The END of Blender!?

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should you use blender or plasticity which one is better perhaps both are good let's talk about it blender is a brilliant piece of software and I absolutely love it but there are times where certain operations are simply easier with narp software like plasticity due to its multi-purpose nature blender can feel a bit daunting to learn now if you're a beginner and would like to follow a well-structured content to learn faster than you know from random Youtube videos we have a fantastic free course for your design just for that purpose our course aim to help beginners to get up to speed with hard surface modeling in blender as quickly as possible you can grab it for free on our website and the link is in the video description now back to the topic of blender versus plasticity now I've been experimenting with plasticity for past two weeks quite extensively and I think it's the fastest and possibly the easiest to learn cut software I've ever tried having used both Moy and fusion 360 are disappointing of some amazing features they offer I found them to be rather cumbersome and sluggish more is great you know straightforward UI and it's relatively easy to learn at the basic level but it does have limitations and I found it slow for even the most basic operations like selections you know to just name the one Fusion 360 on the other hand seems to be more flexible but it's UI just you know gives me a headache so it all feels a bit somewhat outdated yeah now plasticity however comes with a Sleek modern clean UI and two fantastic features that I absolutely adore now the first one is that with a single click you can configure it to mimic most of blender UI commands such as move rotate local view duplicate Etc it truly feels similar to working in blender it will take you a day or two to get used to it now stick around and I'll show you how easy is to model crazy shapes in plasticity because we're gonna have a bit of a practical section later on I'm just gonna jump into plasticity and model a bit so you can see now second thing is that you can perform many tasks and operations incredibly quickly in addition it also seems to model a few of its features of the blender's add-on workflow primarily hardups aux cutter and Flash machine for example the Altex command for mirror is just the same as in hardops the bevel removal with one click and X you know command is very similar to mesh machine Etc so if you're a blender user the learning curve is quite minimal it's really quick additionally plasticity has some sick features like Loft face match copy bevel size multi Edge buff or a quick and efficient curve Cuts curve arrays and you know much more and lastly plasticity is extremely affordable because at 99 bucks you know that's not really that much comparing to other professional softwares also if you think in terms of blender yes blender it's free but if you start using it with add-ons it technically the same thing plus you know if you think about it hundred dollars is a bargain considering how much time you will actually save and you know time is priceless so then if plasticity is so effective and Speedy is it actually better than finder that's the question right I'm not exactly you see and the reason is not about the features but rather the purpose the software serves see both blender and plasticity are fundamentally different beasts normal plasticity like most card software can export mesh into polygon formats such as obj or fbx the topology is quite chaotic so the shading of models exported from plasticity and important to blender even at Mark settings they look clean in terms of shading but you won't be able to do much with that matching blender except you know for kid bashing or maybe rendering so plasticity is fantastic for console design 3D printing but at the moment that's pretty much it also the software is still new and you know features are being developed and added so at the moment blender add-on workflow is far superior for game asset production hard surface Boolean workflow and concept design in general and many other areas since you know blender is somewhat of a Swift life right multi-purpose tool basically however if you need a complex organic shape or a seemingly impossible bevels that you know are basically unachievable in blender then plasticity is your go-to tool I personally treat it as I treat AI tools okay my journey Chan GPT whatever it's another tool in my toolkit and I use it when I simply need it it's really enjoyable to use and I recommend giving a try especially that there is a one month free trial now I definitely see plasticity being used as side blender for creating really complex designs it's really fascinating to see shapes being created so quickly and you know it should be told some of the moves in plasticity are simply impossible in blender right this is where narp's modeling out performs polygon modeling which is simply due to the difference how both softwares are operating now before we jump into modeling section because I want to show you you know how cool this thing is I want to tell you that you know I'm not sponsored by them I don't have any affiliate links for you simply telling you what I think genuinely about it it's really quick really fun and uh you know I love it so okay guys well you know let's jump into plasticity and have some fun all right let's dive into the Practical part we're gonna model something cool but