Get Up Again

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happy sunday church thank you so much for joining us i trust that you had a wonderful thanksgiving with your family or friends uh in a level of quarantine and i know this has been an extended season around the world and frankly it is why i have this particular message on my heart we've just concluded what a wonderful world a series we did i think six or seven or eight different messages and please reference that if you get a chance just to consider all the beauty and all the wonder amidst the pain amidst the tragedy amidst the difficulty and the challenges and circumstances that oftentimes are way outside of our control we must rehearse and review the wonderful ways of god and all the wonder and the beauty he has put all around us so that i i really really hope that those messages were an encouragement to you not the least of which my wife i know she's my wife but she did a message on the wonder of the bible and it may very well be one of the most important sermons we have ever shared here in the history of church home and i say that uh carefully and i say that intentionally because it really was a watershed hallmark moment and so if you get a chance please please please and the great thing about chelsea is she's not long-winded like me and so i'm pretty sure the sermon comes in under 30 minutes so if you've got to spare 30 minutes or less would you consider checking out the wonder of the bible by chelsea i really think it'll give you perspective about this all-important story book this all-important resource that god has given us and we're going to go again to this book like we do every single time we gather hey if you're new to this space i'm judah like i said i'm married to a woman named chelsea we've been married 21 years we have three kids we get to lead here as the lead pastors of church home and we are a mobile church we're a technological community around the world and thank you whatever you know maybe it's not a sunday maybe it's a monday maybe it's a wednesday maybe it's a friday night maybe it's in the middle of the night that you're dialing up this content and you're watching this you are on god's mind constantly and contrary to popular notion and cultural connotations god is not mad at you he loves you you are his son his daughter and he is like i said constantly thinking about you you're always on his mind you are loved hey if you brace yourself for bad news or average news ah you can exhale we are committed your church home to good news that is in fact the definition of the gospel it is news that is good and we will talk more about that i have been very excited since i had this thought about this sermon and the title of my message on this sunday right after thanksgiving for some of you like what's thanksgiving it's a holiday in the united states of america that we just got done celebrating and so post thanksgiving i want to talk to you from the subject get up again get up again oh how we need to be reminded that it is time there is no time like the present for us to rise again get up again and keep progressing and keep moving in life i want to go to lamentations i know i know right what what preacher goes to lamentations well maybe we need some lamenting during these times but i want to go to lamentations in chapter three and read just three verses here's what it says in lamentations chapter three and again if this is your first time joining us welcome we're so glad you're here i'm gonna tech i'm gonna text i'm gonna talk for the next few minutes and then uh we'll conclude this should be reasonably painless somewhat enjoyable we'll try to have a good time but if you've ever felt like giving up this sermon is for you lamentation chapter three says the faithful love of the lord never ends man that's good his mercies never cease great is his faithfulness i love this line his mercies begin afresh each morning look at verse 24 i say to myself the lord is my inheritance therefore i will hope in him his mercies are new every morning and my favorite comeback verse probably in all the bible from best we can tell i think it's written by the ancient king solomon he says in proverbs 24 and verse 16 the godly may trip seven times but they will get up again the godly may trip seven times but they will get up again there it is title of my message get up again i say this with a lot of uh soberness and carefulness but i believe the next 20 minutes or so could be catalytic in the rest of your life could be strategic and important for literally the rest of your life this is one of those messages where if you're going to keep moving in the human experience on earth you're going to need these couple of verses that we've just read we'll do our best to unpack them and explain them and then we will close in prayer together will you join me in prayer god i thank you for the minutes and moments we share help us get up again thank you for your grace in jesus name amen amen amen well for those that don't know i said a minute ago we've got three children we have a 16 year old a 14 year old an 11 year old the two boys are older and then the youngest my little girl grace and uh needless to say you can probably you probably would assume and know that the 16 and 14 year old boys are constantly growing in terms of their stature right they're their physical frame is changing by the minute it seems by the day we'll literally have friends that are gone for a month and come back to our house or run into them and they look at my son zion they look at my son elliot and they go i don't even recognize them they are so tall i think both of my boys now are over six feet tall of course i'm six foot seven and so they have quite some ways to go i'm kidding i'm actually six one and a half that half is important six one and a half and i believe my 16 i think the 14 year old is taller than the 16 year old i believe that is true i believe that is true in fact the 16 year old is sitting right over here just to be