the government in Germany they are going to legalize the use and the sale of cannabis I mean I guess you you kind of have to be high for living in this world but it's a bit jarring you know to know that we're going to pay more money in this economy [Music] jeez hey guys welcome back to ad's place if you're new to this channel my name is Ada I'm a Nigerian based in Germany and I create content around Germany news in Germany things you should you know kind of be aware of if you live in Germany or you're hoping to relocate to Germany I'm in the bathroom and I hope my audio is not echoing I have been meaning to make this video for a while now and I haven't been able to however I decided to kill one bed with two stones what no kill two stones with one bed it's good what my Jesus I TR to kill two beds with one stone by trying to record this video while I try to get my breaths refreshed for a new week in this video we're going to be talking about some of the changes happening in Germany in 2024 I know that by the time you're going to be seeing this video we're already in 2024 I mean I'm currently recording in March however to be fair to be fair I've made bits and pieces of some you know changes that we expecting in 2024 also we still in the first quarter of 2024 so I guess we still have time so yeah let's get right into the video so we're going to be grouping some of these changes into different like huge topics so um starting off strong with um some immigration changes as I said I've made some updates on my Channel about some immigration changes first off is the opportunity card that's going to be stting 1st June 2024 it's already in the process but you're going to start the application first June 2024 and if you want to know more about the opportunity card please check out my previous videos not just on the opportunity card but also how to apply for the opportunity card we are also going to be having um changes in um how to get like citizenship like a German citizenship yes so that using the requirements to get the German citizenship um and it's going to start in April 2024 as well these uh you know some of the huge changes happening when it comes to immigration in into Germany there also other changes for instance how to get like a permanent residency how to get EU blue card all those things they also reducing some of the criteria on how to get in all these things all to say that immigration to Germany is going to be a lot more easier than um it used to be it's just yeah immigrating to Germany is going to be easier I'm using Rosemary water my yeah anyways I also say that immigrating to Germany is going to be easier but that's only if you're coming to Germany as a skilled worker or as a professional that is to say if you're coming in as a students I mean they didn't say this as a law or whatever but we already noticing or we already seeing that getting appointment for student visas is not as easy as it used to be back in the day so it's getting more and more tougher you have to wait like for longer period of time before you can get an appointment for a German um student visa application so yeah that's one thing the changes in the immigration system in Germany is just going to be a lot more easier for immigrants to come in professionally to come in and work they different opening up different Avenues and making a lot of things more similar for those that are already existing in Germany to kind of get naturalized and get like properly settled in easily okay so moving on to some social security changes one major change that is going to happen starting you know in 2023 I guess that's already happened because sorry in 2024 is that there's going to be an increase in the amount like the financial requirements for those that want to switch to a private health insurance so in case you don't know gery has two kinds of Health insurances it can either be on a statutory health insurance that is also the public health insurance or you're on the Private health insurance but one thing is for sure is that you have to be insured if you're living and working here in Germany for those that are on the PRI Private health insurance I mean not everybody can be on the Private health insurance because again it's for the elite that's way I like to describe it you have to be part of the elit to be on a private health insurance because of course having Private health insurance comes with you know a lot of benefits and so they don't want a lot of people to be there anyways back to the update the update is that there is going to be like an increase in the amount of money that is required like the salary um requirement for those that want to switch to Private health insurance just to give some context currently you need to aim about 66,000 perum in order for you to switch to um a private health insurance but in 2024 they are increasing it to € 69,3 so there needs to be like a bump in your salary before you can switch now this does not mean that if you're currently on a private health insurance and you don't a up to um 60 9,300 which is the current price they going to get kicked out no that's usually not the case thank goodness they tend to typically increase the amount on a yearly basis you know have to kind of limit the number of people that can be on a private health insurance and speaking of Private health insurances if you want to switch to Private health insurance you can reach out to me I am currently in collaboration with um an insurance company here in Germany to um bring these Services your way so just send me an email email or like leave a comment or whatever and I would reach out to you okay so that's one if you want to switch there's going to be an increase in the salary requirements another change um also under Social Securities is that um there's also going to be an increase in the additional cost for those that are insured publicly like for those under the statutory health insurance the increase is um I mean it's very insignificant but any increase is an increase in it's going to be a 0.1% increase in the amount that is being deducted towards the additional cost for a private health insurance now this the reason for this increase is that there are some kind of treatments that are usually not covered by public health insurance for instance things like teeth cleaning cancer screening all these kind of special treatments are usually not covered by um a public health insurance and if you want to get any of these things people usually pay