before we do that I'm gonna briefly explain you what's happening here it's really easy guys here's preferences and saving export Etc so preference is what you want to do is you want to select blender and then you want to restart plasticity so every time you open it up you will be using blender settings at least most of them and then a performance I have these Chosen and that's it okay these um here you have collections basically it's the same as collections in blender uh just the weight split is different it's split into solids and curves when you're going to be doing curves later you'll see another menu then here on the top don't worry about these this one is basically render view so if you click that you're gonna go to render view if you click again you're going to go back if you right click you're gonna have mod cups this is grip snap and this is actually snapping two elements I'm using that it's quite useful that's the main menu with all the tools you can also find tools by pressing F if you know don't know how to find something you can add stuff to favorite these are my favorites you just right click add to favorites you can change shortcuts you can do whatever you want so easy right now there are four modes uh one forward two four edges three for faces four for solids if you select your solid you'll have a menu here if you select the face you can have a different menu these are the things you can do with this specific element and honestly oh yes and our construction planes they're basically grid alignments to specific you know element like for example if I rotate this cube with r then I'm gonna press three for face click here and shift space I'm going to align this workspace or construction plane to that face and now if I draw anything in like a circle it's going to be basically following the this orientation you can reset it here and that's it guys that's the you know the UI this one and don't worry about it at this point the way you move in this viewport is it's just like in blender it's best 4 for solids click here and just press middle Mouse button then shift the middle Mouse button to pan control and minerals button or scroll to zoom then you know G for moving so g z g x right you can also press GG for free movement then you have R the same thing right and scale for skill SS is going to be scan you know Global axis I mean on all axes then you have shift DZ for example duplication you know now if you for example wanna you know undo something then just Ctrl Z I'll Z just a second blender is a you know um X remote so it's it's really very similar okay e for extrusions you know so when you align stuff um to orthographic that's quite useful just like in blender hold out and move your uh pressure midwalls button with your mouse you can see the alignment at the top you can align to whatever axis you want this is very useful for working okay let me show you you know how how to model something right so we have this Cube if you don't have anything then simply grab this Cube uh hover over here to snap click press tab then s for a square and then simply click and you know create a cube right easy now we're gonna go to the side view to Right View that's why I'm gonna scale it on y axis uh so somewhere here and then we're going to grab this line I can click here press shift I I'm gonna click here and kind of draw a line here left click and right click you confirm everything with the right leg in here okay are we going to project this onto the mesh don't worry about it being the middle it's fine now what I want to do is I want to project this line like a knife cut right across here so I'm going to press shift I I'm gonna click the target object and right click to confirm and there you go and see now we got the curves here so you can remove curves just pressing two clicking on the curve and pressing X okay you'll delete with X so now what I want to do I want to extrude that face so press three for faces click here but I want to extrude on this axis right so watch I'm gonna press e for Extrusion then I'm going to press F here for freestyle I'm gonna click on this line here and uh click here on this corner and then I can extrude it along this line you simply select a Nexis with two points and we can extrude it you know somewhere here right right cool and right click to confirm and I'm going to grab these faces I'm going to just extrude them here and maybe a little bit more because I'm going to be cutting this in the right click to confirm this could be a little bit longer I think so we could always press a F click here click here and then simply extrude a little bit more let's make this handle still a bit a bit thicker because I want to cut it so so you wanna cool so now what we want to do is we're going to cut the shape here like this right so we're getting up this tool here which is a spline curve click and hold and select this one right so you can actually click on control points click here I'm going to click here we're gonna go summer here and we're gonna go here and we're gonna go like this okay and right click and watch C click right click then we'll select that and with four sequence 4 it's like the solid and delete it and now we cut this shape here and then we want to cut a ship here right so let's grab another one and go from here uh let's go click click and maybe maybe something like this click right see left click right click X done that's so easy it is guys okay so now what we're gonna do we're gonna bevel this right