clear and so i'm getting eye contact with him but his 14 year old brother has eclipsed him both of my boys that is so wild both of my boys are over six feet tall it's wild so what do we do in this fifth household well we're doing a lot of measuring right we're doing a lot of like back to back no he's standing on his toes no no and we're measuring pushing down the hair my 14 year old's got curly hair my six-year-old's got straight hair and so there's a lot of discrepancy of whether or not the 14 year old is taller or is it just his curly hair is it just his puffy hair and there's constantly there's probably not a day now that goes by in the smith family where there's not some sort of measurement in regards to stature and it seems like it's changing by the second and by the minute it is it's interesting isn't it it's in our nature to measure it's in our nature to compare now the bible warns us frankly to not compare warns us to not measure our accomplishments or measure our goodness or measure our competency or measure our abilities or our talents and yet just like my boys it's what we constantly do right we're just well i think i'm better than them i'm not as fast as i'm not as smart as her not right it's constantly comparing kobe's been such an interesting experience because i've said this before we all go to work and we just longed to be home on our couch now we are and we long to be back at work or we long to be out and about and yet even sitting on our couch at home are you like me i still compare i still measure myself against other people whether on a tv show whether in a sporting game whether in a live broadcast whether a politician well i'm this they're that and it's just in our nature now the slippery slope when it comes to measuring and comparing and contesting with one another is sooner or later you're going to run into somebody who's taller faster stronger smarter better looking know how judah looks as uh you know what i mean their eyes are more symmetrical their ears are lined up they're fake right they just look better they're fitter stronger right and that's called life but oftentimes what happens the slippery slope leads us to a discouraged space and we feel like we don't measure up now maybe you're at a place where you just don't feel a lot of motivation just don't feel a lot of passion you don't feel a lot of desire or drive because you just don't measure up now maybe one of the reasons you concluded you don't measure up is because you messed up and that mess mess-up is telling you this will define the rest of your life this will be it for you it's over what's the use what's the point i tried i failed i faltered i'm not as strong as them i'm not as strong as him i'm not as strong as her i'm weak i'm weary i'm fearful i'm worried i'm anxious i'm down for the count maybe you feel that way right now watching this content on your couch yeah what's the use a lot of people are talking about when covid's over you're thinking to yourself so what if covid's over what will i do then not good enough for my job i'm not good enough for my friends maybe you feel like you're not good enough for your spouse you're not good enough for your kids you're not good enough for your boss you're not good enough for god and maybe you have concluded this is the end my lot in life is to be second class i hate that term so much but it pops into our mind doesn't it and we start to wonder well i i'll never measure up i'll never be who in my childhood i thought i'd be i'll never be who i dreamed of being when i was a teenager it's just not in the cards it's not gonna work for me you said judah where are you coming up with all these terms maybe you're watching this you're going i kind of feel more sad than i did before i turned on this sermon or maybe you watch this going i actually feel pretty good i kind of love my life and i'm really excited about postcode and getting out there and getting in the mix and that's awesome by the way that is exactly where you should be but for the rest of us we've been knocked down a few times and frankly during this global pandemic i think each of us have probably had to face some level of discouragement some level of i can never live up to my standard the standard of god the standard of others and frankly you are exhausted and exasperated what are you gonna do what's your plan you ever heard this one i i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna fix it i i'm gonna i'm gonna figure it out now i'm good i'm good how about that one i'm good you're asked somebody hey hey how are you and of course you ask them how they are because you got a sense and just by observing them they're not okay and you're like hey are you good and they're like and they're answering you and by answering you can see them trying to talk themselves into being good is that our plan for a comeback is that our plan for getting up is that how we're going to overcome our air our failure our weaknesses our shortcomings our feelings of inadequacy is that what we'll do we'll just do the proverbial pull up the bootstraps and try harder and be better and do more and and and aren't we tired with that yet isn't there more to a comeback than sheer willpower right are you like me do you watch these documentaries during covenant you see these people who climb mountains and do these extraordinary extensive feats and and you're like that's definitely not me or anybody i know most people don't climb mount everest they struggle getting up in the morning right and so we see these everest climbers we see these cliff climbers and we're like well i wish i could do that but that's just not who i am and maybe you've concluded you're probably just not going to get up from this one this may just be the rest of your life you'll let everybody else be the cliff climbers and the everest summiters i don't know if summiters is even a term let everybody else summon mountains climb cliffs change the world it's just not for me maybe while you're watching this you're thinking yourself