out of pocket right and so the reason for the 0.1 increase is to you know kind of cover costs like this what I don't know now is if you go to the hospital or you go to the doctor's office and um you want to do any of these tests if with this 0.1% increase if it to cover like everything or they're going to your health insurance to cover like a huge or a greater percentage of the cost while you foot the rest of the bill that I'm not completely sure of but what we know from now is that there is an increase in the amount that is you know added towards additional insurance cost yeah so the next change is particularly towards parents currently and I say currently meaning before 2024 although we currently 2024 so just get the context it used to be that um parents that um made a combined annual salary of €3,000 we're not eligible for Elon Guild so elting Guild is money that is given to parents you know as from the government to Aid you know in taking care of their kids and all of that initially it used to be 300 if initially if parents like both the mother and the father made up to 300,000 per year they were not eligible for he and guil and that means a lot of families were eligible for is because not everybody makes up to that you know amount €300,000 per year is a huge sum of money so the government initially wanted to reduce this to about €50,000 per year joint income of parents but when they first you know launched this I think I heard about it in 2023 last year when they first B this up a lot of people criticize it I see a lot of articles on on LinkedIn talking about the unfairness you know of the government trying to reduce this for parents blah blah blah anyways theist now is from this year 2024 the government have decided not to drastically slash The Joint um income that would make people not qualify for for Heth and get initially used to be 300,000 and then they wanted to slash it to €150,000 but now they said going to be reducing it gradually so from April 1st 2024 if as a parent mother and father like jointly you guys make up to €200,000 per year you would no longer be eligible for elting girl you no longer be eligible for the money that you know comes from the government towards your contribution I don't know what they call it in English let me see oh yeah parental allowance that's the English word for it and from first of April 2025 it will then be reduced again to 175,000 as the threshold I hope you get the gist I hope you get the point another change that is coming from April 1st 2024 this one is also targeted towards parents is the way you can like yourself and your spouse can take parental leaves when um your child is born to give more background in 2023 or actually even now parents are allowed to take 14 months of um parental leave and they can share this you know amongst themselves however they please you know combined 14 months so one person can decide oh yeah I'll take the first 6 months and another person take the first six months however it is they want to do and they were free to do they could even take off at the same time if they wanted to but with the new changes and the new laws that is going to be actually in effect from April 1st 2024 parents can only take the first one month together for Parental leave from the for the rest of the 13th month one parent has to take the leave and the other parent has to go back to work so it's not as it used to be where two people can just be off and you know they can decide to take care of their their child together I don't know why the government is making these changes to be honest I but let's hope I don't even know what the hope is for because if for instance I give birth I would want my husband to you know maybe take more time off to take care of myself and the child especially if I mean in the African culture parents are your Mom you can come for like not in the African culture per say but like in where I'm from EO land your mom can come and take care of you know help you take care of your child and all that but I don't think in like as a German it's a thing here I don't know why the government is doing this to be honest I'm just here giving the message it also affects me especially knowing that I want to stay here long term and oh yeah for parents that are for people that are currently parents um it's a bit so children that are born from the 1 of April 2024 this would um start affecting them your you cannot take you cannot take more than one month off together as a parent to take care of the child you both have to decide another update also for parents this one is particularly towards um single parents or parents from the divorced you know parents that are divorced or separated now there is going to be an increase in the amount how do you say child support that is paid you know on behalf of the children there's going to be an increase in that amount and I'm going to break it down shortly so for children that are less than 6 years old so from six and Below they are entitled to um a minimum amount of €480 per month like by the parent paying child support there was a43 increase in that amount and so any parent that's is paying child support would have to pay more if their children is less than 6 years old and then for children that are aged between 6 to 12 the child support is also going to be increasing to 511 and this is a 49 increase from what you used to be so if you want to know what it used to be just do the math subtract 49 from 51 one like 511 VI and then from children age between 13 to 18 um years old the child support amount would be a minimum of € 645 yeah so that's also an increase there okay so moving on from parents now let's see what we're doing so far I think I think it works for me I just want it to be a bit flat cuz it was a bit Bogus the last time I want the hair to be a bit flat so I can wear my wig another change that is happening is towards um the money that is paid um for unemployment benefits so citizenship money now there's going to be an increase in the amount that is given you know to people that on unemployment benefit there's going to be a significant 12% increase in the amount that is given to them so currently they are paid 52 not let me just confirm yeah so they paid €52 per month and that money is going to be increasing to 563 per month this also translates to um a significant increase as well to parents who are also receiving money from the government this money is called booger guil if you receive Boer guil from the