GET OUT: Every Creepy Little Detail Hidden In The Movie

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welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host definition in this episode we're breaking down all of the insane details and get out since its release the film has received a lot of acclaim and it was even nominated for several awards including Best Picture at the 2018 Oscars the movie is laced with the ton of foreshadowing and Easter eggs that really elevate it above a lot of Horrors throughout this video we're going to be breaking down the best of them and discussing some of the hidden meanings within the film there will be heavy spoilers here so if you haven't had a chance to check out the movie yet then I highly recommend that you get out that's that's my one and only bad joke of the video I promise make sure you subscribe to the channel for videos like this every day and please drop a thumbs up if you enjoy it without the way thank you for clicking this now let's get into our breakdown of get out okay so if you haven't seen the film and are watching this video for whatever reason I'll give you a quick overview of the plot we follow Chris a young photographer who goes to visit his girlfriend Rose Armitage his family upon arriving there strange things begin to happen and he unearths that the Armitage's have developed a procedure in which they can transfer the minds of people into shell bodies Chris is the next target and he's auctioned off to the highest bidder and hypnotized into being submissive however he manages to escape before they can carry out the procedure and he kills the family ending the film that's a brief overview but it's just to get you up to speed before the breakdown and the movie opens with Andre Hayworth walking through a suburban area at night whilst he's on the phone to his girlfriend Andre becomes a prominent figure later in the film and we learn that he was actually subjected to the same procedure that Chris narrowly escapes from the car drives by him and it begins to intimidate him before abducting him now there are a couple of things to take from the scene Bruce Lee Rose is clearly on the phone to him and this is how the car is able to track him the person on the phone says stay put we'll come and get you - which Andre replies with there's no need he gives his location and then they show up Andre got lost looking for peacock Avenue and is likely that these direction - a fake peacocking is a term that is often used to describe a male trying to attract a mate but here it could be twisted round two rows attracting andre to this spot so that jeremy can abduct him the film is about taking messages and subverting them and I definitely think that this holds a double meaning here another interesting aspect is that the car that Jeremy drives is white on the outside and black on the inside this is of course a nod to the fact that black people are later sent to the sunken place whilst a white person and habits their shell from here we cut to the title scene which has blue writing over the top of a forest which is intentionally meant to be a nod to the shining which is one of peels favourite films after the brief credits sequence we can hear this song redbone by childish gambino not only is it a banger it also has some elements of the song that play out here which foreshadow the rest of the film the parts that we hear contain the following lyrics from the song but stay woke as in don't go to sleep Chris they gon find you go and catch you sleeping as in don't go to sleep Chris I'm telling you and the chorus ends with now don't close your eyes again highlighting this point I think I think I've officially got my StreetPass now for using the word goal now as we tour his apartment we can see a white child wearing a dog mask and peering out from behind it this once more is a reference to the white people wearing black people as a mask in the film upon Rose arriving there we can see a chain that looks slightly like an unlock slave handcuff and though I may be reading into this I think it highlights that Chris eventually ends up free from the family after almost becoming their slave Rose sits about with the dog and then puts it down saying that she has to price something out of its dad this is possibly referring to his brain which they try and pry out at the end of the movie here they talk about her family and the line my dad would have voted for a bomber at the time if he could have this line appears again later in the film and it could show that a lot of things that the Armitage is talked about are scripted because they've went through the process numerous times on a side note I would have voted for a bomber a third time if I could have so thumbs up the thumbs up buttons right there now this idea of voting for Obama is contested later in the movie at the party when we see that all of the guests wear something with read on it this is except for Chris and Andre they both wear blue so it could represent Democratic versus Republicans as these are the colors that both parties tended on I don't know much about American politics but if I did I would have voted never mind the pair hit a deer out on the road and this almost causes a car crash the deer lies by the side of the road at dying and this reminds Chris of the death of his mother which we'll get into in just a bit now Chris actually seems to straw over this where his rose doesn't really care showing her disregard for life a police officer arrives and asks for their ID and Rose gets angry that Chris's ID is asked for - and she kicks up a fuss with the policeman we know from what happens in the movie that Rose actually argued over this because should Chris be listed as missing the officer may remember his name and the car that he was riding in the license plate would to lead back to Rose and the Armitage's and though she talks him down from checking