Are We There Yet?

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will you join me in welcoming a church home uh based in seattle la and now around the world church home we live from miami and we're here with your relatives from miami food church i love you church home thank you for watching we're this is part three now of a series that we're doing why is christianity so difficult or another title could be why your christianity is too difficult we are making it so much harder on ourselves than we need to now make a couple of opening statements that i think don't need to be emphasized too much because we are all well aware that we find ourselves right now as we speak quite literally in unprecedented days these are unheard of days we've only watched movies that come close to the days we live in in fact those movies have become popularized if you've noticed what's trending because we're all like is this happening like is it and i don't mean to make light of this because i have friends in the hospital i have had loved ones pass but i got to be honest with you when somebody told me the delta variant i thought it was a new plane in the delta fleet i'm not even joking and i was like man deltas need some new planes you know and then they were like dude relax it's actually a new variant variable of covid and i'm like oh dear god have mercy and so lest you think i know what to do or pastors rich in dc know everything to do please don't be deceived we are all in this together and we've never been this far before right two things we've never done before but we're doing it together at the same time trying to live and we're dying i've never died before but i'm dying with you i am i'm dying with you now cause i'm past 18. so i'm definitely dying okay i'm doing stuff to fake you out make you think i'm not dying but i'm dying okay it got more makeup on than you could possibly imagine right now to make you feel like i'm not dying but we're all dying together and we've never done it before we're all trying to live together and we've never done it before we all have the capabilities and technological possibilities in the palm of our hand we've never had before we have omniscience in our hands and we're playing god and it's not going well at all you could be in a grocery store getting some elementary breakfast cereal only to hear about 14 tragedies in 14 different countries and you are expected to process those and post on your social media appropriately ladies and gentlemen that is ridiculous and we cannot we are not capable of doing this so i don't know what to do with that i'm just putting it out there and i'm letting you know that teenagers today are my heroes i'm raising them i have a 17 14 and a 12 year old and i tell them perpetually you're my heroes because i cannot imagine going through puberty and also having omniscience in the palm of my hand i literally can't imagine the temptation the urges the comparison etc etc these are unprecedented days i suppose if nothing else blue church church home you ought to give yourself a little more credit you're probably doing pretty stinking good considering like you're here wanting to learn more about jesus whether you believe in jesus or not the fact that you're watching this broadcast or you're here in this auditorium in miami tells me that you're probably doing better than you think you're doing this is hard you hear me this is hard and this is not easy now to make matters worse we have taken our belief system we have taken our faith and whether knowingly or unknowingly we have turned it into something that it is not entirely we have complicated things like i said there has been a collusion with our environment and our surroundings don't be shocked by that each successive generation has the same temptation we have to make the customs the perspectives of our respective nation culture nationalism education heritage all of these things we superimpose it projected on scripture and we turn it into something that often times it is not in a moment we're going to go to john chapter 15. now john chapter 15 is a very famous passage by jesus and it's here that he says i am the vine you are the branches now what a lot of people believe is that the metaphor for god and us should be like i'm the coach and you're the players because that seems to be more consistent with the popularized theology right now which is god is the consummate football coach yelling and screaming at you to do better try harder and go faster and those who do get in the game and get to be used by god those who do not are shamed sit on the bench and we wait until they work harder and do better to get involved and that is nothing of what christianity is christianity is not a do good get good it's not a transaction or exchange it is a love story in a relationship and a romance full of mystery and that which we cannot comprehend or understand but today i want to divulge in what is part three now into this study of john chapter 15. now all we have been doing with the few moments we have in each successive gathering is we're trying to wade deeper and deeper and deeper into john chapter 15. we talked about no additives we talked about the organic nature of our relationship we talked about how stress and striving are symptoms of separating god from any particular category in space in our life now i want to talk to you about how to make jesus your home and i'm going to tell you one of the reasons that your christian faith or if you're here today or watching and you're considering putting your faith in jesus this is a wonderful collection of talks that