George Clooney, Nicole Kidman, & Michael Boatman Interview - ROD Show, Season 2 Episode 11, 1997

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well hi George well hi Rosie how are you I'm good how are you you're great in the movie oh well thank you you are really great in it it was it did was it fun to do cuz it seemed like it was they all saw it I can't believe there's that many Ted Turners out there I no wasn't that great of him though a billion dollars I know amazing isn't it 100 million a year for 10 years for 10 years that's a billion isn't it that's good yeah that's a lot of money it's a lot more than I got but yeah wouldn't you like to be in a position to be able to do that yes I would me too yeah yeah everybody here went to see the movie we all went together now did you do get a discount did they get a little cheaper or they got in free they got in free part of the Rosio Donald show all right that's got to stop everyone saw it in this studio except Joanne our opening announc and John McDaniel thank you Joanne thank you John but I'm sure that will run $12 for you now you filmed this last summer during your Hiatus from me yes I did yeah in Slovakia really yeah we were in Slovakia the former Czech Czech Czech and Slovakia split up and so we were in Slovakia thank you for clearing that up cuz you saw that look of confusion I had no idea where we're making up countries now we in Macedonia too we shot some of it in Macedonia was it your entire Hiatus from y that you were there almost uh all of it and a little bit more I had to come back and do a couple of scenes for the show and then go back things like that it was fun yeah gosh you were working hard yeah now are you nervous about the ER the live show that's coming up uh yeah we're not going to do it live we've changed our mind what yeah we're going to bail out no you're not I don't think it's a good idea really I think it's a dumb idea and whoever came up with it um cuz someone told me it was you who came up it was you I didn't say I was smart I just what were you thinking one day on the set you thought this was too easy yeah that was bad acid I think is what it was I uh um it's going to be fun we're pretty excited yeah yeah it's we we've been rehearsing for uh 3 days now and it's wild because you know we have 62 speaking parts and about 100 extras and then another 100 crew members and there 18 cameras all together so this is this is like the old playhouse 90 only that was all kind of prenium stage this is all moving through in and out and it's very complicated it's really fun because I always wonder when I'm watching the show how many times you had to retake to if you catch a cameraman or a boom guy in the shot does that happen often it does do the the the style of this particular episode is that they're going to be doing a documentary in the uh in the hospital so you will see cameras and you'll run into cameras it's the only way we could do it oh right so then we won't be thrown when we see that and also so if you screw up you just go hey don't pay attention to those cameras over there and you keep going you just can't you can't curse and you can't call people by their real names now are you going to be tempted to do either those things yes no the big Temptation Of course is to plug the movie because it opens the next night there's not a whole lot they can do it's live exactly so like what would you do I'm thinking Tony and I worked it out uh Anthony Edwards said I can't do it or he'll he'll bury me because I keep saying I'll just go so Mark have you seen that movie Peacemaker he said no cuz he'll say I hear it sucks that wouldn't be good that's not good no so I got to find other ways to sneak it in yeah any ideas well I've got some I'm thinking about um you know just uh giving a guy a PE pacemaker pacem there's going to be a way somehow I'll find a way to do it I got to plug it just just take my doctor's you know code and then just have a t-shirt it says peace that t-shirt right which we gave the whole audience that would be good that's and nothing they can do at all no it's over it's gone that's what I feel that every day too it's a live show right now right you have everything's gone right now what I just said it's gone done I can't take it back nope can't take it back that it opens the 26th take that back you're going to do it twice though right you're going to film me our Live Twice yeah yeah yeah we're going to do it um live for the east coast and then uh and live for the west coast and all the people in Mountain time are going to get ripped off I think Denver and uh and Salt Lake City are going to be mad at us I think but we can only we could only get our set put back together in time to do it to do it twice to do it twice um anything with you and Juliana Mar Le this season I could tell you I guess um they're getting back together well U no I'm going to um I'm going to kill her I just decided I'm going to no uh Juliana and I have a little something happens yeah we really can't talk about it but we we're all hoping for it to you know oh you are yeah I'm saying nothing B yeah sure yeah hey you know um I was just backstage and um uh was talking to uh Nicole you know kid yeah sure I love her she's very nice and you know what I found out what well while I was working with her I found out that she's married to Tom Cruz she is yeah I didn't even know that yeah that was kind of funny I was surprised to see that cuz I know you you I hear that you you think the Tom's okay you know he's all right he's a he's a good actor and um he's not you know he's not really bad looking no he's not little bubble no but um we're not here about him everything doesn't revolve around him in my life you know I you know I can appreciate somebody's acting ability separate from their spouse sure I didn't watch this film and when Nicole was in danger think think anything like maybe if he doesn't save her