Fire Emblem Engage FULL Weapon Forging Guide!

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hello hello humans and welcome to the first guide for Fire Emblem engage there are a lot of things I want to talk about but I guess one of the first things that came to me was to talk about forging because I feel like that's probably the most important investment that you can do early on in the game so basically once you unlock the somnia which is around or after chapter four I think you come to the Smithy here I'm not sure exactly when the Smithy unlocks it's pretty early in the game it's like chapter four five or six or something like that but anyways the way things work in engage is that weapons don't have durability anymore what you can do is that you can refine them and Forge them and there's a certain level of progression to these weapons now there probably won't be any spoilers in this video I'm gonna try and censor out as much of the character icons as possible on the weapon equipment screen so you probably won't have to worry about any spoilers aside from the weapons themselves and what they go into and I'll go ahead and explain that in a very detailed way so in a nutshell the way forging works is there are three different types of materials that you're going to use their iron and goods steel ingots and silver ingots and just as a little quick hack the way the best way to get these that I've found so far there might be a more efficient way but if you adopt a lot of dogs along the way and just put five dogs in your farm in the somnia they will be able to drop silver ingots um relatively frequently like I'm getting two or three per chapter so that's just a little bit of a quick um go ahead guide for for that but now let's dive into the weapons so you know in Fire Emblem usually we have different tiers of weapons and then there are certain weapons that are different so the interesting thing about the forge here is that certain weapons are able to level up in sort of a weapon tree sort of deal and I'll show you that with swords we'll start off with the swords for example so here you can see in forging it's different materials to level up each weapon and it can go up to a plus five every single weapon in this game can go up to a plus five and it costs money in materials and the more advanced the weapon is the more money it costs and the more material it costs to level up but as you can see right here at the bottom you can go into another weapon of sorts now if I'm not gonna waste any of my materials here because I'll want to show you some of the things later on but if you look on the left hand side of the screen it says might five hit 90 wait five Dodge zero and that slim sword is going to turn into a different weapon and I already know what this is it's an iron sword but just to go ahead and compare you can tell that the base iron sword here has might 5 hit 90 weight 5 Dodge zero so that sort of correlates so the slim sword is able to get enhanced into an iron sword the iron sword itself goes to plus five as usual and I'm gonna stop repeating this because a lot of this is going to be self-explanatory but the iron sword has three different branches iron in general will go to Steel which is this first option here but the next two are a little bit less clear you can see with this one that it has the armor Effectiveness icon on it and that means that this is an armor Slayer and then the weapon below it you can see with the 30 crit and the 9 might this is a killing Edge so iron sword can go into steel sword armor Slayer or a killing Edge now if we go on to the next tier which is the steel sword itself let's say you move from iron to steel and you want to see what the steel can go into again you have another three choices this one again the first tier from steel up would be silver this weapon here is one two range this is a 11 sword I have one I already know and you can also see from the little squiggly's Jagged nature of it if you've played Smash Bros and you remember how Robin's loving sword looks like that's what this is and then the weapon on the tier below it with the 20 crit and the six might is the woe Dao now let's go to the next tier up from steel which is silver silver also has two more branching paths this bottom one here you can tell with the dragon Effectiveness is a worm Slayer and the one above it is a brave sword and that's it that's as far as this skill tree goes from what I can see and you can see I have all these weapons here I've got an armor Slayer 11 sword a woe Dao a couple of them a wormslayer and then we have sort of the Blade weapons now the Blade weapons are the smash weapons in this game and applying across the board to Lance's and axes I actually can't remember if lances have this but axes and swords have these and these aren't very interesting at all they just go from iron to steel to Silver and that's where it bottoms out and then we have these sort of unique weapons which are Liberation and Liberation just goes to plus five you can see that on your own and folk Banger which is alphonse's sword also just goes to plus five these are solid weapons um it doesn't mean you shouldn't turn them into plus fives but they do get very expensive and one thing I want to show is the worm Slayer because it's one of the oh actually it's not very expensive but the silver sword for example to Max Forge a silver sword you will need it looks like 37 38 pieces of silver ore so it's very very expensive to forge them the first couple uh enhancements I would say are worth it once you go into the plus three four and five I think you would really only want to forge this that high if you are using the weapon a lot anyways in the sake of time let's go over this for the other weapons I'm gonna fly through these because I don't want this guy to be very long in terms of the lances there is a slim Lance I think I sold mine but slim goes to iron iron here goes into steel the rider's Bane and the killer Lance you're just gonna have to take my word for this it makes sense uh horse Effectiveness crit 30s the steel Lance over here will go into silver and this is a flame Lance which is kind of like the alternate to the 11 sword it's one two range and it's Magic based and then we have the silver Lance which goes only into the bravelands here not very creative weapon chain unfortunately but that's it I think I already said oh no I didn't the javelin goes into the spear which is a great one-two range weapon for the for the lances and then we have sort of again just to see the rider's Bane the killer lands these all are uniques they just go into plus fives and I was wrong uh lances do have a smash weapon which is the great Lance that also goes from iron to steel to Silver I've already pre-tested all these by the way so you can just trust me on it all of the final chain weapons which would be sort of the yeah the flame Lance and the silver Lance all those things that's it that's where they stop they go to plus five from there they don't have any more branches as far as I know those are the same thing the compact ax is basically a slim ax which is actually quite an interesting addition to engage it goes from compact to iron iron here again splits off into the killer ax the hammer and the steel ax as we can see the steel ax goes into the silver ax and the polax the hammer class is interesting because it's the only class