefs that you can use um [Music] ah this is what i'm looking for nice young lady so i'm going to put this bang in the middle there i'm going to close that and we're going to make her a little bigger now we know this is a 180 millimeters in length so what we're going to do is turn the lock on just for the the height and the width we're going to separately manipulate the depth so what we're going to say is height now we know that this lip is approximately um 12 millimeters till it goes down to the flat because we've actually set it 13 millimeters deep so that's going to ramp it's going to take the whole uh 12 30 millimeters of ramp down to flat uh however it would be nice to have maybe the peaks of the shoulders or one shoulder sort of starting to come up the rise here which would give more effective the the the young lady being turned on you know sideways slightly um [Music] i find i find that generally works so if we say for the height that we're going to alter that to um should we say 150. and the width will correspondingly come out so we're going to apply that aha there we go and you see what i say about the shoulder the shoulders start to come up the curve and i think we'll just move it over very very slightly so her fringe pad above her head there just comes sort of just off so we're going to catch all of that and we're going to move it slightly like that i believe i can do that yes bit more maybe there and i just want the shoulder to start coming up that ramp there i think it just gives a very good effect and we're going we're going to set it on add because we're actually adding it on to the materials that's in the bottom of this 3d dish i'm going to say paste and there it is that's um let's have a little look here so what i'm doing to move this around in 3d space is i am actually push holding down the scroll wheel and i'm moving it around so now i've taken i've taken my finger off it now using the scroll wheel to scroll in okay so you can see here that it's a little speckly now it's probably not going to machine in but you know you'd be spending a lot of time machining this to find out oh well we probably could have made that a little smoother and there again this tool here smooth relief is in all of the cav code programs so we're live going to manipulate this 3d relief and we're going to just take it down 10 i think that'll actually do it yeah it's softened it a little i don't want to soften it too much i'll actually show you what happens if you soften it too much you tend to lose some of the detail okay now i want to keep the detail and the resolution then so i only gonna i'm going to take out 10 so i could i just knocked it back so i'm going to apply that and close that that is looking okay so now what i want to do is i want to make this into a a plaque but what i want to do is i want to cut this out of the main body of material the same shape as this so what i'm going to do is just get a circle and we're going to be doing this in the 3d window come to the center draw it out roughly i'm going to go roughly 10 millimeters past thereabouts like i say we're dealing with wood here we don't have to be that precise and let's create so then i'm going to go to transform tool and then i'm going to alter the shape of this so it conforms with the shape of the dish um maybe come in a little bit further this will be roughly about 10 but a 10 millimeter border thereabouts okay now the reason i put that there is because i want to be able to cut this out at the very end process because i want a hanging plaque that shape oh incidentally i'll show you something too because i have seen people sort of um say oh we've lost it off the picture like that now if you lose your image and you scroll in and out and you can't find it all you have to do is come up here and press top view and it comes comes back so okay on to machining our 3d relief and then doing a two and a half d uh cut or a profile cut to machine this out of our piece of work so you can get to the tool path several different areas you can either come here or come up here but today i think we'll use this area here and scroll down through and we're going to choose 3d tool path um and what i'm going to do is i'm going to select that in a line and i'm going to open this up and say selected vector inwards all right and if i selected the outwards it would want a machine out here it wouldn't machine that 3d relief at all it would just machine this flat area so we're telling it inside the selected vector so we're going to do a roughing cut first and we will use a oh eight millimeter i think for this is we could go 10 really doesn't matter but i find if you go too large at all and depending on what you are actually machining uh you can actually chip out uh some material that you really want left there to be able to you know run the finishing tool through so we're going to now alter this to our machine step over that's probably i i like to use about