out who Chris is they arrive at the house and there are two Omega symbols outside of it according to Google Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet but most of the time in English Omega is used as a symbol of the last best or final nature of something so it could show that this is the end for Chris now the Armitage is ultimately view possessing african-americans as the best thing to do for their final nature I'm not really seen anyone pick up on this one either but it could also be a reference to American colleges which sometimes have a mega in their house names colleges are also a sign of privilege and this might be a reach but it could signify their elite miss anyway there's a ton of things outside the house and inside the house that for shallow how the family view themselves and they drop a couple of lines to show their ulterior motives Dean goes off on a rant about how he hates Diaz and bucks and after researching this speech on reddit I discovered that a black book was a term used for black men who refused to bow to white Authority and this adds a lot of weight to the conversation Dean gives a tour of the house and points out his family photo which contains an image of his mother and father the servants are nowhere to be seen in this and we later learned that both of his parents were put into their bodies the fact that the servants are missing yet Dean states that they are so dear to the family hence that they never actually existed as part of their household Kris passes Rose sitting in front of a globe that has been turned to show Africa showcasing that she views herself as being a head of the continent they also passed the statue of a wooden deer head showing that Dean doesn't really hate them as he has their form as an ornament and therefore was lying he is of course stabbed with a deer head later in the movie showcasing the reversal of the black book comment Dean also brings up a photo of his father who he learned was beaten by Jesse Owens in the qualifying round for the Olympics we learned that he didn't really get over it and it can be gathered from this conversation that this was the event that made his father believe that African Americans were superior we later see Walter running at night and this is likely because he's still obsessed with his loss he wears a cap to hide his operations scar across his forehead and the other people who've also had operations carried this out - this includes Andre who is now Logan and he wears a hat and Georgina is seen fixing her hair on a reflection and this too could be to hide her scar when Chris is out and about he also sees her in a room adjusting a hell and again bringing attention to this Dean points the basement and says don't go down there there's black mold later in the film we learn that this is where the lab is kept so this could actually be a double entendre and he may mean that there is a black mold kept down there as in a mold for another body we are introduced to Georgina and Dean says that his mother loved a kitchen and it keeps a piece of her in there he never says what that piece is but as we learn Georgina is his mother and therefore this line holds an alternate meaning at the table Missy asks about Chris's mother who we know died in a hit and run she clinks his spoon against her glass as he does it which sets off the idea of Chris's mother being connected to this it's the first use of suggestion in the movie but this clink also breaks Georgina out of her hypnosis for a second and thus she is able to gain control slightly she spills the drink and it just gives away that some things are not quite right with the character now shoutouts for mr. Schock pants and reddit for discovering this as I didn't notice it but hats off there's a sign of Georgina viewing chris is less than they are as she refills the Armitage's glasses first even though Chris's M d and there's aren't silver spoons are important as they are used as a way to control Chris but they of course carry with down the meaning of a silver spoon which is a sign of privilege Jeremy is introduced and he talks about MMA pretty quickly almost seeming to guide the conversation towards it he tries to grab Chris and remarks on how well he would do if he competed this could hint and the fact that he wishes to take his body from him and use it as a way to become a sports star after the awkward moment Rose brushes her teeth in her ensuite next to a poster that says death cheater which refers to how the family wanted cheat death Chris takes a trip outside before being hypnotized by Missy within about Chris's mother's death in full and how when she died he was at home watching the TV he said he did nothing whilst this happened and he just sat there he was a passenger that wasn't able to save her and we see in the sunken place that he too is adrift unable to really move whilst he watches the events player before his eyes on a TV screen as a child he scratched his bed and as an adult he scratches at the chair arms which eventually saves his life Chris awakens to find his phone has been unplugged from its charger and Georgina did this to make sure that I ran out of battery when Chris talks to her we can also see a sign beside his hair that says Chris is dead come on man they were telling you get out we meet Walter outside and I seems like a nice guy how do fellow kids he of course uses outdated slang like a real doggone keeper that highlights he grew up in another time period when the guests arrived they all show up in black cause perhaps suggesting that they wish to be in a black vehicle they hug Walter showing that he's more than just a gardener and many of them talk and ask questions based around things that they're interested in an X Golf asks Chris if he's ever played golf a woman asks if black men are better in bed whilst her wheelchair-bound husband sits beside her and Jim Hudson a blind art dealer