Picking Corn! Fall Harvest is Here!

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hello everyone and welcome to the video today's a very exciting day today we're going to be picking corn for the first time this fall we're pretty excited about it uh we're it's going to be a nice slow start today kind of a trial run we're not quite sure if the corn is ready yet but we're gonna see and uh today will be a good day to make sure all the equipment's running the picker's been ready and set up now for the past week my brothers and my dad set up the conveyor this morning so uh today's gonna be a good uh test fire day and if the corn is fit and ready we'll just keep going but anyways my father just took the picker up on the hill so we're gonna bring this gravity wagon up there and uh we'll see how that first load goes and uh i'll bring you guys along with me i hope you enjoy the video thanks for watching [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we are up on the hill and my father he has started opening up the fields two rows at a time so where he cut it there where the rows run straight forward is tillage and then when they cut that way that's no-till so it'll be interesting to see the yield difference between the two fields during the month of june you could really tell the difference between the two showing a lot which is a good sign that it's dry enough kind of a fine line there you always use a few kernels off the end of each cop but this is along the trees it should only get drier all the tank as we go up sometimes you see a crack in the end some guys throw them in a pail of water they float and they're dry enough for cribbing but all right so talking to my father after those first two passes he thinks the corn is definitely fit and ready to go because that was along the tree line most of that stuff up and over the hill so he thinks as we work our way up the hill it's only gonna get drier and better so i think we're going to keep going today but anyways he's on his way back so i think this next one here we'll switch out gravity boxes and uh we'll go down to the conveyor [Music] [Music] as you guys can see the cows are pretty curious about what's going on up here for these first uh two loads we gotta kind of use the pasture because we don't have enough room yet we'd hate to drive down the hayfield above it so we got to use the pasture to turn around anyways my dad's pretty happy with that first load so we're gonna hurry up go unload this and we're gonna keep moving along [Music] foreign so all right we've just brought load number three back up here and we're gonna grab load number four soon man it is hot for an october day anyways that's enough for talking i'll get back to work and i'll send you guys with my dad on the picker enjoy so so so oh [Music] [Applause] there's load number 10 coming this test fire is turning into a really productive day which is nothing wrong with that but uh the first crib is dang near full we'll for sure get that full today but anyways we're having a pretty solid day a couple times it was really hard getting back to him in time he's on this bigger field now so he's got plenty of long rows it's pretty hard to keep up to him but we're managing we're moving along [Music] these are some really full loads of really making them come since we're going so far with each load it's quite a bit for this oliver when it's climbing up a hill on this soft until dirt [Music] and going down our dogway road it's pretty steep so we got to take it easy but having a really full gravity wagon is nothing to complain about we're pretty grateful for it so all right as you can see the crib is uh getting pretty full she's uh above the bottom of the roof so we better climb up there and check and see how full we are oh we're getting pretty full guys better take a guess how much you think is going to fit in there i don't think we're gonna get a whole lot in there it's really windy up here anyways let's uh unload the slow quick all right it was a really productive first day the picker's back down in the yard here uh we got over a dozen loads done so more than expected that's for sure the corn was plenty dry and we're really happy with how the day went all that's left is to clean up so thank you all for watching the video we really appreciate it we'll see you next time
Channel: Gierok Farms
Views: 80,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Picking Corn, Harvest, Corn Harvest, Harvest Prep, Corn Picker, Mounting a Corn Picker, Milking Cows, How to Milk Cows, Dairy Farming, Milking, Cows, Grazing Cattle, Hobby Farming, Chopping Corn, Fall Harvest, Chopping Silage, Feed, Corn, cows, dairy farming, Grinding Feed, Mixing Feed, Feed Mill, Grinding Corn, Spreading Manure, Spring, Bedding Cattle, Corn Stalks, Bobcat, Skid steer, Dairy Farm, Daily Chores, tractors, John Deere, Case IH, Farmall, Myer, Wisconsin, Midwest
Id: uk4aJ9XxQjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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