Getting ready for Army basic training | VLOG & FOOD

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good morning friends and welcome back to another video so today it's my final day in Ann Arbor before I kind of pack up part of my life that I have in this apartment and go back to Pennsylvania and see my family and then I shift to basic training in about five days so well we just got so dark so I thought today I would just bring you along with me show you all of the things that I have to kind of take care of before I you know leave for basic training I'm waving around this folder because one of the first things I have to take care of is cancelling my friggin Planet Fitness membership now I ranted on my Instagram about how terrible Planet Fitness is with all of their hidden rules and fees and everything and so apparently one of the workers told me that they can freeze my account if I show them how long I'm going to be away with the military so I'm literally taking my contract into them to show them that I'm going to be gone for a long time it's just a mess do not just Joe don't side with Planet Fitness if you're seeing this in fall of 2019 I am currently at army basic training so it's currently October 2nd it's a Wednesday I leave for basic training on the 7th and so that means that on the 7th I have to go into maps and like do height and weight again yada yada and I'm sitting about 10 pounds under my max right now which is awesome yesterday I weighed in at my lowest which was 150 6.8 my max is 166 and so last night my boyfriend and I decided to kind of have like one final cheat meal and honestly for the past like two months I really haven't eaten fast food but last night um we just wanted to like well I did and he went along with it eat some like food that I used to eat way too often that I'm not gonna eat for a long long time and so I got like I wanted to get the new chalupa thing from Taco Bell and then the new chisa thing from Pizza Hut and so we ordered a couple things from there didn't eat all of it because I just don't have the capacity to eat that much anymore but today I'm definitely feeling a little gross so I wanted to kind of show you what I eat on the day after a cheat day I don't do anything super drastic like I don't cut my calories down and like try and make up for it or anything but I do try and eat pretty clean the next day and drink a lot of water I've already started by grabbing a coffee from Starbucks don't worry I'm not caffeine dependent so all of that is well and good I'll be fine to go into basic just having a little bit of caffeine before so this is a tall iced coffee get it with no classic and then I added one pump of the pumpkin sauce and two pumps of sugar-free cinnamon Dolce and then I asked them to add light cream so obviously it's hard to like measure whenever a baristas like adding some cream in for you if you're really worried about it you can go inside and do it yourself but I just plugged this into my fitness pout and this drink is about 80 calories so I'll totally take that I needed like a little bit of help to like feel right this morning so I'm at Planet Fitness I just went in to like take care of my account I'm gonna go back in and workout and so I took my contract in there and of course I couldn't get the same girl that I talked to this about before and so I was basically like I need to close my account and she starts going on about you need to come in on these days and tell us in November and I'm like I'm going to basic training Monday so I need to take care of this now and of course you can't just like tell them when you want your account to end you have to go in on like that month and tell them which is just ridiculous and then get this they will accept a letter as long as it has my signature on it that I want to close my account so what I did today was I downgraded my account from the Black Card membership to just the regular membership and to do that you have to pay the fees for the regular membership which is a dollar so I have the receipt from that which is good because it has like date time and everything on here and like the workers number and then I also just wrote in my notes the letter that I'm going to write and I put date the time the workers that I I worked with in there one of them there her name is also on here and then literally everything that they told me and they can go back they can look at this timestamp and see that they were there in that like why would I write this down and lie and so basically I'm gonna write a letter and be annoying and have Dave come deliver it to this location on November 15th because if I would wait till I was out then I will get charged the annual fees again so that's $40 so it's just ridiculous to not join Planet Fitness and so I will be charged for October and November so that's like $20 gone there's no way that I can get out of it and then Dave will bring in this letter saying that I want to close my account and hopefully they do it right because he won't have any way of knowing and neither will I obviously because I'll be in basic training so I hope that when I get out in December that I don't find that it didn't work and then I was charged the annual fees and charge for another month of being a regular member and I also hope that when I get out it doesn't mean that they like automatically renewed my contract I don't think they can do that but like oh go to a local gym or I don't know anything