will help you help you not start your relationship with jesus like a relationship with a football coach he's not that he is a father he said i am the vine and you are the branches so you go with me to john chapter 15 and we'll start in verse 1 and i want to read this to you he says i am the vine i am a true sprouting vine oh this is this is the passion this is good i like this and the farmer who tends the vine is my father he cares for the branches connected to me by lifting and propping up the fruitless branches and pruning every fruitful branch to yield a greater harvest the words i've spoken over you you have already have already cleansed you so you must remain in life union with me for our remaining life union with you for as a branch seven from the vine will not bear fruit so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to me i am the sprouting vine and you're my branches i am the sprouting vine and you are my branches i want to say something you've heard it before bear with me i've said it in the other parts to the series but i'm going to say it again i've never walked past a vine and heard what's the vine doing it's trying to do better pump out more grapes no the vine just be it bees divine guess what vines do in their season they make grapes guess what you do in your season you bear fruit stop striving and stressing stop striving and stressing i'll make this one note this is not in my notes like i have notes but let's just say let's say in theory i did the old testament priests were specifically told to wear specific garments when serving before the lord for the children of israel i don't have time to contextualize this and understand and help you understand how god built a country and a nation to demonstrate his love his provision his goodness and who he is and what he does but that's what he did through israel and he still demonstrates his providence and protection supernaturally by this little sliver of land called israel it's still happening today and now all those who believe are grafted into spiritual israel and now we too can be grafted into the family of god but early on in the makings of of the nation of israel the priests were to serve before god and they only were allowed to wear linen god gave them a commandment to wear linen which is to say when they ministered before the lord as they sweat the linen was to remove the sweat from their body because when it comes to your relationship with god yes it can be challenging and difficult but you are never please here but you are never to be stressed and striving now there is a good work to be done with the lord but we are never to be sweating from stress now i'm about to sweat from some good work but there's no stress i'm giving you legal biblical right to resist stress and say you i don't have to i can live i don't have to be stressed now there's going to be days that you be stressed but i want you to see stress for what it is it's an intruder when it comes to your relationship with god some of you are trying so hard and that's the problem it's really the problem instead of trying you need to be and i'm going to explain this a little bit more on the sprouting vinyl my branches if you live in uni with me as your source fruitfulness will stream from within you but you when you live separated from me you're powerless if a person is separated from me he's discarded such branches are gathered up and thrown into the fire to be burned it should be noted that is not about seeking people who want to find jesus that literally this scripture the bible says the branches that are in me that do not bear fruit the father will cut them back the father will cut them off which is to say those who put their faith in jesus and then try to be their own jesus there will be nothing fruitful from your life for there is one jesus and you can be in him and trust him and rely on him and you cannot and will not save yourself you hear me so we can and we can go more about that we talked about that last part whatever you desire will be done when your lives bear abundant fruit i don't know if we have this in the message guys if we can do five six and seven in the message in john chapter 15 i don't know if we i'm in love with the passion translation the message i'll say this about scripture um fall in love with multiple translations because you need him to understand the greek and the aramaic and the hebrew okay a lot of the english words fail in the complexities of the original languages and so you need to actually fall in love with a bunch of different translations here we go um if we could jump to verse six guys if that's okay by being joined in the vine you can't bear fruit unless you're joined with me i'm the vine you're the branches when you're joined with me and i with you the relation intimate and organic the harvest is sure to be abundant separated you can't produce a thing anyone who separates from me is dead with gathered and thrown up on the fire bonfire but if you make yourselves at home with me but if you make yourselves at home with me but if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you if you make yourself at home with me and my words are at home and you you can be sure that whatever you ask but listen and acted upon the next sermon i'm going to do at the 7 pm is i'm going to talk about prayer we're talking about prayer your prayer life is complicating your christianity and you need to stop some of you're more proud of your prayers than you are about the person of jesus and it's too much we've turned prayer into a popular practice to impress each other and it's actually