Getting Back to the Basics, Pt. 2 - Bishop Rudolph McKissick, Jr.

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] so [Music] our children's choir king's kids is looking for new volunteers and new kids from ages 4 to 12. parents if you have children in that age group make sure you sign them up by texting children seeing to 542444 the leader miss orianna armstrong is eager to hear from you and can't wait to reach out our oasis children and pre-teen ministry meet every single day of the week yes every day so parents make sure you have your kids registered to kit check the link is below but definitely make sure you follow them on their social media every day of the week just to mention a few of my favorites i absolutely love tasty tuesdays with miss doris and i love character corner with miss deborah williams you have to sign on to see join us every morning for 714 prayer monday through friday as our intercessors pray for us they pray for unity peace wisdom and our protection and so many other things that are needed within this season of our lives down the number below to join us remember 7 14 a.m every morning monday through friday so y'all already know what to do tag text and tell somebody that the bethel experience has begun bishop began his new series last week getting back to the basics so we are about to get into part two now make sure you tell everybody to tune in well praise the lord everybody oh y'all got a praise today i said praise the lord everybody do you have a praise i said praise the lord everybody listen if you are watching us this morning we want you to swipe and invite we want you to text tell and tag somebody as we get ready for worship we got some old school songs we gonna sing with a new twist to it we want you to worship with this while you're at your home whether you're driving where you're at work pop your hands like this hey can y'all clap and smile cause y'all still look y'all ready simple song everybody should notice [Applause] jesus [Music] i don't hear those tambourines and i don't know anybody got a praise back here here we go jesus [Music] in the room i want to say that jesus is my doctor [Music] i found joy in the room in their mind they got joy i found peace in a room in this body got peace in this body god's deliverance power in the room healing in the room you're [Music] just keep on praying just keep on praying the lord is his word is true can we take it all together just keep on say just keep on praying he'll answer you everybody have your hand i don't see y'all popping i don't care i wonder who in the heavenly jesus lift them higher have men of jesus say lord i need you to help me look i need you to help i need you to help me today help me every second of the day help me help me jesus look i need you to help look i need you to help look i need to come on jesus and help me save me down here praying down here jesus is my health help me along the way jesus is my help he's healthy along the way he helped me along the way he helped me along the way he helped me along that everybody come on even while you're sitting there at home we want you to clap your hands because jesus is your help clap your hands everybody i need y'all to make some noise i just want to hit a clap in the i just don't believe y'all clapping loud enough [Music] by now everybody watching us you ought to be on your feet you ought to be clapping your head if you were watching from the bed by now you should have gotten out the bed and put your hand pastor is something in here today when i say it is listen we need the lord to help them they went real old school helped me lift jesus in the prayer room you can't sit down on that because we need him i i bet you right now bishop senior and lady estelle are probably on their feet and he doing his little side to side right now i need everybody at home to join bishop right now hey if you have not done so tag somebody take somebody tell somebody swipe and invite because on this second sunday in september we don't got churchy in the lord's house we're going to continue our series on getting back to the basics last week was it all right it was morning all right so listen y'all get ready listen you better call somebody real quick we're going to let mitchum in the voices of judah go back into it and then go into their next song then right after that we're getting into this word the wonder of god's word that's what i'm preaching so we don't do crowds we don't do crimes and the wonder of god and the wonder of god's word get up off your i almost sounded like i was be careful get up off your feet clap your hands get up on your feet clap your whole hand get along your feet everybody i don't hear y'all clapping i really want to go real old school so quinn i need you to catch me on this song says it god me oh that [Applause] through this [Applause] [Music] it feels real good in here lord i need you to help me say lord i need you to help lord now okay lord i need you to help lord i need you to help me help me every second second of the minute of the hour jesus is my husband jesus jesus come on y'all jesus [Music] put your hands up [Music] i said somebody give god a shout right there hallelujah well look at your neighbor and say neighbor shout out real loud say neighbor even at home i want you to say neighbor he's never failed me yet that was the wrong neighbor look at somebody else even if you're at home by yourself say neighbor he's never failed me yet hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh he'll wipe oh oh [Music] break it down break it down break it down so listen we've been in this pandemic for how many months too many months but guess what even through the pandemic he's kept us he kept us a day he kept us a week he kept us a month he's never look at somebody saying he's never failed me yet you want to type that on the screen and say he's never failed me yet come on sam somebody say he's never failed me yet all right so listen i need y'all to do one quick thing i need y'all to think about i need y'all to think i'm gonna give y'all 10 seconds