18 Glitches You Can Do In Starcraft 2

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in legacy of the void no production i asked if anybody wanted to see a glitch compilation for starcraft what i didn't expect is that the unpaid intern they have in charge of the game would be the person who is most excited as i was recording this video a sweet new patch rolled out with incredible features such as being unable to complete the first mission of heart of the swarm because it gives you the wrong type of zergling everybody turning into balls not being able to log into the game without changing the name of a folder and of course being unable to save the game i was originally going to open this video with a small spiel about old blizzard's trademark polish and how you have to dig pretty deep into their games to find bugs but old blizzard is gone and new blizzard is managing to break things even when they're hardly supporting them anymore so let's jump right into the bugs that i've found over the last couple years in the weird and wacky world of starcraft 2. in the mission conviction where kerrigan clears through a dominion prison ship to rescue damsel and distressed jim reiner there's an interesting weakness in the design halfway through the mission the battlefield shifts from the main floor to the prison deck there are a couple bugs because of this the first one is pretty mundane the event before switching areas involves a thor trying to destroy a coupling if he's successful the game gets a red tint and then the defeat screen shows up if you kill the room's defenders and then during the fade out to transfer zones kill the coupling yourself boom red tint for the rest of the mission it's neat i guess the second bug is a lot more interesting the way the mission works is that between scenes it grabs every unit you have places kerrigan in front of your forces and then the rest in a blob behind but what if kerrigan wasn't around to be grabbed during the fade to black use leaping strike so that the cut scene triggers while kerrigan is in the air when the zone transfer completes kerrigan is nowhere to be found what happened is that kerrigan is unable to be grabbed while in mid-air and remained at the previous location now off of the map to the north if you select kerrigan's hotkey and then move command her towards the north of the map you'll find her walking through an area of the map that has been deactivated and the activated areas have no terrain collision in starcraft 2. so in this timed segment kerrigan can walk straight to the end grab the bonus and kill the guards skipping the second half of the mission if you're having a hard time with the fight you can sacrifice your army up north and will all respawn in nidus worm at the final fight in welcome to the jungle there are 13 terrazine altars seven must be harvested to win the mission each time an altar starts being harvested the protoss looks at the number of successfully harvested altars and currently harvested altars and uses that number to decide on how many defenders to send ramping it up over time the common trick is that if you cancel the harvest of these three altars while the bottom left is being harvested twice on normal and six times on brutal the protoss will give up and not try to defend at all when i was playing around with this i noticed something weird there are two different commands to harvest at the altar you can either use the gather command or the move command when i was playing around trying to break things i wanted to know what would happen if i rapidly alternated between these two modes and when i tried something amazing happened the protoss got really angry and sent 75's supply to murder me before the 2 minute mark i haven't quite found out a way how to abuse this bug yet but if you have any ideas i would love to hear them on the third section of templar's return and legacy of the void you gain control of artanis who has a dash ability and they forgot to put pathing blockers on the high ground for the mission this wouldn't be an issue as you don't have any flyers to see the high ground but the purifier forces manage to fit two long zealots into the cave once you gain vision of them you can dash onto the high ground and walk to the end of the mission three of heart of the swarm's evolution missions have some funky things going on in no production heart of the swarm i discovered that during the zergling evolution mission queens do 50 damage per shot to a specific bunker after testing it seems that every building takes massively increased damage in this mission for whatever reason the bailing evolution has a segment with rising and falling lava the events start once you grab the first reinforcement set of banelings but the trigger just doesn't extend to the top of this area bring one bandling across and you can waltz through the majority of the mission never dealing with triggered enemy events or lava and finally is the hydralisk evolution mission specifically the impaler segment each evolution mission is built to be almost impossible to lose they're more of playable cut scenes in this mission if you lose all of your hydrolisks you're given more by abathur once you kill the impaler colonies and unlock the ability to morph lurkers hold down the r button to morph them as soon as possible if done quickly enough abathur will get confused and decide that you lost all of your hydrolysks he'll send you a new batch to help out and double your army size making the mission much faster this one was found literally 30 minutes ago after i wondered about it on stream on the nova covert ops mission and me within nova can get the blink suit allowing her to teleport the mission is mostly well equipped to prevent cheesing with it except if you line it up directly at the edge of this shadow you can blink straight to the final boss bypassing half of the mission there are three states of matter in starcraft 2. solid units who can interact with each other non-colliding units who can pass through other units and the siege tank when a tank is in siege mode they reject the laws of physics and substitute in their own the easiest example are mining workers who can phase through all units in the game except for tanks in siege mode who can trap your own workers leaving them unable to mine going even further is engine of destruction where an allied tikus controls the odin when trapped the odin can phase through multiple walls of buildings to reach its destination nothing can stop him except siege tanks this can be used to pin down tychus indefinitely giving ample time to build up a powerful escort force for what is normally a time-crunched mission phantoms of the void is one of the few heart of the swarm missions where you don't control kerrigan instead piloting alexi stukov to deactivate some temples the only time you get to use kerrigan during the mission is during the introductory no build sequence where she can help clear out a small protoss encampment but that doesn't mean her help has to stop if kerrigan is above level 50 and you have her ultimate ability you can stall out killing the final structure in the base and call in either drop pods or leviathan once the base is finished kerrigan will be gone but the ultimate summon will remain this makes clearing things out a lot easier this also works for any mission with a starting no build segment in winx liberty many people have trouble with the incredibly difficult mission supernova but if you chill out for 6 minutes in the starting segment then the mercenary compound will have everything available instantly for hire giving a huge burst in army power right out of the gate recall is really messed up and these bugs aren't just for the campaign but they also work in multiplayer the way that recall