i frankly don't even know how to get up again that is why i'm here on this sunday sharing this message with you judah what's your message get up again i've done that before judah and i found myself flat on my back again i have got up again i don't feel like getting up this time if i get up i'm going to get knocked down again and i don't want to go through that pain i don't want to fail the people i love i don't want to be a failure so if i stay down then i well maybe i'll avoid being a failure and yet what's ahead of you is an extraordinary life and i know right now that might be hard to believe but i want to prove that to you over the next 10 minutes get up again see i'd like to prove to you right now that you're better at getting up than you think you are let me explain i believe the earth the universe is known and unknown were created by god through his words the bible says the world was framed through the word of god he said let there be light and there was light let there be moon and stars and sun and hills and lakes and oceans and animals let there be and there was now i want you to consider for a moment the way this particular planet was set into motion can you see it there are cycles i want you to think about this planet this planet earth or as my three-year-old back in the day when eliot was three used to call it off plan it off i want you to think about it plan it off and how it moves because that's what lamentations addresses listen to what the scripture declares his mercies start over again brand new every single morning now i don't mean to insult your intelligence you you know what i'm saying but think about the cycle of our 24-hour period every 24-hour period or i should say probably every 12 hours or so we have to shut down it's just in our wiring it's in our makeup we have to shut down and we go to sleep and by the way while we sleep he does not god does not need sleep but he programmed us to need sleep to teach us something about ourselves and to teach us something about his character the creator's character the creator's ways the creator's essence he makes us shut down and then and the moon comes up in the shut down time and it and the earth moves the sun doesn't move the moon doesn't move and then the sun we call it sun rising but actually the earth is rotating you know this and then here comes the sun so the moon comes up we shut down the sun comes up we reboot think about how god has this cycle said plainly do you know that you get up again every day you may not even realize this but you make a comeback every day you shut down and you get up you shut down and then you get up and you shut down and then you get up you actually know how to get up now i want to say this about the cycle of the stars and the moon and the sun the earth even the elements in the nature of earth tell us about cycles now i believe these cycles are set in motion for our sustainability so we can be sustained now by the way god could have just made us like the energizer bunny we go on and on and on and on forever but he didn't do that right he gives us cycles we talked about this in the message on rest but he did this to teach us something about the human experience please hear me we're all going to fall and we're all going to have to get up and then we're all going to fall and we're all going to have to get up now there's levels of falling there are some things we do that will disqualify us from leading others for a time period because we cannot lead ourselves right there are qualifications for me as a preacher and teacher of scripture i've got to be able to lead my own life so then i can encourage you and lead yours but nonetheless we all in ways in different levels and spaces and kinds we all have weaknesses propensities and proclivities and we falter and we fail and we get up again we falter and we fail and we get up again we falter and we fail and we get up again and anyone who tells you otherwise is not totally truthful our life is this cycle now i'm not saying we plan on falling but i am saying we plan on getting up again in fact i would encourage you today on this sunday that you plan to get up again before you falter you tell yourself i am going to get up next time i falter fail and have weaknesses and shortcomings and i give in to urges and surgeons and desires in my body i am going to get up again you are better at getting up again than you think you are for as sure as you get out of bed it is proof that god can get you up out of that pit and that problem and that failure mercy mercy his mercies it's not getting what you deserve you get up in the morning you don't get what you deserve you get what god wanted wants to give it's amazing now in conclusion what i'd like to do is i'd like to explain to you why you get up again and as i'm telling you why you get up again it is also how you get up again so the wide and the hour the same thing why you get up is also how you get up and how you get up is why you get up you get up again rise again the bible says though a righteous man though a godly person falls seven times they'll get up again [Music] dug it up again heard a wise wise wise man or woman say one time two things you're gonna need in life don't give up and get up again don't give up and get up again of course getting up again is a form of not giving up don't give up and when you fall and you will let us not make plans to fall but let us make plans to get up again ah jude i think it's the same thing no it's not one is focused on a comeback one is focused on his goodness one is focused on his mercies one is focused on new beginnings one is focused on the morning one is focused on the light one is focused on his grace the other is bleak and hopeless oh i i will not plan on falling but i will plan on getting up again why do we get up again and how do we get up again here it is number one in conclusion to this sunday sermon number one is because your right to life is based on his performance not yours your right to life your right to expect