Get Home Bag.

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hey everybody its modern refugee doing a designated get home bag video today and there's kind of a reason for that I watch a lot of bag videos on YouTube where folks lay their stuff out that they carry and kind of show what they have but they're not heavy on the explanation why they've chosen those items to carry and that's kind of the point of this videos I kind of want to tear my bag apart for you guys and I kind of want to show you what I carry and why I carry it and the first thing that I want to mention is is if you're in an area where you can legally carry carry because they means a self defense and a way to defend what you have is kind of important it's kind of you're right don't apologize for it this is my pack right here it weighs 27 pounds a lot of folks would say that that's kind of on the heavy side but for me it's not that big a deal 250 pounds and I walk all day long carrying heavy stuff most of the time so it's not that big a deal for me to carry something this heavy but that gets into the kind of carry what's comfortable for you and what you think you need you know if you're somebody of a smaller stature or younger where you can't carry quite as much then by all means you know kind of cater that to what you're physically capable of carrying so I kind of wanted to say that first thing here this actually goes on the outside of my pack this is kind of my gore-tex coat I carry this winter summer it goes right inside these two straps right here just kind of threads through this bag right here is kind of set up for summer my winter pass gonna be a little bit different than what this is I'm gonna take some of the stuff out that I'm carrying in it right now and kind of replace it with some other stuff but this coat right here always goes with me it's a warm it's waterproof and it's lightweight it's everything that I need it to be kind of turn the bag here got some stuff I got on the outside I got some clip clothes pins and the reason I carry the clip clothes pins is is if I gotta tear use the paracord that I carry to hang up some socks or t-shirt that got sweaty to dry off I got a really efficient way to do that and these guys who do not weigh very much at all getting over here to my knife this is kind of my my Gerber lmf ray here and it looks like that it's got a nice crossover between a knife and a hatch it can do knife tasks but also can do heavier stuff too like you know beating around on wood and stuff like that so uh it's kind of the reason I carry carry the LMF it's kind of uh kind of heavy duty and the reason I carry it on the outside of my pack it's easy to get to if I take my pack off I'm always gonna have another knife on me somewhere either in my pocket or my belt to kind of supplement this this is kind of for big tasks my belt knife for a pocket knife would be for smaller tasks but another reason this is on the outside here is if I would take my pack off and I would need another need another means of self-defense you know I got this real handy where I can grab it coming over here in the summertime I always carry one of these plastic spades with me I kind of got into that in my Bush stick video you can take this out right here and you can whittle a stick to put it in here and I give this a little bit longer reach to you as this guy's real lightweight pretty much the summer iteration of my pack the last few years is carrying one of these I'm use it to dig capo uses dig bait for fishing or whatever so uh it's good to have a little means to dig with so you don't have to dig with your hands if you got a dig hole or something next thing here this is kind of one of my most used items this is my pruning saw just a steel pruning saw that's got a sheath on a zip tie to the sheath to the outside of the pack I'm constantly grabbing this to you to trim would get through something or if I got a you know make an improvised little project like a stick for the handle this or something I got this real close real handy I find this is the thing that I use most in this pack so this guy rides on the outside where it's easy for me to grab in the back here this is a back poacher to really don't have anything in this except my little improvised fishing kit and this is kind of a new addition to my pack and kind of shied away from carrying a fishing kit but I've kind of decided I'm gonna try carrying it for a while see if it works for me there's a lot of rivers and stuff around later so if I was on an extended walk needed to do a little fishing I could probably do that without any without too much difficulty where I live here I'm gonna swing it around here there's a little bit of a pouch across the top here I carry some ibuprofen and some Tylenol in a little bottle in here because if you're taking a long walk carrying stuff unexpectedly you're gonna have aches and pains and I found this out from hiking over the years even people that are in shape we're gonna develop aches and pains if they're walking a long distance so this kind of stays on the outside here in case I have to grab it compass kind of self-explanatory it's always good to have a compass with you because you know you never know when you're going to have to orient yourself so that's kind of the point of that down here a little further the other thing is a headlamp I always carry a headlamp someplace where I can grab it easily it's got a red light on it too in case on uses for a map like headlamps compared to flashlights because you can put it on and you can work on stuff because nine chances in 10 if you're going to be actually using your light for something it's because you're working on something you're gonna be using your hands and the headlight of course shines a light right way to work it so that's why I carry that the next thing here is uh my old beat-up multi-tool this when I've had forever but that way