and i want you to think about the times that god showed up just in the nick of time i just i'm gonna give you 10 seconds if you could just think on one thing somebody said he was a healer somebody said he healed me from coleman somebody said he's a provider [Music] [Music] never y'all gotta think about that thing say no no no no he's never felt now just put your hands together [Music] it's feeling real good i'm getting light at my feet jacket no never when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he does is never felt everybody clap your hands it's getting real good i'm trying to let it go you got to do it one more time you got to do it one more time go y'all never found this never y'all take your seats pick those tambourines up while you're going to your seat i don't know where you are watching this morning and i don't know what's been going on in your life but you know if the lord has never failed you never left you never forsaken you you ought to just throw your head back in yell no never right in your house if you're married look at your spouse if you're single touch yourself text somebody and just in caps just write no never because god never fails he never fails in god there is no failure come on put you i feel like this the 80s and the 90s that's this kind of music this this 80s 90s kind of gospel right here not all that nude stuff this got that old feel to it come on one more day in the view but that's all right come on one more time meet you no never said no no no never i feel like marching down i don't know why [Music] [Music] [Music] come on put your hands together all in your house lift the hand in the air you know he's never not narrow time not in every time has the lord ever failed you come on [Music] [Applause] lord have mercy he never failed [Music] he never felt never failed he never failed i better stop y'all better leave me alone i said he he never fell yellow yeah i feel joyce in me yellow yellow yeah [Applause] i'ma let it go hallelujah god i thank you [Music] see until you go through something and the lord brings you out of it you you can't have this kind of testimony but if the lord's ever done anything for you wait a minute if the lord ever showed up at the last minute just when you thought you weren't gonna make it that's when you start to say he never never never never failed never failed never failed [Music] hey he never failed never failed never failed i'm sorry y'all ain't nobody in here but the choir and us but we can testify that the god we serve no never i'ma stop i'ma stop hallelujah y'all better walk away hallelujah hallelujah i told you a long time ago we learned how to praise in an empty sanctuary we don't we don't need thousands of people in here all we got to do is think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me [Music] okay let me let me stop hey your giving is so important your giving is so i got to force myself to move on because i can stay there for a little while that's old church that's that's old school church where you don't need a bunch of trinkets we talked about it last sunday you don't need a bunch of lights and trinkets and fog all you need is a song and a testimony [Music] hey your giving is so important to what we are doing here in the body of christ i hope you were challenged last week to stop being a crowd chaser and a crowd giver your giving is important to what we are doing in the body of christ 2021 in the body of christ throughout the world has been different pandemic fatigue has set in and there are many people who are not giving as they used to because y'all out there y'all out out in the streets and as a result people aren't giving like they were and so i'm i'm challenging and admonishing you that as we get back to the basics in this series you get back to the basics of faithful fruitful obedient stewardship you ought to do it this morning the tithe belongs to the lord the offering belongs to the lord and you want to sow it right now you'll see all the giving platforms they'll be right there at the bottom of the screen you'll see them no excuses you can give right now trustees always every sunday they are here you can bring it you might want to jump in this fire a little bit peep your head in here and see what's going on but i need you to be faithful in your giving on today don't forget midweek manner on wednesday 7 p.m we have already begun a new series last week on developing a discipleship disposition the beatitudes and man oh man it's a blessing already as we challenge ourselves to be disciples and so i urge you to join me with that come on let's pray now god speak to us through your word holy spirit have your way thank you for how you have manifested yourself in this worship experience so far now stand up in your servant give me clarity help me as i now have a conversation on the courage of my convictions about calvary speak to somebody this morning lord as we get back to the basics in jesus name amen hey go to jeremiah chapter one it's gonna sound like a very strange scripture as we get into this word this morning jeremiah chapter one uma i want to read from the new living translation because of the wording it's more um it's clearer in the new living translation tr as it was transliterated from the hebrew because of some of the words it will make just a little more sense jeremiah chapter one write aunt verse one y'all know it must be it's real old school they done sang old school and i bought a paper bible to the pulpit i don't know the day i had a paper bible in mind jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 these are the words of jeremiah son of hilakiah one of the priests from the town of anatole in the land of benjamin the lord first gave messages to jeremiah during the 13th year of the reign of josiah the son of amon king of judah the lord's messages continued throughout the reign of king jehoiakim josiah's son until the 11th year of the reign of king zedekiah another of josiah's sons in august of that 11th year the people of jerusalem were taken away as captives that's all i want to read