AVOID These 8 INTERVIEW Mistakes in Germany πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

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hey guys welcome to another video on bharat in germany my name is bharat if you're new to the channel consider subscribing on this channel we talk about studying working and freelancing in germany in this video i'm going to talk about the top eight interview mistakes that you can do and for that i'm going to take you to my whiteboard and i'm going to reveal you the mistakes one by one so that you don't make it when you're actually in the interview process in a german company i've had a lot of business partners with whom like we are doing marketing consulting with so we understand what kind of things they are looking at we have talked to them about these kind of points and the same things i'm also going to share with you with my own experience and thus if i talk about the very first let's say problem that i see many people are having is that if you're taking that the job description or the job is actually in german and then you're applying to that in english and then you're expecting that you will get an interview that's not realistic on the other hand if you know that the job that you're applying isn't german again but you do not have any german proficiency again that is directly going to blow up in the interview even if you have b1 or something that is still nice i remember we had one core student who just did his interview with the b1 level proficiency and the interviewers they were like all right enough that they were like yeah you know at least you have some german proficiency you have good english proficiency so we think we can work with this that was very important so think about this and do not like just go and jump into the job descriptions which clearly state that you need very good german proficiency and expect some kind of good response from them but if you're already in the interview and you applied for the job which you applied for in german try to make sure that you're able to respond to at least many of the questions in german for that student during the coaching program we actually like laid down all of the things that he should be preparing the questions he should be preparing for in german already so that he has everything in front of him and he can like at least speak those parts like completely fine when they come to the more complicated part they also gave him the choice that okay either you can like now shift to english or something if you feel comfortable there or you can keep continuing in german so that was very good now the second mistake that i want to reveal here is be at least five minutes before interview time so i mean it's not a mistake but it's the thing that you have to do many people do the mistake of just like either showing up exactly at that time that the interviewers have to wait for you to show up that is very bad like that's almost like you know 20 or 30 of the points gone right there and for some people like it is so important that like you're directly out of their list of selected candidates for my company for example it is a huge factor whenever we are interviewing somebody and this person shows up late and we have to wait for that person like we just like directly just cancel it because for us it is very important that you respect each other's time on both sides if i'm giving a time out that okay i'm going to show up with you at 10 o'clock then i'm already there at 9 59 and i expect you to be there also before the time so that the meeting can start at time very important thing don't uh mistake it no so at least be at the interview five minutes before now there's a very interesting question that many employees would ask you and that is tell us a bit about yourself now this is a question that you need to practice the answer to this question even if you have to sit down and you have to like write something down you should do it because this is the time where you can sell yourself this is the time where you can tell them about yourself as a person what kind of achievements you had what kind of let's say lows you had or what kind of problems you faced where were you struggling and what did you do to actually improve them all of these things could be mentioned here but it should be mentioned in a story do you remember like reading a very nice novel or something whose character you can actually very clearly remember even till this date all of those characters have some minor details for example instead of saying yes i come from this in the city you can say all right hey my name is bharat and i come from a small city in india called kurukshetra so we can do something like that we can go into that direction so adding these kind of adjectives here and there they make your story more interesting they make your story more lively so keep this in mind and definitely use it and if you anyways want to like you know reach out for some help or something you can always do that we have appointments for that too so next thing is not talking about your previous work and tools now in yesterday's video i was talking about the portfolio part that if you're having any kind of job application process going on right now try to make sure that you have a portfolio ready that you are sending with your emails this helps the employers to understand what kind of skills you have and how you can add value to their company very important now the same thing i'm talking about here in the interview for example when they're asking you more about your work experience or you know your studies and things like that you should definitely talk about some of the tools that you were using at that time now it can depend from field to field but generally you have some set standards that are going to be important in one field or the other for example in civil engineering when we are talking about different kind of softwares and stuff in germany of course you have your standard ansys this is also relevant for the people who are from mechanical engineering for finite element analysis then afterwards in civil engineering we use especially sophistic this is also a very good software then many people in germany actually use instead of autocad they use rhino 3d so this is one thing also grasshopper so grasshopper is a plug-in with rhino so you know you have all of these different tools that you can actually use during whatever studies you did so you need to talk about them and you need to tell them that these are the things i'm already proficient in now very important