three millimeters and step down i will say two feed rate uh i've got us quite a a small 60 40 cnc rotor at the moment so we're going to say 50 millimeters which is about it's about two inches per second uh but there again when you when i go to my controller um to run this i can run it at any percentage all the way down to two percent of whatever i set here if i wish now plunge rate i'm going to say um probably 10 millimeters because uh you know it's a that's a fair fair amount to um ramp in oh yes i'm going to use rampant in a minute fifteen thousand yep that's fine tool number one raster um i think we would do an offset on this one okay i'd like to because it's circular i like to do an offset start inside yes uh outside i'll start outside so in other words it's going to start cutting out here and work its way in okay so cut direction um probably climb milling although both directions wouldn't hurt but i do normally use climb milling um we'll leave that where it is at the moment okay we're going to have ramp moves so it's um this is set up as my normal setting plunge height 10 millimeters well probably okay so i'm going to leave as it everything as it is it's my normal settings save said i normally have the uh saves at about 10 millimeters now it's time to set up the material and it's actually 18 millimeters in thickness so we're going to press ok and we're going to name this tool path so it's that's uh oh i forgot what tool it was it's an eight millimeter h okay so we're going to calculate okay so that's what it will look like something like that [Music] now to do the finishing pass again finish in and we are going to use a ball mill and it's a tapered ball mill two millimeter that'll be fine enough i think i'm going to select that so i'm going to come into here and do our settings now i find i got a really really good result with a 1 5 0.15 takes a little longer but it's a lot nicer a lot better um stepped i'll leave the step down that's okay 50 yeah 50 millimeters fine plunge 12 that'll be okay in this case we're going to go to 20 000 rpm it will only ramp in once into the middle and then it will spiral its way out so although in this case i think it's going to start on the outside and spiral in that's fine everything is fine so um we're going to name this as test cut two and it's a two millimeter bolt ball mill and we're going to press calculate okay so actually what i have done or what i did do is i went and selected the whole uh relief it um it didn't really like going just on the inside of there or the inside of the selected vector so uh just deselect that so i've done the whole relief and it's worked out fine so what i'm going to do now is we'll do this simulation fast otherwise it could take some time so simulate okay so there is the finished machining that looks beautiful absolutely beautiful now if you wanted to alter the assimilation material and i got it set on bronze at the moment but you could if you wanted you know you can set it on many many different uh materials the polished pewter so just i'm just running through a few of these you may like them but my favorite actually is all up here somewhere bronze i do like bronze so the next job is to save the tool pass now within cavco you can it has many many different codes to save um you can save it in mach 3 whatever you really want to save it as that sits your machine uh even mac 4 we can scroll down here and here's the is the max and uh but the code i normally use is g code millimeter tap suits all machines so what we're going to do is and and these manipulating um arrows if you press a double arrow it'll take everything over so what this one first i'm going to say this is um i'm just gonna abbreviate this is eight millimeter cut and save bring it back over then this one this is the two millimeter t and save and it's as simple as that so i hope you've enjoyed this tutorial today and don't forget you can do this exact same process in kavko make maker plus and this the main cavco program i'm roger clyde webb and thank you for joining me for this cavco tutorial i'm going to try and make it a regular event on a friday night for you for the weekend so thank you and bye for now [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Roger Webb
Views: 1,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carveco, Maker, Maker +, ArtCAM, CAD, CAM Autodesk, Fusion 360, Mach 3, Mach 4, 6012, 6090, 6040, Vectric, Aspire, VCarve Pro, Avid, pen, Windows 10, parts, Machine, kits, Grbl, software, budget, 100, watt, Wood, turning, Workshop, shop, tools, bowl, Harbour freight Grizzly, X2, Sieg, MAXI, Watt, CO2, Welding, MIG, USA, UK, Bob Ross, 30W, 50W, Fibre, Fiber, Galvo, K40, Laser, CNC, Router, Build, Lathe, engrave, etching, glass, DIY, Art, Roger, Clyde, Webb, 3018, mill, milling, MIDI, SMC5-5-N-N, offline Controller
Id: kxcO66mIZ_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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