Getting Owned By Archons - The Enhanced Swarm Mod - 04

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hello my friends welcome back to the enhanced swarm mod we're going to be jumping into Enemy Within or rather we are going to be jumping a little parasite into what is her name Lasara I think it's Lara we're and then we're going to be popping on in and blasting things you know taking over this little stinky shuttle conserve your forces early on to make the end of the mission easier oh wait a moment uh I guess we're not getting infinite stuff here let's uh keep that in mind time has come for you to grow in your brood mother okay we teleported over to stop here got it we teleported over to where we turn into theadra we got the biomass that's a nice little thing let's read our intelligence the protos captured several specimens of Zerg for future study free them to bolster your forces the logs recovered from Lasara also list unique sample of biomass stored somewhere in the vessel that could be used to bolster our overseers find it if possible okay I like overseer upgrades that sounds nice maybe we could give them like an overseer gun I live to serve I feel like I've seen an image before a Starcraft me of meme of an overseer holding a pistol we do not have the ability to make units here we have kinetic blast the hunt continues without question okay we have units don't worry kill these creatures I can consume use it to grow damage oh jeez we're fine uh let's see okay these have 3 three that's why they killed the Zealot so quick so we have 3 three Giga speed attack uh zerglings no wonder the game wants us to keep them kill all right just keep grabbing oh drons hi ah we lost one darn I am we're going to try to be as careful as we can uh try not to lose these zerglings if at all possible the hunt continues without I think we're fine just trying to figure out when to use energy what is our energy regeneration rate like can we just blast something to see burn yes my queen uh it's okay but not bad not great we those a centurions though we got to be careful about that so we probably want to have this guy come on forward down their defenses whoa that's a Reaver oh okay one moment please I'm under attack oh no how may I serve we yearn for the k our oh I'm going to die no okay at least we know this first room isn't too scary um that is a Reaver with a shield battery in a Time constrained area because it's building cannons okay we got to we got to treat this Mission with respect wow that's a that sure is something biom and use it to grow our brood okay optimize this opening last through this grab these guys easy peasy yeah it's kind of okay now how do we want to deal with this I think the first thing we want to do is find that probe probe needs to die without question where is he I don't see him tear down their defenses nothings the Swarm oh he's still building I amra circlings this way we careful careful the hunt fire that up in the air try to split them off I I feel more comfortable dealing with the buildings if uh we can deal with the Reaver right we'll be okay I mean we can just use the uh the Regeneration on the bile spewer in order to deal with that so how may I serve we got to pull him out though question I I am iar guide my I kept trying to do that and it wasn't working cuz I'm bad for the kill our time has come I think the fear of the Reaver is worse than the actual Reaver itself you know I there we go we got it adra's regeneration is fantastic then it does appear that they only have a single pylon powering all of this so we know what protos player is helming this ship how may I there we go the Regeneration is so good but it's also really scary so uh we do have to find the secret right and what I'm thinking is that over here is always a weird open bit this vessel will burn there we go we found it um how do we get it guide my get the zerglings over here can we bile the door uh guide my I'm feeling like we don't have the tool necessary here because zerglings cannot leap without a Target none of this is a target hydra's can't do anything neagra can't do anything okay we're going to move on but we're going to remember this if I had to make a bet it would be we morph neagra to level two and then when she is level two she gains a new ability that's going to be able to get across yeah that sounds correct to me as someone who has no idea what they're talking about there that structure power gu hey the shield no longer blocks my path let us forward I love seeing the variety of protos stuff in this mod like the Adept doesn't change much but it is an Adept it's just something different it's something protos that you never really get to fight in the campaigns I think that's very neat a strong energy emanates from this part of the ship bring all the Lings forward I'm trying to be very careful with these Lings I mean some of them are naturally going to die that's just how Lings do but I feel like the double hunter killer double bile spitter is more than enough to deal with most things the energy it is overwhelm oh that's a Templar you found their warp drive destroy it and this vessel will never reach shakuras got him you got to do