George Foreman v Evander Holyfield.mp4

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introducing first fighting out of the red corner wearing the white trunks and weighing in an official weight of 257 pounds this 1968 Olympic gold medal champion won the heavyweight 1873 after a 10-year hiatus he returned to the ring in 1987 and since then his record has been a perfect 24 no with 23 K owes his career record as a professional 69 victories 65 payos only two defeats 56 of these pails and coming for rounds or less and he's considered by most experts to be the most devastating puncher in heavyweight history from Houston Texas ladies and gentlemen the Challenger with multicolored trim waited at an even 208 pounds he's a member of America's greatest Olympic boxing team the class of 84 he won a bronze medal that year and he was the first of that great squad to win a world title as a professional in only his 12th professional belt he became a cruiserweight champion and he is now in boxing history only Titleist from that position to step up to the heavyweights and capture that crown also overall as a professional at 125 and no with 21k owns more than half of his ko victories have been in four rounds or less and not one if yours has made it to the final bell and for the last five years he's knocked out every opponent he has faced we talked on Atlanta Georgia hi ladies a toda presenting the undisputed a clean break at all times we love the both of us touch gloves to begin round one George Foreman with new life a chance to again heavyweight title after 18 years and Holyfield the undisputed cruiserweight champion now the undisputed heavyweight champion this long-awaited bout as George lounges casually over in his corner waiting the bell to begin round one scheduled for 12 women look so imposing if he looks at looks bigger than Holyfield Holyfield is doing what he said he would do move laterally make Jorge throw punches where Jorge down he felt if he could get torched past the 34th round you can wear him down with his cross defense nothing better than a trap Holyfield and put him away I don't think big George has thrown a punch yet he's conserving his energy a little bit short with it only feel moving and jabbing he wants to be a target but an elusive target puts the cross-arm attractive because of course the whole game Holyfield is the where George Foreman Holyfield moving very well scoring with punches George trying to deflect the punches George has been able to track people against the ropes and put them away George Reese do with the Cutlass stiff jab for the first time to the body as well moving hitting and he's hitting hard George is absorbing a couple of good shots here in the first round one minute to go and round good jab by Holyfield squaring George for space right hand that has put some people in pile and back comes Holyfield combination from the champion George caught a little bit of that white man but it was basically the back of the head and I don't think a bandeau the church certainly is bringing that white man now the 20 seconds remaining in round 1 Holyfield very busy moving bidding slipping and sliding ten seconds remaining in round one they're sent a spray of sweat flying let's listen it a swing over goom's Angelo Dundee works with George Foreman who refuses to sit down instead he puts his foot up on the ring school he could be much more nonchalant than that Charlie George works hard at being cool you know he definitely problems routine let's face it it would bother me a picnic to snuggle for 12 I guess we can safely say Holyfield won that first round with his moving and hitting and combinations George threw very few punches he tried to launch a right hand good right by Holyfield good ride I'd say so far Vander is following gameplays perfectly and a few clubbing rights punching George approximately three or four to one he is doubling the left hand body and head George is trying to look the turn but he's definitely bothered he was pointing well he's certainly not gritting he's got a very serious look on his face and he's already received a few sharp punches nothing better stay George misses with a the ways that get forewarning for Rudy battle Holyfield continues the punch away moving punching keeping to the game plan George with a left they were both partially blocked it then his hands up in time second-round action Holyfield's first defense of the undisputed heavyweight title working away with staying at a reach countering with the right Holyfield countered very nicely with the right hand over man right all of the good cream punches so far the land by Evander Holyfield let's go - initially this big one minute remaining in round two to very excited good lesbo George the best rally so going up the Holyfield they study for the left and moments ago don't have some bounce in his legs another right that something's remaining around as Holyfield one spot Jude steps look at it well round three Foreman picked up the pace a little bit Holyfield comes out firing left-right combination towards with an uppercut George's trademark that overhand right right now Holyfield a little bit too sharp by that in Georgia assist again jabs from Holyfield trying to cut off the ring trying to trap Holyfield he has to continue moving laterally back and forth here's the left every time Foreman hits the crowd cheers obviously the crowd well George Foreman I think it's safe to say that damn the whole originally it was said that holyfield would never make a heavyweight he was too small but he's become very powerful and very skilled and he has conducted himself well as a heavyweight winning the undisputed title but here is Florida at 2:57 trying to regain a title he eighteen years ago back in history day many be considered small today Joe Morris Rocky Marciano because Georgia's a better fighter rupture here George's continuing the press here but he's not having the success he had last round in early this round and he's running into quite a few counters as he comes there Nigel Nathan goes past four rounds Gordon could be in some trouble well his owners do seem to be getting along engine we feel the spiders he's got a phone with ten seconds Evander's lane combinations to enjoy it certainly is they're coming on strong skully informant with a combination here's the replay left hook right hand left hook off the top it's a nice series of punches by Evander especially the first a very good