GeoGuessr 20k Challenge with Rendog

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JT70900 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
all right guys it's back geoguessr and this time with friend doc Haven or I talk what's up deep you ready you ready to crush you know I'm ready I'm ready you know I've heard a couple people that you've been playing with claiming that they're the best in the world of this game yeah yeah I want to I want to try take the mantle from all these fools you know yeah you know need a South African country man because we were often unsure about South Africa so we're playing the 20k challenge obviously world let's go you know how the rules are right five steps only yeah and also we really I think I at some point I need to introduce a time limit but yeah I'll try to speed it up a bit some of the last episodes became long and I mean sometimes you need to really look I mean look at this we're in the some desolate road somewhere this very few clues oh this is also man I've been looking forward to this thanks for inviting me this is gonna be sweet man so can we figure out what a front of the car is that's clever okay so let's try to figure out maybe the shadows so that's the camera on the top right zoom man please right side traffic I guess looks like right side traffic mmm is there any there's no signage there seems to be like on the left-hand side there a little maybe a sign over there yeah there's something we can check it out something there okay it's just scattered maybe we get a general idea so definitely not Europe I would say Dave or not definitely not it seems to be hot as you have you know the asphalt is sprung at several places and then but they took the time to kid it so this is kind of pointing against Africa a little bit maybe I mean South Africa developed countries in Africa roads like this that run through the career for example or through the desert parts of Africa generally quite well-kept because a lot of trucks are passing through there a lot of transport and whatnot yep I'm betting on that humor Africa expert in cases on ran is actually from South Africa so we have somebody from the Africa Continent playing let's move a bit let's see yeah it's got a little bit let's have a look at that telephone pole and telephone poles always interest me we've got one right to that yeah right here is it would yeah looks like it's wood yeah it is case so I I mean to me they look quite well kept telephone lines which is always a sign of coming from South Africa especially the rural areas that a lot of the copper wires get stolen so a lot of the the power poles that you'll see won't actually have any cables on it so I'm thinking maybe a hot develop country perhaps oh there is a sign of it is something I think we should move one more time all right so the last dress okay so this bandulus so we're talking Spanish here I think we are I mean trace is trace is three in Spanish but also Portuguese mostly right yes probably so probably so probably South America we're looking here I mean if he talks Spanish chances our Portuguese that's relatively slim I mean there is the Portuguese speaking countries for example in Africa but okay let's take a little closer look at that Shack to the left there yeah cuz i was thinkin maybe southern Spain but that is a very ramshackle Shack that looks really crummy yeah yeah that's not something you would see in Europe I think nah I'm thinking I'm agreeing with you on the South America feels like a good call there's a rusty car over there also all sort of yeah very old car also the fencing you know the literary took some some sticks pretty much oh it's it's very it doesn't look yeah very super developed and it definitely yeah so I'm I'm thinking we might be maybe Argentina or Brazil definitely South America we have two more moves do we want to go like really far as far as we can and hope to yeah something we could find like a cross road next to a highway or something or another sign yes yes we must hear men but one will move right now okay and the cosmic okay we're definitely on the right side of the road are we yeah I'm decided on that quite sure so there is some some donkey I guess is that some sort of a beast that's a donkey good so there is a little bit of a almost like a plateau a mountain ridge that's very like and oh and ease is that what's in Argentina yeah orange Chile Chile yeah I mean South America I mean we are not even sure about this lenient that looks like a sign on the left we got one more move yeah I think let's have a look no I that look with that stood back that's on the left-hand side of the road though mmm yeah but that's on the left side of the road should come this way you can get so it's right-hand traffic oh oh yes okay yeah yeah ignore my dyslexic brain oh man so that's confirms were on the right that can hear us on the right pretty sure we got mountains so we know we're probably on the east the west coast of South America where the big mountain ranges are yeah yeah if we're gonna say South America around there somewhere I don't see any much more hints for us to be honest so it probably I think it may be chilly though yeah I mean this mountain range here you know it could be literally anywhere but I mean it could be chilly and then the mountains here you know there's there's this mountain range it could also be anywhere in Brazil as I'm not quite sure about this you know spelling it could be Argentina well