type thing yeah I know I didn't think boom I'm in there if something happened you know I was in focused on the film I was all right did you like working together you and I didn't care for her no you didn't well I was thinking that maybe after the commercial we could bring her out would that be all right or would it be awkward for you I really don't I don't I don't I don't really want to see her the film it would it might be good for the film you just really it just help so suck up a couple all right kiss all right you know she's got she was a little sick what she got I know some kind of you know Fever thing really sure so don't you know don't hug or anything make her sit over there all right we'll come back with M Nicole Kidman fabulous actress in this movie really very good in it and George Clooney after this so don't go anywhere hi Nick Hi how are you good I'm not talking to you surely he was teasing he was mean ow don't hit you guys hit it off well I have this terrible cult so please excuse me what do you got well I've got a sore throat and possible the beginnings of bronchitis do you have any George come back back you whm you're not afraid of the terrorist but a little fle and you're over at the other seat now are you on it's got to go on live of course exactly you can't get sick no no can't be sick I should have a mask oh sure Michael Jack yeah right now do you have antibiotics or are you just roughing it no I'm trying not to take the antibiotics cuz I got addicted to them for a while antibi we know what to talk about do oh well antibiotics yeah no well I know how do you get addicted to antibiotics but I was I took them eight times in a year really well you know when you have young kids they bring home every cold every yes thing from school and my son just started going to the day school right and have you been getting stuck yes and he got first boogery snotty kind of are you a picker Mom are you do pick everything out and like the no I'm That Kind of a mom like some people are grossed out I I like to Yeah clean me too I like it all clean important yeah and now he's getting so good he just lays there and lets me do it you know George doesn't have kids so no you're excluded now George do you want to have kids hello hi do you want to have kids uh uh what time oh kids children toast I like toast um cuz you guys made a bet about that didn't you yeah bet a lot of money I'm going to win myself some cash no George is going to have a baby within 10 years don't you think if I could do that I'd be a billionaire 10 years yeah 9 years now it's N9 years yeah you're you're already M and I have to pay $10,000 if he doesn't have the baby if he does have the baby he has to pay me $10,000 really now don't you think that's insane because I think the vasectomy two grand he should have a baby now you think he'd make a good dad Nicole you think he'd make great fantastic Dad no my kids were on the set the whole time Peacemaker and he was the the um resident clown that's not fair well you know I mean I love I love George he'd be a great dad but anyway it's not of my business yeah it's not of my either but why don't you want to have any no I'm only kidding but George you're very good with kids on the show too oh yes well I work with a lot see that's the thing is I work with a lot of kids yeah so I don't need any I got little actor kids little pretend kids yeah that's enough for you that's all you need all right I'll be talking your aunt when I see her at Rainbow and stars next month and we'll see what we can do about that big trouble Mimi leader who directed this directed you in ER yes she did had you met her before Nicole no well I met her just for the film we had a lunch meeting and um I loved her and we uh so I signed on to do it had you met George but it was sort of like being the new kid on the Block no I'd never met George either really all part of the plan was just horrible did you have a plan it was all part of the master plan what Mimi uh Mimi and i' work together a lot so I think Nicole felt a little out no I did no because that was so good to me actually when I came in the rehearsal period and we had a week rehearsal and we hung out together and within a week I was feeling very relaxed yeah yeah did you now in this movie you look young not that you that mean you're only like 30 right how old are you 30 you're young to begin with but I'm 35 I'm a lot older than you trust me 5 years older really a lot more stretch marks is all I have to say but you know Parker anyway why it all you sure yeah um the thing is in this film you do you you appear smaller I mean not like even SK but you you oh yeah no I have this thing about liking to be small on screen cuz I hate being tall and I'm 510 and it's the one thing I've always hated my whole life is being really tall always taller than people so so I I stand but George would always say that he that he looks small on screen because he always works with such tall women whereas really you're pretty tall oh I'm giant really but how do you make yourself look smaller what do you do well you stand out I'll show you you do this stand up George I'm the mannequin I've got heels on so you go like this oh that's how you doing cuz I thought it was just me standing like this on just put your hip out wait this is all you did the movie you just did your knee yeah no it's like I learned it at school to it's like that I mean it doesn't look very attractive no it's not good on you sadly it doesn't look bad on me I'm like the poster child for some new thing but this is it pretty much that's it yeah I look like an oal loopa when I do it you look like Nicole Kidman with a knee bent all right we're going to talk them more after this break watch the clip Peacemaker I'll be right back with Nicole Kidman and George Clooney now um Nicole have you seen the movie yes did you like it yes I did I actually have I have not seen it fully completed