Get Signatures in Office 365 with SharePoint Workflows

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hi there I'm Steve Knutson I am a Microsoft MVP for office services nips this weeks being quite interesting with questions about collecting signatures and documents one of the other box ways to do this and SharePoint is actually a very old feature which comes from SharePoint 2010 and behaves a bit differently to the tools like DocuSign that's free tool so if you're needing a way to clicks it is quickly this is still quite a good way to do it I think so I'm going to start with the document library contains the document in here and then I've opened their document in Microsoft Word I might have a block of teeth here I want to have and then blow that up and see the signature so I'm just going to go into the insert menu I'm going to choose the insert office signature line in add that under now I'm going to add them to hear my name or the name of the cemetery and then I'm going to put in the email address as well yeah what I can do here to save save that with the document and you'll see then see it's a signature block into the file save a bit to SharePoint and then close it upward so it's really important that documents closed for the next steps and swoop from the process so now I've got my document in my library I need to configure a couple of things in the site and the first thing I need to do is enable the out-of-the-box weep flows so I do that by going into the cog and then choosing site information and then going to be advanced cycling as well since from here I'm going to choose site collection features from site collection features I'm just going to check that the reply is enabled just an extraordinary page look for the wit flows option they aggregate ever identity the seed of out-of-the-box we place and make sure this is active if it's not activated click activate to activate it that enables the we're placing the site now once I've done that I need to the end go to the document library that's going to hold the documents contain neaten signatures in this case it's a library called signature demo and in the library settings choose web flow when the web flow screened I'm going to configure any out-of-the-box SharePoint 2010 wit fly call click signatures so by putting it into the screen here you'll see there's no whip flies here currently i'ma choose our word flow and the end of workflow feature asks me to configure a few settings to thus images so I'll show you how that works so from here click signatures ship 120 teen so you told you it was old give it a name and then just leave your scenes is as they are by default choose next I mean once that's done on here we can assign an additional Silas signature so if I have multiple signing blocks like Annie added additional stages and by clicking the down arrow in this case I've just got one person to sign and you can also see at least two runs parallel or serial you can also include a CC person to CC into the tasks that that person doesn't approve but is notified that there are any changes with notifications it's going to say that sitting ok just the other box options here once I've saved that this workflow will then be enabled on that document library so you'll see from never an option equal get signatures and if I jump over into my document library you just refresh my page here you'll see my document sitting in here unsigned so now if I right-click this document then go down to the more options workflow I can choose the web flow option to see this for signing now this is different to power ultimate and there's using an old style sheep went wit flow so some of the features in this workflow old-school but still again is a quick solution to a problem once that we're play starts screen comes up I can go choose the get signatures weird flow you see there's no word place currently running and I can put the name of the person and then wonder signs document so in this case of myself and start the word flow it's in the background this is going to kick off a workflow process their process itself will also send a notification to me asking if I want to come sign the document them email notification let's give that a moment better in order to do its thing thats the spirt sanitary some of the useful features within word itself we can actually really actually help I go to the document so now we've got a workflow in progress on our document by open that document so will actually receive an email notification that can click the link to open from but also photos going to open this document in the desktop and it'll start would open the document and you'll see it's got a signing block and you know what one of the things that's going to happen is in a moment me that's going to tell me that this document needs signing instead of either signatures it's also send me an email with a link to the document as well so if I push that down arrow here choose sign and now because I'm using a surface laptop or any device of the touchscreen you can come into here and actually sign the screen so I'm just gonna sign using my pen and then that's going to Oregon State the limit if I've got a skin signature area so I'm just now going to go sign the double okay then you'll see that's popped my signature to the signature block and the Thai datum which I did the change in the remote signer details down here this it's also said mark this is final the authoress mark was document is final to discourage editing in the saying eat it anyway I don't want to eat it as when it closed in the plasma document and now my document is a sign of documented in slides even if I right click click on their document again in viewer if I view it in the web browser you'll notice that it shows tries to show the block perdus is this document signed but it doesn t show so they fit in order to say listen you need to be in the desktop vision but you'll see that say this see the message you say this document is digitally signed segment changes will unveil a date the digital signature I mean innocence compatibility mode but if we don't open in the desktop so maybe a good suggestion it would be to set the default see it on this library to actually open the ribbon desktop here as well you'll see that we had also tells you that the Stockton is makers final and that the signatures are currently gathered so nobody has changed this document if I change the document anyway you'll see it's Caesars can I remove this images this H is now been removed so that document is no longer valid so it's a good way to validate that their document I won't save those changes will leave the documents saved so that's a really quick overview of the document signing feature within word I mean she born and hopefully you'll find it useful um it's a simple school feature but still here's a good yesterday
Channel: Steve Knutson
Views: 9,940
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: signatures, SharePoint, SharePoint Online, Office 365, How to, Tutorial
Id: A4tgeIYto3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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