George Says 'Bless You' To A Married Woman | The Good Samaritan | Seinfeld

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[Laughter] ready oh I just love meeting new people you know that's how you really do learn about life God bless you thank you I wasn't going to say anything but then I could see that he wasn't going to open his mouth really I I was only kidding around he was only joking Michael you think you said damn special cuz you say God bless you no I I I I don't think I'm special my mother always said I'm not special he was only joking Michael I'm sorry all right take his side I am not taking his side well whose side are you taking well I'm not taking your side I said God bless you was that so wrong the question is did you allow a space for the husband to come in with his God bless you because as the husband he has the right of first refusal yeah it's me what up yes yes I definitely waited but let me say this once he passes on that option that God bless you is up for grabs no argument unless she's one of these multiple sneezers and he's holding his God bless you in abeyance until she completes the series well I don't think she is a multiple sneezer because she sneezed again later and it was also a single what if she's having an off night hi hi well if it isn't Mr gazon height oh yeah like there's something wrong with saying God bless you I was raised to say God bless you ah shut up what does it mean anyway God bless you it's a stupid Superstition a stupid what whatever you know if you want to make a person feel better after they sneeze you shouldn't say God bless you you should say you're so goodlook yeah yeah that's better than God bless you anyway she left a message on my machine she wanted you to call her who Robin why well I assume she called to apologize that's why she called me entertainment tonight's on where's the remote phone bedro got what well she apologized and then she wanted to know if we could get together Wednesday afternoon get together maybe she just wants to talk to me married women don't get together they have affairs oh my God an affair so adult it's like with stockings and martinis and William Holden on the other hand it probably wouldn't cost me any money are you actually considering this I can't have an affair with a married woman that's despicable oh my God I must be crazy what have I done oh no what's wrong what's wrong I'll tell you what's wrong I just committed adultery you didn't commit adultery I did oh yeah if I didn't do it with you I would have done it with someone else well I I wouldn't want you to do that you know there's a lot of losers out there maybe even someone who didn't say God bless you well that's a given in 3 years with Michael not one God bless you must be hell living in that house hey oh did you check your machine no by what's happening Michael called me today and he asked me where Robin was yeah okay and I said that I hadn't seen her what no George George you don't understand she didn't tell me she was using me as an excuse okay but then but then I realized what was going on and I said that she left a note um but he didn't really buy that and then and then he did mention your name he mentioned my name what did he say he said he was G to sew your ass to your face what why couldn't you think of something well I don't know he caught me off guard you lie how hard is it to lie it's not that hot well who told you to sleep with her George it's not my fault I wasn't going to do anything until you got her all Juiced up with your story about having the affair with the Mador oh gosh none of this would never have happened if you would and send God [Music] blessing
Channel: Seinfeld
Views: 449,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seinfeld, seinfeld theme, seinfeld bloopers, jerry seinfeld, seinfeld full episodes, jerry seinfeld stand up, seinfeld the contest, seinfeld stand up, best of seinfeld, larry david, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jason Alexander, Michael Richards, Wayne Knight, Patrick Warburton, Heidi Swedberg, seinfeld best moments, seinfeld man hands, Seinfeld soup, Seinfeld the race, seinfeld newman, The Good Samaritan, Bless You, God Bless You, Sneeze, Ann Talman, Robin, Joseph Malone, Michael
Id: BvjQWh42jGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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