George Clooney, Julia Roberts' Banter Showcases Close Friendship

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[Music] I won't let her throw her life away we need to trick her into dumping him as much as this will pain us both we have to call a truce to make this work we've been locked staff did you make a pact to not murder each other until you murder me first we are here for you my love yes we're in the last step ticket to Paradise is Julia and George's first romantic comedy together and there's six collaborations you clean up pretty good it's a friendship that has spanned two decades so you guys when you say your friends it's more than friends really I mean you have a lot of friends in Hollywood I'm sure but this is this sounds like it's definitely next level well we've been friends a long time in a long time she comes over the house in Italy with the kids and stuff and we've had I mean you know we've been together we've worked together a lot yeah I got to produce a film that she was nominated for an awesome word I was in the first movie he directed how is that being directed by George Clooney yeah come on how is that you know it's interesting because no I'm going to say this I remember something so clearly because it's like there's I think it's the my opening scene and I'm sitting in a booth at a restaurant and I have this big hat on and red lipstick he was very specific I loved how specific he was and clear I mean that's what an actor wants more than anything it's just like a clear understanding with the director of what they want and what is expected and and he just would see me as just an actor when we were at work and talk to me as an actor and have these expectations and it wasn't it wasn't that same like just casual right oh hey Jules why do you do this it was like okay I want this to be just like this wow and it was really it was really special and I also that it was his first movie and that I got to be a little part of it I felt it was fun yeah it really we had a really good time we did have a good time um this whole movie obviously is a movie about parents who are upset that their daughter is marrying someone who they don't think is right for her um and before they even meet him before they even say yeah everything was too fast too far away like I was I was feeling the parents in the beginning when you saw the script were you like we this is us we both said well if you do it I'll do it because it's sort of the it is really the only way you can see it working but it was I mean it's a miracle that it all came together okay best part about working with Julia Roberts on this movie go the money um well I will be honest which I don't like doing he doesn't and I don't like when you are honest you don't like it because I'm I'm nice sometimes and that's terrible uh she's a great friend and she is you know on top of all of the things that we all know she is and everyone knows she is she also is a very very good friend and so it's really fun to work with people that uh that are truly good friends and Julia best part of working with uh with George on this movie no I've cornered you now I know you have corn on me I'm going to say this because as George and I um we have I don't like to say that we're very much alike but we do have the same like beard how much time do we have here we're gonna get like three and a half questions out um we have the same energetic Spirit yes home and not I said that like we live together we do live together which is a very weird for my wife and Danny but at work we both really like a joyful exuberant work experience and we we take that sort of leadership very seriously in a way to be to be relaxed to make other people relaxed and and happy and so being together on set is such a in a way it's a continuation of our of our real life together which is just singing songs and carrying on and I don't know how you all didn't crack up through each take I mean I watch you too and the banter seems like it's happening in that moment you learned that to make me look bad you don't need my help there are you all ad-libbing some of that or is it all not much especially in the drunken scenes but what it would be too is when they would put us with a group of people like at the graduation where we sort of have an audience then we can't be stopped because we're trying we feel it's our responsibility they have to sit there all day to entertain them and so we had a different searing joke at each other there were a couple where you know you do it and then we both stop and like is this the step too far and we finally ended our friendship what was your first impression once you saw it all come together I thought you know it just felt like a salve an hour and a half South I remember you saying to me though when we saw it and you go you're so mean to me I I was shocked actually I was real I had forgotten how really it was kind of searing ma'am I need to sit somewhere else I'm sorry it's a full flight we used to be married the worst 19 years of my life we were only married for five account in the recovery and because I've gotten away from it and George hasn't said anything mean to me in a week I was like I could do it now well they're the meanie Parts which are fun to watch and there's also the kissing part is it awkward to kiss your dear dear friend it is when my wife and kids come by to visit me that was the first day they came to visit it's like Papa oh Auntie Juju it's like ah get him out get him out it's really bad what are you doing Papa who wants ice cream do you all laugh when you're kissing is it funny or is it