Power Automate Tutorial - Using the DocuSign eSignature API

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up everybody welcome back it has been a while since we've been together i as you know you saw my video about leaving microsoft well i now have taken some time off i've joined docusign i've settled in for a few weeks and so i'm back with some new content and as always i invite somebody to come on with me to show their stuff to teach us what's what because most of the time you guys know way better than i do so today as always my man yash is here with us how you doing ash hey john i'm good how are you i'm doing well man i'm doing well i uh the weather is turning sunny here in seattle the new job has been a fire hose of of information and awesome and uh you know getting to do some more power automate content is exciting just uh it's it's in it's different you know i it's weird i almost feel nervous like uh like i haven't done it for a while like it's this new thing or something it's uh it feels good though it feels good what's up what's new in your life buddy uh all good i'm just been trying uh docusign and power automate and a little bit of new experiments to integrate with other items so that i can expand a little bit on on my knowledge as well of how we can integrate our platform with other tools so it's been exciting awesome awesome okay uh we previously did a video about docusign together which is pretty awesome a lot of people made comments you're like oh my gosh you did that docusign video now you're at docusign and like you know it was it was a bit of a premonition i guess and uh and so we're back to expand on that today obviously now that i'm over there i want to keep bringing that into the goodness we're doing and so yash is going to show us how to take that docusign experience to the next level using power automate so uh yash uh why don't you go ahead and and introduce yourself to the people say a little bit about who you are uh what you do where you're from and and all that goodness and then we'll jump in awesome so i have a quick a few slides to share perfect let's go ahead and pull those up all right so here today we're going to talk about uh efficient contract management and automation using docusign and power automate but before we get into that a little bit about myself so i'm your sugar wall and i'm a microsoft mvp and mct for business applications from india i'm also a super user on the automate and the powerapps community forum so if you have any questions please feel free to track me over there or you can also reach out to me via linkedin twitter or my blog from the links in the qr code on the screen and then um in today's session i was as i was saying we'll be talking about efficient uh document management or contract management using docusign and power automate so i would just like to talk about uh what we did previously in the previous video where we were doing uh we were creating a flow using the inbuilt or the uh already available docusign actions from the docusign connector but this time we're going to step it up a little bit and see how we can further leverage uh the template capability of power automate where we are filling word templates and then we are storing the file on sharepoint how we can automate a proper contract management for a external contractor who's on boarding the team and a lot of things i mean it can be expanded to different applications and then um yeah so coming back to the other screen over here first i'll quickly show a small setup that i have over here so this is this word template that i created which is for a contract template and this contract is basically going to uh mention the terms of employment for a new person it could be an external employee it could be a temporary contractor it could be anything so we just have some basic text over here and then there's a date field so this is a template i've created so you could put the placeholders using the developer tab and you can add the um plain text control i have already done that because uh we'll directly upload this into sharepoint then and i mentioned a little bit about the company and then details about the contractor because we want to keep these fields dynamic i've just put placeholders over here and then there are two more placeholders over here so i'm just putting the amount over here so xyz usd per xyz time frame it could be hourly pay it could be a daily pay weekly monthly whatever it depends upon the uh uh hiring pattern of the company and then i just put some random text over here and then finally we also have three placeholders over here one is name again the person who's acknowledging or signing this place from where they're signing and then uh sign here tab so that they can sign it finally so i have uploaded this to my sharepoint uh document library over here i have a sharepoint setup created already and um over here so this uses the word connector because there's that template there and then sharepoint and and then okay cool so i'm i like that so far i like how we're bringing in the word the word template thing so here i have the contract template over here so in the contract template uh it's just the same word template that i uploaded and then i have another list set up over here which is the contracts list where i'm storing all the details about individual users or individual resources who have been hired into the company it could be external contractors or maybe i just wanted to get someone for for filling up a gap for three to four months as a support role or anything it could be anything basically so i have some metadata over here in the title i'm going to save the name of the person in the contractor email i can store their email address in the type it's a define it's a choice column that defines what kind