I can fix some stuff I can work on things again there's multiple tools in there it's got screwdrivers and stuff on it it's the Gerber variation of it Letterman's good too I just happen to give me the Gerber this pouch right here is is the sanitary unsanitary polish I always carry soap and I carry hand sanitizer no boy could barely get that out there a hand sanitizers in this pouch right here along with my wipes because sanitation is a good thing anybody that's you know been out and about hiking or camping or spending a few days in the woods you're gonna get dirty and you're gonna get dirty quick so you got to have a means to kind of clean your hands clean yourself up because sanitation is kind of an important thing so that's why I always carry that stuff here on a outside poacher it's readily available to grab and kind of recommend if you're carrying wipes with you always carry that on an outside pack or outside of your pack so it's easy to get you around here some of these outside packs this is another thing that I might want to get to quickly and that's my poncho this poncho I use for not just covering up but it's also a ground cloth it's also a tarp to go over my hammock it's got grommets and it's kind of a military surplus one it's got a pouch kind of folds into itself and that's why I carry that guy on the outside it's the same thing with this piece of plastic that I carry here this piece of plastic same thing ground cloth improvised shelters just half a roll plastic cut in half flattened out the stick in here next thing I got in here is a pair of socks that way if I got to change my socks I'm walking along distance I can take my you know take my socks off hanging around my neck or whatever keep walking so they can dry out and I can change my socks back and forth keep my feet dry you know it's kind of might be your only vehicle that you can rely on sometimes you're feeling so you want to kind of carry getting over here to the other side open this up I got all kinds of junk in this side here now one yeah getting back to the feet thing this foot powder this is something you know same thing you don't think that you're gonna need it until you need it so you know people get shaved especially when they're off walking and sweating not used to it put a little dash of this you know in your socks or other regions of your body can come in handy so that's why I carry small pack of that then I got my fire kit here now this I got a couple different fire kits but this is in a ziploc bag here I'm gonna kind of elaborate on a few of the other ones that I got it here just real quick I got my Altoid tin so I can make my char cloth and I just made a big batch of char cloth so this right here I can use to make more char cloth that's full of charcloth I got my tinder here which is my you know Vaseline - oh yeah Vaseline so cotton balls got a small bottle lighter fluid which I recommend everybody carries in there better pack it's just so versatile I got a little fat wood in there I got two lighters wrapped in tape and then this right here is actually my Ferro rod it's a little Gerber Strikeforce and I've had for years and years and years it's a real heavy Ferro rod kind of encased in this plastic right here and like I said this is kind of my primary Ferro rod I like this one it's compact works really good it's got the steel on to strike with and everything else and then I got a small off another ziplock bag here and the reason I carry that is is I can pull that out and I can use that to collect tinder with if I'm you know walking to a certain place I see some dry grass or some pine needles I got a little bit of a pouch I can stuff that into this ziplock bag and then I can use it when I get to my camp to make a fire so I that's why I also carry a roll of tape because you never know when you're gonna have to fix something so uh I like electrical tape a lot of folks use gorilla tape and stuff like that but I values that really good luck with electrical tape so that's kind of another thing is there's the old kind of a cliche thing everybody's got to carry a Mylar blanket so I've actually used this thing for a couple different things it's kind of the thing to carry so a lot of guys gotta stop using their packs and they're all nicely folded up and never taken apart but this guy here is actually taking apart a few times a year so that's good the next thing is my first-aid kit now my first-aid kit made it myself I got the stuff in it that I think I need and it's in one of those a waterproof smartphone cases that cost about five or six dollars on the outside of it with a rubber band that I got kind of rounded I carry KT Tape KT Tape is kind of like a little bit like an ace bandage but it's taped so you can use it to tape a knee up you can use the tape an ankle up elbow something that's bothering ya and those things are gonna maybe bother you if you're taking our unexpected 25 mile walk so I want to have something like that it's kind of goes in conjunction with the ibuprofen that I carry in here in case I got to you know patch myself up or patch somebody else up another thing that you can use this for is you can use this to put over a blister you can cut a little piece of this off and you can cover a blister up and it's gonna give you a little bit of protection I'm actually gonna open this up here and kind of explain a few of the things that I've got here some of things are self-explanatory and some of them are you know I got a backup you got a triangle bang bandage I got some antibiotic ointment I got some of these little medal metal light packs which are basically kind of like a Gatorade powder that you can mix in water to give you a little electrolytes I got some Dramamine I find nausea as a problem that I've run into a lot of times when we were out hiking with different folks and stuff and I there's been just multiple times where we've done things where