the bile flank The Shield is down I'll destroy let's uh you over here let's wait on the cool down of these abilities maybe you guys hear burrow right here this seems like it could be kind of a good position then this is all off cool down my you are not burrowed there you go I hear so you're going to just shift Q over here and we're going to focus on this fight you will not hold back the Swarm how nailed it all right so we get through here and then oh wait does this oh well contain them I really hope this doesn't lock this that will be really bad I I don't know if it does oh gosh cuz I want to go back and get the thing the but we haven't gotten anything new that could like help with that time has come the Hun level up spawn banelings spawn banelings okay okay okay that's what we got to do we got to go over there and we got to use spawn banelings that's actually really cute I like that without question you got to come too we got to go over there we got to spawn banelings on this and then have them touch the point that's really really cool I like that yes my queen oh it's open never mind the allseeing eye obtained overseers have plus three vision and detection range that's uh that's actually quite nice obviously not the most important upgrade in the history of the world but just having a little bit of a benefit is pretty good being able to have them follow things in the back instead of in the front means they're less liable to die to Splash and that kind of stuff do not allow the to consume them kill their Warriors I must have that biomass archons are the most scary thing in the universe so blow them up like that the my how may I serve nope we annihilated that guy that is my favorite part about rapid fire hot Keys is you just hold the button on top of that guy and or anything like that moment he pops out he's gone my I so in the Next Room we're going to hit niadra level three most likely and that should help out a lot no spawn baings here for the our time has come the hunt Contin we have to be very very oh no did it not fire a Scarab okay oh gosh dark Aron just get him moving I don't know what we lost right there those came in very rapid succession it's uh probably like five or six times faster than in the base campaign and uh we didn't have time to think about that last group grow stronger the final battle of turn her into a destroyer and wild mutation is amazing for these zerglings what a great pickup here guide my bre so for this next room got to get our husband not let them kill theodon perfecton is mine and then uh I don't think the rest of this biomass matters in any way shape or form but we're going to grab it I'm conditioned to grab all the biomass that I can may I serve and I think o are fortifying the bridge I think for the end we're just going to sit here for a moment and we're going to wait for wild mutation to get off cool down so for this next area I bet what we're going to have to do is alternate between wild mutation spawn banelings very long cool down on each whoa whoa whoa whoaaaa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa um this vessel will burn nobody died there right why are they coming this way I'm just healing wait for me the event hasn't started there's almost 90 protos in there without guide my okay let's go the hunt first group spawn b a lot of guys oh gosh that's a lot of storms too as as it canare the Escape maybe wild mutation would have been better and then get stormed in the second one not reach Shakur I am get the urson in the front take down these guys and then we going our brother's time oh wow wow mild mutation he's not a zerg oh he's not a zerg he doesn't get the benefit eny I tried to Shield him strength that was my mistake how may I serve how are we doing on time though we have this and that 61 seconds is a lot lot of time which means we can do stuff oh there's a Reaver up there too as youire without almost got it oh wow hello this vessel we will never be defeated we give our lives for the C oh man Aron in destroy the escap pods now make our way over here continues we will not Shield I think we're fine I think that we had more than enough at the end here that even though things went kind of meh that's a dark archon though let's uh make sure you got shot perfect no more energy split the archon dam oh jeez they melt things 43 versus [Laughter] biological okay those archons hit so hard this is the thing whenever you're playing really uh anything that has to do with regeneration tanking you have to be so careful because if it doesn't uh if you don't have enough regeneration you die so fast I'm sure you've all been there in like RPGs and stuff where you have really high Health regeneration and then something doesn't up burst and you're just like oh that's awkward this hey wait no uh Donnie are you massive hey you are perfect you're not Zerg so be careful I just pulled them back through the storm as as it canare the Escape I got scared and I got stormed as a result before they launch the protos must not reach shur I think we can be a little bit more safe without than we were the timer does seem fairly long our time has come strike now we must buy our brother's time I am the