are you trying to yeah we laughed it was too late yeah it was it's kind of ridiculous because listen you know it is like kissing your best friend well thanks for that and then you know I said you know the two-time sexiest man alive yeah come on there tune in a little bit and then you just can't my favorite well you really you really helped my reputation what about from your end from my end yeah I didn't really kiss from my end I we were doing right on the lips we uh no it was fun look I you know we knew what we were going to do we knew what the job was and it's funny you're very professional but it does make you laugh and that was the day too that the first time in my 30 years in Show Business I had a 3 30 call never 3 30 a.m uh-huh that's when you get up every day that's our speed so wait what was it this is not my speech and I'm an early riser and I was like 3 30. are you sure about this because they wanted the sun to be rising while we were kissing and this whole thing and so I think it was also a ploy of all's he thought if we're exhausted if he has us tired enough in that moment that we might be serious yeah he was wrong it was beautiful by the way my favorite part of so many great Parts but y'all with your drunky monkey dance Dad please stop doing that I thought that was some good dancing didn't you it's like into it those were our moves man for real well actually if you think of like about 20 years ago when we were doing oceans uh we had a party remember in Vegas pretty much the same moves they were the same moves to different effect and we were actually drunk we all did look drunk in that thing it looked like you were really putting them down was there any ounce of those drinks that were actually real beverages no no I've never done a a film with Julia that I was sober but I don't think ever really it's hard you know they're like you're gonna kiss Julia just leave the bottle just leave the pub um no there was no drinking although when we watched it we thought we were I was really impressed with how drunk and loopy and I I was at with some of our best actors well the young kids just were so it was they were shockingly embarrassed the first take just watching us because all was like okay I'm not even gonna pretend to tell you guys what to do just just stay in this area and uh and we sort of took off and they were like they were stunned they were paralyzed and we thought we were really funny and they didn't remember they were just kind of staring at us like we were in the zoo and we're like pretty funny on there like oh my God you're like you know they're rolling a camera on you guys right everybody's gonna see it dinosaur movie I am praying for an asteroid they can see what it's like to get old and it's terrifying them you know we've got twins that you have that are don't tell me did I read right they're going to college well they are seniors in high school they will be 18 in November oh my word how are you feeling about that your kids going off to college you know I have feelings about it yeah and but you know the nice thing is is that the five of us in my family I think we all have very similar feelings about it right now so it's not like you know it's just yeah it's not like just me going oh my gosh you guys are going off to school I think everybody kind of feels like wow these we can recognize these moments together as these really big page Turners you know and so it's nice that we're having that that experience together and speaking of twins your your twins are five right did I read that they are now speaking um Italian French Italian and French yeah what are you doing teaching them all kinds of stupid things I've done dumb things in my life we all know that but it's so it's it is astonishing first of all they're such lovely kids they're just so sweet lovely kids and my kids adore them adore them yeah because they're just these little sweet balls of hilariousness especially Alexander and but if if if I speak Italian and George speaks English and you're one of George's kids they will speak in Italian and then speak in English and then speak in Italian and then speak in English and go back and forth and it's like do you speak all those languages no it's a disaster every time and they talk to each other in Italian when I'm talking to them like what do you what what'd you say so you know it's a conspiracy and it's a twin thing anyway like aside from this the language thing it's a twin thing this has been a disaster do you know you are sitting next to a man who has never been in in an argument with his wife well exactly argument with you though yeah it works out his work wife but is do you find that like shocking no you don't I don't know because I don't fight with you with your husband either how do you resolve conflicts like we just don't fight it's just not how we communicate with each other it's not it's never been your language called for it has never been our language but you just have ways of resolving conflicts in your house through just regular conversation and stuff yeah yeah I mean you know I also think you know every once in a while luck plays in a part and all yes you know I feel very lucky that I met a mall and I feel very lucky sort of late in life for me that you know the things that you used to as a young person you know guys in particular I think you would defend in a way that you don't have to when you're older you know I know how lucky I am to be with them all so if we're going to paint the wall yellow uh and I think it's a really dumb color who cares who cares and when you're 28 you might and you you