getting quite out of control and we're going to talk about that so if you want to show up at 7 p.m and change your prayer life you can do that okay so he says if you make yourself at home with me my words are at home in you so so the title of my message is are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet i'll be honest i'm i'm i'm not good with the starting in this topic and here's what i mean i was really in a celebratory state as we begin to move into vaccination season and we started to find some progress i got to be honest with you i thought we were kind of out of the woods i thought collectively internationally we were going to kind of move forward and i thought man we're doing it this is exciting by the way i got vaccinated i didn't know i would divide our entire church i didn't know hundreds of people would leave our church because i got vaccinated i didn't know i also felt like i guess i won't tell him i got vaccinated as a kid either i mean that might send more people away from our church like i didn't know right i didn't know this had gotten where it was i've had church members church home i love you i've had church members confront me for wearing a mask i've had church church home members confront me for not wearing a mask um i've had church home uh members confront me for having church i've had church home members confront me for not having church i don't know what to do i don't know what to do so you're looking at a vaccinated guy one christian told me you have two years to live and you now have the mark of the beast [Applause] right you know and i'm like guys i i think we need to collectively calm down this is too much okay and if you understand the book of revelation you're the first person i've ever met who understands it okay and if any preacher tells you they understand the book of revelation run screaming the other direction and find a new preacher i'm so serious there are much mysteries in scripture that we're like this is the seven-headed dragon i don't i don't know if it is i don't know i don't know right but here we are and i thought we were there you know talking about i thought we were there i thought we were just coming out of the woods i thought we were there and then all of a sudden it's like here we go again and it's like increase of numbers increase and my heart is breaking like i said have family members and loved ones who are currently trying to get more oxygen into their body so they can get dismissed from hospitals seeing friends pass on into eternity these are unusual unprecedented difficult painful days full of anguish are we there yet how much longer are you going to spend your life like this are we there where is there where is there aren't we fickle creatures we always talking about there we're obsessed with there wherever there is whenever there comes whatever there is about you think about how many theirs are in the room right now think about all the theirs it's 150 grand a year and i'm there right it's an athletic scholarship and i'm there it's a hot spouse and i'm there hopefully you're not married praying for a hot spouse you know like um think of all the bears you know it's crazy i'm i've passed a bunch of theirs now at 42. i remember thinking to myself someday i'm going to preach at places like this or that and then you get there and you're like man this is a lot of work this is a challenge okay this is awesome this is a blessing wait a minute i dreamed of these days are we there yet we've made christianity so difficult sometimes because of our surroundings i'm very proud of our country but one of the distinguishing characteristics of the united states of america is we are a country of achievement just let one of these olympians not win gold and we're like [Music] i asked a bunch of americans in la i was like what is winning the olympics mean uh the gold medals every single american i've asked about the olympics their determination of whether or not we win is if we get the most golds i was like can we just go with like metal total they're like no what if it's all bronze like we're into gold think about all this all the like all the companies that want to sponsor people we go for gold in this country gold you get silver it's like you imagine if our basketball team's got silver they have a few times and we're like captioned for the u.s women's soccer team and these ladies are incredible and they got bronze this is it where do we go from here women's soccer in america i don't know if you know this there's countries who are just praying to win medals one medal two middle and we're like how many goals i got a friend of the olympics did he win gold did she win gold i they made the team now if we're honest that achievement-based mentality wiggles its way into the teachings of jesus and we transfigure the teachings of jesus into success coaching life coaching achievement coaching and what we want from our preachers is for our preachers to tell us how can we can do more get more and do big things via jesus because jesus is our life coach so tell me preacher how do i have a better marriage there's nothing wrong with that i think i could help you you've been married 21 years i could tell you a couple things not to do for sure like throw your wife's kindle during your 20th wedding anniversary and shatter it against the wall she probably won't talk to you most of the night i did that in case you're wondering you're like where's that coming from this guy broke more tennis rackets than i can count broke more golf clubs than i can count and now i must admit i must add one well slightly expensive