thing don't miss out on this so that once the interview ends and the interviewer is making notes or discussing with his colleagues about what kind of things he liked or didn't like then he will know about these things you are going to actually help them in putting yourself in a positive list when he is discussing about you so very important thing to keep in mind now one biggest mistake that i see like many people doing is they just ask for the number of holidays and incentives right away this is bad from the point of view of the employer because he thinks that the very first thing that comes to your mind when you have the opportunity of asking a question is instead of talking about the company or asking something about the company you want to ask about how much free time you can get from the company this shows escapism to many people so i would say these kind of questions you can still ask towards the end when you're finalizing the contract or something and you will also have more negotiating power there because once the contract is being finalized they have already put a lot of time inside and effort inside and they're like okay if 20 days per year is a standard in germany and he's asking for 22 or 23 or something we can do that that's not a big problem this is how they think and they're like yeah let's just like get done with this so keep this in mind these kind of questions do not belong in your interview they belong towards the end when you're like asking via email or something then it makes much more sense than actually spending that time on the interview another thing that i want to talk about is like not being honest because i know many people like to brag and many people just like then get into a very bad place when people try to pile on or hammer on that exact point that you just said that you were able to manage that and that but you don't know the details of that if you don't know the details of that it is pretty much clear to them that you were not a critical part in solving that particular problem because i know from personal experience too that most of the biggest problems you have in life you know them upside down you will know the details of it you will be able to tell them about these things but if you're not able to tell them and maybe some other group member did your work for you then rather be completely honest and say that yes you know i did not have a huge role in this my colleague this and this helped out but i was like you know helping him out and this and this so it was not just like me alone completely that is a much better response than just like trying to brag by yourself and say yeah you did this and that and when you did something on your own be completely honest like you know tell them about this but if there was somebody else who got the credit or should have the credit then tell them about it and they will really appreciate it i just had an interview day before yesterday for my company brand device consulting srl and this is the exact same thing that we really appreciated in that person that he was like super honest and like said yeah you know this was not me this was somebody else but it was a very nice experience so keep this in mind now another mistake that i want to reveal now is like having monologues many times when you're having an interview of course you're nervous and it's completely understandable but if you think you can like ask them also like some kind of questions back for example if they're asking about what kind of tools you have used you can also ask what kind of tools are common to use in the company and so on these are really not um bad let's say questions if you're turning an interview into also like some sort of conversation like don't just like go completely like you know friendly and yeah just like laugh let's go out and party and something like this is like of course like nonsense but having some sort of conversation let's say like 20 30 sort of conversation during the entire interview time that is really not bad asking questions back to the company it is not bad at all it makes them also understand that you're actively listening to what they're saying and you're also entrusted in that company now another problem that i see many people make is that you're not following up with an email no after the interview is done it is never a bad practice that you just quickly drop an email and say like it was very nice like conversing with you and you're looking forward to the response or something that again keeps them in their mind every single time somebody whom i had an interview with did this well which was actually just two times out of maybe like 40 or 50 interviews i've had so far we remember that person and we're like okay this person is professional this person understands how you can stay in somebody's mind and actually let them know that you're really looking forward to this position or for this job so just a very important mistake that your gun shouldn't avoid now to summarize everything the first was if the job is in german try to have some german proficiency or try to respond to questions in german second is going to be be at least five minutes before the interview time the third is when they ask you to tell you about yourself you make sure that you're telling a story which is compelling nah prepare for that story fourth not talking about your previous work and tools so do that whatever kind of things you learned tell them about it fifth is asking about number of holidays and incentives right away that's really really really bad don't do it um not being honest this is also a no-go for many companies then having monologues this is also bad try to have some kind of conversation then you have third one which is not following up with the email very important points keep them in mind once you do them you will definitely have more success during your interviews if you're looking for any kind of help coaching support whatsoever you can take a look at the complete course for finding jobs in germany on big academy that we have two plans the intensive coaching plan where we have one-on-one calls too and the second plan is where you get access to the course contents and support for one month if you have more questions about the course you can join me for the live webinar on sunday and i'll see you there bye you
Channel: Bharat in Germany!
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Id: mNnqFp4Ufa4
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Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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