Getting Ready for Harvest! Mounting the Corn Picker!

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hey everyone welcome to the video today we're mounting a corn picker on our 686 international tractor uh we thought we'd go in depth and show you the process of how we do it and talk a little bit about [Applause] the different tractors that can go on and the specific model that we have and we're just going to show you the process we think it's you know it's a it's a really unique process there's not a lot of people that do it anymore so we thought we'd make a video about it so here we have the different uh the different types of units and all the different tractors that can be put on and there's dozens of different tractors that can put on between john deere alice chalmers international oliver and in mostly tractors that were built in the 60s and into the 70s so we got a a 319 uh mounted uh front with uh for the snapping and then we have a 322 12 roll husking bed that we have with our picker and they also come in a sheller and a grinder and a eight row which was one of the early models so so we're just gonna illustrate that this this picker can be mounted on any one of these tractors a straight m super mta the oliver in the 686 and i have a mount that would that's all set up for this oliver before we had the 686 and we ended up getting another picker for for uh so that i get i can either go either way which the diesel is always better runs a lot cooler so let's go to the mount here to show that these moms got there's probably 50 different adjustments to adjust for whatever brand tractor usually these are changed out from depending on the type of tractor you got lots of adjustments in here um and then on your drive chains and your draw bar and everything is able to be slid or moved in whatever direction and then once you got that all set up it's usually quite simple to get it on so today we'll be adjusting this tractor for for the mount so first of all would have to take off the weights the weight bracket the steps the fenders three-point hitch and clean it up uh make sure our oil has been changed and and check all our fluid levels uh blow out our air filter um just do it all around check around tires so that um it's always quite difficult to do maintenance once this thing is mounted [Applause] okay so here's uh some of the accessories we have to put on we have this shroud that came off uh i think i got 460 or something i had to do a little modifying to get it to fit the front of our tractor most of it's quite similar but that just keeps all the the dust and leaves and everything out from plugging your 80 which is probably one of the more important parts now we got these guides on here they go on the front here where the weight bracket mounts and they will keep the picker from rubbing up against the frame of the tractor and damaging things that way keeps everything centered real nice there's adjustments in them for that we have these shrouds there's one for each side these again came off a four six dad that do a little adjusting keep the leaves and other things from getting to the motor to keep it from catching fire some guys will even carry like a fire extinguisher with them just like a combine and then we got this this sprocket that goes on your pto drive line and uh again there's a couple different adjustments too depending on what model tractor you're using [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have to widen the wheels out we have to make sure that our wheel width is i think 70 inches any narrower than that um we'll rub the frame you want to be as narrow as you can so that you're not knocking down more corn we got 38 inch rows and um sometimes if the corn isn't planted just right we're running a little little down try to there [Music] so [Music] all right we got the 686 tour apart we got all the you know all the stuff off of it we got the fenders off of it we got the steps off of it we got the front weights off of it dad checked all the fluids on it checked tire pressure here's our pile of goodies took the three point off the back and uh the shroud should be uh ready to clean up and then we'll come back and start slapping on parts for the picker [Applause] so [Music] well now we got the tractor cleaned up we're gonna get this mountain on top the axles and everything fastened down it's possible to do it with one person it's just easier to have health oh [Applause] [Applause] so turtles we put a little bit of hose so it doesn't ruin the paint oh all right so we got our sub frame on and our mounting brackets uh we got all our shields on i think we're ready to go down to our other shed where the actual picker is and mount it up [Laughter] we got two mounted pickers here one i bought back in 89 down at wambity for 325 on an auction and the other one i got from a neighbor which was probably one of the last ones built which was very well cared for besides so and then we've actually have other ones we have for parts uh and they got to the point where you could get them virtually for nothing they're not worth anything for us dollars only to us um pretty much iron price but they're very cheap harvesting so we're gonna mount we're gonna mount this one um it's got a side yield hitch that was added to it um for side hills and in um there's some other things that uh work better than the other one so we're gonna grease it up and get started so see we try to line up those two sprockets right there and that tells us we're real close to where we'd be now we get a a punch to stick through these holes this hole here to help line up a little closer put these pins in and the key is to have everything lined up now a lot of guys back in the day used to pour a slab of concrete in their shed in the corner somewhere so that everything was level and flat so when you backed in with your tractor everything adjusted right on nice you can really fight with these things if everything isn't lined up right so we learned to take them off right so that when we're putting them back on we don't have so much problems now i've mounted a corn picker every year since 1980 with my dad and then my own here and the only other person i know that's doing this yet is my brother on the home farm he still picks dry corn too like this otherwise i don't know anyone else that mounts a picker anymore some guys will leave them on the tractor from year to year which that's not so great because the mice like to move in and chew up all your wiring and everything because you have so much dirt and stuff so you can clean up everything and it helps you figure out if there's anything that's not right most of the time we're in greasing