people got nauseated either because of the heat or something like that so I always carry some nausea pills with me and then of course this is the the lip balm here and I got you know your your band-aids and a few wet wipes a couple larger gauze pads here and then I got some neosporin cream I like neosporin cream because you got a wound in your package full of neosporin cream that will we can still drain if you use the petroleum jelly stuff you're kind of sealing it up and then that wound can't drain so that's kind of why I carry that and then this is a transparent dressing right here I believe they call it a tegra derm it's kind of like what they use to put over like an IV in your hand it's kind of that plastic covering that'll cover that up I like that because you can keep water out of the wound so if you got a wound you can pack it full of the neosporin cream and then you can cover it with that with that tegra derm that clear film and that'll stay on quite a while won't it won't wear off like a band-aid does so that's kind of explanation I got it my first aid kit I'm gonna kind of swing around here pop you straps and get into the back part here now the back part of my pack is the stuff that I'm not going to get out unless I'm gonna stop somewhere for a few hours and kind of make myself a little bit of a camp so that's kind of why that sits in the back because that's not the stuff that I'm going to be using right away so that's the stuff that's kind of hanging out here in the cheap seats of my packs or speeding and then this is probably the largest item that I carry it's the gore-tex cover of a three piece sleeping bag system and I got the black sleeping bag in here which I believe is the one that's good for like 30 degrees or something so this is why I carry this I've spent quite a few nights out in the woods and if you pack light you freeze at night everybody wants to pack as light as possible but when it comes to staying warm I'm willing to carry a few extra pounds if I'm not freezing my tush off and I don't get any rest so the reason I carry this this is waterproof because it's gore-tex and even if I got to lay some place that's damp or if it's drizzling or something this is gonna keep me dry so that's kind of why I carry this and like I said this right here is probably thirty percent of the way to my pack but I feel it's necessary so I bear the weight happily because I want to stay warm in the back side here another thing that I kind of just recently added is is a hammock I've been I kind of sleeping in a hammock did a couple of couple of trips and I've been practicing kind of sleeping in hammocks in the backyard I kind of find these fairly comfortable easy to put up plus this is gonna sound really weird but I kind of don't want to be on the ground if I don't have to be I'm kind of one of those folks that is allergic to poison ivy so I don't want to run the risk of getting a good case of poison ivy one I'm trying to get home or I'm out in the woods for a couple of days I kinda want to mitigate that the best way to mitigate that is to get up off the ground so that's kind of another reason why I've chosen to carry a hammock with me a lot of folks are bothered by bugs I'm not bothered by bugs as much as a lot of people but like I said poison ivy I am so I kind of want to be up off the ground and that's kind of the point of this right here they got it's got real good straps that came with this one and it's got a real good clips to hang it up with and I've actually got one of these hanging in my backyard right now just to kind of test it oh it's been hanging in there for a few days it's gonna keep hanging there because I kind of want to see how wind and rain and everything effects the straps on it and stuff kind of affects the quality so uh but I feel that I need this so I'm gonna I'm carrying that getting down in here deep here always carry I carry a backpack stove and canister of gas sometimes you don't want to start a big fire but you still want to make a little coffee or something so this is the easiest way to do it you can slap a bush pot or a tin cup on here and you can boil yourself some water this stuff doesn't work quite as good in the winter as it does the summer but I still feel it's necessary so I carry it with me it doesn't like a lot of cold cold so sometimes if you're carrying these you got to carry them closer to your body to keep them warm if you're using them that's kind of about wintertime adaptation to use this stuff but I find that the cons of this aren't near as good as the pros so this is why I carry this in my pack and then the next thing is I kind of got a bush pot here that I decided to uh start carrying because my friend uncle bumble he carries something similar to this and he kind of showed me how he hung it with the fish spreader and stuff so I kind of found another bush pot and I modified it and this is actually a new cup here I kind of uh took this gun up like almost a quarter for you real quick they kind of fit into each other I got one that I've actually had for a long time that's got an l-shaped piano but that handle doesn't fold so I kind of decided to switch to a folding handle design makes it a little more compact in my in my pack I like these metal cups like this not only can I use it to a boil water over that a little backpack stool that I just showed you but I can also use this to dip water and fill my water bladder that I'm gonna get to here in a minute fill in those water bladders with those narrow openings kind of sucks you just can't stick those down in the water and have them fill up you got to have some type of container to do that and that's why I use this here and this this particular pot here I drilled a couple holes in it so that fish spreader will work as a hanger but then this folds over so I got a little bit of a lid here too I also included some alligator clips where I can clip