really fully completed is that toogy what's toy oh toogy is it's the study of total toy is where you repeat your word where you repeat you use the same to say the same thing twice is totality to toy toogy yeah I'm moralist English lesson study of morons me I didn't know that word you say the solitary figure was alone that's totality totaly totaly because you're using solitary and alone totaly let's do another one I I I listened in English class that thin girl isn't that right I mean that thin girl is really skinny toy right okay toy I I mean someone Cruz is really cute toogy Tom crew is cute you know what I mean I know what you mean now tonight is your big Premiere correct yeah yeah that's right tonight is do you guys what are you wearing George I'm thinking about something in a nice magenta oh Charming um you can wear any color idiot is a politician is that totaly I always get those wrong now are you going to sit through the film tonight the both of you or do you one of those celebrities who goes at the beginning and then checks out well because I haven't seen the film I'm going to sit because I haven't seen it finished I'm going to sit through it right and how sometimes it's if you've seen the film a lot I just can't get enough of watching me and neither can America yeah they can yeah they can unfortunately it's the truth now um Nicole you're still working on the film with Tom over in London how long have you been working on this movie um well we started in November so what is it now September September September I've done a lot of movies they take three months generally yes I know this is a very very long film are you forgetting your lines along no we have to shoot the same scene over and over no no it's it's just the way Stanley kurick is a very he's well known for taking a long time because he takes his time we've had a lot of hiatuses where we've shut down for 6 weeks at Christmas and we had Easter I mean I he has a very very small crew are you almost done eight people on the crew are you almost done um yeah I would think so and are you coming back we don't have a stop date so we sort of are shooting indefinitely are you coming back to the us when you're done um maybe with your family maybe why I don't like you all so far away I knew you were heading there right I'm just saying I just would like you and your family unit happy as you are just to be on American soil I know we talked about this last time I was sometimes I go to sleep and I think they're all over there I can't protect them but you could come and visit you could do a show out of London which may be happening simply say rosie come on over boom I'm moving in um we'll be back to talk about this movie more after this break so don't go anywhere yeah have you shown him doing that you've got to do that dance for us which dance that dance this Joey come here Joey this is what Jo come here Joe come here this is what Joey Cola does this is Nicole George Joey Joey all right John play like we're back from commercial this what Joey does I do you do it well Joey Cola ladies and gentlemen Joey people always wonder why are the audiences so happy right it's Joey Joey Cola nice move Joey he's brilliant used to work airport right there too now what did you guys do for fun during your downtime in slavia uh well we didn't have much down time you didn't you know cuz we were we were kind of Trapped In in BR us lava for a while so we went to we went out one night to a pub one night all right every night I was trying to make it sound like you weren't an alcoholic but all right she looks like a big drinker look at her yeah she's a big she's only 19 um no actually it was fun because there they haven't quite discovered deodorant there that's something they fig out George George you can't say that on television oh yeah oh I'm sorry it's live he just did I'll take it back sh no yeah so it well they have no they have a different way of approaching things yeah like not wearing theod which is tough so it was sort of stinky in vavia actually one time we got back in a cab yeah and uh there were three of four of us so I had to sit up front with this C driver who just stunk to the High Heavens they closed they closed the glass partition so I'm up there in front dying and they're back there laughing that's true and I said to the guy and I said to the guy um I was talking to him and he doesn't speak you speak English he's like L yes do you not a word he goes no I go because you really stink you smell awful we had fun there George George I should have told that story it's a good place for a stickup remember that in there now um how long did you shoot the movie like two months was it about yeah no three months three three and a half month something like that and your families were there yes yeah Tom was there Tom was there too Tom was there yeah I've always missed that I always think oh why is she asking about my family I don't want toess on him Nick I'm not I meant your whole family you're two beautiful children my bubba yeah your husband all you know it all encompasses the Nicole Kidman family it's not just Tom that I care about all of you in a special way what about Parker huh I just met uh Parker outside he is gorgeous P or what yeah we have to get the kids together that would be fun when when you guys move back to the US American soil for all of you Australia nice country don't live there 12-hour flight okay 14 14 hour from New York further really yeah yeah but you must missed it you must miss your family there yeah but my mom comes over she helps she helps us out a lot because when we're working especially because we're working on the film at the moment together we have to have in-laws and family and everyone comes over to help with the kids right I'm available on weekends know we only take Monday through Friday I'll take you up on it children love me I'm not kidding the three of them little play dat Michael