we're in a new series called getting back to the basics and i want to preach today with this thought in our minds the wonder of god's word the wonder of god's word i admit something right at the top uh that some may judge and some may say lord i i have become uh not an a tick-tock user but i'm an avid tick-tock watcher i go to bed scrolling through tick-tock every night some of y'all know y'all do the same thing recently i i saw a tick tock that got me it was it was a tick tock about a toilet it's a true story um on most toilets is a little device called a shut-off valve every once in a while you've probably had the experience of the toilet threatening to overflow or actually overflowing well under the toilet tank is that little shut off valve it's a little oval handle and you just turn it clockwise and it shuts off the water i just helped somebody right there it it it's nothing it's nothing spectacular this shut off valve it's just an ordinary thing it's just part of the toilet you you know it's there but you you don't really pay much attention to it when you're told what it is or or what it's there for and have to use it you you many times can become surprised and astonished at how it works and what it does just a little something connected to the toilet that seems insignificant and you don't really even think about it being there value it or use it until you got a problem as i read as i saw rather that tick tock it it brought to my attention that i think sometimes that is how we treat the word of god we regard it as ordinary we yes regarded as just part of the furniture of faith and church it's just there we don't really regard it as anything extraordinary special or valuable watch this until the toilet of your life is filled with mess and about to overflow and make a mess on the floor of your life and then we run to use it lord have mercy but i want us in this series to get back to knowing that this word is not ordinary it is astounding and i need you to understand something this morning the word of god was not given to us for our enjoyment but for our embodiment too often now preachers preach it for enjoyment and too often we only want to quote the scriptures we enjoy but we ignore the scriptures we're called to embody preach bishop i i know that this text i read seems like a very strange text to talk about the word of god but i promise you if you stick with me you'll see why i chose it let me give you the context this is the beginning of the prophetic ministry of the prophet jeremiah he gives us in this first chapter what we call in theological circles his call story how the lord called him into ministry and the opening words and their wording and the historical details are what riveted me now i know everything i read not only to those in the sanctuary but to those of you at home everything i read to you this morning sounded like french and meant absolutely nothing to you but in these verses of history we get a glimpse into a descriptive about the wonderful word of god somebody might be saying why why is that important because if we're going to get back to the basics you recall on last sunday i talked about how jesus went away from the crowds and when the disciples came to him the bible says he taught them what did he teach them he taught them the word we we need the word because let me just be honest in this modern day church we don't know the word which means we don't trust the word let's just be honest in this modern day church where now the church looks like a ted talk and the preacher the man of the woman of god looks like a life coach with couches all on the stage and a nice little chair and a round little table and they walk around with their cut off jeans and their shirts and they walk around giving you life principles that you could get in a therapist's office instead of giving us the unmitigated word of god and as a result suicide in the church is at an all-time high divorce in the church is at an all-time high depression in the church is at an all-time high drug use yes in the church is at an all-time high why because we don't know the word and because we don't know the word we don't trust the word i came to to challenge you today to get back into this word because this word is not a simple story it is life all you got to do is read the bible you'll discover how important word is god didn't create by snapping his fingers god created by word yes mountains move by word prayers are answered by word people are saved by word people are sustained by word people are comforted by word people are encouraged by word you need the word of god as a matter of fact you cannot claim to be submitted to the living word but don't trust the written word but for too many now facebook is their bible where they create moments of uplift and i don't have anything against it i do it every now and then but i read somewhere where god's word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto my path which means when my day is dark and when my path is confusing it ain't somebody's word on facebook that's gonna help me it's not somebody's word on tv that's gonna help me it is the absolute word of god and the church has got to get back to the word we're perfecting everything else but teaching people the word we're perfecting our music we're perfecting our lights we're perfecting our ministries we're perfecting our announcements we're perfecting our greeters we're perfecting everything but the word of god some churches stay in church two and a half hours and only 20 minutes of that is word and you have the knife to be excited because you stayed in two and a half hours and danced for 90 minutes but ain't got no word it's the word of god that is the foundation for the people of god let me just give you three quick reasons why the word of god is important right from these these verses that don't seem to have nothing number one because the word of god is relentless in its presence it's gonna get good um look at it again look at it again these are the words of jeremiah's son of helkia one of the priests from the