this lid on tight if I want to cook something in there and kind of keep keep all the steam in so that's my bush pot gloves everybody should carry gloves and like I said with the whole poison ivy thing that I was talking about a minute ago I don't want to be touching a lot of stuff without some gloves the other thing too is if you're cooking over an open fire that bush pot you want some kind of protection on your hands cuz you know you don't have a pot holder with you when you're out in the woods so you got to have something to grab onto hot stuff with it and that's why I another reason why I carry gloves and then of course the old schmod everybody's got to have a Smaug right you can use it for a bunch of different things I find that the thing I use this for the most is keeping the Sun off the back of my neck so I don't sunburn what I'm walking another thing is is I find dipping it in cold water to keep yourself cool that's the other reason that I use this kind of a kind of an important thing in my mind to have something like this I'll show you this right here you can kind of see here my zippers I didn't really explain that earlier but my zippers here they're all them double zippers and I actually kind of take these zippers and put them in on each other just kind of like that that's so they don't work themselves loose while I'm hiking and movement so this pouch right here is kind of designated for me water got quite a bit of food in here gonna quickly over some of the stuff but this food is uh this is a field-stripped MRE I took two MREs took all the stuff out it that I didn't want put it all back into one container and taped the heck out of it and that's what this is right here this is actually two MREs so that's probably at least three thousand calories I find the more I hike the more I do stuff outside you know carrying packs and doing stuff you burn a lot of calories doing that I mean you might burn a couple thousand calories in a normal day but if you're carrying 25 pounds in your pack of walking ten miles you are going to burn double that and when you finally do sit down you are going to be starved and so one thing that I keep adding more and more to my pack is food because I don't know if I got a walk home if that's gonna take me a day if it's gonna take me three days if something happens I got to go around a long way it's gonna take me five days because you just never know what's gonna pop up but you might have to go around where you just can't go right through stuff so I always want to have extra food I kinda like MREs because they're kind of fortified to the hilt I don't know what they put in them for the soldiers but those MREs they got a lot of nutrition in them and usually after I eat an MRE I feel pretty good for a couple hours so that's kind of why I like them I reason but that's not the only thing that I carry food wise this is my water kit here I'm gonna get to that in a second I carry stuff that's you know that I could eat without having to you know do anything to it like you know not lose that kind of stuff I carry like these homestyle potatoes right here you can actually cut the end off of this right here kind of hold it with those gloves that I showed you and you can pour boiling water in there stir that around good and you can eat that right out of this pouch you don't have to you know dirty a dish or figure out some way to do that so that's kind of why like these black plastic package just ready they're the same thing with same thing with canned chicken I can open this can of chicken I can pour this in my bush pot I can add a little bit of gravy trust me it's in there anyway you can take this you can take a pouch of gravy mix mix the two together bring it to a boil dump it on your potatoes your basting about Thanksgiving dinner Oh gravy mix not important for flavoring you can actually get two meals out of one package of our gravy mix you can fold it up well then you know I got the you know I got the MRE drink mixes I got peanut butter pouches I got crackers MRE crackers I also seal up my own crackers with me why I ever heard of sailor boy pilot crackers you can take those out of the package and you can vacuum seal those they're basically the same as an MRE cracker drink mixes I carry cider actually like this cider and I carry uh like your e coffee and sometimes when you filter your water you can filter out all the bad stuff to make it safe to drink but you can't improve the taste the taste is kind of crappy so I use those drink powders and that coffee and stuff to kind of make the water palatable because usually if you run it through a Sawyer so I'm like that it's gonna have a little bit of a dirt taste and you're not gonna get away from that I don't know if that's something folks know or not but like I said you can get you can get the pathogens and all the bad stuff out of it but she that tastes sometimes got a funk to it so that's the other reason I kind of want to measure I always keep like an energy bar granola bar on the very top part of that you have to get out of this post right here and that's why I need to grab just a quick snack out of there I don't have to he'll dismantle this like I've got this here that's kind of who they got here also you know typical Ramon don't have that in there getting up here in the other side I do carry a regular flashlight and a couple batteries for it like I said I'm more soul for the headlamp but sometimes you want a little brighter light and that's kind of why I'd carry that in there it's a surefire it's fairly durable I haven't broke one yet I guess you can break them but I haven't that this surefire is probably gosh I don't know probably eight maybe nine years old so it's been treating me really well carry a couple utensils on MRE spoon and just a regular this is kind of a heavy-duty camp fork I think I paid like 99 cents for some we're at a camping store it's been