kindle to the mix chelsea's like do you know how much that costs and i'm like how much she's like hundreds of dollars i gave her my kindle because i never read it anyways so but is that is that what this is just behavior modification just how to do but i mean honestly can i encourage you there's so many better venues for you to go for that tony robbins is way better than me at that i'm so serious like there's way better life coaches don't come to at least don't come to me for life coaching i am no life coach i am a teller of the story of jesus that's what i do but the story of jesus was never meant to fit in the life coach life improvement category it doesn't fit there and it only frustrates there right so when it comes to why am i so tired why am i so am i the only one that i've grown up in church i've been in more church services and you've been to starbucks am i the only one that would go home to church from church all the time thinking to myself man i need to do more for god i gotta read more of my bible man i gotta pray more man i gotta get more involved if i don't volunteer i know god ain't gonna bless me man i have to stop being a midnight pervert on the internet i just gotta stop if i stop that then god would and we pretend like um god's like us we pretend god sucks air let me tell you something if god sucked air every time you messed up you wouldn't have anything to breathe you know what i mean but if god was like we'd be like the fact that you're still breathing proves he's gracious proves that the rules are different for him proves that he is merciful and long-suffering and that he he because by the way he knows what you're going to do in 2027 2027 i believe is going to be a great year for you but you're going to do some dumb stuff i could tell you that right now he's already there he's already made provision he's already forgiven you he's already covered it he already loves you [Applause] are we there yet where is there are we home yet jesus says make your home in me i want to remind you food church i want to remind you church home this is not your home home cannot be merely defined by where you sleep home cannot be merely defined by where you work home cannot be merely defined by where you collect stuff we are obsessed with function function is one of the four-fold purpose of man but it's an order of importance the four-fold function of man is relationship character function reproduction almost all theologians agree from the genesis account that seems to be why we're here we are here absolutely and outstanding no question number one to connect relationship then to look like jesus and love like jesus which is character and then function but function is our obsession it is how we determine who is elite and valuable and important and of reputation what do they what do you do that's our question and i said this in the last service but because we're so obsessed with what we do we're obsessed with what god does and we forgot to be obsessed with who he is so because we are obsessed with god's function we're obsessed with our function and god wants us to be obsessed with who he is so that we focus on who we are in response to who he is jesus says these really simple words he says make your home in me make your home in me now if that was easy everybody would be doing it but i have never met so many discontented agitated anxious frustrated christians in all of my life where is righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost for the bible says the kingdom of god is righteousness which produces two overwhelming emotions peace and joy in the spirit of jesus two-thirds of the kingdom of god is an emotional state where is that emotional stability where is the peace and joy amongst the christians we're so worked up about our political persuasion we're so bent out of shape so angry and frustrated what happened to our peace and joy what happened to our revelation of the sovereignty of god who sits in the heavens and laughs at his enemies the earth is like his autumn and he kicks up his feet and he laughs at those who oppose him what happened to our god who is not moved i want you to know the father the son and the holy spirit are not worried about a thing right now not a thing righteousness peace and joy jesus said make your home in me make your home in me make your home in me so in other words home is not where you sleep where you eat where you work or where you collect stuff some of you hoarders it god loves you still he loves you he loves you he loves you he loves you just do a little summer cleaning but he loves he loves you he loves you he um it's him he's home you know the bible admonishes us in the new testament don't think that this is home if you think that this is home you will be frustrated this place will not fulfill you this place will not satisfy you it'll never be enough it'll always bring you frustration agitation disillusionment when you make this your home when you make this your priority when you make this your focus when you make this the point of your existence when you make stuff and things and renown and reputation and what people say and what people think about you if you do that and if you fall for that you will be frustrated and so we got christians running around all bent out of shape with no righteousness peace and joy and we wonder why i want to make jesus my home so this is what we do and we mean well but in sermons like this you look at a preacher like me and you say to yourself now preacher tell us how to do it tell us how to do it in the next sermon about prayer good i wanna i wanna know