but it's a bit too wide so press four select that SX and scale it a bit there we go and then we're gonna press two for um edges click here I got this Gizmo right if you go to the right um or up you're gonna have chamfers You're Gonna Go Down You're Gonna battle so run the bevel here and we're also going to run a bevel here now before we do that we need to run the level here so I want to remove this redundant topology so click here press F and just find find a redundant topology clean up you can add it to favorites right so right click and edit to favorites two click here we're gonna create another um I mean battle here like this let's just remove this so 2 and X to remove it plus two you can alt click to select the whole Loop and we're going to battle this here so battle it like that quite generously all right cool and then we're gonna press F4 click on the main mesh the mirror here Works a bit different in blender in a way but in this case we're in the middle of the axis so it's easy so select the axis like in the hard-ups and then you need to merge them together so click here right and merge uh make together and okay it's going to measure them into one sort of a shape cool so now we're going to cut this middle bit here so let's grab this line or shift a click click and right click and then press B for bevel all right and then C click right click and X okay in fact we'll get more just a little bit deeper hang on let's move this one a bit deeper so JY moment somewhere here I have this Edge GX moved a little bit outside here let's try this now so select the Curve C left click right click four and delete there we go that's but it's cleaner here right cool so we got this shape which is awesome and now we can mirror this a four click altx there if you don't manage to get it on problem just go to four select them both you can run the union Boolean so press q and then Q on the time and right click yeah let's just delete that we don't need it so two x and delete this Edge in the middle is redundant too you could probably delete it but uh maybe we can't because it's sort of holding this form here so it's okay cool so we got a basic shape of the gun right and now we're gonna have some fun so this top could be a bit taller so let's just you know extrude it a bit so we have you know have some room to maneuver and then what we're gonna do we're gonna check the top here uh so let's grab that and we're gonna have to select it with shift here all around right and we're going to check for it like this all the way down here like that okay cool that looks good okay peachy now here what I want to do is I want to split that so let's just grab this line here now let's click here click here and click here right click to B for bevel and we can actually let's make it smaller so B for bevel there we go and then we're gonna press uh C and then we're gonna slice this here like that but we're gonna keep both parts here so just delete that I want to keep that part here at the top so I want to chamfer it now so let's press two four Edge select this edge here right and we're going to chamfer it so it a little bit there we go in fact uh let's do it again and we're going to introduce a limited points up as l and introduce the limit point here right click we're going to delete the chambers of three click and X there we go we got this nice kind of a half chain over here in the bottom we could actually change the width of it I think a little bit so let's just uh choose the width of it there we go that's better and uh you know this will do and then we definitely need some trigger right so that's easy now let's just grab a line here and draw a trigger click and right click right and what we're gonna do now is we're going to extrude it so uh e for Extrusion extrude we're gonna put it in the middle more or less right we don't need this curve so delete it and then we're going to press two and we're going to Bevel this then we're going to do a thickness to it so here and we're going to add thickness you can press it here between thickness of both sides right and we need to make it a bit wider so s x J X and we're going to mirror this right so alt X and you know boom right and now we can actually have some fun so let's just cut it so let's grab this one and let's cut it here open like that right click B for Pebble then C left click right click and I'm gonna delete that middle here so this one cool we don't need that then we can select these two we can battle them and then alt click this one right and transfer it and click this one and battle it and click this one and double it and click this one and share for it there we go and then we have to cut the excess here so that's easy right and then see right click and delete now this is too big of course so we're going to have to fix this a bit so GG move it somewhere here you know I'm just this should do it right more or less we can combine it if you want so click shift click QQ and right like and it's combined now so now what you can do if you want to take it on you know bevels here right all chamfers whatever you want if you shift alt clicking and select multiple Loops just like in blender very easy and there we go okay cool so that's sorted and then we need some barrels here now this is really easy to add because you can grab you know this cylinder and you have alignment um dots thanks to snapping here right so let's draw that and click and then we're gonna have this solid solids you know make it a bit smaller