Bowman stars in Spin City and also is in this film The Peacemaker with these two lovely talented people he's going to come up right after this so don't go anywhere we'll be back right after this break hi Michael hello how are you I'm very well how are you very nice to meet you nice to meet you as well I enjoy you once been city thank you very much I enjoy doing it it's a fun show we have a good time Boatman is your last name yes often confused with Bolton now I read this somewhere and I didn't quite believe it uh I was in I don't know what it was I was doing some TV show or something at the time and someone came up to me in the audience this is like in the 80s and they said um oh you know I didn't know you you acted as well I said well yeah what do you mean and he said well I love When a Man Loves a Woman and I said excuse me Michael Bolton right I go Batman and at that moment I knew it was going to be a problem and and it has been and has it happened a lot a lot a lot so all the time and we look so much alike that's oh yeah that's the amazing thing especially the hair you know the hair is very finally let it go I got tired of the fringe look oh listen it's a joke now this is your first big action film big stars were you a little nervous I was very nervous I must say I've been doing this for 12 years or something but the day that I got to uh Slovakia which I call land of supermodels and lovely odors uh I got to the set and these guys were here and they were great and there's tanks and uh planes and f16s and all these things that are coordinated to my lines so the first couple of times that I'm supposed you know that that we do a take George comes in you know Captain have you got the situation under control and I would speak and I'd see these planes moving across the runway and tanks and Russians and everything and I just completely lost every single line that I had that day and they had to reset well oh yeah and that made it worse because and George would come in again Captain have you got the situation under control yes oh my God look at that F-16 I can't no well according to the audience view you did pretty well we have a clip take a look The Peacemaker Michael Boatman we've got him somewhere about here in dagistan still in Russia Below mahachkala on the Caspian Sea we've snuck a peek at everything within a 200 S mile area we haven't turned up your truck we think they're probably stuck here in kumu there's a hell of a traffic jam down there sir trucks are too close together we can't get an angle on the on the plates what's going on down there renewed fighting between Armenia and aeran roads are clogged with refugees fleeing North Ken Ken give me a copy of kodo's Intel phone records what what are you thinking I need an outside line here so we give me an outside line please oh now like George who went from ER right to this movie back to work he did arless and Spin City then this movie then right back to right I did uh the first I guess the first season of Spin City and then the movie came up I went to LA and did I also do a recurring character on arus HBO show finished that and went right to the land of interesting odors and super models you must be exhausted as well very tired I have an 11mon old daughter and the whole you do yes I do what's her name her name's Jordan Jordan and was she born while you were over there she no she was actually in the oven at the time so uh when I went there and my wife and my father-in-law actually came over to visit and we toured around on my days off went to Saltsburg and all over the place we had a great time do you like being a daddy I love it you think it changed at all it did I'm I'm a Nut really I think I'm I'm so neurotic I think now she's 11 months old and I think I look at her and I go she's going to leave me someday what a freak I hear that you remember the song that was out um this Butterfly Kisses you remember that song yes the first time I heard this song I'm driving through Washington DC I almost ran my car off the road I'm like oh my God it's unbelievable and who know who knew that this intensity of emotion would so it's been a positive great experience for the greatest thing I've ever done parents turn and look at George [Applause] George rec yeah yeah yeah tell your story walking pal not many people know that you were uh on TV as a child you were in what's happening huh no you just look like you were I got that was a nickname for me I was a very I brought a picture of how I looked they used to call me Raj you guys remember what's happening that show they told me that you look like Raj and I didn't believe it and then I saw this photo and I thought look there he is right here [Applause] look who is the genius in the rust colored hunting outfit that would be you styling at the age of eight yes I was styling well it's delightful to meet you Michael very nice to meet you as really did well in this film and every week on Spin City thank you very much and when does Spin City premiere it premieres it premieres this week Wednesday changed our time slot Wednesdays at 8 all righty we'll look for that we'll be right back peacemakers the movie go back after the movie The Peacemaker It's a Wonderful film an action packed and I guarantee you'll have a good time George good luck to you on the live ER why thank you we'll all be watching and Michael yes love to your new baby thank you very much Cong city thank you very much yeah take care of my boyfriend would you I'll do my best and come back when your new movie is out with him all right that's a promise all right hey On th Tuesday show Boys to Men and Jalia white KL finally showing up after he dissed us for a year and a half uh we'll see you tomorrow bye-bye
Channel: Rosie O'Donnell
Views: 18,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QFO6c57ILXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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