stun comboed with the bile very good Escape pods destroy them I fear no enemy for the color is my strength then we want to jump up here oh we don't even need to jump Donnie's really the force field breaker let's just go over here this time uh our I don't mind sniping this guy though not go quietly into the void we how may I we you in the front sir my go get am then be very very cautious with our movements you guys here our time has come see snipe the dark archon and get the stun file oh easy 55 seconds remaining as well not a problem never defeated we give our lives for the cover 14 enemies remaining that's not very many we do have to remember that Reaver is right there did they just hit him with a Scarab midair that's crazy that's not how scarabs work you can't do that as you desire how may I serve the hun oh everyone was stunned I was like why can't I B cuz everyone was lost and confused I am got it okay we got all the bonus objectives we got everything else and we did it pretty quick let's jump into the next mission why not uh that was so fast that I don't want to end the video here so let's take a lookie at that good old we have to go to the Primal place right yeah I think so because Char is required last in this mod so let's give this a look and it looks like we are getting the muisk and the Swarm host but the Swarm host had a bunch of spikes so I hope that if you step on top of it while it's burrowed it does five damage it's just like ow my foot so we don't have any upgrades I guess we can switch these around for regular missions now I'm not sure we're going to make too many of these on this Mission but bonus versus light seems good there's not that many structures so I'm not sure that would be worth it there's not many structures here either so I don't think we need the loot ability here and then I think we're going to go with the snipe ability on these guys the uh energy drain aspect of it the Primal or the feedback what you know you know what I mean buffing the snipe ability but we'll see how exactly good good the muisk is and one thing I'm going to keep in mind is that we okay supplement uh vuu zalos with the devouring ones or Hunter Killers to deal with threats they are not suited to handle sounds good uh one thing I'm keeping in mind is that we just got an upgrade for the overseer which says to me that we're going to get blasted by cloakers you know how it is spawns primal Annihilation this guy over here maybe this guy over here build up ah we got we just got a letter quore is our first Target killing the Primal hives is likely to enrage bra make sure you are ready before doing so all right sounds good to me we can get these upgrades crawlers and Primal worms gain plus one range crawlers route almost instantly we don't have Primal worms right no we don't probably unlock them like this Mission or the next one and and uh crawlers and Prim worms taking maximum of 25 damage from all non-spell sources this might be good this might actually be very useful against Brack himself I want to make a lot of mutas this Mission uh we got to here let's get these first I'm going to get the movement speed for The Brood Queen so they can keep up with the muta then keep building these guys and the muta is 180 HP one base armor eight damage 14 versus light three range emergency warp cool down reduced by 4 5 seconds can teleport to any visible location on oh bounce six times by default and do not lose damage with it who okay so these are super glass canons okay uh that's interesting like that is crazy glass Cannon damage and AOE glass Cannon more so than anything else so I can see these Primal hives on the map they're all marked I it says it'll enrage Brack does that mean that we will does that is it some what is this bonus is the real question obviously we're going to do it but does that mean that it pulls dra bra and makes him fight or is it something else that is what I'm not entirely sure about but we will learn let's get this here and then yeah something like that looks good just keep that area safe then we're going to grab all this and let's get an attack upgrade and an attack upgrade why is one of my overseers one's really big and one's really small what why is one so swollen the other is a little tiny it's like a gym advertisement well all right I noticed the top of this map has like a bunch of stuff up here and I kind of think that there's there's probably going to be an infested Command Center up there somewhere so there's just like extra room up here it usually stops like right here I think so we have this extra Vision range Let's uh use it to scout that area Quil Gore located we got this we must move quickly if we are to secure their biomass not going to move that quickly we got to get our upgrades and get a decent number of mutas before we can do anything keep our creep spread going this is a great creep map is under attack nice oh those are regular zerglings look at that those are not the slow version h ah looks like there's a bunch of nothing up here well that's a shame 1 2 3 one two three oh all righty Let's uh let's keep investigating I'm sing I have an IDE Primal nearby but it's small Primal I couldn't get it