and right click size to scale it a bit I think a bit more there we go go to front view right click and we're going to slide it which a bit a bit wider like this there you go we're going to now select um this face here with three there's a cool trick here called Hollow solid where is it this one and you can do something like this just print rather brilliant um and then actually let's follow it a bit more so let's do something like this okay cool and then let's go to the front view and we're going to slice this here on this side so maybe that's too close shifting somewhere here and then C click right click on X and then we'll press four alt text to mirror and click here okay right and I can duplicate this so click shift DZ I'm going to scale it and then gy and let's get some more JZ there we go there we go this one could be a little bit larger you know what I mean there we go cool and we can slice it now so here grab it on this rectangle left click right click B for puzzle see left click right click and four delete that you can copy this one so GG moving in here SS to make it smaller gy then C left click right click and then four and delete that thing in the middle right and then you can delete these two and delete that cool and you know that will do uh let me show you how to borrow a curve so sorry the curve for the shift d then SS and then we're going to press e for Extrusion and extrude in here like that and maybe a little bit outside too so let's delete that curve I'll get confused because curves always get kind of left over and then we're gonna um thicken it out inside like this okay and then we're gonna borrow this so shift DZ and if you want to snap to something just hold Ctrl g z and hold Ctrl boom SS and you know Bob's uncle it's really easy to you know it's a kind of memorize and Save you know understand how it all works are we gonna make a trigger I'll show you okay so here let's grab that piece and turn the line here press shift I okay I'm going to click here click here then actually you know what okay so let's design a trigger click and hold choose this and we're going to kind of draw a curved line here like this okay and right click and then we're gonna run this curve the straight one and pin it here and go like that and up here and then connect them here and right click now let's select all of them with shift and then press shift H which will hide everything else okay we're going to press J to join them right if that doesn't work let's just select them together with J that didn't work now if the joining doesn't work it means that you have some kind of a bit sticking out like here so you want to grab this trim tool and trimmed a bit here I know it should be fine so press two Press A and J and boom now it works then we're going to press B for bevel right click and then we're going to press e for Extrusion right leg we'll press two select this curve here where is it this one and delete it I'll press four click that solidify this actually no let's patch it so two click this edge here without and we're gonna patch it and we're gonna click right click and then click here without patch it so this is alt H and uh let me just GX here in the middle like this and we're gonna right click Altex mirror combine them and okay cool now we got a trigger so we need uh this bubble should be bigger so let's click here let's make it bigger you can adjust any barrels so easy it's fantastic I'm gonna press three click here oh and we're gonna Mouse to the right to insert it put this press three and move this face in a bit just a little bit right and here we're going to go to four and select the circle and let's just draw a circle here right click GG move it in here then C left click right click on x then two and we're gonna create a chamfer and we can just mirror this four click Altex um and merch done now I'm gonna show you something cool plus two grab this slide here D to duplicate it right so we got a curve here okay now what we're going to do is we're going to go to local view so shift h and we're going to grab go to this side view and we're going to cylinder let's draw a cylinder here like a small one and let's make it smaller right okay and we're gonna put it in the middle of this uh on this spline right so here GX more or less yeah nothing to be super precise now this is a good trick press two here and start battling and then press on the cylinder it's going to create this cup the same thing we're going to mirror it so four click all text and where's the Gizmo there you go and merge boom right cool now let's move this one to this point so GG and hold Ctrl and just snap it here to the end of this spline right what we're going to do now is we're going to array this along the spline so what you want to uh find is curve array so type here press F Type curve right and click and then select display and just like that you got the curve right let's make it 14 and right click and I think we can just drag here and probably delete this alt h and we can delete the other uh maybe that manner maybe actually let's delete these and keep these that's fine too delete this blind right and uh now we're going to combine them so four click on all these here shift click this one in QQ and you know they're gonna be combined you can actually add bevels here too if you want to right I don't want to but you can here though we probably should add some bubbles right so let's just you know Press B for a bevel and just Bell this a little bit there we