how to pray and what you really want oh jesus help me i'm gonna try to say this real nice what you really want is what makes your flesh feel good and what makes your flesh feel good is a code to punch in the vending machine of heaven to get what you want y'all remember those vending machines e6 you're like man i can't ma what a reese's peanut butter cup e e6 you see e6 oh there the e six [Music] hey i want my peanut butter cups you're gonna push that thing and then it falls out right talking about 1991 somebody okay e6 for life but that's what we want you know what sermon would go so well online for me if i told you the three secrets to true influence with god you'd all be like tell me what it is three steps to marrying way out of your league this is better four steps to steamy married sex i might do that sermon but anyways like tell me the numbers i'll punch them in get what i want jesus says what is the prophet a man to gain the whole world but in the process lose his own soul soul is hollow and empty boy you got all the toys don't you and you even put the bumper sticker on your car that said he who wins he who has the most toys when they die wins yeah yeah profound depth of revelation no so what are we going to do what's the plan i want to show you not in my opinion but i want to show you from john 15 scripture interpret scripture how to abide is the other word how to make jesus your home here's how you do it now i want to say this you always know the gospel is preached when your flesh says while the preaching is happening there has to be more than this see good jesus preaching and bible teaching always leaves your flesh going i want to do something what do i do oh and by the way if this sermon is just about what jesus does and how much he loves me then how will i impress people because what i want to say is i've been married for 21 years i'm a man of god i haven't slept with anyone i'm not married to i have three kids i'm a man of god and i have done things right and that is why god has blessed me and everyone's like oh that is so good tell us what you did again okay wow wow that's amazing and then you do what i told you to do and it doesn't work and you're like i need to find another preacher give me the code get what i want from this vending machine called god i don't have the numbers i don't have the code i don't believe in that this is relationship i dare you to treat a relationship like an actual physical relationship in this room the way you treat your faith in jesus [Music] i dare you to go out to lunch the way you talk to god with somebody hello my dear dear friend it is an honor to be here with you i mean it's like hey bro what are you doing i am talking to god and we we've lost the nature of relationship and by the way we're all susceptible to this so there's no no no shade no shame we're in this together let's learn together he says um uh uh make your home in me and then he goes on and he says my words need to be at home in you and so let me give you three ways to abide they're not complicated they're all there um we we we first of all have to um recall his words we'll talk about this in a moment recall his words what he said what he said what he said in a moment i'ma teach you the way jesus taught his disciples post-resurrection how to read their bible the problem is some of you are reading your bible wrong i'm dead serious you're just reading your bible wrong and by the way the bible you're not you're not reading it right and so it's misleading you and misguiding you because you don't understand how to read it there was a way jesus taught us to read post-resurrection and we still don't talk about it i don't know why we don't talk about it but there's a way i'm gonna show it to you and by doing that you'll be able to abide in him you'll be able to abide in him so it's it's it's abiding in his word and then if we could put uh john chapter 15 up there but if you make yourself at home with me my words at home and you can be sure that whatever you ask you could listen to and acted upon this is how my father shows who we need to produce grapes you mature as my disciples he goes on and he says i've loved you the way my father has loved me make yourself at home in my love if you keep my commandments okay so now you notice it's like oh wait there's there's more home language so we it's like make your home with me and then he says my word should be at home with you and then he says make yourself at home in my love so his words is how you make it's his it's his love and i'll talk about how his words speak about his love so point number one which is really really important this is good theology if you want jesus to be your home and not stuff be your home and not reputation be your home and not a big palatial multiple amazing thousand square foot home be your home but you want jesus to be your home which by the way is going to be a key ingredient to righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost as you make jesus your home is you you've got to focus and soak and saturate in his love for you biggest misnomer right now in christendom in my opinion and who am i to say this but i'm going to say it anyways it's that we focus on more on how we love god than how he loves us and that's why things have gotten complicated in fact sermons preached about how we love god are way more popular right now than sermons preached about how god loves you did you know that i can prove it to you in this country sermons where preachers preach on how you should love god more you know why because our flesh goes that's true i'm gonna do more and