10 Smartest Decisions In Horror Movie History

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once you've seen the level of stupid decisions a horror movie can throw at you the smart ones feel a lot harder to come by it's almost normal to go investigating the attics of abandoned psychiatric hospitals on Halloween night or read aloud a blood curse engraved in some discarded human skin characters just happened to stumble across or even have open passionate sex was there halfway through running for their life from a very strange very stabby man in a mask I guess impending death just puts you in the mood right the point stands that rational thinking in the middle of these life-or-death situations is pretty rare and probably deserves some celebration they might all die anyway most of the time but at least they took their best shot at not doing themselves to eternal Hellfire in the process you're the real MVP s if this feels a little familiar that's well because it is unfortunately we had a problem with some footage and I've had to reload with a few minor tweaks either way I hope you enjoy it just as much this time around I am still the most cleverest - from what culture and these other 10 smartest decisions in horror movies 10 night lights lights out whilst lights out it might not be a patch on its original short movie The Hollywood counterpart definitely ramps it up a notch by including some savvy decisions in the heat of being hunted down by a supernatural monster which is a pretty rare instance to be honest so credit where credit is due people the moment that really defines the protagonists as having their [ __ ] together comes when boyfriend Bret is being hunted by Diana a malevolent spirit that manifests in the shadows and who is banished by light now on a free roaming rampage after cutting power to the central family home in the evening here she manages to knock Bret's flashlight out of his hands so he smartly grabs his phone to give her a blast of screen brightness instead as they move outside Diana gets the upper hand and manages to pin Brett down in a dark spot to which he then wrangles his car keys out to drench her in his headlights forcing her to disappear - danker climates if anyone should get the quick thinking award and deserves to be alive at the end of a move it is good old Brett and his innovation someone get this man a lightsaber nine DoubleTap scream Sidney Prescott is one badass horror movie protagonist constrained by the rules of her own genre to be a final girl while still managing to recognize and subvert the expectations thrust upon her in that role the first screen movie Cesar deliver a lovely piece of intelligent film work by putting down the villain not once but twice and then again three more times in the three other films as the franchise refused to die in much the same way when Billy Loomis has been taken out at the end of the movie good old horror film fanatic Randi predicts that he will get back up for one last scare since it's no fun when shooting someone actually kills them right on cue Billy bolts upright but Sidney is already prepared popping off one last bullet into his big smoked forehead Billy is gone with a good and proper double tap but she finishes the whole thing off with a satisfying one-liner of not in my movie just goes to show how far she's developed throughout the film she's now calm ready and calculated interactions but she didn't succumb to being shocked or dropping a weapon it's just testament to how the movie has shaped her ice backwards footsteps The Shining let's be realistic for a moment Danny Torrance really didn't have a say in getting himself bundled into looking after a remote hotel in the middle of winter so we can't have at him for making a stupid decision there that is his dad's fault what he and his mother do instead is make the most of a bad situation figuring out the best way to combat the increasingly insane Jack as he runs around with an axe and a taste for violent murder managing to evade him through a series of excellent choices Wendy herself should be given some credit since although a character is often focused on for her hysterics she still got it together enough to arm herself smack Jack upside the head and trap him in a pantry was checking her escape options her maternal instincts say the Torrance's more than once but it's Danny's clever trick that really takes the biscuit here upon looking at the snow outside the hotel he walks backwards to leave misleading footsteps in the snow fooling his dad into running into the hedge maze attempting to find him it is an incredibly small moment but one that proves stopping for a bit of quick thinking will do the trick when you've been hunted by a man intent on cleaving you in half 7 fireworks display a quiet place a quiet place very firmly sets of a universe of silence from the outset if you couldn't guess it from the title killing off a family's young child for playing with a noisy toy just to prove how serious it is about staying really bloody quiet if the kids get treated this harshly you know there is going to be some serious consequences throughout the rest of the movie it's a great way of instilling fear into the audience and that fear only continues to mount up when it is revealed that Evelyn is heavily pregnant if a baby isn't going to make enough noise as it is already the actual physical act of birthing it really isn't going to help but instead of winging it and seeing how they fare the family have set up an admirable base for their miss endeavours by covering potential sounds with a gigantic firework display and that's alongside their usual clever silencing techniques humanity was gonna have to repopulate at some point so whilst having a baby in the middle of the Apocalypse isn't a great idea the precautions of the wise were especially innovative 6 booby traps a Nightmare on Elm Street what are you gonna do when a dream demon has set his sights on you and no moment outside of the waking world is safe from Freddy's deadly fingers you bring him kicking and screaming into the real world that's what since the only way to take down a nightmare is to banish it in reality Nancy knew this and enacted a series of events to make it happen in excellent style setting an alarm clock to bring her hurtling back into consciousness with Freddy in tow before sending him away by resolutely deciding he doesn't scare her anymore where everyone else had to succumb to some seriously intense night