that has both armor and horse Effectiveness I'm kind of surprised they didn't put the heavy spear in or the zimbato but they just didn't as far as I can see so far a little bit weird but I guess that's one thing that hammers have over swords and lances outside of the abysmal uh not quick Ritz hit rates and the silver ax goes into the brave acts and the hurricane ax which is the Magic based ax it's only one range and it's effective against Flyers because Flyers are weak to wind and the Hand ax goes into the tomahawk the tomahawk is actually really interesting in this game it's very heavy and it has a low hit rate but I have one and if you enhance it to plus five the might goes up the weight stays the same and the hit rate goes up so it's actually not a bad weapon though it is very expensive to enhance so I don't know I like the the tomahawk idea I do have a brave ax that I got from uh you do get weapons as a reward for investing in your regions I don't think this is worth investing more than maybe level three in a region because after that it gets very expensive and you'd probably rather just use your money on forging instead and then we have the grade X Series again it just goes into steel steel and then silver and here you can see I have the hurricane ax it is a magical ax and it is very strong uh 25 might and 80 hit probably one of the strongest weapons in the game especially if you have a high magic stat on your ax user and then of course we have Anna's ax that know it's in I forgot to talk about the fenciler for Sharina but again self-explanatory now we get to the bows once again Minnie bow goes into iron bow and then iron bow goes into steel and Killer Bow and the steel bow goes into the Silver Bow and the Longbow the Longbow is very good in this game uh very very useful especially with flyer Effectiveness and flyers are pretty prevalent and the Silver Bow goes into the brave bow which is this one and the radiant bow which is the magic alternative of the Bose Series again bows haven't been very creative I have them here Longbow Killer Bow and radiant bow and Silver Bow the only thing I'm missing is the brave bow which I could make from the Silver Bow if I really wanted to I just don't feel the the imminent or immediate need to do that right now magic is a little bit of a disappointment in terms of the forging uh they made a very nice addition to Magic in this game which is surge which is a one-range spell which I really like unfortunately surge just goes into l-surge which is this one and that's it and then elsurge goes to plus five so they didn't really do a tier three magic four surge uh but they did for fire Thunder and wind so fire goes into L fire and then subsequently El fire will go into boganon same thing with thunder thunder will go into L Thunder and then I do not have an L thunder so for the sake of this video I'm going to use resources and then elf under will go into thoron which is one or three range very strong spell kind of inaccurate so if you're gonna Forge it you should probably uh Forge that one up and then we have wind goes into L wind and L wind will go into Excalibur uh which is pretty good uh uh good against flyers and that's pretty much it for the tomes I haven't seen any long range tomes yet no meteor or bolting or any of that regards and there's also no ice magic in this game which is kind of odd unless they are considering surge to be the water base I don't know anyways range weapons are kind of dull in this game same thing goes for the daggers you've got the long range daggers which is this chain and then you've got the one range daggers with high crit which is this chain so basically short knife goes into iron dagger iron dagger goes into Steel steel goes into silver and then silver just kind of stops there and that's really pretty much it the card is the first tier of the high crit one range daggers and card goes into stiletto and stiletto goes into pesh cats that's really it for daggers there's no fancy effects no Effectiveness nothing it's just one two range daggers um and they all do poison which increases damage against foes and stacks up to three which is a very interesting mechanic especially for killing bosses I'm really enjoying dagger units in this game but their forging options are a little bit tired I mean the swords the lances and the axes have the most interesting ones the bows are kind of interesting but once we get into sort of the tomes the daggers and especially the fists not interesting at all um fists are really a one chain thing initiate goes into steel which I don't have so your iron sorry I do have iron iron goes into steel and you're just gonna have to trust me on this that steel only goes directly into silver I don't have one but it just does just believe me okay oh no actually I'm gonna have to waste it on steel don't trust me on that because steel then can go into shielding or silver so that's the only branching you have with the sort of punching Arts um so they're here silver and shielding silver can then go into something called radiant or flashing fist sorry and flashing fist is really really strong this is basically the end game weapon for fist weapons and it's also really cheap to get to plus five so if you have any fist people you want to get this weapon I mean look you can get to the max tier with 150 iron 50 steel and only five silver it's crazy and this is basically I think it's a brave weapon unless that's uh yeah it's a brave weapon none of the other fist Arts have this description which is if user initiate combat it attacks twice and they also get speed plus five the weight is 9 which is a little bit on the heavy side but I think by the time you get this late game it's not bad and it's also got 14 might and 90 hits so it's very accurate No crit no Dodge no void it's just straight up power and it gives you five speed so that's the very interesting art for fists this is sort of your end game art you should definitely use this but other than that that's pretty much it for fists they have shielding which is nice if you're gonna use the um I mean I guess they're class art isn't even really important the the chain guard or whatever it is The Shield that they have you don't even need the defense plus five for that because it just does a percentage of your max HP anyways um so I don't know why they have gave it defense plus five those classes I haven't really explored in classes are something I might want to look into a little bit deeper and do a guide on in the future but that's pretty much it for forging nothing really crazy but it's a nice little guide for you to know sort of I guess your class progression or weapon progression for lack of a better word and yeah that's about it I'll see you guys in another video very very soon let me know what you think about this guide and whether it was helpful or not and uh yeah enjoy engage peace foreign [Music]
Channel: LinkKing7
Views: 95,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fire Emblem Engage, Fire Emblem, Engage, Guide, Weapons, Weapon Forging, Weapon Refinement, Alear, Brave Weapons, Killer Weapons, LinkKing7, TheLinkKing, LinkKing, Mekkah, Faerghast, Analysis, Ivy, Emblem Ring, Maddening, Help, Chapter 11, Excelblem, Money, Gold, Ingot, Silver Ingot, Adopt, Animals
Id: 4l52KzaMRP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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