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in today's video I'm going to be talking about how you can calculate your coins if you hope to come into Germany or apply through the opportunity card system so if you're interested in this kind of things let's get right into the [Music] video hey guys welcome back to my name is Ada and I am a Nigerian living in Germany and I create content around life in Germany news information even lifestyle and Vlogs so if you're interested in this kind of things I recommend you subscribe like comment let's get right into the video in today's video I'm going to be talking about how you can calculate your coins if you hope to come into Germany or apply through the opportunity card system I already made um a video in the past talking about the opportunity card is going to be launched in June or July 2024 that's this year I mean I got a lot of traction on that video so if you've not watched it go watch it it's very important especially now that a lot of people are trying to leave relocate for greener pastures and Germany itself is in dire need of professionals to come in and work for them and of course there are various ways you can come in you can come in as a student or um as an employee or you know as a job seeker and so on and so forth however they created the opportunity card system to bring in professionals so if you're coming as a student it means you're going to study first then um apply for a job right and when you're study you're not necessarily working as much as you would work if you're working full-time and in that case you're also not paying full taxes right so if you also notice I mean for those that are coming in from Nigeria you realize that if you don't have like a first class is very difficult to get an appointment in the German Embassy in Nigeria this is because they're not prioritizing students they just say it as it is they're not prioritizing students they need more professionals to come in and work if you're coming in for family reunion of course you can to get an appointment for that is relatively easy but now that they want to start like a new system using the opportunity card it opens the door for people that already have the experience they already have the skill all they just need is opportunity to come to Germany so that's why it's called an opportunity card and in this video I'm going to tell you I'm going to show you how you can calculate your points in order to know um if you qualify for the opportunity card let's get right into the video first things first so you go to Google and you search for Chen K the website is called chansen so you simply just search for chansen I we'll be putting all of these links in video and you also see them on the screen then I'm just going to quiet and just continue and Arab in dut Arab so coming soon the opportunity card for jobs if you want to work in Germany with your opportunity card use your professional training to migrate to Germany you have to calculate your chances now the countdown it will be starting soon that's all I can say um just to go a little bit through the website so that you have like more insight on you know what you need to do first off it's um going to be like easy fast and illegal entry into Germany it's a way of securing your livelihood with good income you also have the possibility of getting like a permanent residency in Germany you can also get immediate work permits after a successful application now um as I mentioned in my last video the prerequisite is you need to have at least 2 years of training or University degree as well as a basic knowledge of German a basic knowledge of German is A1 German or English B2 and you need to prove this right so you need to sit for like a German A1 exam or an English exam and score up to B2 level the opportunity card entitles you to a twoe trial job or take up parttime employment up to 20 hours a week people with a chanen card allows to stay in Germany for one year and you also have just reach from here um an extension you also have the opportunity to extend your opportunity card up to another 2 years you can extend up to another two years if you've not gotten like a proper job right if you look at the point distribution they said for the basic requirement as I mentioned A1 German or English to B2 level and at least two years of professional training in accordance with the rules of the country of origin so in accordance to your country of origin if you're coming from Nigeria Ghana Cameroon wherever it is you're based in or even from India cuz I know that I have some audience from India watching my channel okay you will also have to have sufficient Financial Resources you have to prove that you can cover for yourself financially again if you want to have like more details on this go to that video and watch it in this video we're going to just focus on how you can calculate your points but first off I want to see I want to kind of bring out how many points you need to have like at least six points right so there are four points that awarded for how do you say foreign professional qualifications or permission like jobs that are kind of rare so like being an educator or a nurse or an engineer they award four points for that if you have up to 5 years of experience in any professional field in the last s years if you have up to 5 years of experience in the last seven years not like you worked for a while and then you took like a long break if you have professional up to 5 years um experience in the last 7even years you be awarded up to three points there are two points for two years of professional experience with previous vocational training in The Last 5 Years and then one point is awarded to applicants who are not older than 40 years old and for a previous stay in Germany at least 6 months so the point is if you're not older than 40 years you're giv one point if you are older than 40 years you can still apply but the one point you not be given to you have to get that one point from somewhere else all right and there's also one point given for basic knowled of English and sufficient knowledge of German A2 so now let's go to opportunity card check let's see all of this you can read on the website on your own I just go straight to calculating yeah so you go and you click on calculate your chances now start again let me translate so that I don't have to well it's not translating so it means I will have to translate this as well as I can what it means is do you have vocational training not work experience berus house build means vocational training meet from in the last two years or a hul Abus that's a University degree do you have any maybe see if I can translate directly this aha so I cannot use the Google translate directly I don't have to talk anyways so have you completed vocational training lasting at least 2 years or obtained a University degree depends on your case for me I I'll use myself as an example in this case um for me I have a h Abus that means I I have a university degree the second question translate how many years of professional experience do you have in this job so in the job that you currently are working how many years of professional experience do you have for me I would I'm just going to choose more than 5 years that's the first thing and then the next question is is your training in one of these is your training in one of these professional Fields oh this question Google transl I don't think they translated this well is your training in one of this professional Fields natur Vision shaft mathematic enger Vision that's if you're a scientist a mathematician or an engineer I know this one G height vers that's if you're someone that in the how you say health field sh vers or larer that's a teacher informatic if you're in it or Andress ber field you now choose other like and bfield is like other fields let's say from andas ber field because I work in HR in which one so now you have to choose which one arit design Gastronomy logistic for care so these are oh okay Bureau on for offly Handler no let me bring that option again let's just choose one and keep it moving liben Z in translate do you live in one of the following countries Indian Nigeria philippin Z Africa toai and Restland the country options here are India Nigeria Philippines South Africa turkey