town of anatoth in the land of benjamin the lord first gave word to jeremiah during the 13th year of the reign of josiah that don't mean nothing to nobody but let me break it down to you this this word the bible says came during the reign of josiah josiah was a king who brought religious reform to the nation they had been under a heathen king and had began to practice idolatry in their worship and had brought idols into the temple josiah comes in and brings a reform and brings the people back to god and this text says jeremiah begins his reign during the 13th year of josiah this religious king who brought the people back to god and brought value back to the word of god and brought significance back to the worship of god but if you were to read history you would discover that the reign of josiah was soon found to be superficial they had done all of this reform but here was the problem it's the same problem we got in the church today it was an outward reform void of inward change but i i need you to keep reading because look at what it says it says and that word continued to come lord this is going to get good y'all don't even know where i'm going one version says it also came it means it kept on coming when did it keep coming it kept coming during the reign of jehoiakim now jehoiakim was a hostile king who got rid of the prophets or at least he tried to don't don't miss me stay with the history lesson the bible tells us uriah had given a prophecy to johan johar kim about the impending judgment on the people of israel but the problem was jehoiakim did not like the prophecy and sought to kill uriah he had his gang go down to egypt where uriah had fled brought him back and dealt with him as a matter of fact if you were to go over to chapter 36 you will see where barack had transcribed a prophetic word from the lips of jeremiah to the king about the judgment it was a word that was warning the king that if the people didn't straighten up they were going into exile but the king didn't like what barack had written and was reading so he threw it into the fire but the text says in all of that hell the word kept coming yo y'all gonna get this in a minute no notice what it says the word kept coming the word also came the word continued but notice verse three i'm giving y'all a history we're gonna shout on a history lesson notice verse three says that the word came until the completion of the eleventh year of the reign of zedekiah zedekiah was the last king of judah before the people were taken into exile zedekine now let me walk you through it josiah was a reforming king jehoiakim was an evil king well zedekiah was a wishy-washy king he was a pole watcher and a pulse of the people king he would flip-flop depending on which way the wind was blowing don't miss where i'm going they had a reforming king whose reform was superficial they had an evil king who took the people back into idolatry they had a wishy-washy king who went whichever way the wind was blowing up but the word says the word kept on coming y'all y'all didn't get it yet because y'all shouted these were disastrous times when babylon came through and took the people and took over judah they burned the temple they took the people so please don't miss the picture first it says the word of the lord came then it says that the word kept on coming y'all don't know when to shout in times of indifference it kept on coming in times of faithlessness it kept on coming in times of rebellion it kept on coming in times of ignorance it kept on coming in times of stubbornness it kept on coming in times of hard-heartedness it kept on coming in the days of compromise it kept on coming in the days of disaster it kept on coming no matter what was going on in the nation the word of god was relentless and it kept on coming god i feel like preaching this this word was not seasonal it was not situational it was not conditional nothing that came through any king or came at any time had the power to stop the word of god from continuing to come and that's what i need you to know about this word and that's why i need you to take this word seriously because what these three verses let us know is no matter what the times look like god's word will keep on coming no matter how rough the times get god's word will not be changed no matter how much hell is going on god's word will not be compromised isaiah put it this way the grass withereth and the flower fadeth but the word of god shall stand forever it is relentless that that's what that's why you need to get into this word that's why you need to get out the crowd that's why you need to become a disciple because everything the word says about you and everything the word says is for you cannot be changed by what's going on around you preach i almost ran and made myself happy relentless means everything the word of god says about you and everything the word of god says is for you cannot be changed by what's going on around you politics can be crazy but the politician can't change the word problems can be all around you but your problems can't change the word sickness can be in your body but your sickness cannot change the word your finances might be depleted but your brokenness can't change the word your family might be disrupted but the rapture cannot change the word no matter how rough it gets it keeps on keeps on coming here's the point god never leaves us without direction in the darkest of times jesus god's word keeps on coming now some of y'all should've got up and ran in your house because these are some trying times we're living in these are some dark days we're living in we're seeing murders everywhere we turn we've got a crazy governor who will not pass command mass mandate we got children dying we got families in grief we we got schools shutting down everything is crazy even the president has made some bad moves in getting people out of afghanistan people are losing their jobs people are running to all kinds of violence because of what's going on in their life and what i need people to know today is just an old-fashioned