then you look at other people who aren't trying and you're like they're not even trying and i'm dedicated and you know god doesn't like that god's not into that well you know what i do i've been to every service today boo i've been volunteering all day you know why because i'm abiding in his love that's how i abide in his love no abiding his love starts where take it all in take what in his love the dimensions of his love for you i think where the church is headed for good sound theology and to make a difference in culture we're going to have to preach more sermons about how he loves us and sing more songs about how he loves us but i dare you to take inventory of how many sermons and songs that we participate in who have to do with us loving him it's shocking are you the only one that like i surrender all and you think man i'm so noble i surrender all and it's one of my favorite songs all to jesus i surrender i surrender run to the altar shirt i surrender all and i'm down for that but that is supposed to only ever be a response to how much he loves you he loves us oh how he loves us oh how he loves us and we're all like i don't know about this song man it's all about how he this seems pretty selfish and that's what we've been doing for years well if we talk about how much jesus loves us isn't that selfish it's the exact opposite do you know what selfish is is focusing on yourself and your work and your doings and your righteousness and your efforts and your sacrifice that's what feeds the body what feeds the soul [Applause] is how he loves me so it's his work it's also his friendship his friendship is another way to make your home in him is to recall and revisit his friendship there's a friendship you have he says you remain emily at my home and my love that's what i've done kept my father's commands myself at home and his love i've told these things for a purpose that my joy that my joy that my joy that my joy that my joy not my anxiety fear worry my joy have we lost this joy because we've lost this teaching [Music] he says he says this is the very best way put your life on the left he says i've told you these things for a purpose of my joy may be full and your joy with holy truth this is my command love one another the way i've loved you this is the very best way to love put your life on the line for your friends [Music] what's that sound like i heard that before this is a prophetic statement he hasn't even put his life on the line yet he's trying to tell his disciples he says oh that a man would lay down his life for a friend wouldn't that be the greatest sacrifice and we all lean and go yeah it would be and once again he's pointing the knee and that neon arrow not at you but it himself we think we need to be we need to lay down our life for each other hold throwing a second what could jesus be referencing [Music] i'm gonna lay down my life for you and you will know when i go to the cross please please please hear me please hear me he's talking to real people and some of them will be at the foot of the cross he's letting them know when he does that he's doing it for friendship you think it's just about judgment and justice and it is but it's about friendship it's about relationship it's about connection he wants friendship with you i said he wants friendship with you he wants camaraderie with you he wants to move with you walk with you talk with you live with you he wants to feel with you he wants to weep with you he wants to laugh with you he he wants to be your friend [Music] he says i i'm already calling you friends which is wild because a moment ago he said you know what a real friend does he lays down his life for his friends and then he says but i'm calling you friends which is to say i know you're gonna do it [Music] what is he talking about we turn passages like this and do and this is why we need to be a friend of god i am a friend of god i love israel by the way that's one of my dearest friends by the way and that's an amazing song but we focus on i'm gonna be afraid no he said and by the way i'm already before you're my friend i'm calling you my friend because i know the future and i'm i'm telling you i'm telling you i'm gonna lay i'm gonna be the first fruit and i'm gonna lay down my life so you know that we can be friends friendship friendship and then we focus on his word to speak of how much he loves us and then we look at his friendship and then he goes on he says i've named you friends because i let you know everything i've heard from the father i promise you i'm almost done um now you didn't you didn't you didn't you didn't choose me remember not really i was starting to believe i did choose you but you need to remember you didn't no no no see what i did in 1991 i made a decision to follow jesus tell you what i did you need to make that same decision brother [Music] smoking or non where will you be in eternity this day who you will serve [Music] we have made so much of ourselves realize the pressure i really pulled these pants up a little hot it was uncomfortable [Music] you didn't if you don't hear nothing else they told me i could preach a little bit longer and 5 pm so bear with me if you don't hear nothing else you didn't choose me remember i forgot i know i know you did i can tell you did you thought you chose me the pressure that must put you under the stress you must feel is it you that garnered my attention my affection and my forgiveness was it you was it your performance was it your nobility was it the highlighted verses in your bible is that what got my attention [Music] no [Music] i chose you [Music] when