or mounting or dismounting i see if there's any problems so the last thing you want to have is a problem on this thing out in the field somewhere so we try to prevent everything we possibly can to make it more nice when you're using it so we got that on now the cob elevator rods which are these which mount again over here and then there's a bracket back there that holds that cob elevator up keeps everything steady until you get this mounted that it's just a like a simple jack type system try to mount it on a sunnier day you got plenty of light okay so back here i'll be pulling out the the cob elevator um stand and it's basically just some pins that help hold it from tipping over when it's not mounted [Applause] so now that we got that out of the way we uh start working on this front greasing it up looking it over so here we got our gathering chains inside and those are pretty much your main ones there's a couple smaller ones on the other side that we can adjust later but like in here it's a lot easier to get into all this stuff before it's put on now really the bigger downside to operating one of these pickers is one is the noise which you can use your protection but the dust and it depends on the crop conditions some years it's not nearly so bad as others um but we don't pick that much corn maybe pick about 4000 bushel takes us probably about three three and a half days if things go right and it's mostly number 60 chains there's certain ones that'll be problems more than others like this one probably could be either replaced or tightened a little bit we'll work on that before we put it on and um now in here this is an extension they put on for the newer bigger tractors that came out then for for instance a straight m i wouldn't need this maybe an mta i wouldn't need it neither um because you need more room for your front wheels and things in here so this here bar and this here ends up being an extra something depending on the type of tractor you have and it's always better to have a little more room up there so you can get in there and clean out the radiator if it needs to be we're thinking these pickers are uh built like i think they came out in the late 60s and international made one there's probably several others but new idea seemed to be the the more dominant one it seemed that everybody started to hang on to and to use and this is right before the combines got very popular so back in the the first one i've ever seen was in 1980 and before that we had a woods brothers one roll corn picker where we had to husk out the first two rounds around all these little five ten acre fields um so we wouldn't have to drive it down and it worked it just slower and things like that so this here is good for opening up fields some guys would even open up for like for corn silage they would they used to go around with one of these and then run all them cops through their chopper afterwards because it was still green yet but it would pick it so you didn't have to run it all down and lose so much in the field that way [Applause] [Music] now they came with some nice fancy chain originally but i imagine through the years that got tore off from the corn stalks and whatnot now we got these which slide onto here now there's a bolt in the middle and if we do this right we don't we don't have to take that out if we we have to be helping them on as we go there's one of those for each side there that's good i gotta do the other side now these things so it's basically in like a saddle this is the pivot point and after we get home we will recheck these to make sure we're in there the way we need to be there now down in there we go and we snug up our plates again usually the second one goes in a little easier than the first one it just helps line everything up a little bit more and just having these machines in the shed lots of grease and oil on them keeps all your your bolts and nuts and anything that's got to be wrenched or has to move just that much nicer and looser to work with you maybe get a little greasy and oily but that's easier than fighting with the rust now these here is a little bit i gotta get down in the dirt but again as long as everything is real close sometimes we use like a punch or something to help line up the cylinder and what we do is we put our hydraulics on float so that you're pushing the oil out of the cylinder if you need to to get your pin holes lined up and [Music] use the punch to do that and there we go [Applause] get him in there and these are the kind of things you don't want to lose in the corn field trying to find it like a needle in a haystack so there we go there's really no not much to adjust there because it's a very short chain now these with the machine they're quite simple and then yeah look where your holes are they line up with your pin out here so you can't see them you can feel for them i don't know where they belong and you have your key in back here so that it doesn't get dragged out by the corn stalks as you're doing it alone now this is something interesting for like a side hill like opening a field um a guy made this this isn't something that was bought that was modified where he could pull a pin and back up and and get it to jump in over there over here or in the center which normally you just have this part here going on under the machine so that's kind of a nice feature it's a all done by a farmer and um we get our rope for our pin a little some modifications [Applause] so well we gotta pick up all our tools and head back to the shop and and uh maybe a little greasing and a few other little adjustments other than that we're pretty much ready to pick corn as you can see the hardest part was probably getting everything to line up and slide into place like those cylinders and the shafts and then those uh those big brackets but anyways it went pretty well with extra help i wanted to thank you guys for watching the video and uh make sure to like and subscribe and check out our other videos you
Channel: Gierok Farms
Views: 99,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harvest, Corn Harvest, Harvest Prep, Corn Picker, Mounting a Corn Picker, Milking Cows, How to Milk Cows, Dairy Farming, Milking, Cows, Milking on a small farm, Fall Harvest, Corn, Heifers, cows, dairy farming, How to raise cattle, Tractor Drive, Old Tractor, Antique tractor, Cattle Trailer, Grinding Feed, Mixing Feed, Feed Mill, Grinding Corn, New tractor, Picking Corn, How to Bale Hay, Haying, tractors, Farming, John Deere, Case IH, Farmall, Wisconsin, Midwest, Heavy Equipment
Id: 38R2iCk_TFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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