It Is Alive!! The New Idea Uni Corn Picker moves!

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morning everybody welcome back to the channel trinity dairy uh if you haven't done so don't forget to like share and subscribe if you haven't done so that'd be great if you do that we're over uh oh that's sun again we're over 8 000 subscribers now and that is just amazing we never never figured our channel would would even get that far so that's that's thanks to you guys watching and getting the traffic on the channel out there that lets youtube know that uh good content here and they'll spread it around more so anyway march 19th today friday beautiful day out a little windy but warm i'm supposed to be in the 50s close to 60 i think over the weekend sunday they're talking some rain then it's supposed to cool off next week like into the 40s and some rain a little rain snow mix which is all right we can use a little moisture too hoping this warm weather will take the frost out of the ground so that rain will soak in but anyway what i'm working on right now is this new idea uni picker um those of you who've been following the channel know what's going on um for those of you who are new here i'll kind of do a quick run through um but uh let's see we got this new idea uni got the six row head 839 husking bed on it uh there used to be a quonset machine shed over this area we had a lot of machinery in here and um anyway last winter february the snow load cave the chad in and we were able to get everything out had a friend of mine come with his mini excavator and we got everything pulled out there is a video on it our cave-in video but um anyway this the conveyor on the back was basically holding most of the shed up and i was gonna we were gonna try to lift that up and drive this out but the one hydraulic hose on the head blew out i didn't know what it was at the time i just knew it was losing oil and it wouldn't lift so anyway the conveyor on the back wound up folding over that got smashed up pretty bad but we got everything else out so now what i'm doing i got this running again previous video around christmas time this in 2020 now and um so i got it running i actually started it again the other day so now i was going to work on i climbed under there a while back and figured out what hose was leaking and i thought it was going to be a big nightmare to um to get this hose off but actually i climbed under here i actually got it loosened up already and it's not too bad it's a little tight to get in here um it was because the head is down that doesn't help somebody had commented in a previous video about taking the loader and raising the head and i if this was going to wind up really being a nightmare i'd probably do that but actually it's not too bad i'll kind of try to show you what i've done here this this piece of steel here is kind of a stabilizer for the hose and it was bolted onto the frame down here and that was blocking everything up so i couldn't see back there so one little bolt and i pop this off and then because this hose transitions to a steel line back there but there's a coupler in between so the hose actually has a swivel it's threaded onto that coupler i was worried i was going to have trouble getting that steel line loose but i actually got a couple wrenches on here and it actually came came loose nice so um i'm just going to take this off back here i don't know how well you can see but um remove this so i'm going to take that fitting off back there and then this swivel on the cylinder and then we'll pull that hose out and uh see if we can get new hose made differences i'm gonna have to run back and grab a different wrench because it seven eighths and i don't have that big one here perfect luck i found the right size in the picker so there we go there's the troublemaker right there i'm gonna go get a little rag and stick in that cylinder uh so that doesn't get full of dirt yeah and then uh this was that little piece of steel that was bolted on there just kind of holding that hose in place i suppose stiffen it up a little bit in that spot there it's a lot of flexing there when you're moving the head around then we can get that thing out of there um i can show you that still got that conveyor here um like i said i think i said in the last video kind of keeping an eye out for another one i got a couple places i got a call yet kind of deal in these things see if they got one around here somebody had mentioned about trying to straighten it um i don't know i have talked to a couple of metal guys about it i mean i'm sure it can be done but um yeah see this this end goes on the picker and then it went up and the roof was sitting up on the top so it folded it over right here and i don't know that would be i think the other side is actually worse than this side plus you've got a steel floor inside i don't know i guess we'll see what i can find if if a used one is gonna be humongous money um but it's not gonna be cheap to get that one straightened either i know my grandpa had talked about cutting a chunk out and just shortening it the only bad part with that is um when you use that picker you gotta have a big enough wagon to hold some corn and you gotta be tall enough to get over the top of a big wagon so that could be an issue if you shorten that up a foot or two you know you're going to lose quite a bit there but we'll see what happens but i want to get it moved out of that spot anyway and then i can finish getting that area cleaned up a little bit better still a little bit of that old building there yet um so anyway that's what i'm gonna do now jen she had to run up to the dentist a couple kids a couple of the kids checkups today so when she gets back i'll probably run up and see if i can get a hose made for this that governor for that b he's working on it i haven't heard anything he had a couple other jobs going too so i imagine that'll be beginning of next week brian messaged me this morning that carburetor finally showed up out there so uh he's gonna try to get that sent back to me get done over the weekend i think he said monday he's gonna try to get it back or ups it and uh get that back here and get that 560 or yeah 560 back in action all right i got back from town there to crew up at auto value and make me up a new hose for this uni