did you choose me before the foundations of the world [Music] what does that mean i named you i appointed you i gifted you and i decided where to insert you in linear time and space and what generation in what city and what country and what ethnicity and what background and what heritage and and i chose you [Music] so i know you're my friend you're gonna bear fruit here's another way to make jesus home remember this was his idea hey what do you want me to do i'm exhausted [Music] so tired okay okay i hear you son i want you to remember something what's that i hand-picked you you did yeah i get so excited when i think about how i made you when i formed you in your mother's womb i did it wonderfully i did it fearfully that word fearfully doesn't mean that god was scared when he made you it mean it means god was in awe of what he was making in you god stepped back and thought wow i've impressed myself again before you were born god was wowed by you did you know that i chose you remember oh yeah so this was all your idea it was so you knew i had it in me for 2020 and 2021 i did i matched you for the right time for the right people for the right place for the right family but my family's broken god i know son i know daughter and it breaks my heart but i put in you the strength and the fortitude to not give up so you think i can do it [Music] i know you can i think i might need a little bit more okay okay okay luke chapter 24 this is how jesus post-resurrection taught people to read the bible are you ready for this then he said everything i told you while i was with you comes to this everything all the things written about me in the law of moses in the prophets and in the psalms have to be fulfilled which is to say jesus he says fulfilled because it still needs to be because at the cross for six hours he would fulfill thousands of prophecies in the old testament we got christians defending the validity of the old testament as if we need the old testament to prove the historical reality of jesus [Music] i don't mean to disrupt your belief system but you can argue about genesis all you want i know there was a man named jesus [Music] i know he lived died and rose again all i know is that the old testament isn't about the old testament abraham isn't about abraham abraham isaac jacob ruth boaz they're all in heaven going would you guys stop making this about us david's in heaven go and quit preaching sermons about me preach them about the desire of all nations preach them about the fulfillment of it all for even david knew i am but a shadow of the one to come but when he comes all mountains will bow before him and all rivers will flow to him for he is the lamb of the world the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world [Music] jesus says he it went on to open their understanding of the word of showing them showing them comma showing them can you see this you got to see this luke chapter 24 luke chapter 24. luke jack in the psalms will be filled he went on to the understanding of the show and then but uh next verse you can see how it's written through the message i was rising the dead in the third day yep keep going and then total life changes through forgiveness is proclaimed his name is starting from here from jerusalem the first one if the witness is what comes next it's very important i'm sending you my father promised you this is a great verse i'm really hoping i think this is a little bit different verse but we have it back do we have it guys keep going i don't know if this is if it's still coming up i so want you to see it i'm stalling because i'm believing it's going to happen anybody anybody have a message bible on them i'm so serious let me see a message bible who has a message bible just give it to me i read it to you you have a message bible okay perfect this is perfect this is even better this is proof because you didn't believe me that it was in the bible so now black ink on paper here we go luke i mean is it normal to be able to find passages like this that fast no i'm a professional minister please don't hold yourself to these standards i find passages with my eyes closed i think you get it i'm so kidding okay here it is here it is you ready you're not going to believe this everything i told you was what comes to this all things written about me in the law of muslim prophets and had to be fulfilled he went on verse 45 to open the understanding the word of god showing them how to read their bibles this way how showing them how to read their bibles this way what way what way so he went into the law of prophets showed them how all things must be fulfilled about him and then he showed them how to read their bibles this way what's the way he showed them how to read their bibles oh to look for jesus your bible only matters as you see jesus it's all about jesus we've made this about wisdom we've made this about understanding we've made this about morality we've made this about [Music] punctuality we've made this about all kinds hey this is about a man you know how to do where's waldo now do where's jesus right he he's in all the types and shadows of the old testament and then as you go into the new testament we see his life in ministry and then as the church begins we see him in spirit form and he begins to reveal himself in the doctrines and letters of the early church and we see his character we see his activity we see who he is look for jesus i'm gonna say this so bold and pastor ritual corrected if he doesn't like it would you stop looking for principles that's not how you're supposed to read your bible so would