Get Rich QUICK in Fire Emblem Engage - Optimal Anna Money Making Guide

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hello hello humans today we're here to talk about money and specifically gold farming and Fire Emblem engage I know it's a very contested issue in this game seeing as gold is given to you very rarely and if you like me made the mistake of investing into your regions early on you're probably finding yourself quite short on gold at the moment however fear not because everyone's favorite greedy Merchant is here to save the day this time in the form of a small Gremlin child this guide is extremely detailed on a micro level so I'm warning you right now that it's full of numbers and precise comparisons but I'll try to do my best to make it as digestible as possible also I wanted to quickly say thank you for the massive support on my last video it really means a lot to see the channel doing well again and I'd like to ask for your continued support by liking commenting on this one as well and if you want to see more content from me then subscribe I also have a quick couple shout outs I need to give before I start the video first is to my good friend cordellini 45 who made the thumbnail he's a fantastic artist so please check out his social media profiles which I'll leave on the screen and in the description the other is my friend Verve who's doing a maddening LTC of engage that's a low turn count run if you don't know what that means it's kind of like the speed runs of Fire Emblem somewhat so check it out if you want to see a very skilled playthrough that's being uploaded at the moment it'll also be in the description anyways let's talk about Anna as with talking about any specific unit or any specific class we have to start from the top and work our way down you get Anna fairly early on in the game as her paralog unlocks after completion of chapter 6. what makes Anna so unique to this method is her personal skill make a killing which has a percentage chance to give you 500 gold after each enemy she defeats the trigger is directly based on her luck stat so if Anna has 20 luck the skill has a 20 chance of activating etc etc you get the point so in order for us to make the most use out of Anna's skill and get the best gold farmer we possibly can we need to maximize her look stat as high as possible of course no strategy is foolproof and before I dive in I'm going to give you a couple of the disadvantages to using this one drawback of this though is that this Strat won't be 100 consistent and it won't completely get roll rolling until mid to late game when your Lux stat gets high enough to be activating the skill frequently enough another drawback to this of course is that you'll need to feed Anna a lot of kills in order to trigger the skill doing this early on and in the mid game might cause some of your units to fall behind a little bit so you'll need to be able to strike a bit of a balance when it comes to this the last and probably most important disadvantage to this is that while it can be done without the DLC the tiki bracelet is the most optimal piece of the puzzle to maximizing your gold gain right off the bat the tiki bracelet is available at the same time you unlock Anna herself and I'll talk about this later but there are multiple reasons why it's the best to have for Anna as you start this process anyhow let's start with a bit of an Anna over you because in order to start this Strat you need to understand the process that it's going to entail Anna has the highest magic growth in the entire game which is fantastic for a couple reasons the first is that magic is amazing in this game and hits most enemies really really hard and second is because the classes we want to use to maximize our luck growth are also Magic based classes she starts with the following growths 55 HP 15 strength 50 magic 50 decks 50 speed 20 defense 35 resistance forty five percent luck and five percent build in terms of magic decks and speed Anna has amazing growths and paired with her ability that gives her all the tools she needs to become an absolute killing machine down the line I know this game is less gross oriented than that of three houses but it'll be important once we finish calculating the growth themselves this game also brings back class growths as well so it's time to look at the classes that you should put Anna in Anna starts as an ax fighter which seems stupid given the growth that she has and you should work to change that ASAP as far as I remember the first time you're able to reclass a unit isn't until after chapter 8 where you unlock second seals in the somniel shop so you might need to hold off on your your Anna Strat until then however let's still talk about what you should change her class into you have two options in this regard it'll depend entirely on whether or not you have the DLC online either way since you have the Mikaya Bond ring you should go ahead and invest the bond points into unlocking dagger magic and staff proficiencies from Mikaya which is up to level 9. and you can do this in the training area where you spend a little bit of bond points to do that so I hope you're not a gacha addict and you're pulling on all the bond Rings it's a waste you should do this instead this is going to allow Anna to reclass into whichever magic class you want her to and the staff proficiency will come in handy later for promoting if you don't have the DLC this means that Anna by default will have to go into the Mage based class and this will boost her magic growth up to a whopping 75 even if it only increases her luck growth by five percent compared to some of the other classes that have it at 10 or 15 percent now I want to stress one thing you're hearing a lot of numbers and it seems like a small variability she's only going to be in this class for nine levels so taking that five to ten percent hit in luck growth really isn't a big deal and on average it'll only be a one point luck difference anyways I think it's far more important to maximize her killing potential this early instead and so that's why I choose May this will bring her growths up to 75 magic 55 decks 60 resistance and 50 look with the rest of the base growth staying the same if you do have the DLC though this changes things drastically Tiki unlocks a lot of potential for Anna one of the first ways she does this is that she gives her access to the Marshall Monk class by providing fist proficiency through raising Bond level to six I believe this class is a bit better for Anna growths wise as it maintains the 25 magic growth but gives you that 10 luck growth that you want to maximize it also gives you 10 defense if you want to be a bit tankier but like I said earlier overly obsessing about growth isn't really a good idea having said that the other major thing that Tiki gives you though and this is a little bit ironic and it is worth obsessing over is her star sphere skill this adds a flat 15 to every single growth stat of the unit between Marshall Monk and equipping Tiki her final growths would be 70 HP 40 strength 90 magic 65 decks 65 percent speed 45 defense 70 resistance 70 luck and twenty percent build can you see how big of a difference that makes this is Anna on steroids now of course Tiki can give this