good things to happen in your life was never predicated on your performance my brothers and sisters i am not here propagating karma my message is not karma this book is not karma what does karma teach us that your whole existence is based on your performance that if you do good you'll get good and jesus comes along and says you've all done bad but i'll give you good it's called the gospel your right to life your right to a future your right to a destiny your right to expect good things and hope for good things and speak good things and imagine in your heart and in your mind all that's ahead of you maybe you're in your 20s i want to urge you to dream about what'll be in your 30s and dream about what'll be in your 40s and and imagine what god will do in your 50s 60s 70s somebody might come along and tell you that you're not you you got no right to believe all these things will work out you have no right to believe that your marriage is gonna be okay your kids are gonna be okay your future's gonna be okay your job's gonna you have no right to ask god for good things oh yes i do one translations of the ancient proverbs says the righteous man falls seven times but he gets up again now now now solomon didn't understand when he used that word righteous what he meant was godly but we now know what righteousness is righteousness according to the new testament according to what jesus did on the cross righteousness is now gifted to us by jesus and his performance what is righteousness it is our position in our relationship with god which is perfect uninterrupted completely established and never ends i want you to start expecting good things from god again i want you to start dreaming again about your future i want you to start anticipating something awesome is gonna happen to you on this day on this sunday or whatever day you're watching this content and you're watching this message it is time for you to dream again it's time for you to speak life again it's time for you to expect good things from a good father who's got a good hand and his arm is not short he can reach it out and he can change your life and transform your desires and transform your thinking and transform your speaking your right to your future is not based on your performance and you listen to me when it comes to the gospel of jesus christ don't you accept and don't you receive and don't you believe the messaging that tells you that your relationship with god is predicated upon your performance your relationship with god cannot be predicated on your performance because you have no relationship with god unless jesus did what he did on the cross for man is removed from god god is holy man is not we cannot coexist unless god moved into the neighborhood unless god put on skin and bone unless god became our heir our wrong and our sin and so a holy god a just god a perfect god exasperated all of his judgment on the body and person of jesus so now by simply believing in the judgment that was placed on jesus you're accepted and you're righteous and your love so you know what solomon you had it right you didn't know that you had it right but righteousness that you speak of solomon is the deeds of an individual but this righteousness you prophetically speak of king solomon thousands of years later will be a neon sign pointing us not to our own performance but to the performance of jesus which can transform the world and gives me every right to plan my comeback and expect good things from god i don't live by karma i live by jesus and my relationship to god in my relationship to my life is based on his performance not mine get up again get up again and when the people you hurt tell you you have to stay down go ahead and ask for forgiveness and pray that there will be healing but i'm here to tell you you're already forgiven by god when the bible says confess your faults one to another it says so that you would be healed our confessing of our faults and our weaknesses our shortcomings and our sins is not to appease god and receive forgiveness from god for forgiveness has already been paid for in the person of jesus so confessing your faults one to another is for one another it's so that you the people that you hurt the people that you took down on your way down that they too will forgive you and you can be healed and you can move on but make no mistake your forgiveness before god has never been in question nor do you need to ask for it you've already been forgiven get up again get up again get up again why and how will i get up again my second observation is eight is after seven [Music] eight is after seven let me read it to you again proverbs chapter 24 though a godly person trips up seven times they'll get up again seven in the bible is a very significant number anytime you see seven it's the number of completion of perfection right a full week seven days seven days in a week that's a full week it's a complete week so seven is all around us and seven speaks of perfection eight is also a significant number in the bible and it speaks of new beginnings so what what what what the proverb is saying is when you completely fail see some of us we start to justify in our mind and we think to ourselves if i partly fail if i kind of fail if i trip up a little bit if i screw up a little bit if i do things i totally kind of maybe shouldn't do but if i completely fail well then it's completely over nope how can you say that judah because eight always comes after seven do you hear me the way mathematics work and are set up by the creator of this planet and universe and universes unknown is eight please hear me is always after seven so after you completely fail what comes next what comes next new beginning new beginning see what you thought was your end is only your beginning ah judah this makes for good preaching i get it no no no i'm not just trying to give you a good sermon i i'm 42. i i just i'm over just good preaching i just like to tell you the truth about your life and my life this life is there's too much