What Happens to Pile of Fish Left in the Woods? (Trail Camera)

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what's going on guys on this gorgeous little island here besides this little wooded area this looks like the perfect spot for some trail cameras these are some fish that i had left over from a previous fishing trip and this is that carp that i found in that video a few videos back if you guys remember i'll put a link to it if you haven't seen that one but normally i save a lot of this stuff for catfish bait especially my old shiners and all that but i have so much catfish bait when i was a little boy we used to catch pike minnows all the time at a local river pike minnows you have to kill them because they eat all the game fish and river system in some states they even pay you to kill them you can bring them in for a bounty but we used to just kill them and throw them on the bank in big piles you come back the next day and they'd be all gone and we used to wonder and speculate what came along to take them and so now i'll be able to know for sure and there we go one carp a bunch of shiners and one goldfish let's leave this see what comes along so one of the first animals to get wind of this pile of fish was this family of river otters is that cool i've never seen that before there must have been like six or seven of them and you can tell they want it but they're scared they're scared to go in and get it and i think the light from the trail cameras spooked them because they ran off i was a little bummed about that i wanted to see him gather around and feast but this possum he wasn't shy and that's pretty typical possum aren't shy about anything really they'll walk up on your front porch and try to get in your house actually um and he is a little cautious here kind of sniffs around he's almost like is this is this too good to be true here he takes a little morsel kind of nibbles on it and uh it's like you know what this this is actually pretty darn good those are shiners by the way and uh he's probably never had shiners before new food to him but he seems to be enjoying it and uh i thought it was funny look how much he's chewing here all right so he gets one in his mouth look how much he chews [Music] was that like a hundred times i did not know they chewed their food like that and i love how he just sits on the pile of fish now just like you know what i'm this is cool i'm i'm i could get used to this and then a raccoon comes along and he's like yeah what's with this little fish deal and we've got this right here and this is a little raccoon it's almost looks like a teenage wreck and a lot of raccoons i've seen have been real fat in this area and they have big uh fluffy tails this is kind of a skinnier one little skinny tail there and he goes straight for the sucker fish he's like why would i mess with all those little ones when i got this right here carries him off to his den and then the next morning the pile of fish was pretty decimated you see some cardinals in the back there checking it out but they're definitely not going to eat on it but then all the birds had to scatter because this dude came around the other camera showed it was a black bear he must have swum across to the island and it was super weird to me that he did not even look at the fish there was not interested at all and just lumbers off into the forest that was very unexpected such a small island and then that night another possum comes around starts feasting and throughout all the second night there were so many possums so many raccoons that came around and just kept grabbing a fish and taking off i don't know how many were the same uh animal or how many are like they're just like six or seven or eight different raccoons and opossums that were living on this island not really sure this guy just hung out on the pile of food that just pigged out kind of looks like a little pig there and they just decimated the whole pile of fish throughout the night this guy comes over takes might be there might be one or two more there takes almost the last one and then later on that same night another creature comes along it's another bear and like i said i don't know if if this is the same bear or it's you know a different one just that many animals swim over to the island you can tell they swim look how wet he is he swam over but he didn't come over for the fish because he never even goes over to the fish it was super weird to me so then the next day i thought you know i'm gonna throw out some old whiting that i had in the freezer from a saltwater trip to florida let's see what comes along and eats i kind of repositioned the trail cameras just kind of set them up on the bank there and i thought let's come along and see what'll grab this if it's out on a rock like that by the way if you guys want to check out the trail cameras i'm using i'll put a link to them in the description amazing rexing trail cameras picking up all this cool stuff so you see the fish right there and the geese going by i'm not really sure if a goose convention was going on upriver but we definitely had some some families making their way up river multiple families actually got a bunch of like those are like teenage geese there they're not really goslings they're kind of getting as big as their parents probably gonna fly the coop soon but they were all they were all headed towards something