oh I wasn't fast enough approach ABS I thought I landed on top of it but apparently I didn't can we get this guy out of here okay he's safe he's just going to regenerate for a while and then we'll keep scouting with him try to figure out what's going on with this map so uh base up here is golden um I wish to be the Lord of all Witch is golden so I'm going to I'm going to go up there that's a pretty good B place to be anyway though we do have to make sure we have our defenses over here as well because it's pretty easy to be hit in multiple places on this map it's a big and open one things can go bad basically queue up a couple upgrades and I'm getting a lot of mutas right now and then we will go now how fast is this this is 4.15 this is 4.7 whoa that is a blisteringly fast muisk even with the speed upgrade the queen can't quite keep up and I love to see it so we should have enough money for lots of spines defensively once we have all this stuff cleared let's just grab these bonus objectives in the area and start figuring out exactly what we want to do I can't believe they have a global teleport just why does the muta have a global teleport it's ridiculous I guess it's good on this map because of how big an open it is anent destroy they seem very nice those are ravasaur okay so the enemy is definitely buffed we have to stop them oh wait we can see every time that they try to do this right so it's impossible to lose will go biomass under attack because the moment they start taking it we just teleport on over and be like Oh I'm not sure that you're qualified I I'm okay with that let's get some more of this gas few numbers looking nice Scout this area just see what's going on I'm just going to queue you up everywhere you'll die eventually but you'll get information for us in the process hopefully of Command Center a bit oh an enemy base with gold minerals under attack what are they making us fight at the end of this Mission why are there so many gold bases are under attack oh Viper oh no I see how it is I see what we're doing here I think these need to retreat over to home it's the here build a bunch of mutas and then we're going to hit you with Viper Mission now that's pretty rude but very funny okay you want to take this base let's just make sure there's no Defenders just some Quil Gore I can't pick up this money I really want it our supply is high how much are these three Supply a piece so that explains uh why we're maxing out so quick we're almost there at the 10-minute Mark complete Where is the the Drone it's still queued he's just slow it's not stuck or something oh there we go he got it and we got to keep this place safe as we escort a bunch of drones across soore biomass under attack it's ridiculous I do have to be careful I have to be very very careful because apparently it teleports them all onto into one pile and that is definitely a way to lose the game very fast but I feel like if we get a bunch of drones over here mining this gold base we're going to do great and maybe we want to bust this base they got Primal worms that's uh that's parasitic bomb my favorite we're just going to have to split against that that was not a good split wasn't really expecting to be blasted with it right there but apparently vipers are on the map not not just in the base so we'll keep that in mind as we prepare for the future now we might as well get the bonus objective while we're up here I'm preparing to attack the Primal hives I'm just trying to do the bonuses first for the most part 1 2 3 1 two three this is looking great and yeah let's go do this bonus I don't want to split in any way shape or form on this because of the Vipers anytime that I take my eyes off of my mutas is probably the biggest failure point right that's when the mission could end let's get an Overlord over here turn into an [Music] overseer hello keep taking all this stuff down ah it's just a capture wave so now we have Vision over this and a bunch of defenses there we'll get a couple spores and this place seems incredible what a great base that's a rich vesan geyser there's a there's a lot of bases on this map in fact I'm going to say a concerningly large number of bases on this map oh we just can't pick up with uh change links okay let's send them into the base last time we tried it didn't work but maybe if we can transform them out of sight then we can okay let's see if this works no all right I don't think that Chang links are useful in this game it's a shame I think they're really cool but it does appear like the AI just knows exactly what's going on with them so we go for this base it's not required but these are rich geysers too they're purple and we're maxed it seems like what we [Music] want okay that was not not not great but we're all right we didn't die much only half dead yeah as long as we can get little groups like that taking the damage it's okay if it's only hitting like five guys could not could not care less right now couple of these guys over here under attack and it looks like we have taken this area down I like these mutas it's just they are so dangerous to be playing with in big Viper land which is the worst amusement park I've ever