go four click here Altex there and we're done cool now what we also need is a hole here so let's just select the this um oh this is combined down right okay then um no problem so let's just draw a kind of a rectangle here like this right click and bevel this okay and we're going to move it up here g z there we go then e an extrude in fact um what we're gonna do is fill it with the face so click this and Patch this is now a sheet and I'm gonna press three select this face here I'm gonna extrude it right so e and I extrude it up here and press B for um for object here and then we're going to um press four click this one and then select this one and Q and now we can actually manipulate with its OS X let me just scale this a little bit so not too big it's still a bit too big but I think it should be fine so right click to confirm it now we got this kind of opening here so press two we're gonna add the bevel here chin from whatever the hell you want cool right so I got this kind of an opening here for a trigger awesome so now the last thing we're gonna do so I'm not going to be designing the whole gun because it'll be too long but you know we're gonna kind of create a better design here because it's a bit crazy so here what we can do is draw a line here like this and go straight should be fun then press B for battle and supple it up and then C click and right click and delete that that looks pretty dope press two and we're going to you know create a battle here or a Chev actually could be interesting and you could create two two tiny bevels here but to be honest you could also do it inside of you know blender when you're gonna be rendering you could do that with battle Shader so no biggie here we are not some button though for switching modes right so you know [Music] um let's just try it again click and drag here left click right click B for battle and then we're going to projected here right so oh wait let's actually move it a bit backwards here like that's gonna be more interesting and we're gonna press uh if extrude I'm gonna extort it in here and right click we're gonna combine them right so for click shift click QQ and then uh we're going to press two and check for this going to battle this one a little bit cool we're going to select this face here and press alt offset right three and insert that okay and then we're going to position d and e and extruded face up here and we have a kind of a button rate so face one more time GX there we go and then you know what it's sticking it so we go then we got some bubble here okay so some battle not on this one on this one so shift H so now what we need to do we need to make this a bit shorter so press three select um these faces here and then move it in all right and then we can bevel this alt H there we go we got this slider here and uh look at another right here so rectangle and B for bevel and then we can patch it shift h e for Extrusion there we go two for battle alt H and then we're going to syncing it sync it in in the mesh there we go and run a rectangular array so clicked on this one draw the however you want to end and I don't know 14 should do right click and you don't and then shift select that q and right click that's how easy it is guys right we know we almost there here some other design element you know like for example you could cut you know uh some kind of a shape here you know so maybe not the greatest example hang on one more time let me just grab this plug I think it's a bit easier to control click click there we go and then see right click We're Not Gonna delete that we're gonna keep it right but what we're gonna do is we're going to Bevel it okay like this yeah and then we're gonna level this one so two and then all that I'll turn for it you know whatever you want to do I just gonna add a really cool element here and I'll break this handle a bit and uh you know we could add some stuff here as well um just like I did on the thumbnail but uh I'm not gonna actually did it I think because you I think get the point how this software works if you want to export it you just go here to expert save you choose obj you type whatever name and just save and then you want to choose angons and you also want to up this to one to create denser mesh and when you export it with these settings two blenders when you import it as an obj the shading is going to be extremely clean it's going to be Flawless yeah um you know not going to be perfect topology because it's messed up but the shading will hold which is you know what you want for renders right all right guys well that's it for this dude thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it let me know in comments what do you think about plasticity I reckon it's a brilliant software and I'm excited for new updates it's gonna be a fantastic addition to my blender workflow thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 160,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, ponte ryuurui, ryuu, hard surface, learn blender, blender vs plas, blender vs plasticity, plasticity tutorial, plasticity tutorial beginner, plasticity tutorial gun, plasticity mode, plasticity modeling, plasticity modeling software, plasticity modeling tutorial, plasticity modeling guide, plasticity 3d modeling, plasticity surface modeling, crystal plasticity modeling, plasticity gun modeling, plasticity import model
Id: sTZgX1JYeEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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