clearly wants him for his eyes Rose and Chris also wear clothing that looks like they represent an American flag and altogether there's just a weird vibe about the entire thing I say that because we mustn't let black people know that we do this every weekend I keep that keep that secret yeah it's here that we meet Logan aka Andre from the start and he has no idea what a fist bump is which reminds me of all the times I went in for the shake and got the bump sometimes you just don't know Logan is with a woman much older than he is and this was obviously his wife before the operation he then paraded about and made to spin around showing that it was a success Chris takes a picture of Logan and this triggers him into shouting get out hey you missed that one didn't you Chris is sure that he met him before and we learned from his friend rod that he had at this point they hold the auction for him and this is very reminiscent of slave auctions of old Jim wins and Jeremy looks angry and I guess he'll have to find another way to compete in mm-hm Rose promises to take Chris home but it's all a ruse to buy more time and Chris finds photographs of all her exes these later appear behind her on the wall above her bed during this scene Rose also eats cereal with the milk separate this shows the separation of whiteness from a mix of colors highlighting the views of the family everything goes crazy and Chris is knocked out and shackled bringing up the imagery of slavery he manages to pick cotton out of the chair which he stuffs into his ears symbolizing cotton picking which slaves were often forced to do now it's during this that we cut to rod who is trying to get into contact with him we can hear an announcement for flight 237 which yep you guessed it is another shining reference in the room that Chris is bounded I did kind of get more shining vibes from it too the layout is very symmetrical and that is quite a large characteristic of the set design in that film the television set also resembles the television set from the shining to as we can't really see the cable for it and it's somehow turned on and playing Chris is playing a video that explains everything and we can hear the slogan a mind is a terrible thing to waste this was a slogan for the United Negro College Fund highlighting the family taking black ideals and subverting them Jim's brain is cut open and I know that brain ops tend to look like this but to me it also resembles an egg a symbol of birth perhaps hinting at the rebirth process that he's about to go through Chris breaks free and beats Jeremy with a croquet ball which is meant to mirror how he attacked him with a croquet bat earlier in the film Dean is impaled with the deer head and Jim is left paralyzed as the fire begins commenting on the same ability that he wished to place upon Chris Chris kills Missy and grapples with Jeremy at the door similar to an MMA fight almost and I guess I guess Chris would be good at it he even escapes a sleeper hold well done Chris gets into the car finds Jeremy's night helmet possibly being a symbol of the Crusaders and the radio plays run rabbit run which was present during the abduction of Andre Chris hits Georgina and takes her in the car she lashes out at him and he crashes by the side of the road whilst Rose in her grandpa try and chase him down Chris flashes his phone camera which we saw worked on Andre and he snaps out of it and then shoots rose before killing himself Rose apologizes to Chris as he strangles her but he stops when he realizes that she's taking pleasure in it the flashing lights of police then show and Rose reaches out to them in the alternate ending this was going to be the police and they would arrest Chris for killing the family showing police prejudice but in the end appeal opted for it being rod in his TSA vehicle he did tell him not to go in the house to be fair the same song from the title place and this is an ancient song that when translated says to run that ends the film and that's pretty much all of the details in the movie and I had so much fun watching this it's one of the best Horrors ever and hopefully you enjoyed the breakdown as well now obviously I'd love to hear your thoughts on the film and if there's anything we missed comment below and let me know and if you enjoyed this video then make sure you check out some of the insane details we noticed in the haunting of Hill House you point out all of the background ghosts and hidden meanings so it's definitely worth checking out if you want something else to watch if you want to support the channel from as little as 99 cents a month then please click the join button below we massively appreciate it and there's a thank you you get access to content early you want to come chat to us after the show either follow us at definition whitey or click the discord link in the description below those are the best ways to Ebert debate with heavy spoilers so hopefully we see over there very soon this is a channel for people who are mad into movies so if that's the kind of thing you like hit subscribe huge thank you for taking the time to watch this I've been definition you've been the best and I'll see you next time take care peace [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 1,333,165
Rating: 4.8696566 out of 5
Keywords: get out, jordan peele, horror, things you missed, easter eggs, get out hidden details, get out things you missed, get out foreshadowing, get out easter eggs, get out jordan peele, get out jordan peele commentary, horror movies, best horror movies, horror movie easter eggs, universal, universal pictures, get out ending explained, get out spoilers, get out analysis, get out film theory, get out full movie, get out spoiler talk, us things you missed, candyman, candyman trailer
Id: Hf6OB34m-_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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