of uh pay uh structure we have is it going to be an hourly pay or it is going to be a daily or whatever times stamp is there so it's going to show that it's taking a second to load so this is the choice column we have and then i have a contractor pay then a start date and end date of when this starts when it ends a simple status column to say that okay this contractor has been approved by the management or whoever the approving authority is and i already have of envelope id column over here which is going to store the id of the envelope that we're going to send from docusign later on so what i'm going to do is uh i'm going to first show you how the docusign thing is going to be integrated with this before we actually create a record and start creating our flow so uh on docusign what you can do is you can set up a developer account so once you set up your developer account you have the my apps and keys page that you can go to so there are some ids and confidential information over here which i'll be disabling this account later on after the video but it's important to note these as well so i have an api username and account id and an account uri that gets created the moment i create this developer account and then i can create an integration key which is most important while we are well we want to use the api of docusign to perform some actions and once i have this i can also see the api dashboard where i can see how many applications are using what keys and uh how many requests have been made how many of them failed and so on so there's a lot of uh analytics also that you can view over here based upon how and what is being used on the api actually so once i have this then i am going to show you the uh envelope structure over here so you can create an envelope using the sign api and you can directly google create a docusign envelope using api and you'll be navigated to this page so here what we have is we have to construct a url so this is the url that we're going to send a post request to and then uh there's already a sample over here so if i click on the examples here there are different types so i'm going to select the first one where i want to uh get a signature on a email on a single document so i can see a sample request that is there so we're just going to use this sample request and construct it in our flow so let's get started on the flow now cool i'm going to do a quick shout out to my team for building this awesome dev center with all these great code samples they take great pride in the amount of documentation and samples they have out there and as they should it is an amazing resource they do a really great job i think of breaking it all down yes totally i mean it's just going to be this uh we're going to copy over this and change some placeholders that's all so it's all there already available and you can directly use it it's awesome and here we are on flow so i'm just going to skip this part and start creating a flow um for the sake of this example let's just create a flow when an item is created in our list and we can change this based upon uh our setup of how we are actually putting the data of the potential contractors to hire on sharepoint you could use a powerapps app where there's a form and a team can request okay i want this contractor i have interviewed them these are the details these are the rates so now it's up to hr to approve them or reject them and based upon the status approval you can trigger the flow so there's a lot of scope of applications over there but we're just going to do a simple one now so i have this mpp project 2020 site where i have my contracts list and every time an item is created over here what i want to do is i want to first populate a word template so i'm going to search for that and populate a word template oh it's got a new icon yes so again uh it's on my contracts document library folder so from documents i'm going to navigate to the word template and um once i select the template it's going to show me all the placeholders that are available to fill so we can put the date over here so data is going to be today's date when we're sending this out so i'm going to use the expression okay and format it appropriately so let's say date and then month and year so this is going to put the month in a short expanded form and format formatted directly is that three m's you got there ash yes so three m's is going to be uh like the first three letters of the month so if it is january then j n like that okay okay learn something new in the name we're going to put the title because that's the name and this name too is basically this placeholder that we have at the end so i've put tags on each of the uh placeholders on the template and that is what is showing over here and paper is going to be the value in the choice column so the contractor type value and in the contractor email i'm just going to put this on the contractor name again title contractor rate says contractor pay and place uh we don't have a column over here so i'm just going to put let's say text place here but we can get that again from sharepoint and on the template i have not put the start date and end date placeholder so one we can do that also so it's just putting the data on the placeholders and filling up the template and once this is done after populating the word template we also want to save this file and then create a pdf out of it so on my new step i'm going to create a new file and uh again navigate to the same folder so that's the sharepoint connector if you're curious to create that action to create that file and on the name now i want to provide a unique id so what i can do is i'll put the item id so that's going to be unique every time and let's put the timestamp so i'll put utc now again and in the bracket hh which is hour and