Carveco Maker: Reliefs From Images

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what you can also do we've carved is imports images into the software and the software will automatically generates a 3d model for you or a relief this is based on a height map so it's all dependent on the lighter areas and the darker areas which are going to be deeper and that's how it creates a relief of the image so to do this if you select the relief drop-down at the top so you would already create your model to do this so select the relief drop then go to import and then go to import again okay don't select import Freedy model is just import then what you can do is come down and select the image that you would like to use I want to use this little boy and he's dog so select open and this will automatically generate a model for me and it's created in what we call floating clip arts so anything that is blue he's floating clip art so if I grab that I can move it around when it's yellow the same as the free DV that means that it's been pasted there and you can't move that thing okay now I've bought this in and the image was created as two thousand pixels square but because I'm working in inches it's bought it in as two thousand inches square so I need to make this a bit smaller to fit so let's say I wanted it to be nine inches select apply and it goes off screen so if i zoom out you can see that it's actually up here now a quick tip is if you press f9 whilst it is selected it will go into the center or you can enter the origin position here and it will go back into the center so if I press f9 and then zoom in on this Center you can see that it's generated this relief for this little boy now the height range is quite high so at the moment it's almost one inch so even though looking from the plan or the view from the top it looks okay if I were to rotate this around it would look very very high and it wouldn't look correct so if I rotate now you can see that it's not looking very good so what I need to do is drop that down so I can do that either like so with the red arrow or I can enter in a specific size so they say a quarter of an inch and apply and that will drop that there now for one so I can resize these slice so I can be vit around just bear in mind that any of this that's is going over the model won't be pasted down okay so if I press f9 and then you can either select enter to paste or select paste there in here and that creates a 3d model for me or a relief model for me and I can between this and I'll show you how to do that's in a life of video right so this is also useful if you have grayscale images so these have been created from 3d pieces and exported out as a grayscale so these are quite good because they automatically generates a nice free DPS for you so if I were to reset this so if I come here to reset the relief it just gets rid of that picture or that relief that I have let's go to relief again and import import again and then let's select this Pegasus that I have so I'll select open now again this is opened and it's over here and that's because it thinks that it's almost the phase and images so let's make that smaller let's make that nine inches and apply and again press f9 to Center it okay so this has basically created this 3d model from an image so I can move that up or down if I want to let's say I bring that down so they're almost free course of an inch press ENTER to paste that thing okay I'll show you in the last video how to sort all of this roughness aids and also hey to get rid of this H around here so that's another useful thing to bring in grayscale images and you can generate a relief for me what you can also do is use a photograph of a texture and you can machine textures and you can use this as a texturing tool so if we reset that and go to relief again go to import and import again and let's say that I want to import this brick wall so if I open that again this is quite large so let's make that 12 inches and apply press f9 put that in the center let's bring the heights of that right the way do sites were a bit there and you can see that I've got this texture and then what you can do with this is you can machine within a vector so you could machine this texture onto a part that you were doing so if I paste that there you can see that I've got this texture okay I could do it again with some wooden planks let's say so let's import and let's use this wooden background now this is going at 90 degrees let's say that I wanted it the other way rig so let's resize this again and select apply press f9 to seen to that okay so let's say that I wanted to edit this up a little bit what they survey the whole width or the height of the model when you're using cliparts transform if you press the padlock it can go from width and height that's locked to all three of the options being locked so having none that a lot so if I change the height of that to twelve it's late to apply it stretches it out okay now I can do exactly the same thing with this I can drop that down if I wanted to let's say like so and what I want to do is rotate this around now or I can do is just put a hundred and eighty there or I can rotate on the outside here just press alt on the keyboard and it maintains an angle snap and then when I'm happy with that press ENTER on the keyboard or the paste option and you can see that I've got these wooden planks name so far I've been showing you how to imports images by using my own preferred method which is going to the relief drop there and and then importing an image the reason that I prefer this method is because you can change the size in x and y and you're not constrained by the aspect ratio so I'm going to show you a few other ways that you can do this so here you can see that I've got an image and I've got caf-co maker open to the side what you can also do is drag and drop that image into the software then it will give you a dialog box that opens up and it allows you to change the height and the width but notice when I change the height of this let's say I wanted to do this in millimeters this one you can see that it also changes the width and K so it's constrained is keeping that aspect ratio but what you can also do is specify a height in Z okay so if I were to say 5 millimeters and then select okay this is just telling me that the resolution of this model was quite high so it's this lowering it down to 4 million pixels which is the limit for caf-co maker so if I select ok and I'll just maximize this and then rotate around now you can't really see this at the moment because when you do these it displays the bitmap over the top of the relief so if I click this button here to display the material this thing shows me the relief that I've generated from that image ok if I want to see the image over the top of it again select that button you can see it again ok so let's close that another thing that you can do is select open and then select it and then when you select that you'll have this minimum Zed and maximum set so if I were to put that at five select okay it will then give me that dialog box again but it will already be filled in that the heights in Z ds5 it does exactly the same thing okay so the final way to do this is if I were to create a new model and then go over to bitmaps over here right-click on that and select import and then if I take a look on my desktop I've got that image again and then let's scale it like I normally would so I want this to fit select open and then what this does if I display the bitmap it shows me the image as normal okay so if I go to the 2d view I've got the image but you'll notice that I haven't created the relief okay so if I go back it's completely blank now what I can do is open those bitmap layers up and then I can right click on the bitmap layer and create relief now the good thing about this is that it automatically allows me to grab the handle and change the size of these ok so just grab that and you can change the size to whatever you like ok or you can enter the height in here and then select apply so that's another way to create a relief from an image the good thing about doing it this way is that you can keep on adding to these bitmap layers and then generating reliefs from it and also you can do that by using the relief drop-down menu you can't do that if you drag in a new image because people want to create a new model for you ok so that's how you generate reliefs from images
Channel: Carveco
Views: 9,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gVefR00iZfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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