word and that is i don't care if you caused the problem and i don't care what problem is around you the word of god keeps on coming keeps on coming what what you need ain't inspiration you need the word of god what you need ain't a hoop you need the word of god what you need to pick them up and put them down you need the word of god what you need in a good song on your ipad you need a word of god what you need ain't a life coach you need the word of god what you need ain't a therapist you need the word of god now all of those things have their place but if this ain't the first place you stop every other place will not help you you need the word word that's why you ought to be on bible studies on wednesday night it's a sin and a shame that we'll have 5 000 views on sunday and 1.3 000 views on wednesday you need to work it's a relentless word secondly it's a determining dominating word stick with me i'm just reading the history um read it again um it says verse 3 it also came in the days of jehoiachin the son of josiah king of judah until the end of the 11th year of zedekiah the son of josiah king of judah until the carrying away of jerusalem captive in the fifth month one version says until the time of exile that this capture of the city of god and the people of god was was not some surprise it wasn't some accident remember i've already told you it was prophesied to jehoiachin so the question has to come um what caused the exile what caused them to go into captivity judgment judgment i know i sound like a real old-school holiness preacher right here but but i've come to discover that god will put up with you for a season but he ain't gonna put up with you for a lifetime he's not just going to let you live any kind of way when he's warned you of the right way in his word and i know some of y'all are saying well bishop i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying not to cuss bishop i'm trying i'm trying not to drink so much bishop i'm trying i'm trying not to sleep here there and everywhere well let me give you a word some of y'all may not like at least you're on a walk in discretion till you get delivered they didn't like that they didn't like that but until deliverance comes judgment just got quiet don't fool yourself god is not mocked whatever you sow [Applause] and that's good or bad beloved we always use that to talk about stuff that happens to people but technically that scripture was about giving it was about offerings but the principle is to say you get back what you put out judgment came on the people god's judgment now if you were to go down to verse 10 you don't go down there now you can read when you contest you you'll see how god describes to jeremiah what his prophetic utterances which will be the word of god will do i don't want you to miss it this is why it's a dominating word don't don't miss it it's a determining word because if you go down to verse 10 he says see i have set this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms to root out and to pull down jesus to destroy and to throw down jesus to build and to plant yeah okay let me break it down for you to pull up and pull down to destroy and throw down to to build and plant now remember how i described all the various reigns of each king first was a reforming king who was superficial second was an evil king who brought back idolatry third was an arrogant king who was wishy-washy and god tells jeremiah in all of those seasons don't just tear down but build up build and plant tear down but also build up lord help me in here today um overthrow kingdoms with your word y'all don't get it yet um this this word of god in any season first can uproot and get rid of stuff here's the point there will be judgment but then there will be restoration i don't know why everybody didn't shout even everybody in this room because all of us are the benefactors of restoration everybody in here should have shouted right now none of us in here or none of y'all watching me came out the womb perfect and sinless y'all y'all better talk to me all of us in here and all of you watching me are the benefits of restoration and the reason we can rejoice is because right in god's word god said i'ma tear you down but then i'm gonna build you back up i'ma tear you down but then i'm gonna restore you i just got a question and i wish all y'all were here with me but has god ever torn you down and then built you back up as a matter of fact what this text teaches me is that every now and then god can't build you back up until god tears you down god cannot plant you until he uproots you because his word is that determining that's why some of y'all ought to be shouting tear it down lord yeah tear it up lord tear up my attitude tear up my nastiness tear up my arrogance tear up my ignorance tear up my pettiness tear up my sinful ways but god after you tear it up don't just leave it empty build me back up build me to something i've never been build me to somebody i want to be that's my prayer for the church i know i'ma get in trouble my prayer is god tear this church up tear it up till i get holy folk tear it up till i get godly leaders tear it up till i get faithful people but god don't just tear it up but then build us back up build us with an anointing build us with better power build us to be a worshipping community build us to be a loving community build us to be a healing community god tear us up to build us look at what he says in that verse 10 i have set you over kingdoms and nations in other words god says when you speak my word jeremiah whatever i say god that is about a nation or a kingdom whatever i say about it it will take place say that one more time god says whatever i say about a nation will take place now can i tell you why that's important in this day and time because in this new age of intellect and technology we think that what determines everything are economic factors political decisions sociological shifts technological advancements natural resources intellectual uh capacity is getting good now but i need you to know today that