so we're going to climb under there and see if we can get this put back together and it's dead all right got that piece back on there i should have you climb under here jordan you'd fit way better than me should i get in there i don't know yeah it's pretty low to the ground you should have me under there i think so yep so that's the only thing that was broken on this dad well on the conveyor i'm talking about is in the engine oh that was the only thing i think so i hope it is it's nice to be back this is the best thing i ever saw this huh huh it is huh is this the biggest thing on a farm i don't know this feels like to me this is bigger [Music] why is there glass under here because grass grew under here glass glass yeah oh it's probably from the window in the shed yeah there was a couple windows in the back oh there's only two in this yeah there's only two windows i wish if we still had this shed i wish it wasn't dirt ground oh yeah i must start it must have started now it must have started the threads started tightening up i think it's been a while since i've been up there so too small there we go i gotta see if i can get out of here tighten the top side yeah i think we might use this this summer if i can find a conveyor for it maybe oh if you can't find us oh we can't find one the only thing we need to do and if this is let's take the old one and then make it all bad how to do that yeah is there a winch up here oh because i need it for putting this plate back on you need it i will i don't need it right now [Music] okay there clean it out you got something there now we'll put some oil in and try it out um jordan you want to climb under there and grab that oil pan i'll let you climb under there you fit better than i do okay i'll put my hood on you can climb right through here if you get stuck in there i can pull you out i don't think i don't think you can pull me out why would i get stuck i don't know all right well it's full right now but i'm going to start it see what happens see if we get any lift out of it because i'm sure with it being empty it's going to take more than a couple gallons of course i think there was some in there all right well we'll see what happens [Music] oh it's moving [Music] i'm gonna run back and put a little more oil in there it raised some but i think it's probably out of oil again so hello so i'm gonna run back and do that quick yep need to get it run some shut up still got oil on it yet it must just have too much air in it i'll have to work the air out of it what i think i only saw you uh move the car and pick no i just raised the head up a little bit [Music] yeah it's still got plenty of oil so i'm gonna start it up here again and work it up and down and uh probably just got too much air in it [Music] there we go me there we go now this is raised up i'm gonna let this thing run and warm up some i've got to put some uh fluid in it's got a hydraulic clutch on it and that must have that's got a slow leak usually once a year i gotta top it off so otherwise i can't get it into gear so uh i'm gonna let this warm up some and i'll probably do that we're gonna grab something to eat now too and then maybe later we'll see if we can get this thing moved out of here got chores finished up back over here at the uni now um i'm gonna put some brake fluid in the clutch reservoir there and see if we can get this thing to move um i didn't run it too much longer afterwards i think i'm gonna have to get some sea foam and put in that gas because as long as it's been sitting here without running much i'm sure that gas is getting pretty pretty skunky so um turn this around here gotta pull the floor mat up to get at those cylinders in there so i'm going to pull this loose let's put this down what oh yeah he just got a reservoir down in there and then i don't know this one here for the clutch didn't have a cover over the brake ones over there they got a little metal cover on top of that too but pop these loose things that's a long time it leaks out i suppose i should probably put a seal kit in it but the little bit that it gets used might be a bigger job trying to find a steel kit and try to get that in then put some fluid in it once a year biggest part of the whole thing is getting this floor mat up actually it's got some fluid in it yet i don't know that clutches seems pretty spongy okay 40. hey dad you you get back now jordan cause i'm gonna try starting this okay you gonna stand over behind that corn head over there on the chopper head yeah all right we'll get it fired up here again and see if that clutch is working i don't know why that pedal feels so soft but i don't know it feels better now maybe i just wasn't pushing it far enough all right let's get this thing started to begin um [Music] do it's a lot easier driving this around without the conveyor on it i know that hopefully i don't run over any nails that shed caving in there's still a lot of debris laying around there but [Music] all right well that's that's a big step forward um looks a lot better when it's not sitting there in the weeds actually starting to run a little bit better too so this thing always has been really cold blooded um but anyway here it is out of the weeds i got the head locked up so i'll just leave that up for now but um yeah so i'm gonna get some sea foam put in there and run it there isn't a lot of gas left in it so um i think that'll uh i think that'll clean up pretty good help that out being it was sitting and then i guess it's pretty much um should we find a conveyor for it and get that put back on and i know another piece i seen was broken up on the top of the roof there there's an air cleaner right there can't see it very well uh it's for the fan for the cab and i think that got kind of smashed too so i should probably see if i could find one of them because that's an older power unit than the husking bed is but anyway so we got that moved oh i got all kinds of projects to do oh yeah
Channel: Trinity Dairy
Views: 12,268
Rating: 4.9837532 out of 5
Keywords: Trinity Farm, Trinity Farms, Dairy Farming, small dairy farm, family farm, ranching, Midwest Dairy, Dairy farmer, dairy cattle, farm, farming, small farm, smaller farm, old tractors, tractors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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