Getting Perfect Scores in Super Mario Party Minigames...

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you know as fun as it is to be the worst mario party player of all time every once in a while we gotta do some gaming for the fans so today we do just that and go for perfect scores in super mario party the challenge is very simple it's all about getting the highest scores possible in super mario party mini games and all while playing against the master cpus so watch as i slip into utter insanity trying to perfect your little cousin timmy's favorite party game we are starting off with fuzzy flight school i'm yoshi i got the red little plane here so the goal with this one to get perfect you have to not get hit at all throughout the entire minigame and guess what we're playing in this mode called what i meant to say was we're playing in a mode called mariothon which actually allows you to go oh i'm already gonna it actually allows you to go further for high scores so once the cpus that are on master fall out you get to keep going in this mode so my goal for perfect in fuzzy flight school is to not get hit at all and make it all the way to the end this might actually be a myth i guess we're going to find out but i'm pretty sure there's an end to this mini game i think eventually they just say you know what like you've gone far enough without getting hit i guess three times but we're gonna say can't get hit at all once cause this is perfecting super mario party mini games i'm scared okay i i feel like if you ah what if i just like hug the corner look at me down here what if i just hug the co i'm scared though remember that's kind of how i lost last time they just come out right in the corner you got to be mobile in this one you got to be ready as soon as the door opens so far so good though this run is i can't even see i i just i mean we've been going pretty far so far i'm nervous see those are the ones that trick you as soon as you come out of the gate you just can't even react in time so everybody else is just getting blasted out of this level which is nice gonna help me focus a little more hopefully [Music] what is is this it or is there more there's more oh how do i react in time okay all right oh my god oh my it's all about the beginning it's all about right when it opens it's all about it's luck too you you can't be in the room oh my oh oh oh down oh my god there's so many i'm so nervous oh my god i almost wait is that it is this it is this one no there's one at the end are you kidding me wait wait no no my joy god i just played fuzzy flights going on like 20 minutes just to do i almost messed it up my joycon went hey wire on me but we did it perfect that's still the perfect score it doesn't even matter but i didn't get hit once say what you want that you cannot question the dedication to these mario party mini games the next game is grid iron gauntlet going for perfect scores means not getting touched by any of the tacklers i don't know if there's a time limit on this one is there a 90 second limit potentially that we could get not hit the entire time and of course the ai is on masters so they're gonna be probably running into me the whole time but yeah i i mean hopefully you guys know how this mini game works if you don't it's basically the tacklers that come to try to tackle you and hit you you got like three chances on the third one you're out they give you a little bit of a notice on the side like when and where they're coming okay this is one of those mini games where i just can't talk coherently and play it at a high level at the same time so see you guys later stop it how about i just go quiet how about i just go quiet it's nice and easy no i get freaking shoved you just gotta remember the calm cool collected coconuts coffee chocolate okay okay okay all right all right all right all right all right all right i'm beginning to think that it's really just about getting my opponents eliminated as quickly as possible because they're screwing with my mojo here and you know it's like we could easily just put it to like normal and then they wouldn't be a problem but that's not what this is about this is about perfect scores this is this is about super mario party we nobody takes super mario party more seriously this is serious gaming right here this is what it's all about this is what we live for get out of here peach oh she's still alive dude is that is that real life she's done she's out of here get out of here peach let's go we can continue this run we got to continue the run please please falcon please i need this run come on now okay all right just nice and easy nice and nice and calm everybody's calm here nothing nothing nothing no that was it that was literally this what is this fuzzy flight school all over again i literally got the perfect score but i'm dedicated to beating it without getting hit and we're running it back i'm trying to stay calm i can't even avert my eyeballs down to the bottom of the screen i don't know how much time is left i think it's 90 seconds is the most but who's counting you know what i'm saying all i'm looking at is these dudes that are trying to hit me with the helmets and the charging and the chucks and the oh bo jackson oh i can't i can't i can't i can't i can't i can't i can't i can't i can i can't we did it didn't get in 90 seconds bang let's go okay we're playing trip navigator i'm in the top left you have to finish and beat the