really good to me so that kind of rides in there too now I'm gonna get into my paracord here I actually had a couple kinds of paracord I even got something yellow or someone's paracord here and had the reason sometimes when you string up paracord you don't want to walk into it so then you want to use the orange stuff you know your string a little bit of a clothesline across where you're camping or whatever you don't want to walk into that so sometimes you want that brighter so that's why I carry a little piece of brighter paracord I kind of rewrap this paracord right here so it's easier to take apart sometimes in those factory you know wrap job is like going to Walmart you see that the paracord that's all wrapped up in a really tight little ball like that well to take that apart in a hurry it kind of sucks you're kind of rolling in it's flipping around on you and it doesn't come apart very easy so I actually take my paracord and I rewrap it into a more of a easier to dispense ball so to speaks like you know I guess the technical term would be deploy and quicker so kind of why I why I do that getting down here to the end of what I got in here I carry a crank radio I've carried a crank radio for actually quite a while it's got a light on it stuff so it could be use for a light but I basically carry this for a radio so if I need to hear what's going on or something I can crank this a couple of times turn it on see if I can get any local news or weather for where I'm at it's just a real basic one didn't cost very much when I bought it and I've actually used this quite a while I haven't had any issue of this whatsoever like I said I like to be able to hear news or something what's going on because I you know if the phones don't work which is entirely possible or something goes wrong with the Internet maybe the FM radio stations or AM radio stations might still be able to get a signal also on I'll have some way that I can I can pick up that signal the other thing is is some earphones so I don't have to have a radio blaring around my little campsite I can plug that in and I can just kind of listen to it without you know broadcast any more noise and I absolutely have to so I carry out just a real cheap pair of headphones with me too for that simple reason i broadcast him but my bag he got a big old mess here of everything that I pulled out of here but I like I said I thought it was kind of important to I explain something things into my bag oh I almost forgot my water pack got ahead of myself there but anyway this is my water pack and I did a water thing you are not too long ago about two liter bottles where I also got into some of the stuff that I got in this pack here carry the old iodine tablets pretty much everybody should carry them just for the simple reason is if you don't have time to filter your water you can fill up a container throw some of them and and you're still gonna have you know decent water I carry this little pouch that comes with this but I don't use this much I just kind of carry it this is gonna sound really weird but I can actually use it as a wrapping for the other stuff I can wrap it around rubber band it holds it together good I got two Sawyer's here this one here is hooked right directly up to my platypus bag and this is kind of my preferred method of getting water when I mow it I'm gonna take that metal cup there I'm gonna fill up this platypus bag with this right here with that end and I'm going to take this and I'm gonna screw this on and I'm gonna take this little piece of paracord I'm gonna hang this up and I can also put this into my pack because I've got a natural spot here for for my water tube to come out so I can actually snap right there I got a spot there where my water to come out so I can actually use this on the go too and as I'm using a little filter of water another thing that I like with us here is that I can filter some water into this tube I can unscrew this I can bite this bite valve and I can blow back through this thick water that I just filtered and that'll back flush this so then you can keep this up and running and I actually decided recently to carry a spare with me they don't wear weigh a lot but that way if I have somebody with me they got a water bottle or a pop bottle I could give them that so they could filter their own water so that's kind of my my water kit and then like I said I've got my filter I got my iodine tablets and I got a way that I can boil water so I got three different ways that I can I can sanitize my water now I'm not going to carry a ton of water with me I do carry water in my vehicle so I might decide to fill this up before I even start but I might not if I gotta just grab my bag and go on I don't have to do anything I still got ways that I can grab water like this time of year there's water all over the place so I wouldn't be at a lack of water right now but I if it was later in the summer early fall when it tends to be drier by me and I might carry grab some extra water with me top anyway like I said this is kind of the stuff that I carry and I kind of hopefully I explain some of the reasons why I carried this stuff kind of got into a little bit more detail with a few of the items so uh anyway this is a modern refugee I hope you guys got a little bit information a little entertainment here from my video I appreciate all my subscribers out there I hope you guys are having a great day and like I said if you got any questions throw them down in the comments I'll try to answer them the best I can just kind of wanted to put this video out there to kind of explain why I carry some of the stuff that I carry I thought might be helpful for somebody but anyway you guys have a great day
Channel: Modern Refugee.
Views: 24,006
Rating: 4.8317399 out of 5
Id: Oe1it5MCIys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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