government there's also going to be an increase if uh there's also going to be an increase for yourself and also for your children and if I go further to give like a brief break down on the exact amount they're going to receive for teenagers that are between 15 to 18 years the parents that receive the burger gu will now receive € 471 instead of you know the usual 420 per teenager for children that are between 7 to 14 years old the parents will receive €390 per child and then finally for for children below the ages of six they would receive 357 years for the child this again is for parents that receive the B like the money from the government or support from the government so now let's move on to some of the changes that are affecting working people starting off strong with working students there's going to be an increase or there already is an increase in 2024 for the amount of money that is paid as a minimum wage for students so initially it used to be €1 that was paid per hour now it's going to be 124 that's going to be what the increase um is so there's going to be an additional 14 cents added to the amount that is paid per hour um to students that receive minimum wage not just students anyone that receives minimum wage for many jobbers on the other hand there's also going to be an increase actually there has been an increase because this came into effect from January 1st 2024 so there's been an increase in their um amount as well so for each month they are to receive 538 as opposed to the initial 520 they were paid in the past and um of course this also translates to the um tax free um amount received by many jobbers as well so it has also increased to [Music] 6,456 so we're going back to the parents again we're going back to the parents again there's also a change for um parents and this is particularly for fathers of newborns so for fathers um of new borns are now entitled to 10 days of paid parental leave to go take care of their child or to go be with their newborn child for um people that want to go on or like for fathers that want to go on Parental leave you can um you are entitled to 10 days you just need to inform your um company's HR that they are aware that you're living and then they can you know kind of calculate for how um how do you say calculate the exact day they expect you to return and all of that but if you want to take like an additional parental leave you can but for 10 days you're entitled to already paid parental leave that would not affect your vacation days your already existing vacation days so we have more changes and this one affects taxes now taxes in Germany is a bit complex this is actually very important for me to mention especially since we have um some imigrants here that um are on maybe student visas and stuff and also maybe they are how do you say mini jobbers and all of those things anyways you know that there's a certain amount of money you aim in Germany that can be taxed that amount currently when I say currently again I mean in 2023 the amount used to be 10,908 so if you make up to if you make below € 10,980 you don't pay taxes now they've increased that to € [Music] 11,604 meaning that if you make less than € 11,604 per annum like in a year you're not going to be subject to taxes that means you don't have to pay taxes and then for married couples combined if you both make 23,28 any amount less than 23,28 you will not be taxed for married couples and also the amount that that tax exempt for um parents that's the Kinder fry bet track it's the amount that's exempt for parents to pay for taxes that is also changing is increasing to [Music] 6,384 so 6,384 will be tax exempt for how do you say parents that have children let's talk about changes in transport you know I know we all knew or we all know so talking about changes that happen in in transport we all enjoyed the 9 ticket some years back and we are currently enjoying the 49 ticket that was you know introduced in May 2023 the news now is that the 49 ticket the price might increase it might change to um 59 ticket so it might change to €59 um we are not sure when this would be you know when when it to come into effect they have not said yet but well it's a bit jarring you know to know that we're going to pay more money in this economy jeez so and you know the 49 tickets give us access to traveling around Germany for 9 like once you pay that 49 per month not even like per one time once you pay per month you allowed to use um any of the regional trains to travel around Germany like not any of I mean except from the IC how do you say apart from the IC of course well um that will be increasing to 59 however they are going to to reintroduce the 29 ticket in Berlin the 29 ticket allows you to you know go have you say travel around the ab reson or the ab zones in Berlin they said they're going to bring it back by June 2024 although this date has not been confirmed yet let's keep on the lookout for that oh well there's more this one is targeted towards um those that buy or you know use electric cars or if you're planning to buy an electric car the government is planning to remove the subsidy um for you is trying to reduce sorry remove the subsidy on the cost of buying electric cars initially they said they we going to um how do you say remove the subsidy at the end of 2024 however they have decided to take this out you know even earlier so we are not sure when the exact um how you say the exact date it will come into effect but we know that in 2024 if you're planning to buy an electric vehicle you're going to have to pay the full price sorry another update actually this happened or yeah this was introduced from 2023 but I guess they becoming more serious about it is that each vehicle in Germany must have the black box now what the Black Box does is that I mean it's also similar to what we have in Airplane so that what it does is that it keeps recording of you know what happened in the car basically and is most um relevant for when there is a road accident or when there's an accident they can use the recording on um the black bus to kind of Trace what happened what went wrong um how the situation happened and all of that so each car now must have a black box so if you're planning to buy a new car or you already have a car make sure you have the Black Box installed so that you don't you know get into trouble when you don't um when you're stopped by the police or you know anything like that so moving on to changes that concern