boost to any unit so if you commit to using it on Anna it means you're all in on money making and taking a step back from making any other monster unit in your party you can mix and match and even only grind Anna and skirmishes if you really want I'll leave that up to you but now you have the knowledge of her optimal starting builds you really can't go wrong with Mage or Marshall monk here I like Marshall monk for optimizing luck and staff support but Mage can be done too even if you do have Tiki and you want to go for easier leveling and kills after that it gets fairly straightforward and there's really only one clear way up and that's going to be the high priest class for people without the tiki bracelet you may have to promote to Sage until you get the bileth bondering that gives you this proficiency to let you swap over to high priest but that should only last for a little while you should promote as soon as possible because of the way the level counter Works in this game and on doing that you'll get some nice little Bass step boost as well as some very important growth boosts the magic growth will stay the same but high priest gets an extra five speed percent speed to bring her up to 70 speed as well as a whopping 30 total luck growth to bring her up to 90 luck of course if you have Tiki Sage also gets a luck boost but it's less and you'll be in this as a filler class so I won't harp on it for too long this is where you'll cap Anna's lock and I want to take a moment to talk about stat caps and growth averages to give you an idea of what you'll be looking at in this section I'm going to calculate all the stat averages for various builds it's going to be a bit math heavy so I'll have it all visually displayed on screen for you as clearly as possible for you to see without having to think about it at all as you can see on screen the differences between Mage to level 10 and Marshall monk with Tiki at level 10 are pretty noticeable actually outside of compensating for the lower bases that Marshall monk has Tiki also helps give you a three luck Gap as well as a potential higher build which might be important for doubling with tomes later everything else seems to be in about the same ballpark though so if you're not as worried about optimizing the luck at this point it doesn't really matter but you really do want to optimize the luck growth I'm not going to show the difference between sage and high priest because you should reclass into high priest the moment you can get bileth anyways but the differences are pretty major if you choose to stay in Sage Sage will theoretically Eclipse high priest in Magic but high priest is the superior option for money purposes I'll show you the quick side by side of a sage at level 20 versus atiki optimized hybrids at level 20 here without Tiki the differences really will only be three to six points on average depending on the stats so I'm not going to compare too deeply since it only affects the skill proc chance Itself by a difference of three to six percent overall which honestly isn't too much as you can see here she has excellent stats across the board for a unit who has been early promoted and hit Level 20. most notably her magic sitting at a whopping 35 a respectable 27 speed and most importantly the 30 luck high priest has a cap of 38 Lux so in order to cap this and get this build to Max you'll need to loop around once more and get to nine more levels or if you have the DLC use the goddess icon or two that you've gotten so far to help move that further along though you should have done that from the very start to get a head start on gold farming anyways so why haven't you now that we're done going through the very detailed class and Level Up walkthrough and I know it was really detailed I'll go through the build you want to use for her luckily this is fairly straightforward you pretty much still want to optimize your luck and in this game even if it's capped any bonus luck you have from skills Rings or food will add on to your cap the good news is you don't need the DLC for this since you'll be using bylip biliff is the best candidate for this once your luck is capped since at Bond level 20 he gives plus 12 luck for just equipping the ring in addition to that for the price of 3000 SP to inherit it you can also get his luck plus 12 skill and equip it on Anna for a total of 24 more luck add that to the 38 base and that's a 62 chance of procking her make a killing skill which is almost 2 out of every three kills you feed her or 1 000 gold every 3 kills granted this is generally late game but honestly that's when you're starving for money the most and the maps have the most enemies on them and having a killing machine Anna who also makes you money is not a bad idea at all if you don't want buy lithon your DPS unit for obvious reasons you can also use a bond 20 Erica since she gives plus 10 luck at Max Bond it's a two percent less proc chance but it lets you have your goddess dance on someone else instead and honestly that's probably what I do myself Tiki aside of course if you listen to all that math and figured it was too good to be true well that's because it is upon actually testing this and leveling my Anna to get the natural luck cap which is 39 you can see here that she has the bileth ring which should be plus 12 and the luck plus 12 meaning the total should be 24 more luck but it seems like the game has capped us at 20 between the two good news for you guys I wasted the extra 1ksp so you didn't have to I guess so there you go or maybe it was 2K at this point as long as your ring and skill boost reached plus 20 total you're good anyways I think that's basically everything you need to know about making your Anna a money machine monster tiki also has plus 10 HP slash luck skill but I mean I guess you can and choose that it's 3600 SP instead of the 3000 on buy lift it's really your choice because of the way the plus 20 cap works the SP gain is abysmal so I'm going to leave that up to you one of the helpful things I found was using uh edelguard it's also a DLC bracelet she has an XP gain skill that you can also inherit if you want to take the 3001 option and get that one sooner there's a little bit of flexibility here and her luck is pretty much capped at 59 or so from what I can see so it doesn't really go any higher than that it's still pretty good high enough to prop a lot of gold but that's about it that's my Anna guide done and dusted I hope you enjoyed it don't forget to leave a like and comment telling me what you think and I'll see you all in the next video very soon peace
Channel: LinkKing7
Views: 75,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fire Emblem Engage, Fire Emblem, Engage, Guide, Weapons, Weapon Forging, Weapon Refinement, Alear, Brave Weapons, Killer Weapons, LinkKing7, TheLinkKing, LinkKing, Mekkah, Faerghast, Analysis, Ivy, Emblem Ring, Maddening, Help, Chapter 11, Excelblem, Money, Gold, Ingot, Silver Ingot, Adopt, Animals, Choops, Sacred Spear, Brodia, Bond Ring, Bond, Silver, Farming, Promotion, Yunaka, Anna, Byleth, Money Making, Optimal, High Priest, Reclass, Classes, Fire Emblem Engage Classes
Id: 69JW67oCcXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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