heard of forces are destroying quore biomass they can have that one cuz I'm really happy with the progress that we're making right here so we're going to work on the Primal High bonus objective next or rather the uh we'll get the Primal carrian Essence and then we'll do the Primal Hive one because the Primal Hive is the one that says that it makes Brack angry and that means one of two things either he's going to send some really really scary attack waves as we kill the Primal hides for the bonus objective that gives us something cool or it's an alternate way to get bra to attack us I'm not sure which it is but either sounds fine we have so much money in the bank this base has been absolutely insane and we're now going to go grab the base over here our forces are under attack defense is looking good just head on South I am making sure that I'm getting all my upgrades let's uh do we have we need a roach horn and a hydren forces are under attack got to make sure that we have those in order to not uh assume if bra has like some crazy anti-air I want to make sure that I have a tech transition available yeah we're going to make a bunch of hatcheries before that too alive because we have so much money think I like it vicious glaive obtained plus two range in their bounces farther nice so we've gotten a lot of upgrades for these they seem very good oh that one didn't do his little glob thing this okay there's three atries at this base they're doing the smart Strat guys over here oh that base was not taken there's probably some guys over there I don't even think that I need that base that with 6K in the bank and Max let's just try to keep the enemy down more gas oh my Overlord here's the first Primal Hive oh I tried to use the teleport to dodge the uh thing and I'm not sure if it worked or if you just cast another one or rather if it didn't work or if he just cast another one so we have the rapid regeneration we can just sit here for a bit and regenerate that maybe what we want to do is snipe The Hive and then teleport out I like that yeah I'm okay with not mining at this point Min a tumor is under attack it's dying slower than I would like okay so they do keep the effect on them we got to keep that in mind it uh doesn't last as long as the multiplayer version but we cannot blink out of it and they'll cast it on small oh okay they'll cast on small groups of mutas hey that's good info that's really really good info that means that if we come down here don't care about any of that uh we can stop this attack wave that's fine oh my gosh I am having a hard time it's almost as if I have 40 mutas here and it's kind of difficult to grab one out of a pile of 40 who would have guessed Primal forces are attacking Quil Gore biomass all right we got them all now bra is going to attack us we got something there now corrupt yeah bra is attacking us he's mad I can't see what we got there maybe it's a passive for the of Primal you have noidea yeah and we prepare to defend attack remember that we have the damage clamp so bra is not going to be able to do much damage to these despite normally doing 61 he's going to do 25 oh he's attacking up we have all the bonuses that's good which way is he the incoming he's going to that base that's actually potentially really good for us oh no guys you got to split yes yes yes I will the bra snipe wow these mutas are crazy I mean their kill speed against single targets is actually super mid it's actually pretty bad uh because they cost a lot of supply for what you're getting but man they are really good at AOE they're hyper maneuverable very very very strong unit if you're willing to babysit them a lot ridiculously powerful all right that was a good Mission uh we I think everything went very cleanly for the most part I don't know why I just moused over the achievements guys we got the achievements we lost less than we lost less than three drones we're so good uh for the end of the mission let's just check out our upgrade here and see what we got plus two range bounce travels farther this is regeneration yep yep and then emergency warp can store two charges I think we're going to get the plus two range because it's funny uh this one I we know this is good and if it becomes really important we'll get it but plus two range seems actually really nice particularly because they're so good against light units this might mean we can fold a couple of them into now they'll probably just get annihilated by anti-air I not entirely sure we'll see caran is level 15 we don't have any new stuff for her but I do want to try Zergling reconstitution for the next mission and then let's go for the owered Crawlers because it's going to be a defense Mission and of course uh not really not really seeing that one be great I think this is better yeah so let's make those crawlers good see how they work with a swarm host and we will do that next time thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you tomorrow peace
Channel: GiantGrantGames Archives
Views: 55,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1g3WIZVae0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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