left hook and another one the right hand was a little high on the forehead seems to be some smoke in the arena that's causing little disturbance in the crowd I can't quite make out what it is but I think it might disclose bombs we understand it's a smoke bomb we just hope that no one panics round four for anybody to care about the slope ah down and people would stay here watch the fight do you have your scorecard at this the second being evil before through some feel is the limit for Foreman the doesn't train very hard as a training is not all that intensive because he has been used to ending things quickly in his comeback yes well only Bigfoot went the distance with Georgia to come back good luck totally George seems to fall absorbed those punches the previous round rather wilted so logically will he come will flush shots and here he is and the first roll clinch of the fight is initiated by the whole thing Holyfield is definitely sticking to the game plan trying to tire George out he walks towards to throw more punches than George likes to throw and he said for everyone punch George froze I will throw three or four it's an old cliche box and it is true though that missing a punch takes a lot out George winds up with some of those big swings and misses but probably hurts him as much as Bo to the side of Foreman's head cannery stomach nobody making erotic goals the face or the tragic combination of his own here comes Holyfield with his combination a chair have a stiff chair fighter what he's doing that's really smart here dick is he in a way he retreats first he goes to the last thing he will stop the move to the right Galloway George isn't quite sure how he's going to cut off the rain the band is going a little bit shaken such a shot from Holyfield I think I always saw that come out the factory ten seconds remaining in round four Wow Liefeld starts with a jab not like tripling to the midsection accommodation this is a real david-and-goliath location Hollyfield certainly has the slingshot straight into church very good left hand Holyfield is absorbing some punches here this fifth round Georgie Bentley Dougal very happy the way that as a beauty battle to keep his punches up Rudy must be doing good job no this panel the fighters was only the one twin sniper well it's heading it's said that a good referee number conspicuous in the rain battle has stayed out of the way but kept an eagle eye on his two massive men Poorman with a jab I really don't understand what concentrated attack there's another one are we in Hitler and of course permitted to go Courbet cemetery Cody hit him harder than anybody has but he's got a those punches from holy well we'll have to see what picture it says after the fight of course but all those combinations have to be mounting up the aluminum effect has to catch up with event unless he puts together which he just landed which other so vendors now is now breathing harder here he comes to the hole obviously bother but we countered with a nice right hand some shots is they denied but he is also delivered somebody shot anyway but George Foreman's right in there there's the good right hand replay and there's another one luckily Evander did get his shoulder in the way of the second right hand and partially nullified the effect here it comes again there's the shoulder in the elbow partially deflecting the punch but definitely was a because I think even gentlemanly yes 30 seconds wrong six scheduled for 12:00 for the undisputed heavyweight title he'll buy the score man in the ring Holyfield a well-conditioned athlete I think a lot of people are surprised that going this go this way he's already proved someone and then he couldn't keep up a day intern she's going for it he's not moving back he's hitting with authority and it shows you how Foreman ten absorbed punches the two fights that Joe was because he's building the case for a big George ran out of gas but so far his pay holy up pretty good we're halfway through round six scheduled for 12 left to the body combination with a glancing return I don't think it did any damage George looked a little winded in the last round but seems to have regained his composure here in the sixth round but one thing only thought doesn't want to do is get in a pushing top condition with George Foreman there's no way he's going to win that it starts the mood in law Oh Elmo began hitting he has to do that he can't stand still good little left hook by George Spelvin another one it seemed to be John the one to have a go sex will Foreman steal the round let's say as we get ready for round 7 considering the amount of nether did stop both men are remarkably unmarked the fact is looking better this matter he's looking a little bit rejuvenated that's a tough way to find a staff that you can hook a face right here gangbusters here a little short chopping uppercuts the overhand right Holyfield's got to move he's got to get out of there and he comes back for the left I'm holding some clubbing George is now trying to rip the uppercut inside their control field doubling is left that is a series of the nation's flesh just took so brothers shots punches in a quick down and news joints coming back 19,000 strong might be a pharmacist combinations we filter sharper but it appears unbothered by those amazing it's incredible taking a breather by neutral consent thirty seconds remaining in round 7 scheduled for 12 90 seconds remaining in round 7 here comes the replay crowd is chanting between rounds there's the right hand again from another angle here comes we fill that with his glory an amazing round in about your scorecard you want the gorge on that the leaves I did I thought they both had tremendous rallies but you combinations didn't seem to even pump it George she's in the corner so much if the strategy is for for George Foreman to tire thunderous midsection shots you can hear those punches smacking into his big belly raves if you keep this up or we'll hit punch in so so far been and hasn't shown fatigue will show I think both men should receive high marks for their ability to recuperate Foreman is leading on Holyfield that's something Evander doesn't want because that's like trying to hold up a redwood tree it's tough enough holding up your own weight you don't need to hide at somebody else's as well accommodation from the Holyfield a right and a left Foreman comes back with a jab seems to be a pattern the last few rounds in