or a different country I'm Nigerian so I'll go for Nigeria V good pression Z Dutch how good do you speak Dutch how good do you speak German okay option A fend oressa that is B2 option b om gang spish that B1 option C hand Rend I don't I I hope I didn't M that pronunciation A2 option D ven B1 option e garnished garnish means not at all um for me I mean it's been proven that I speak up to be one argue with yourself okay so I'm going to choose B1 V good Z English how good do you speak English let me translate still how well do you speak English again B1 sorry C1 B2 A1 A2 or B1 level or garnished garnished again as I said means nothing for me I'll choose C1 level Google translate please enter your age in years so you're going to enter how many years you are um I'm 30 so I'll put 30 years here and then they asked have you stayed in Germany for at least 6 months in The Last 5 Years tourist stays are excluded so you you if you came in as a tourist that does not count so have you stayed in Germany at least for at least 6 months in The Last 5 Years and this could be for anything maybe you came for a family reunion then you went back or you came for a student how do you say as a student and then you went back that kind of a thing they just want to know if you stayed for at least 6 months in Germany without being a tourist for me I mean I live here in Germany so and because we want to get to a point where the we get the last point and we know if we qualify or not I would like to answer questions that would make me get the the number of points I needed right well again when you answer these questions yourself I really recommend that you be as truthful as possible because they're going to ask for evidence it's also specific to your own case okay so I'm going to choose yes and then the next question I translate do you have a spouse who is comparable or has professional or linguistic experience like you and also apply for an opportunity card want ah sorry Google Translate is translating this word for word what what they're basically trying to find out from you is if you have a spouse that that also wants to apply for the opportunity card and also has professional and linguistic EXP experience just like myself like just like the person that's applying for this right so I'll choose yes the next question do you have sufficient Financial Resources to secure your livelihood at least 11,28 per person 11,28 is the current uh amount of money that you have to put in your blocked account if you're coming in as a student blocked account I think I should have done a video about this in the past I'm not sure but I'm just going to explain it blocked account is an account that you open in Germany from abroad you fund the account and then when you come to Germany you fund the account and then when you come to Germany they begin to pay the money back to you per month for at least a year so this money is supposed to serve as your means of livelihood until you know you get to your you are a bit stable and you begin to work and begin to make income and they approximate that you should be able to you know be fine financially oh oh sorry you should be able to get a job in at least one year if you not able to get a job you know even on the opportunity card as I mentioned earlier you can apply for two more years to on the same opportunity C so do you have up to 11,28 per person I would say yes and then complete the opportunity card check now and get your score enter your email address so for me I would enter my email address and then let me see how many points I have and you see it says congratulations your answers total 10 points this means you are probably qualified for the opportunity card stay tuned with us just a sec I need to confirm how many points I think six but let me just be double sure yes you have to achieve a total of six points to get the opportunity card and I got 10 points So based on my own situation and the way I responded to these questions even though it does not necessarily apply to me I got 10 points but for you to qualify for um the opportunity card you need to have at least six points you can simply follow the steps that I just showed um in this video to answer the questions as they apply to you as soon as you do let me see what happens next oh yeah wait let's let's just translate this yeah thank you for participation with opportunity card jobs a job platform will soon be created here that brings together candidates and job sign up now to be among the first to gain access to the platform Early Access to opportunity card jobs you know find jobs candidates enjoy benefits proc blah blah blah so you're not putting your details like your first name your last name and your email and you sign up for it my understanding from what they just said here is that as soon as the platform is open you would you know be notified of next steps okay so yeah this is simply see how you can calculate your scores for the opportunity card if my recommendation what I would advise is you first calculate to see how many points you have right now based on your own situation once you do that and you find out that you don't have up to six points you can already start doing certain things to improve your chances for instance you can take the German classes to improve your knowledge of German you can take English classes if you don't speak English to improve your knowledge of English you can also start writing the exams so that you have the certificate on ground not when it starts and they begin to asking for certificates to begin to run around you know it's good for you to already start practicing and stuff and if you get maybe if you don't have like a work contract because I know that in some situations you might start working but you don't have a work contract to prove that you work uh that you have like a job I'm not completely sure if they're going to ask you for this but if you can get a work contract from your from your company or at least get confirmation of employment letter it's a letter that confirms your employment date when you start working in the company your job title how long you've worked for in some cases your salary and stuff like that if you also don't have the money for the block account you need to start looking around for it find a way if I think I think if you don't have the block account money you should have a sponsorship letter one of the two should work I'm not completely sure because I didn't go through all of this like word for what to be specific but in my experience or experience of people that have been applying for student um visas they accept sponsorship letters if you don't have the blocked account so it's either you look for someone that can give that to you or you get the money for the blocked account in in all what I would encourage you to do is begin to gather some of the requirements that they need if you get the six points gather the requirements regardless because they'll ask for proof If you don't have up to the six points begin to find ways to get up to the six points in some cases you must not you must not have like a partner you can even come as a single person to have up to the six point you know so it really really differs so I hope this video is helpful I hope you are able to gain a little bit of knowledge information from this um if you like this Channel please give it a thumbs up if you like this video give it a thumbs up as well I would like to have your comments your questions in comment section if maybe there's something that I had not clarified something that I didn't um mention or something that is still not clear to you you can write me an email you can send me an email or put in a comment section as well so that we can learn from each other right so somebody asked me to do this in the comment section that's why you know I made this video so you can send you you can send your request anyways I don't want to talk more than I already have but I hope to see you in my next video ciao and happy [Music] applying
Channel: Adaz Place
Views: 1,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Germany immigration, Oppourtunitycard, Germanoppourtunitycard, how to calculate your points for the opportunity card
Id: h5FohQxo2ZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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