about the other change but don't go to Planet Fitness I guess I'm just gonna go back in there and get my workout on and I'll talk to you later [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys you just saw my workout I've really been liking full-body workouts especially when I can just find like a little corner of the gym and do my thing and then what you didn't see is afterwards I did about an hour of cardio and that's not just a I'm gonna do this because I had a treat me Lester day I have been adding in a bit of cardio for about the past two weeks just in some efforts to drop some body fat going in to shipping out for basic training and also I'm gonna be doing a lot of running so I just wanted to kind of get my body used to that before I go typically what I do is like 15 to 25 minutes of hit and I'll do like 30 second sprints and then hop off and rest for 30 seconds or I'll do like 45 sprints rest for a minute and something that I really like to do is after I finish my hit I will just walk like cool down for maybe 5 minutes and then I will just do like some distance jogging and when you go from Sprint's to like an easy jog run it just makes running distance feel that much easier I just want to kind of get my body used to doing both things I do need to run a couple errands balling out it is already 1:30 today I practice in the morning and then came to workout so that's why I'm doing this a little bit later usually I would have eaten already but right now I'm gonna eat this protein bar buy one and it is in the flavor maple glazed donut these are really good but they are 220 calories 420 grams of protein which is okay but I would rather probably have like a scoop of protein for 120 calories or my other favorite protein bar are built bars and I'm pretty sure you can only buy them online everyone on Instagram talks about them they're super good too but I'm gonna eat this run some parents [Music] I'm filing a travel notice I'm gonna be going to army basic training next Monday and I'm only taking my debit card with me okay well I just got out of Petsmart I'm a Petco person but Petco's farther away so I came here to do probably the saddest errand that I have to run before I leave for basic training and that is you saw to make ceci a new tag and they didn't even have like the classic classy just plain silver one so I ended up getting her this like purple flower thing she's staying with Dave and I'm so thankful that Dave loves her because he before he met says he was not a cat person but now he loves her because she's very very special but yeah I wanted to make her a new tag that has Dave's information on the back of it just in case anything were to happen his contact information is on the back and now she has a new tank so that's sad she's been with me through a lot of hard times and yeah did that got my bank notifications taken care of if you're gonna be traveling for basic training make sure you do that I'm not going to take a credit card or anything with me I'm just gonna take some cash and my debit card because they need need it for some reason for direct deposit even though I already filled that out but I don't want my card to get flagged and then not work and me not have access to like my online banking and stuff so took care of that I'm gonna head home no the rains lightened up a little bit [Music] and I will check in with you later we're back home I'm not gonna lie I just ate half of a leftover pizza hutt breadstick but I tracked it so just be honest with yourself I guess I'm gonna make smoothie because I have all of this spinach and I don't really like I'm not strictly following macros really I just try to get like one gram of protein per body per pound of body weight so I try and eat like 120 to 150 grams of protein a day and then I fill up the rest of my calories with my carbs and fats obviously and I just some days I have higher fat some days I have higher carbs doesn't really matter to me I just try and make sure I get a nice amount of protein especially on days that I work out but I have a bunch of spinach left that's another rule I try and follow to this to always eat something green I don't always follow that every day but I have all this spinach so I'm gonna shove a bunch of it in a smoothie with some PE science proteins berries it's a good old time mmm what a delicious color that's health if I've ever seen it so I'm always skeptical of people that put like chocolate protein and fruit together but I just went for it today and not only is this chocolate protein is chocolate peanut butter protein so Wow that does not look very appetizing usually when I make a green smoothie I make it with a vanilla and so it's like actually green but this is like okay hmmm it's actually good weird I was always skeptical of people that would put like berries and then chocolate protein and then like almond butter in a smoothie but this is actually quite delicious so 10 out of 10 from me all right guys all cleaned up in very comfy clothes I'm about to put on a face mask so currently I am living in Michigan with my boyfriend and my family's in Pennsylvania and I have to ship out of Ohio so I have some things that I need to do in order to like you know pack up all my stuff here so next on my list is my closet I need to think about what I can just pack away until basically I get to my duty station like summer clothes and then I also need to pack a bag for clothes that I'm gonna wear this week