George and Amal Clooney talk first impressions of each other

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we are back with more of our conversation with Amal and a drawer Amal and George Clooney look at the way these two look at each other I can't get over this the power couple joined us in studio on a very big day for them it was their eighth wedding anniversary they told us all about falling in love raising their kids and the one thing they say they've never done as we sit here today it's your eighth wedding anniversary yes and George people said George Clooney's at the time a mall George Clooney's getting married yeah yeah come on man married eight years yeah because you were known as a confirmed Bachelor but you met Amal Clooney and what happened to you George I was no longer confirmed it was easy it was the minute she walked in the door I was just you taken by her and uh and the fun part was you know we didn't I didn't know whether you know she would like me or any of those things and then uh wait George stop it and then we would know if them all would like you yes and you know and and then you know she's this extraordinarily you know fun smart beautiful great woman and you know it was I was just very taken with her and I started writing her letters what did you like what what did you find me actually what did he say them all in the last um some of them came from his dog and it was it was sort of you know who's gonna be mad at a dog the dog the dog needed a human rights lawyer to rescue him from The Wine Cellar I remember that so you of course knew who he was them all but were you taken with him too or did you think he's a Hollywood movie star I don't know I met him and I thought I'm so glad that there's someone like him in the world I didn't necessarily imagine that I would get to spend my life with him or that we would have this incredible family yeah so now we took me by surprise he screwed my life I was a life was easy for me yes yes what do they do guys that just Delight you because I know at five they are very chatty you know and I but we've made a terrible mistake what oh well we we bought them Italian oh but we don't speak Italian oh okay so we've armed them with a language that they can harm us with that's true and we don't really know they both speak Italian and French so our son is now a big prankster and he's he's basically you've taught him all of these lessons and he's now pranking his dad back Alexander's favorite superhero is Batman and he goes you know I said what's your favorite superhero he goes you know Batman and I go you know I was Batman and he goes yeah but not anymore I was like if only he knew how how true that was well people are so delighted that you're together and somebody told me once you know whenever you're talking to a couple the question isn't how do you make it work it's how do you stay together what is it that you give to each other that makes you stay together I think it starts with Love George I do think that well it does I would love and yeah it's sort of the whole secret to it it's never ever been even it's funny that's not even a question that we would even think of I mean it's just been easy listen has it been easy easy like the easiest thing in our lives by far we've never had it's imagining to some of our friends I have a cousin actually every time we see him he's like his first question is so have you had an argument yet would you like us to right now it could be a first no I think that it's a hundred percent well I would say it's 99 luck just to meet the I think the one thing I think we would take credit for in a way is just to not be cynical to just be open um and I was surprised that you were not cynical or guided at all and things just moved really quickly that's sort of one more question for you all because I cannot cook my children will have no memories of mom used to make fill in the blank but until then he tells a common story about you not even boiling an egg properly I thought he was exaggerated I'm afraid it's all true so when you actually put an egg on the stove with no I'm sorry we don't need to get into the detail when we first got I thought I tried to do the cooking thing and yes you know I tried to make it fun I bought eight prints and I had music and a glass of wine and I would do this and then I realized that every time I cooked he would make reservations suddenly it would be date night so now I know what to do if I ever want to go out for dinner I'm sort of those during the covet I was the yeah thank goodness you look at her with such awe honestly Joy you do like well I I mean what's not to look at I know I got it I get it by the way it's our anniversary and we're spending it with you yeah that's true I couldn't think of a better way to spend your anniversary could you no George Goes actually yes I could Gail okay thank you guys oh we really want to be here with you I heard from very reliable sources they had a little date night last night just uh just to make dinner but it really is something about the two of them together I do think it's very real I think there were some eye rolls from married couples as they never had an argument I I think they have no reason to lie about that right they are so very much in sync yeah and very devoted to their children of course which by the way they've managed to keep private you see no pictures of them right they want them to have as normal life as possible and raise happy healthy responsible kind kids that's their definition of success so I mean I think the final argument as Patty pointed out our stage manager uh but you know the other thing is the mall mentioned he's a prankster he's a legendary and one of the best dad pranks he's ever pulled off which a lot of dads copy now is works with toddlers you take the diaper off the toddler with a clean diaper you put peanut butter or chocolate inside and then hand the diaper back to the baby the baby starts eating it and then you act distracted like you're on your phone and then your partner comes in it's like oh my God oh my God the rude prank you know and they're big Alby Awards the first you know George is already talking about next year uh it's a big thing tomorrow night in New York City at the library and guess who they got for entertainment Bruce Springsteen and his wife Patty scialfa who's also a singer and his wife it's going to be a great show Meryl Streep all those people at this point in this in their lives they could just be selfish but they're so selfless yes that's a very good way to put it and guess what you can watch George Clooney we love him here at CBS on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert he's going over to Stevens tomorrow night right here on CBS
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 3,293,428
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Keywords: video, cbs, news, george clooney, amal clooney, first impressions, first sight, exclusive interview, wedding anniversary, marriage, couple
Id: dsf2nz2_jew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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