master cpus without slipping on a single banana that's perfect in my eyes look at that look at that right there oh there's there's no way i'm historically not very good at this mini game because i usually just slip oh oh what i got second all right that was a that was a bunch of bananas if you ask me dwight can i make it through oh oh oh go go falcon this one's actually incredibly intense because you need to go fat is a lot of the time you could slip on like one banana and still win but obviously i've made it hard on myself and i'm saying we can't slip bang that was easy get out of here we're playing making faces but we have to get 100 why do i feel like i'm gonna regret this is this even possible literally bowser's on the other team and we have bowser's face so i feel like he knows his face better than anybody regardless we're gonna we're gonna do what we can me and p should try to get the highest score possible i i'm trusting her with with the height here i don't know if i no i i i i don't think that's what bowser normally looks like here just looking at our i mean i think we did better than them right how many did we get here 80 oh what what is this doing anything hello is this moving is this moving anything 94 on that one what okay 94 the score to beat we have mario's face this time for the first time i'm feeling a little bit more confident about mario's face let's go how does this how does this look oh peach oh peach that was crispy maybe a little i don't know i don't know the movements are so drastic when i hit the thing no dude i can i'm trying to move it slightly and it didn't let me this mini game is rigged i'm liking this though i'm liking this give us this give us this come on now oh oh oh okay i mean their eyes are getting covered by mario's nose so there's just no way 96. peach you bring that up now girl did you bring that oh okay okay yeah that one was my fault i think i screwed that one up that one was crisp okay hold on now hold everybody hold on now it's got to feel good right now this has got to feel look at our mario right now okay i mean it's like a little bit but 98 that was the greatest eyeball you've ever seen in your life look at that look at that one it's perfect it is perfect that might be the second greatest eyeball you've ever seen okay i i don't know if i if i'm as confident anymore what do we get 89 that we lost all right i'm going out get me out of here 98 that's it i'm retiring on that okay here's an interesting minigame absent minded we're playing against the masters and we need to get first on every single character in order to get a perfect score which one is not is it this one is it the one that's not there we did it we did it first round all right we're gonna keep with you live here we're gonna let you guys play along you can watch the screen who is missing here we gotta be quick to it that that one other what is that even freaking called the mecha koopa or something like that bang there it is again yo your first try falcon here first try falcon watch out watch out okay okay coming at you live final round who's missing bull bill rosalina it's the william william take me home baby let's go and there it is a perfect 15 against the masters you love to see it okay it's looking sharp but i have to be the first one to get them in focus every single time versus the masters and i already lost it's looking sharp but you gotta be the person oh there he is bang five this one's all about the finesse it's all about oh oh oh there it is again okay koopa time koopa buddy where you oh yes there it is the perfect 15. back at it again okay block and load i'm the one i'm facing the masters on the right there i think the perfect is just is just destroying the masters on the other side as the one so far i'm doing extremely well i might have even i i don't know can you beat this in less bullets than i just did the canon cannonballs you probably can but let's just let's let's let's just say you can't all right we're gonna start to play lost all right everybody we're going to be live with you on this one we watched the middle one all right here we go are you going to be able to find it am i going to be able to find it this is a this is technically a perfect score if we get it right away where is it it stayed in the middle i think i don't know i think it stayed in the middle here comes the grand reveal final three final two it's your boy okay it's this mini game on hard but we're on the left here with yoshi and we need to get a perfect score this entire time i'm already late don't even talk to me no i'm late [Music] i'm going crazy over here i'm reconsidering my life decisions here because that was just like the most insane thing i've ever seen in my life perfect 69. did you see that over there that was going for perfect scores in super mario party thanks for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: RedFalcon
Views: 1,633,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario party, super, mario party, mario party superstars, super mario, max score, perfect, perfecting, 100%, minigames, mini games, mario, luigi, peach, yoshi, mario vs luigi vs peach vs yoshi, score, minigame, superstars, mario vs luigi vs peach vs daisy, mario vs luigi vs wario vs waluigi, daisy, wario, waluigi, online minigames, 2v2, 1v3, 4 player, redfalcon, red falcon
Id: g9Q9YN5rgrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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