terrors Nancy came up with a real plan to fight back against him enlisting the help of some booby traps along the way and letting her journal guide those who would next come up against the burned body even if the end of the original film doesn't appear to be all good it's a smart decision played out in the middle of one giant mess of a situation that turns out right in the end of the series long live Nancy and her badass brain five chainsaw arm evil dead - so ashen that's not me that is the other ash but still has gone out to a cabin in the woods for a remote vacation that all goes horribly wrong playing a tape recorder from an archaeological dig releases an ancient evil possessing his girlfriend Linda and turning her into a Deadite meaning he has to offer with a shovel and barrier near said cabin things aren't looking good but they get worse when the decapitated head comes back bites him and leads to him having a serious case of possessed hand syndrome bits of a medical mystery that one the only cure being to cut the thing off with a nearby chainsaw connect the dots here there's a man missing his extremities a perfectly usable chainsaw and some modifications that are simple enough to make it attachable at the stump cue ash running around with a choppy arm that he then uses to fend off the impending zombie invasion with both style and ease the ultimate combo you can't tell me that this isn't the smartest choice any horror movie protagonist has ever made he's literally got a chainsaw arm how useful is that Oh Aaron you're next if you ever want to be anyone in a horror movie and that's probably an incredibly ill-advised idea considering all the death and maiming you'd want to be Aaron and you should be like Aaron in everyday life since she's a clear badass who makes all the right choices actually almost single-handedly takes down a home-invasion racket and lives to see the end of it armed with survivalist training from a stranger bringing that allows her to set a brutally effective traps Aaron is a sort of person that can take down a group of professional killers with an old blender a camera flash and a bit of old string I'll be in to her Maul is attached to the other end but still and it's not just her techniques for taking down or assailants that a clever but her reactions and preparations as well when cornered she punches straight for the throat and when attacked she plays dead she constantly has one up on the invaders and isn't afraid to pummel them into raspberry jam when the time calls for it good thinking Aaron three copper wire the thing the things assessment of impending doom is far more literal when a group of Antarctic researchers are attacked and assimilated by a recently defrosted alien McCready takes fate into his own hands by tying up the crew and checking on their humanity slowly working his way through a line of his friends he takes a blood sample and prods a hot copper wire into it as a theory is that the thing taking over their bodies will react and defend itself no matter what form it's in standing by with flamethrowers McCready finds one of his team has been infected and it is not the one he suspected either way it's a genius idea one that offers a very public outing of any alien pretenders to the whole crew and allows for them to be quickly dispatched off should any anomalies turn up the only thing that was maybe overlooked worth sticking a bunch of tied up men together in the same room as a hungry alien life-form that latches on to any living organism near but since Windows then gets his head turned into cat food you win some you lose some I guess - I'm out the taking of Debra Logan it's one thing to agree to work on a documentary about an elderly woman without Simas disease as she's interviewed and reminisces on what memory she has left it's another thing entirely to get sucked into a supernatural showdown where she's speaking in tongues and discovered to be connected to a ritual cannibalistic murderer that disappeared some time ago learning that information gets a swift no thanks from documentarian Gavin who decides that it's all a bit too much for him and gets out of there scot free before anything nasty happens let's just say it was a good thing he left when he did when you learn the fates of the other two members of the filming crew hanging out with an insane woman intent on communicating with evil itself really isn't how you should be spending your weekends also special shout-out to event horizon for following a similar smart idea by deciding to get the hell out of space when they learn the vessel they're investigating is compromised even if they didn't manage to actually see it through we're leaving will forever be the most intelligent decision one can make in the face of discovering demonic forces turns on feasting on your eternal soul one quarantine alien sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you push for the smart decision the people around you will continue to make bad choices take Ripley stance in Alien on following the quarantine procedure they said all actually listen to her as the acting officer rather than letting the infected Kane back on board the whole horror of this film could have been avoided entirely but hey it sucks to be them since they all die in the end with Ripley and Jones the only ones living to tell anyone about it that's what you get for not listening Ripley savvy life-saving antics don't stop there however with a choice of blowing the airlock whilst in her escape pod being one of the best decision she could have made upon learning her near unkillable giant alien has curled up on a ship and threatens both her and more importantly her cat if she doesn't sort it out while many would have instinctively tried to ineffectively attack or hide Ripley manages to execute an entirely level-headed response that lets her keep her life just another reason Ripley is the og horror badass and that's our list what is your favorite smart decision in a horror movie share your thoughts in the comments section below I've been Arshad this has been what culture make sure to subscribe to the what culture YouTube channel for more or less like this don't forget to visit what culture comm for daily news and articles thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 3,527,130
Rating: 4.9134812 out of 5
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Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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