for like the next couple days and then yeah figure out what the heck I'm gonna do with the rest of this stuff so let's get to it okay so this place is literally a mess because I'm packing everything up and here's our dinner it's kind of a mix of leftovers and also fresh food so these are wings that are left over from our Pizza Hut some zucchini shirataki noodles for me I made regular protein pasta for Dave and this sauce is just like a marinara sauce mixed with some leftover chicken and mushrooms so heat up this and then continue on with the bad guys it is the next day I'm currently driving to the gym so it's 8:30 and I intended on getting up a little bit early the one the son played tricks on us this morning and it's so dark and gloomy that are like entire room was still dark when it's usually not and so I mean we had alarm set but of course like we snooze them but yeah I just dropped Dave off at school and it was like our last morning in our first little home together didn't want to just like brush brush around I guess but yeah so I I leave Michigan today and I had straight to Pennsylvania so that means I have to spend about five and a half hours in the car so I'm going to the gym just to like get in some quick cardio TMI but I am like at the end of my cycle and so now is when I started to feel pretty bloated and like I said yesterday we had like that cheat meal and dude like processed really processed fast food just sticks with me so much longer though so yeah I don't feel the best that I have which is annoying but whatever so head to the gym but probably just gonna do like an hour on the treadmill like switching off walking some hip and then probably like a mile run pack up the rest of my car so okay we are off you can see some of my stuff in the back and I'm leaving about what I thought I would so that's always good I talked to my gram this morning and I'm so excited to see her my family and it'll be a good time the angle of which I can like rig up this camera situation is quite hilarious have a few snacks and stuff or on this road trip only five and a half hours but if I can just like snack and not have to pull over and try to eat relatively healthy and fast food it's a lot easier if I bring my own stuff so I have to built bars coconut and a little berry cheesecake these are two of my favorites and then I also have oh my gosh okay so I love you honey I love you of my water filled up and then I brought some cheese wisps and I also have some protein in my shaker bottle I'll probably stop and get like a coffee and a water or whatever so alright let's get on the road we're back in the land of sheets stopped to get gas if you know you know okay hi guys so I'm just here to kind of like close out this vlog as you can see I'm like in a different location back home for homecoming Heather and I she got in last night just like I did and Heather and I worked out this morning she's a trouper she's napping right now just took a second and I'm taking a notebook that pen obviously to write home and I just took a second and wrote down all of my addresses on the front cover I need to go get some stamps tomorrow and I actually have like a color a friend because I think we're gonna be friends a girl that is currently in the School of Music her name's Natalie I met her through one of my friends from IEP they were at grad school together but she's actually gonna message me tonight about like what not to bring to basic training because the first thing she said was just don't pack too much and so I do have some stuff in here like I have quite a bit of stuff in here not like crazy but I also have both of my outfits in here like what I'm gonna wear to the hotel Sunday night which I plan on just throwing away before I leave the hotel it's literally an old long-sleeve shirt and an old old pair of leggings and then I also have another long-sleeve shirt and an old pair of jeans but yeah I'm gonna toss both pairs of those civilian clothes and then I have all my paperwork in here I have some sports bras and some underwear I just picked up some underwear from Walmart today because I don't have any that it like full coverage then I have like basically just my hygiene products yeah I might found like a video in the hotel Sunday night of what I end up actually taking and then I can do like an after any of what I wish I didn't take and what I wish I needed but I just wanted to check in and end this vlog let you know that I made it home and that pretty much most of my like getting ready for basic training is done and I'm here I'm ready to see some of my friends and family and just enjoy my last couple days home like I said the beginning you're seeing this while I'm in basic training so no this timing and like everything if you're trying to keep up with me like your friend or family might be weird but they gonna be cool to look back on and see like all the steps I had to take to get to basic training so I'm gonna sign off here thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Abby Weaver
Views: 5,222
Rating: 4.8778625 out of 5
Keywords: army, army basic training, bct, military vlog, army vlog, leaving for basic training, preparing for basic training, what i packed for bct, shipping to basic training, fort jackson, shipping to fort jackson, what i packed for army basic training, what i eat in a day
Id: Xk6_uqD-plo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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