works is that when it's activated it saves the x and y coordinates of the units and then stuns them after a few seconds the game checks the recaller's x and y position finds the difference between the two coordinates and then adds that to the recalled unit almost always this works out fine but what if the unit's coordinates were changed during the recall the easiest way to do this is with the adept hit the shade ability move the shade and then as it's about to expire recall with mothership the adepts will recall and they won't be under the mothership recall also gives another out of bounds bug the mothership's recall tries to keep unit formations so if a unit is on the right side of a recall it will appear on the right side of the mothership this means that if a mother ship is at the edge of the map and recalls an army to that edge much of the army will appear off of the map this only works with flying units but they are fully functional this could actually be kind of overpowered in bringing warp prisms or something like that into your opponent's base this can also be done with battle cruisers and their mass teleport ability because air units naturally spread out when not moving a teleport can clump them into a corner and then push each other out of bounds on the defense mission rendezvous the attack before the timer expires includes two siege tanks if the tanks are still alive when the timer hits zero they disappear i don't know why i don't know if this is a bug but it's weird on sky shield there are a couple peripheral mobius bases if cleared out jim rainer will float some buildings in drop some forces and build up and then he won't do anything he just sits there he won't attack the enemy and the enemy won't attack him it's like he's an unlisted bonus objective with no reward the only exception is that if you clear out a nearby stabilizer and secure it then he sometimes will send a medevac with some marines to check out the empty area and do nothing thanks jim of course i couldn't make a glitch video without the one that inspired me to do so in the first place the solar lance purifier beam bug which the giant grand games discord has opted to simply call the trigger break in the last couple of months we have learned a lot about this bug it is both ridiculously powerful and flexible to activate it is simple call up any ability from the second tier of the spear of a dune save the game reload the game and then activate purifier beam from inside the menu congratulations all the missions ai triggers are broken the enemy will no longer attack or micro timed events will stop and you are free to do whatever you want what we discovered after the no production run is that the triggers can be restarted again after being broken once purifier beam has recharged activate its targeting and then hit escape everything will go back to normal this can be done on any mission where the ultimate ability is available ultimates are unlocked as you travel to the final planet before ire meaning there are seven total missions where this can be used it's worth noting that achievements including mastery achievements can still be unlocked while the triggers are broken let's take a look how this changes things on the escort mission unsealing the past there are two ways that this can work depending on where the megalith is when you activate it if it's inside one of the vaults it'll get stuck this gives you all the time in the world to clear the map of zerg making it a free win escort mission once triggers are re-enabled if the megalith is outside of the vault it will instead skip entering the vaults bouncing off of them and then directly heading to the next one drastically reducing the mission's time finding this bug cut about three minutes off of the legacy of the void speed run on purification not much has changed the enemy won't attack which trivializes the mission and the purifier forces are well they don't do anything it's sort of a letdown templar's charge is the same the enemy simply doesn't attack giving free reign to take the mission at your own leisure the talder emissions are where it gets interesting in steps of the right the main threat are the waves of terrazine fog no matter when this bug is activated the terrazine will be neutralized because the fog never goes in and out the achievement rise and shine where the mission must be completed before the fourth terrazine wave can be done in any amount of time and because the taldrum never attack the mastery achievement to beat the mission without killing any talder and forces is equally as simple rakshir is where the bug shines for some reason the tug-of-war mechanic between melash and allerak works despite everything else being broken this is great the mastery achievement here is to make sure that alurak is never pushed backwards in the tug of war but the game is horrible at giving feedback it's just a mess of an achievement breaking the ai means that this frustrating achievement is free this brings us to the host which works exactly as i showed in no production the defenders don't get any stronger don't respawn and the mission is a free win for even two zealots and two stalkers and finally is salvation it's not good here it does break the enemy attacks but it also breaks the keystone's charging which is the victory condition so you can't make any progress as long as it's active i guess you could use it to build up your forces or something this does bring up another interesting quirk of starcraft 2. did you know that there's a limit on the amount of time that you can spend inside of a game of starcraft the maximum time that you can spend is 9 hours 6 minutes and 8 seconds which is 2 to the 15th power seconds this is because the game clock is a 16 bit signed integer once it hits 32 768 seconds the game simply ends and finally is the xanthos the final boss of starcraft 2. this hulking behemoth is able to easily clear huge armies with a single misstep when it's in the right location the mission houses five parked gorgon battle cruisers that the xanthous attacks if all are destroyed it's game over the final gorgon is in the center of the map and if you wall the entrance off with buildings general davis gets very confused and tries to take the xanthos around the back and then gets stuck with a simple wall off the xanthos will never properly reach the final gorgon she will break every time and the best part is that it's really easy to revert as soon as you're ready lift a building and everything will fix itself but this isn't the last xanthos glitch the final part of the mission is a short no build segment well normally it's a no-build segment before killing the xanthos take any flying unit and put it in the top left-hand corner of the map remember kerrigan's out of bounds glitch on conviction this mission is built the same way except it wasn't set up properly and the top left corner is part of both of the mission's zones once the final segment begins select your flyers hotkey and bring it over to nova it takes a really long time for the unit to arrive so be patient for this showcase i opted to take my favorite flying terran unit the command center the ui doesn't show minerals or gas but you actually retain what you had when you beat the xanthos this means we can build the entire tech tree inside of the xanthos in theory with enough money you could make an entire maxed out army in here today i'm opting for a nice battle cruiser to finish off the mission and with a single sniper precision yamato cannon we can finally give davis the send-off that she deserves
Channel: GiantGrantGames
Views: 332,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TaL1sdCMiuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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