Easy Vole Bait Set trap

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hey everyone it's getting a little sold out here in Idaho so we're gonna start getting ready for winter today we're gonna put together a few vole baits darn little critters like to come into the yard need the grass all up and make tunnels all over everywhere so in the spring you have a nice corn maze mini corn maze I guess if you will but so we tried to stop them from doing that this mole bait that I make is it's a vole bait dispenser and it was something that a local farmer here showed me how to do so I thought maybe I'd share that in case someone might be interested it's real simple to make just do it out of some PVC so here we go we'll get started [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay here we have all the pieces together now the one thing I do different from what I was taught how to do it was that I actually you notice I cut this on an angle and when I cut this in half I did that so I can go like that and I return them that way and then it has just a little shelter there so moisture doesn't get in the ends anyway simply put them together with a teeth on each end like that just put one T in the center twist them straight what you just use a piece of rebar oh I put one in and show you but I just stick a piece of rebar down in the ground and then use zip-tied hold this to it put a bunch of all bait in here and then just put a cap on it and what that does is it allows the balls to go in both ends of the tubes eat the bait whatever and leave and yet birds and other animals can't get to the bait so it's safe for them so let's go install one and show you how it works okay so there you have it bowl bait set bait inside of it she would seem I feel kind of surrounds my yard so I put them about every 50 feet or so around the edge of the yard see one coming up here and you know I can't guarantee it's gonna stop voles 100% but since I started doing this a couple years ago the vole mess in my yard every spring there's been a whole lot less so it's definitely worth doing for me here's another one as you can see I've got them all just down on the line here so anyway thanks for watching and hopefully this will give somebody some ideas and help them out if they're having trouble with moles coming in your yards up during the winter
Channel: mrkrazyjeep
Views: 15,710
Rating: 4.8064518 out of 5
Keywords: easy vole bait set, diy, vole, mouse, bait, despenser, trap
Id: g-AFU_UaIoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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