consumers first off starting off strong is that the government in Germany they are going to legalize the use and the sale of cannabis for um you know people living in Germany however there are also regulations around that it doesn't mean that you can just go and buy an unlimited amount or of um cannabis no so U first off they're saying before you can buy cannabis you have to be an adult so from 18 that's one secondly if you want to sell cannabis in your Club there has to be a maximum threshold of 500 people in your Club another thing too is in a month for teenagers that are for people that are between 18 to 21 they are only allowed to um buy 30 how you say 30 kg watt of um cannabis in a month and for you know people that are older they can only get about 50 um kg per month of cannabis so the point is there's still you know a little bit of Regulation around it it's just that now selling and you know smoking cab or can say using cannabis is no longer illegal so be careful I mean I guess you you kind of have to be high if you're living in this world but this one is regarding gas prices I mean last year when you know we had actually we are still having the war between Ukraine and Russia last last year there was um a kind of price cap on the cost of gas that was introduced by the government just kind of Aid people and stuff anyways the point now is that this cap is removed basically so what that means is good thing January is already passed actually I should have said this earlier so that you be mindful of how you're using your the heating in your house but I know that the weather is still a big cold we are currently in Spring even though it's still a big cold but I don't think the um heaters are kind of useful at this point but anyways the point is that the cost of um gas and electricity is going to be up so you have to be careful when you're using stuff if you're not in a room of the gas turn off the electricity so that you don't waste energy if you're leaving the house make sure you lock the doors how you say sorry make sure you turn off the light and the and the um gas as well the heating as well otherwise you might end up paying a lot of money to be fair if you can even use hot water bottles that's what personally I use to kind of cut the cost um of electricity and all of that to kind of cut the cost of gas so if you're using hot bottles it helps the only thing now is that hot bottles they are great but they personally for me they leave patches on my skin because of where the heat is so I realized that whenever I use hot s bottles and I look at my skin I have like these dark patches but they do tend to you know clear when you stop using them so if I think about it I wear Cardigans I wear things that color my skin so people don't actually see like I don't even see it so this is a fair price to pay it's a fair price to pay for for you know the cost of heat and all of that going up and then during summer you stop using hot bottles your skin is restored you know you're glowing again everybody is Happy win win the next one is regarding V8 V8s are value added tax and this particular one is for restaurants this one is paining me especially because I go to restaurants I like to eat out once in a while right and so they are going to remove the so initially the V8 that is paid on restaurant food I think it was about 7% let me confirm so it used to be 19% before and then they reduce it to 7% which means that you pay kind of less for you know your food however from 2024 they're going to increase it to 19% again so it's going back to 19% which means you're going to be paying my money um um not just not for the cost of the food itself more for the value added tax that V8 it means you might want to cut I mean in this economy except you're making box but me you might want to reduce or kind of cut um the amount or the number of times you spend say eating out you know the amount of money you spend eating out or the number of times you go to restaurants to eat out and all of that because you're basically going to be pay more because of the increase another one is regarding fanss so fanss is what we call recyclable how do you say drinking Plastics here and is one way of getting you know some money back here in Germany so what you basically do is if you not all kinds of plastics are fans for you to know the kind of platic that are fans there's this label I I will look for it and I add it here there's this um sign that you would find on um theel of the plastic that way you know it's a fan it's a sign that show that you can be recycled and you can go to any grocery store close to your residence so you put in your Fant so you put in your empty bottles and then they print out a receipt for you and this receipt is the amount of money based on the number of fans that you've you know put back into the mission and with that you can get like um a reduction in your grocery the gist now is milk bottles can also be recycled as fans initially it didn't used to be that way and that is the end of all of the updates I know there are a lot of things that I mentioned mostly MoneyWise rightfully so because H this adulthood this was not what we were promised most of the changes I see applies to um parents in some cases um also for consumers as well and um for I think it it affects you if you live in Germany one way or another either as a parent or um as a couple or as someone that is trying to build a house here how say build a life here and that's why I'm here to talk about you know some of these things so that you're aware of them just in case you missed it out on the news and you know you watch my content I hope you find this helpful um if youve watched the video up until this point I guess now is the time for you to give it a like comment below if there are any questions you have I mean I don't make this Los I'm just here talking about them I'm just going to continue to finish up this hair I will show you guys when I'm done but I hope you like this video thank you all for hanging out with me and I will see you in my next video CIA [Music] Chia okay guys so I'm done with my braids I can show you the finished look I already added um some of the how you say Rosemary water again to my root so that it's hydrated uh this is how it looks under a week although I will not be wearing this week this week because I'm not ready to style it yet I'll see you guys in my next video if you haven't done so already like comment subscribe and see you all later [Music] ch