you quit looking for knowledge knowledge puffs up relationship is intimacy this isn't a knowledge contest this isn't who knows the most proverbs for proverbs is about jesus i said this earlier but solomon is in heaven going guys i wrote proverbs i didn't have jesus i'm so serious we read the psalms we're like oh the psalms are my favorite i love david david's my guy and david's like why am i your guy stop making me your guy i'm just the type of jesus it's about jesus romance relationship it's it's about it's about jesus make your home in me my words at home what's his words show me jesus my favorite prayer to pray when i come to this connection point there's many connections points this is a divine connection point when i open this book here's my prayer oh and by the way for me i don't read large portions of scripture because i get lost in the mix i'll read little bits of scripture and here's my prayer all the time it's where this series came from at 6am this morning i asked these questions show me jesus spirit of god show me jesus you know the spirit of god's primary role is to reveal to you jesus you think the spirit of god is trying to reveal your problems your shortcomings your sins and your weaknesses and you're looking for conviction you know what the holy spirit does primarily in the in the realm of conviction he convicts you of your righteousness do you know what your righteousness is it is imputed righteousness gifted to you through the finished performance of jesus christ on the cross he who knew no sin became sin so that you could become the righteousness of god in christ jesus [Applause] [Music] are we there yet where my career no god forbid you worked your whole life for a career and get it and have leanness in your soul have we not read enough human history to know the man or woman with the most toys often is the most trouble how many more days are you going to spend walking out your life of wisdom [Music] i'm a believer i practice integrity and character and honor the seven values of our home and listen i really appreciate your values but the only thing that holds water is jesus i don't want my babies just to have values i don't need jesus to live a valued shaped life everybody wants to talk about character i know people that don't know jesus that are about character that's life isn't about it's about i'm i'm done i'm done i'm almost done you guys are right here here we go here we go look at this look at this i'm almost done he says abide in my love if you keep my commandments you'll abide in my love just i kept my father's commands that your joy this is my commandment so he says keep my commandments plural and then he says this is my commandment which by the way he took the 10 and 82. and and if you remember what the two was and he calls just one commandment he says he says he says he says uh uh love one another as as as i have loved [Music] you verse 17 i'm done these things i command you so that you will love one another [Music] this was about love the litmus test of our faith was love i thought it was truth i thought it was an indignation towards wickedness and people who vote wrong jesus says you live well when you love well but how can you love when you have spent very little time soaking in the love he has for you see see i know what's happening now the reason we can't love people different from us is because we have instilled ourselves long enough to realize recognize the scandalous love for which god loves us he is so in love with you man he's so in love with you man he's so obsessed with you you're always on his mind his thoughts are you for you are more numerous in the sand on the seashore we have a 7 pm so i'm gonna stop and i've had so much caffeine today it's outrageous so [Applause] [Music] poor church home is like i mean if it's been like an hour just probably just getting going okay so y'all pray for that church man and deal with a long-winded preacher but i i'm so in love with you and and i think i think what i get excited about and the bands here they just came on stage so that we could end i don't know if you're like judah they've been there for 57 minutes shut up i can see the light bulbs coming on [Music] are you wearing are you burned out on religion come to me jesus says and i'll show you how to take a real rest for my yoke is easy and my burden is light are you ready to let go of all of the weariness are you ready to let go of all the comparison are you ready to let go of the obsession with self-performance and self-accolades and what you're doing and not doing and let us focus on the love of all loves will you stand with me come on blue church oh how he loves us oh how he loves us his love is so true his love is so pure come on let's just take but a few moments and let's soak and let's saturate in the extraordinary extensive unconditional love of jesus here we go here we go here we go
Channel: Churchome
Views: 6,238
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: Churchome, Judah, Judah smith, church, message, anxiety, depression, how to, elevation, Steven, Hillsong, oceans, sermon, the city church, church home, Chelsea smith, bobby Houston, td jakes, pastor, pastor preaching, carl lentz, Jesus, conference, guest speaker, sermon jam, worship, Justin Bieber, la Hillsong, Selena, preaching, Judah message, performance, wilkerson, vous, vous church, miami, florida, destination, complicated, abide, how he loves
Id: 85twKPbrfDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 17sec (3317 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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