want to fight about those things so so many things in life that I think when you're young you would fight about you know when you get old like Julia um you don't find so much I think having kids I mean I have obviously kids later in life too I've got a five and a three year old I feel like I'm a different parent than I would have been I feel like I am um I feel like I'm just a better person I get scared sometimes if I'm being totally honest about being my age you do and sometimes I get afraid about what's ahead like sometimes when I think about Milestones I just hold my breath and think please God like let me I want to I want to witness that yeah I want to see that do you ever have those no I kind of like the idea of being sort of out of it when like my daughter starts to date I'd like it to be like yeah I think I'm being comfortable with that I really do yeah he's a drummer in a band I like toast I'm okay no I think but here's the thing the truth is because we all no matter how old we are George being the oldest of us um it doesn't you know they have chosen Us in this moment to be their stewards and their Shepherds in this life experience and you know it all happens when we're ready I met Danny when I was ready you met him all when you were ready it's like and then we call these children into our lives when we're ready to best partner with them and so I don't I mean sometimes I get gripped with fear of blowing it and sometimes I've just said to my kids like so today me as a mom can we just can we just take that off the bridge because I I blew it yeah would talk about his kids and he said you know he had a conversation with Once where he said you know they're like 15. now we're about to get the age where you're just gonna for no reason all hate me you hate me for like five years I'm just gonna you're just gonna be against me and he goes and then you were going to come back and you're gonna think I'm kind of cool we're gonna get along really well and we're gonna have a great life can we just skip this the middle part I think there are so many parts I mean I want to dwell on parenting but I'm just kind of in the middle of it and since I'm sitting with both you guys I feel like there are certain I have certain things I try to teach my kids and one of them is when they don't know something or they feel stupid instead of saying either ignoring it or or saying being embarrassed about it I we have something that we say and it is I guess I haven't learned that yet and that's nice yeah I just it's like a small thing but little bits and pieces are there things that you've tried to teach your kids that you hope that they will carry with them as they like head off to and to the world into college well I mean kids are a little older and I feel like the one thing that we've always tried to instill in them is to just remember who you are when you're out in the world remember that you as one person are representing five people and just to conduct yourself in that same way that you would when we're all together when you're by yourself out in the world so and I think that's not only does it make you feel like you're not so all alone out in the world it does kind of remind you to just be that much more thoughtful or that much more helpful if you can be beautiful George about for you I guess I haven't learned that I was waiting for it okay I knew it I love this friendship so much okay so we looked up your zodiac signs you're a Taurus you're Scorpio okay so here's what it says they're really weak signs they are opposite signs in the Zodiac giving them a special complex connection they can combine to make a whole each partner's strength balancing the other way quiet quiet and Taurus and squirrels Scorpio have tons in common but because their personalities are both so powerful they often swing between passionate love and passionate disagreement do you think is there any truth to that there was till the end I don't know we don't just we don't disagree we the only things we disagree on is one for the road no one time I got up I had to leave at dinner okay what are you gonna tell I don't know one time I had to leave dinner because I had to work the next day and we're all sitting there at dinner and we're having a beautiful dinner and drinks and having this great time and I said I'm so sorry I really have to wait but I get up in this restaurant and I start walking out and George Goes quitter Julia Roberts is a quitter yeah you gotta throw her under the bus every once in a while you know somebody has to throw under the bus everybody's oh Julia so that that's what you do I love that do y'all think you'll be working again together a movie it's not gonna happen I've learned my lesson you know it took five or six times but I've learned no no meanwhile he's put me in his contract he can't live without me of course not yeah why not she's also the best available really available I love you guys so much thank you we wear you out [Music] hey thanks for watching our YouTube channel find your favorite recipes celebrity interviews uplifting stories shop our favorite deals and so much more with the Today app download it now
Channel: TODAY
Views: 438,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Today, Today Show, Savannah Guthrie, Al Roker, Natalie Morales, domestic news, international news, weather, interviews, politics, money, media, entertainment, sports, breaking news, food, health, home, parents, style, concerts, pets, shopping, Hoda Kotb
Id: DiRxpG4jDsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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