evander holyfield going round the first path and then we'll see if it follows Holyfield has got to be a bit surprised wondering why George is not showing the effects of animos punches I'm a bit surprised but of course George cannot be measured by the same yardstick as most fighters seems to be a unique to Manuel absolutely an amazing performance there Douglas for the tail soaking it up that right hand would have killed 99 out of 100 medical kits George Foreman didn't even take a backward step but of course she's not going to win so many rounds on points just soaking up punishment combinations seconds remaining left up by for me I don't know who's going to win this but tremendous amount of respect so far in this fight even if for much of news I think it's been a moral victory going this far in doing this well I think the surprise that all came out of people even though of course picture the picture I didn't think Foreman with or against Mike Tyson for the performance what straight-out George Foreman he wouldn't be using the lateral movement official together foreman is trying to press which I think we should use it even more than it does both men leading on each other here comes Holyfield back the bit suction close behind ago well George for just doesn't seem foods George has absorbed a lot of punches he has come on strong as the fight where's on airs Holyfield moving jabbing have to go on this round midsection left from Holyfield and do they hit with a thud George greeted his teeth a little bit after that shot I don't think I'm feeling it too good right hand George Gordon good scoring from Hollyfield and uppercut woman pushes Holyfield away turn seems to be puffing up a little bit though let's run Holyfield you think George might be saving himself down the stretch because he's nocturnal he hasn't done what's the last two rounds is below home still doing exactly what he wants to do pop shot goober only filled with a cop torch for one night is in trouble Holyfield pours her logs the belle of the rocks I think they vote you right hands at the same got there quicker scheduled for 12 as Holyfield is coming on strong now is piling up the points and Foreman has got to watch the low blows another low blow and Foreman could lose a point which he can ill afford at this point right I think we're reaching the point at least on my unofficial scorecard the George Foreman is going to need a knockout or certainly to tremendous rounds for the level I think this little respite Molay George during a little bit more than it will that is very good point Nigel George will definitely then a brief rest keep ties the tape mist comes loose what Holyfield's glove that seems to happen a lot in boxing these days okay times back is lowering forward in a slightly quicker pace I think we rely Holyfield keeps moving and hitting here stuck to his game class he has got with a perfect game plan moving kidding frustrating George Foreman I think what's so good about Sanders attack is everything's been off the jab a lot slower now dangerous rightit's until the final seconds but it seems that he's wearing yes is noticeably slower I walked into a left instead of pushing a band her litter to go and you're still feeling the as a minister quite a punishment Mervin has absorbed the punches Coco poaching 20 seconds remaining slightly with a right hand George's blow the fatigue factor is also catching up we go George trucks dogs out for the car I know there's too many boxers today much's the point taking away well that's certainly not going to help George Foreman man probably trailing on the scorecards anyway certainly turning on our scorecard pretty much says everything George Rita that was a tremendous combination from Holyfield right-left I have never seen Advantech punches climate is picking some tremendous palms of course there are so deboss in Excel to settle the buncher a small toaster he's in a much better shape than anybody 40 it's going to be dangerous right up until the last 10 seconds because you which makes him susceptible to blows it wouldn't we have about a minute left in round there comes Gordon back comes a field that George landed the Japs and Yeah right I think Oh God performance training technique the unorthodox go they so mean surprise me late in the fight playing the function there was unbelievable three letters ten seconds remaining around if he doesn't watching is George gonna do this 12th round he's got to go from frog to kind of find out it being gopher broken or even though we feel officially the holy for this way out in front it's still fun where anything can happen one set final round coming up like this is Ken far better than Borbon has got the land right hand and Liefeld has got to stay out of the way he's got a move in hit George has a nice look upon his left for that are you surprised that massive cuts and bruises there is a remarkable human being this fight he's giving us all something to remember - great human beings - very fine athletes Heavyweight Champion should be both you under 2-minutes to go in this pretty much funny just go slow if the prudent thing to do I think some of these Giorgio's simply because he 45 seconds of counting them then a great fight so you need to fight like this we felt seems to be fifteen seconds their money's worth and in July AHA lavell appears to successfully great opportunity for Manuel performance may be grateful it's a lot of people taking great pride out they can fight whenever box out their baby congratulations for the just thanking Lulu we're giving him the opportunity to fight them to Evander Holyfield is a great champion has brought so much to the sport of boxing in recent months and now from the Trump Plaza Hotel Casino here in Atlantic City we go to the scorecards Eugene grant scores about 116 to one 11 Tommy has married how's it 115-112 and jerry pop stores it 117 the 100 for the winner by unanimous decision and we got a great decision we have no controversy - great fighters everything they had I think you said earlier kissing exactly what this would be
Channel: segundosfuerateam
Views: 5,521,964
Rating: 4.160614 out of 5
Keywords: Evander Holyfield (Boxer), George Foreman (Author), Boxing, Mma, Manny, campeonato del mundo, segundosfuera, boxeo
Id: 1DY9BjqIzk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 28sec (2728 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2013
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