god's word has more power to accomplish things than any of that you better hear me he says my word is over kingdoms that means it's a royal word my word is over nations that means it's a political word it has more power than any king it has more power than any president it has more power than any governor it has more power than any mayor it has more power than any bishop it has more power than any pastor it has more power than any apostle whatever that means it has more power than any military regime it has more power than any social changes it's a dominant word god told jeremiah when you speak a word about any nation i will bring that word to pat if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves seek my face turn from their wicked ways and pray then yes i will hear from heaven and i will heal their land y'all ain't helping me god says i don't care what king is in place i don't care what policies they put in place if my people god i feel it who are called by my name will just humble themselves and pray and seek my face i will heal their land and that's my word today that's why the church has got to get back to the word it's time out for politics it's time out for sociology it's time for some theology if the church will get to the word we can heal the land and no matter what president is in no matter what governor is in no matter what mayor is in god says if i said it in my word i will bring it lord have mercy it's a dominant word if this is true that means believers you need to spend more time reading the word than you do the newspaper let me tell you what lord said to me he said preacher let me tell you why the church is not word centered anymore because in this modern age of technology blogs have become our beliefs we we we we check more with blogs than we do god's word everybody got a blog everybody got a podcast it doesn't got dark and quiet now everybody want to do a podcast everybody want to buy um equipment to have at home to to do their live talks everybody got a word on marriage and everybody got a word on finances and everybody got a word on politics and everybody got a word on self-help and what disturbs me is tim is that i read all of these and ain't nobody quoting scripture it's god's word not all this foolishness we're doing in the church it's god's word we we we have become so oh god um so prioritized on attraction that we are we are worshiping atmospheres instead of word because atmospheres attract y'all then got quiet now so we want to run to a church that's creating the atmosphere to keep us comfortable instead of going to a church that prophesies the word to bring us transformation so you go into a train i ain't got nothing to get this and i ain't talking about nobody so you want to go to a church where you can bring your coffee in and you got an arena and not a sanctuary and you can wear whatever you want to wear and you can sit back with your legs crossed and you can write down a few notes and you can be happy because the fog is coming up out of the floor and the countdown is up on the screen and blue and green and red and purple lights are flashing all over the stage and that's what attracts you and the challenge i put to every pastor is stop trying to attract people with atmosphere and attract them with the word of god we preaching stuff that ain't got no word we singing stuff that ain't got no words because now artists are now trying to create friendly music that will get them money instead of writing music that will transform people so tired of listening to some of this music that ain't got nothing to do with god's word [Music] because now we've got artists and all they care about is letting their label dictate their brand to make their money nobody wants to create songs like no never he never leaves me alone nobody wants to create songs like it's in the prayer room see see how quiet everybody is now cause we want the songs that's gonna make us feel good we want the songs that will satisfy our need for rhythmic expression but god's word is what changes people i gotta go gotta go it's the word of god it's relentless no matter what season of life you're reading out of the most see it keeps on coming you you can find a word every season you're in you you can find a word for every struggle you're in you you can find a word for every problem you've got you you can find the word right it did amazing i ain't got to google blogs for my depression i ain't got do number go to the word the joy of the lord god i'm trying not to preach it is my strength i ain't got to go to some blog to figure out how to have financial stability the word says bring ye all the time into the storehouse and prove me now here with king james the lord of hosts and see if i won't open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you won't have room to receive i don't need a blog to figure out how to handle my haters the bible says pray for those who despitefully use you and love your enemies i don't need a blog to figure out how to get myself together the bible says stand still and see the salvation of the lord if it ain't in the word i don't want it i got to go i got to go you got to get back to the basics stop just having church to have church teach people the word of god is the last thing it's number one try to say two things to you so far it's a relentless word it's a determining dominating word last thing it's an empowering jeremiah jeremiah said god i said oh that sounds good god i'm too young for all this jeremiah must have gone to the black church where they tell you you too young to serve he must have gone to these modern day churches where they tell folk get a little older before you can be a leader it's the reason these churches are dying because you got dinosaurs as lead as leaders and because you got dinosaurs as leaders you're creating jurassic park as the sanctuary jeremiah said oh that's good god but but i'm i'm too young for that i'm too young for that but god watch what god said you're my in verse five he said wait a minute wait a minute jeremiah before i formed you in the