pain it's stakes are too high for me just to get preachy i'd like to tell you the truth if you don't mind eight always comes after seven which tells me that every time i totally fail what's next for me what's next for my life what's next for my relationships i'll tell you what's next new beginning a new you that's how god weaves good into our life even amidst tragedy and pain and the destruction we cause by our decisions he gives you newness his mercies are what new as the sun rises i was in a desert recently and i was up at 4 30 in the morning and i was with my mom and we were talking and um all of a sudden i looked in the distance on a horizon and i saw these beautiful desert rolling mountains and hills and all of the sudden the stars begin to fade and a deep deep orange glow began to rise in the sky [Music] and there was this brilliant glowing orange and here came the sun as the earth was moving here came light to tell me and tell you it's a new beginning get up again [Music] get up again get up again and i'm done i'm concluding [Music] let me look at lamentations chapter 3 and verses 22 to 23. let me just read this to you and i conclude the faithful love of the lord never ends his mercies never cease great is his faithfulness [Music] his mercies begin new or fresh each morning here it is here it is last verse i'm done verse 24 so i say to myself [Music] the lord is my inheritance therefore i will hope in him i hope this doesn't offend you but my hope isn't in you [Music] and i love you church home but my hope isn't in you my hope isn't in me [Music] my hope is in him i have found a person who is perfect who is flawless who is selfless who is all-powerful all-knowing king shepherd counselor friend leader lover and he is my promise are you wondering where are the promises of god have you fallen so far that you're starting to wonder is this my lot in life is this it for me am i just a screw-up am i a mess up am i a failure is that who i am is that my definition is that my identity oh this old ancient verse from thousands of years ago [Music] the ancient writer says i will say to myself the lord is my inheritance me tell you why you get up you get up because god is the ultimate promise and you have god and nothing will take god from you you have god you have the creator you have the designer you have the architect you have the leader you have the counselor you have the shepherd you have the lion you have the lamb you have the king he is yours and you are his and he is not far from you he is there at your lowest and he's there at your highest he will never leave you nor forsake you though you make your bed in hell the bible says do he prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life my hope is not in the career my hope is not in people my hope is not in prominence my hope is not in my checkings or my savings my hope is not in a political figure a political party my hope is not in a continent or a country my hope is in the designer of universes known and unknown he is the ultimate promise and i have him and my performance does not rob me of his promise what is his promise it's him and so he says to you and he says to me i'm here [Music] i know it feels like everybody left but i'm here hey son [Music] i'm still here you are yeah been here the whole time [Music] daughter it's me wait god why haven't you given up on me because i'm not like man my ways are higher than their ways my thoughts are higher than your thoughts i will never leave you so the writer of lamentations says i'm going to tell myself [Music] that i'm going to get up because i have the promises of god [Music] what's the promises of god the person of god and you have him whether or not you feel him or you sense him or you got goose pimples on your skin i am telling you the fact of the universe is that god is with the broken the feeble the weak the weary and he will not leave you there get up again do you hear me get up again this is not your end this is your beginning let me pray for you jesus i thank you for the minutes and moments we share your love is beyond that which we can actually fully comprehend i pray for church i do not pray for buildings i do not pray for apps or websites i pray for the church which is your people help your people to see you the great promise of the ages help your people [Music] to get up again as sure as we get out of bed every morning let us get up out of the failure and the pain and keep moving with you thank you jesus if you're here and you said judah i would like to become a follower of jesus the gift of god is forgiveness for all he paid for in his own body if you would like to receive this free gift of forgiveness all you need to do is raise your hand if that's you would you raise your hand right now say that's me i receive jesus his forgiveness and his friendship forever if you've responded right here right now you my friend will never be the same again we'd love to help you in any way we can it is why we exist please understand why we exist to help people it's why we exist not to build buildings or apps or websites or programs but people it's you it's the only reason we're here it's for you got a thing called pastor chad it's simply just a place for people to connect we've got team members as we speak on the churchill map ready and available to pray with you and talk with you i love you church home lets you and i plan to get up again
Channel: Churchome
Views: 14,821
Rating: 4.9511003 out of 5
Keywords: Churchome, Judah, Judah smith, church, message, anxiety, depression, how to, elevation, Steven, Hillsong, oceans, sermon, the city church, church home, Chelsea smith, bobby Houston, td jakes, pastor, pastor preaching, carl lentz, Jesus, conference, guest speaker, sermon jam, worship, Justin Bieber, la Hillsong, Selena, preaching, Judah message, performance
Id: ksVAcNeaWqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 26sec (2366 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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