small m is minute and second so we have that and finally the extension which is dot x the document type and on the file content we are going to just put the world template content over here so now that we have this we want to convert this to a pdf properly so i'm going to search for convert to pdf action and we should be able to see it here now this action which is convert word document to pdf is actually uh it does not accept a uh dynamic value when we provide for the file so there's a hack for it oh what i'm going to do is i'm going to browse through the folder and go to contracts select this copy over the entire thing and in my notepad i'm going to paste this remove the name of the file from here and copy over just the folder name and after the slash you can put the name of the file so now it detects it properly and it will get you so this is so far just creating the uh pdf and um i mean populating the word template and creating the pdf now we also want to do the docusign action so for the docusign action we'll first have to create an authentication header and to do that i'm going to use a compose action and in the inputs let's just put as threads in the settings i'm going to go to the settings actually and in the track properties i'll put username okay let's use camera case and for now i'm putting my email over here and we also have to put the password okay so this is my test password oh it was not this it was this and then i'm going to put the um integrator key which is going to be coming from my docusign over here this is the integration key so copy that over and paste it here and done so now i'm having access to all those items so i'm going to start configuring the http action in this http action we have to do a post request we'll construct the uri but let's first put the header in place so again coming back to my notepad so this is one header that we need which is x dash docusign dash authentication so i'm going to paste that and for the value we have to provide this in json format so the entire string and now what we have to do is like i have the username over here hardcoded so i'm going to remove that and i'm going to write an expression which is the action name of the action and the name of the action is compose and question mark square bracket track properties and another question mark and username okay okay i love you it's a lesson in in some json formatting as well here yeah and for the password again we'll do the same thing and finally for the integrator key there we go nice and then there's another header we have to put which is content dash type and that is application slash json okay so now an interesting part about the uri is uh the account that i'm using is a test account so it's a developer demo account so if i go back to the app and keys over here i'll see that i have a base uri which is demo.docusign.net and uh when you're using it in production this may be different so it is important to note the base uri from here itself so i'm going to copy over this and um paste it here and then i'm going to come back to my um api reference for the envelopes and here you see this is the http request so after the base uri we have to put all of this so i'm going to copy this and paste it here again okay in the place of the account id um again i'm going to come back to my api reference and this is the api account id so i'm going to just copy that over and paste it so again we can put this also as a part of the compose action and get the get it over here so then uh it's just for security purpose so that your user id password and keys are not visible to people who are having access as run only users and all that so you can configure this as as required now comes the important part which is the body so again back to our envelope reference and just going to copy over the entire thing from here and paste it now as you can see i have a documents key array where i can add multiple documents so i'm going to first remove this part and from the expressions we're just going to first use the pdf document directly and then select it copy it paste it back into the expression because it gives you a content stream or a content type and then uh the actual content we just have to pass the base64 so question mark square brackets and dollar content here and okay so this is this uh the name is nda.pdf to which i'm going to rename as contract.pdf and this is subject we have please sign the nda on the email i'm going to remove this and get the email address from my sharepoint so search for contractor email in the name i'm going to search for contractor name which was the title all right so that is pretty much it there are other items over here that we can keep changing based upon requirement so these are all optional items and i'm just going to keep it default for our example right now and close this action save the flow right all right and now let's test it by first creating the item so i'm just going to click on test and manually and i'm going to create an item now so fingers crossed that this works there we go and i'm going to create a new record here and again the data over here can come from apps canvas apps or you can also create some forms for this yeah i mean if we're at this level right making http calls it's very likely that we could have a form on your website that takes the data over we have an entry in in microsoft forms or customer voice or formstack or whatever your google sheets any any source of info that you have you can connect to this and pass that that information across so sharepoint is the medium that we're choosing because it's it's easy it's familiar a lot of people use it it's cheap if you don't have it and you want to use it but you have so many possibilities on how to get this data into this flow um and so just keep that in mind