womb i knew you as a matter of fact i can help somebody shout as a matter of fact the only reason i formed you is cause i knew you so jeremiah and everybody else listening you weren't formed by an accident you were formed by providence preach boy god said before before you got in the womb god says you were on my mind before your mom and daddy got together for when i formed in the womb i knew you watch this before you were born i sanctified you i ordained you to be a prophet to the nation before you got in the womb here's what he's saying to jeremiah and here's what he's saying to every disciple today represent me in a world that doesn't want me and you can't represent me in a world that doesn't want me acting like the world i'm trying to get you to change represent me in a world whose lifestyle says they don't want me you can't do that and be a gossip you can't do that and be a whoremonger you can't do that in being alcoholic functioning or unfunctioning you can't be there and be a liar and a backstabber you can't be that and be petty i mean i know this is old school preaching this morning god says i have called you as disciples to represent me in a world that don't want me and you represent me by speaking my word not by wearing a cross not by carrying a bible not because you got a title you represent me by speaking my work just two words be different heard the holy ghost say to me son therein lies the problem with the church i said what what's the problem with the church god he said the church can't be different trying to look like the world my church can't be different trying to set up making folk feel comfortable in their world it's a church we're called to be different jesus help me right here going to be different you you're called to walk away from the person that's cussing you you're called to turn down the invitation to the gossip party you're turned you're called to say no to going to happy hour you don't want to hear this unless anybody thinks i'm sitting up on a perch of pietistic pomposity i'm talking about me too i'm not sitting up on some perch of perfection looking down at everybody telling them to be different because too often i have tried to preach to be the same instead of preaching to be different god help me teach this thing in here he says to jeremiah jeremiah let me use you to change the world around you in jeremiah everything i speak to you as my word do it and speak it can we just be honest most of us are like jeremiah in his response to god jeremiah said it's not that i don't want to do it my flesh won't allow me to do it he said i'm too young i know i'm come on i know i know i'm sorry you know i ain't grabbing the mic and hollering and turning around and spinning and modulating 13 times um but i need you to get this today because here's where most of us live god it ain't that i don't want to do it my flesh just won't let me do it but god got a word for that you bring your flesh under subjection to the spirit see we don't know bible we don't know bible but it ain't that you ain't gonna have flesh you got flesh and you're gonna have fleshly moments you're gonna have fleshly ways but thank god for first john 1 and not if i confess my sin he is faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me of all unrighteous here was my question tim and i'm done i got to go that was my question y'all um why does god seem to always sabotage god's own program by the way god carries it out why does god always seem to sabotage god's own program by the way god carries it out i mean god you want your word to the nations let's go all the way back to the beginning and you call a stuttering murderer you want a new king and you call a snot don't shepherd boy god always seems to sabotage his own program by the way he wants to carry it out he calls a pagan idolatrous abraham who can't have children god then calls a devious schemer like jacob then you got an 80 year old failure who seems to have lost his weight moses god takes the youngest out of seven sons who was not thought important enough to even invite to the party made him the king god seems to always put responsibility on people who got defects so for every one of y'all sitting home with your excuse for why you can't join this ministry you can't join the choir can't get on audio can't be in the women's ministry can't be in the men's ministry can't get on the dance ministry you are the one god's looking for because he always calls people who got excuses it almost makes you say but what kind of loser is god going to call next who said it again it almost makes you say what what kind of loser is god going to call next and if you bold enough i dare you to touch yourself and say me me i know some of y'all don't want to do it because you're too arrogant to admit that you are a loser but all of us will lose us lost in sin i'm coming to get you all of us will lose a shaken in iniquity so i'ma ask the question one more time what kind of loser is the lord gonna call this time touch yourself and say me that's why i'm gonna do what he called me to do that's why i'm gonna do what he tells me to do that's why i'm gonna get in the ministry because what god lets jeremiah and us know in verse 5 is that what matters is not your competence what matters is not your qualification but what matters is god's decision and is there anybody other than me glad god made a decision to choose you made a decision to die for you made a decision to love you made a decision to keep you made a decision to cover you made a decision to call you and your potential cannot be canceled by your ignorance just cause you don't know it don't mean it ain't in you just cause ain't nobody told you don't mean it ain't in you god is calling all of us i'm done i'm done is bird church has lost her love for the word how do you preach a 45-minute sermon and only quote scripture one time how do you sing songs and the principle of the song ain't even rooted in a word are you creating atmospheres that ain't no way in the word we worried about pews or theater chairs podium or table spotlights