not really sure and in the middle of the night this is the first time i've ever gotten a baby possum to come around and he scared us something along the bank there i wanted to see what it was but you can't see behind the sticks it was either a snake or a turtle i'm thinking but he was he was had a stare down with something along the shore that i'm kind of thinking it may have been a turtle look kind of spooked him but he's a he's a trembling little fella a little baby possum and that fish is huge to him he grabs it and he just takes off that was pretty cool and then a little little raccoon comes along he's like man i know i missed out on something here he could smell it it's like man there was something real good sniffs the trail camera probably had scent from the fish on the trail camera and he goes off so that was kind of cool so the next day i thought i'm going to put out some more old bait from the florida trip i saved pieces of chicken that were from crab traps and just threw them in the freezer kind of didn't know why and then i had a bunch of frozen mullet that i didn't know what i was going to do with uh maybe i'll use it for crawfish bait or something like that later and this dog comes along finds it first he has a collar there and you can see in the far right corner there's a fisherman and a boat and it must have been fish along the river got out to check out the area [Music] and they see my trail camera by the way i do not know these guys these were total strangers this was totally random just some fishermen along the shore that saw the looks like a camera okay come on leave it man look at them oh he's put food out right here for him there's fish and a bunch of little little fish and a piece of kitchen might be or a fox come on that was real decent of those guys not to just take off with the trail camera they could have easily stolen it i would have had no idea um a couple of decent fellows right there that's for sure speaking of fishermen this heron's doing a little fishing along the shore if you're unfamiliar with hair and this is how they fish they walk very carefully along the shore and snatch live fish from the shallows but this heron's like what on earth is going on here plucks a mullet and see at this point i was like uh is this he's gonna eat a saltwater fish not really sure and it's kind of it's been frozen before but he dips it delicate delicately into the water i thought that was hilarious because the fish is laying in the sand dips it three times kind of taste in it dips it a fourth time do you not want any sand on my fish and turns it head first which is what they always do they always turn their fish head first and swallows it he's like hmm i like seafood not too shabby this is the easiest fishing day i've ever done i think i'll have another plucks another one i love it dips it into the water i love it he's like this seafood is not too bad this is unlike any fish i've ever eaten i think i'll have another now there is a little bit bigger fish um another little whiting lane there probably about seven or eight inches and he goes for that like what kind of leaves it's like you know that's a little too big for me it's probably about as big as his head plucks another little mullet and delicately dips it into the water you don't want sand on your fish that's for sure what a cool creature [Music] and then a little later in the afternoon these deer are swimming across the river that is so cool it's amazing how many animals swim over to this island love the tail wagon there now is it just me or does she look like she's she's scared to go in the water she's like oh it's so cold don't want to get in but i guess i will and they swim to the other side then about an hour later this happened if you're wondering wait a second is the river coming up that fast yes it does the river can rise like two feet in like two hours and i wonder if that's why the animals were leaving the island but that brought in this creature [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] ladies and gentlemen this is a huge turtle i'm talking like 20 24 inches long has to be he grabs a piece of chicken an old piece of chicken that's been in the salt water takes off with it and i wasn't sure he's grabbing everything in the pile every fish every piece of chicken and is he eating it that fast or is he like storing it somewhere do turtles do that i don't think they store their food if that's the case that is why this guy is so humongous he has a tremendous appetite one more fish there yeah grabs that too and it's interesting how cautious he is that's also why he's so big he's a cautious turtle with a big appetite he's been alive a long time he's looking around anything else up here or did i get it all he's also a thorough turtle that is so cool guys if you want to check out the trail cameras that i use in this video i'll put a link to them down in the description very very nice cameras thank you guys for watching i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ace Vlogs
Views: 852,324
Rating: 4.9193587 out of 5
Keywords: trail camera, trail cam, ace trail camera, ace videos, ace vlogs, ace videos 3, leaving fish in the woods, pile of fish in the woods, ace videos trail cam, leaving food in the forrest, leaving fish on the riverbank
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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