that as we're using sharepoint that doesn't mean you have to use sharepoint it could be any data source okay and uh before we move forward there's one step we missed which is updating the item uh to pass on the envelope id so i'm going to come back here and ditch that run edit the flow again so the http action again is going to return us with a response that contains the uh envelope id so i'm going to search for the update item action and the same site [Music] on the envelope id so let's check how it returns the response it's a capital i i'll just copy over this and here i'm going to see more look for body copy this put it in the expression and question mark square brackets envelope id okay and save the flow now so notice that he passed the title field in it it's a required field there and so it'll break if you don't pass it in each time even though you've given it the name just keep in mind you'll have to give it again to do this update because it's a required field otherwise the flow will choke on that yeah and now we'll test it so uh close the trigger and so i have filled this details over here and i'm going to hit save all right okay list with our fancy formatting nice colors in the columns flow is running [Music] okay so far so good so far so good okay so it ran successfully oh you know what yes there's not as many good feelings in life i think is when a flow runs successfully right when you're like is it going to work is it going to work it's going to work so totally and it has updated the item also now let's see the envelope so i have emailed it to myself okay i'm going to open up okay so let's open it up here only i have a copyright on all the 1651 email addresses everything is done by me okay i thought you said it sent it to an on microsoft account email uh from and on microsoft to uh outlook.com got it got it okay so here it was there's one oh you're right you're right you're right my bad so i have this and now i can start reviewing the document look at that oh this is so exciting okay so i allow this yep and agree yeah continue so you will see that okay this is demo document because of the uh account that i'm using right now yeah but there's the date yeah we have the name and the email address we put the amount and the hourly payment how we want to do it yeah and finally test space and sign here now i can select the signature from here i can just drop it here and select my sign there you go finish and if i want to copy i can get that but uh fine no thanks you should you should always keep a copy just as a new docusign evangelist my advice to you would be always go ahead and sign in there and keep a copy because it will keep a local copy of everything you sign in your docusign and so it's it's good to just have that record it it also emails it to you for the email you use but it's good to just sign in and have it save a copy for youtube definitely and once it is completed uh i get a copy on my actual account through which i send this so it's going to have the signature here fantastic look at that and and so the beautiful part about that is we didn't even have to create a flow for that that's just docusign built in once everybody signs we all get that copy and so nice very very nice i love this since we are getting the uh envelope id we can always track that from docusign also if you wanted to boom boom i love it you know my team is going to be stoked on this uh i came into the team and i'm focusing on the citizen developer the admin the the less technical persona but i love dipping into this because uh it's gonna really stoke my team to hear that we're talking about the api and showing off the dev center and all that so yash man thank you again for another epic lesson in how to use power automate but also how to add docusign to it i appreciate it man thank you so much john it was great learning this and i actually implemented this for someone so i'm happy about that yes me too me too all right well if you guys have not seen part one of yash doing power automate and docusign go ahead and check the description i'll have a link to that video also be sure to go through the description and check all of yash's links uh at the start of the show he showed his uh qr code you can scan to get in touch with him he gave a couple links but they'll also be down in the description for you to click for you to get a hold of him do connect with him to chat with him uh he is oftentimes open to take on projects and so if you're lucky enough to score some of his time reach out and ask him if he's available because i know that that those side projects are something he loves to take on and uh otherwise definitely just get connected to him his blog by the devs uh in the community he's always helping people and solving major problems so he's just a great dude to know and to to be connected in his world and to follow his stuff so yes buddy thanks again for being here man really appreciate you guys thank you so much you guys at home go ahead and smash that like button click subscribe so that you don't miss another video much love from me i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Jon Levesque
Views: 5,369
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: jon levesque, jon levesque microsoft, docusign, docusign tutorial 2020, docusign how it works, docusign template tutorial, docusign powerforms, docusign esignature, esignature, docusign tutorial, docusign template, how to send docusign, digital signature, docusign how it works video, power automate tutorial, power automate, microsoft flow, flow tutorial, power platform, low code solutions, contract management, docusign api, docusign dev, flow, build flows with docusign, CLM
Id: gqjVoiUT3wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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