are regular hammering a pipe worrying about the wrong stuff [Music] communion first sunday or second [Music] once a month or once a quarter that ain't got nothing to do with god's word people are dying marriages are being destroyed children are turning to things just to find themselves and we in here fighting over crap that don't matter [Music] even jesus you can't believe in the living word if you can't submit to the written word because it is the written word that gets you to the living world [Music] let me help you let me just help you you right now but i love jesus i don't need all that bible let me let me help you romans chapter 10 ah everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved but how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him and how can they believe in him if they've never heard about him and how can they hear about him unless someone tells them and how will anyone go and tell them without being sent if you don't want this you don't want jesus because you can't get jesus without this word [Music] my prayer my prayers that you get so thirsty for the word of god the written word then the living word every woman in this church with women of purpose every man in this church with the fight club it's the first saturday of every month you ain't got no excuse you know when it is the word is being taught [Music] one way pathway i put the challenge to pastor dares to get these young kids in the word get these young adults in the word wednesday night midweek manner you need to be set and ready at 7 00 p.m to get that word cause that is what brings you life [Music] that's that's what does it it's god's word bread of life [Music] sent down from glory many things you were on earth a holy king a carpenter you are the living word also [Music] awesome gentle redeemer gentle reading come on god with us god with us the living truth and what a friend we have in you sing that verse one more time cause that's in his word awesome ruler awesome gentle redeemer isaiah told us he's god with us god with us the living truth and what a friend and what we having you we have in you come on let's call his name in here say jesus jesus jesus that's what we call you that's what we call you mange you're born yeah keep it right there you are the living word come on jesus yeah jesus jesus yeah that's what we call that's what we call you major boy come on let's flip it up you are the living word come on let's take it up yeah jesus that's what we call you come on jesus jesus jesus oh jesus say jesus oh jesus that's what we call you his name is listen to me carefully oh glory whoever you are wherever you are today is the day to make a decision that is rooted and grounded in the word of god god's word says if you confess your sin if you confess with your mouth on the lord jesus and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead thou shalt you say that's romans 10. first john 1 and 9. if you confess your sin he is faithful and just to forgive you cleanse you of all unrighteousness i don't care who you are i don't care what you've done i don't care if you did it last night i don't care if you did it this morning before you cut the live on his word is relentless and his word is determining and if god's word said he'll forgive you it's done if god's word said he'll cleanse you it's done and his word is empowering that means you don't have an excuse that god ain't got a word for this morning bishop i'm i'm saved i am saved but i i want to get back to the basics in my life i don't have a church because if i'm saved then the first basic i need to get back to is to get connected to a fellowship that's a god ain't call i don't care about all this consciousness i'm hearing all these dumb woke talking about consciousness and i don't need a church and no you need a church because the book says i will give you pastors after my own heart which technically says you don't get to choose your pastor you pray and god reveals your pastor [Music] you wanna come and i'm conscious and the word is in my heart all that's good but the book says you need a pastor i would love to be your pastor we would love to be your pastors all you got to do is do what you see on the lower part of the screen text tbc decision to 5 4 2 4 4. that's all you got to do it's that simple tbc decision to 54244 and when you do that you'll get a text back with a link click the link a video welcome from pastor and i that's the reginald caldwell our congregational care pastor will be reaching out to you and very soon the demons daryl and dolores beeman will be reaching out to you they're the new leaders of our aim ministry that's the name of our discipleship ministry stay tuned you're gonna be hearing more about that so you can get i don't want to get you in the church i want to get you into discipleship because for years i've had a crowd [Music] i want disciples my final challenge to you today be on midweek manner wednesday night at 7 p.m without excuse because you are thirsty for the word of god finally and i'll let voices of judah take us on out of here with this great song you haven't given you haven't time you haven't sown today is the day to do it do it right now not because we got a budget not because i have a staff to pay but the bible says bring ye all the tithe into the storehouse and prove me now here we as king james saith the lord of hosts see if i won't open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you won't have room enough to receive try god you'll never fail you i promise you that the lord bless you the lord keep you here's my prayer peace stay on and worship with the choir so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] you
Channel: The Bethel Church
Views: 539
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Keywords: rudolph mckissick sermons bethel baptist jacksonville bishop mckissick jr bbic, the bethel experience
Id: a5qoUQp29SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 7sec (5347 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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