when I look at this mountain yeah this looks very tectonic plate ish type of mountain range you know when especially on the on the west coast they're all chilly weather where the continents have pushed up on to one another these mountains aren't broken up bother and there are all solid strange you know down all because they're preemies flattened out so they went through a lot of erosion that's right that's right you know what something in my in my brain is is tingling Chile yeah for some reason I'm totally down I mean there's no other clues I mean look at the vegetation that doesn't tell me much relatively dry I mean this is not rainforest here so it's not over here you know it's exactly it's nothing I think we can rule out Brazil it's definitely if we looking at the map at the colors of the map yeah it's definitely here on this this desert section right now now let's look for so there is main roads here I mean this could almost be a main road in Chile you know leading out in the backlands here somewhere he I mean those are definitely bigger roads those are literally highways right so it must be I here in the backcountry more and smaller and one of those smaller ok so the mountain range is 2 is behind us right so this road is traveling away from the mountain so we're looking south like if you look at like this is north we're looking north no oh there's a compass oh yeah that compass actually tells you where you looked so right technically the man range is if we are here the mountain range would be there now right yeah that's just somewhere along the coast maybe a little bit more inland ish Chile you know what looking at the soil it's very it's very beachy sandy right so I think you're onto something there I think it's probably coastal maybe it's nesters capital Santiago I mean I have no idea let's let's lock it in I don't think you know we will find any more clues oh yeah baby not too bad yep all right good job I know your first instinct was right you called Argentina's your first instinct yeah yeah but and that's interesting it looks like it was actually a main road or at least one one of the main roads the 79 yeah it's yeah Wow Wow yes okay well I think we can live with that I think we can live with that that was pretty hard okay Hey look at that oh that's nice okay this we got to be able to nail this one all right hi and I bet young untie a Thailand we're in Thailand but does this Chinese you know this is Chinese letters this is not you know Thailand ish letters are you calling Chinese lettering how do you know that's Chinese name literally it looks very it might it could be a Chinese doctor here in somewhere in Thailand it looks tired mmm it doesn't look Chinese to me but this is Chinese letters right do you recognize that building in the far back there which looks to me like some sort of I don't know like ever you know something that like a big building that you that would be recognizable in the city you know yeah for sure let's look around a little bit more there's a lot of little easier my little kitchen that's interesting there's a lot of English here maybe we can even like literally spot look what does it say here Flor floral upper Carnaby Street lalala kickin and then mmm Kate Kerouac here why okay we got my little kitchen chef chef ins know what this feels T like a Chinatown yeah almost right my little kitchen here go to the right there and look up at that B&B that could be a good sign the treehouse B bed-and-breakfast number 51 mmm-hmm we're not a lot of check on the internet no okay so look at the cause we got a Mercedes there all kinds of cars oh my god feeling at the moment is definitely Thailand or something like that Thailand or maybe you know something in the in the Pacific there with Chinese influence you know Chinese immigrants there definitely yeah the English to me is like a really big clue here I'm thinking maybe Chinatown in Phuket hmm because that's a very tourist and English I've never been to forget before but it is quite English anglicized right yeah should we move up a little bit in the street here yep okay it's gonna take okay look at that I mean there's so many signs and stuff yeah look clears indicator okay we are in a china town somewhere yes I mean these gates and this is clearly the UK okay one of these signs has got to have the name of the city that we're in here yeah nasty engine cafe okay only nothing there Jewelers Express what does PhD Julis goats miss PhD hmm it's really good shiner look at that maybe it is China no I'm probably not I mean I do you see English in in China is there like a you know how there's like a Chinatown in London is there like an English town in China well yeah I mean there is I mean they were occupied so there are some things left but not really you know not in that sense stencil massive colony another thing that I'm thinking is maybe Hong Kong yeah let's let's try and figure out the nationality of these people here too so we've got a couple of locals down there I mean it's quite crazy that literally everything is in Chinese and English and in English so that makes me think Hong Kong yeah I mean these are Chinese people here you know yes this is not this is not Thai in Thailand ish people or so you can tell that it's different yeah but over there mmm-hmm Aladin cafe I mean they have yeah I mean it must be it could be Hong Kong you know I'm starting to think Hong Kong but one of these signs has got to have like you know you'll see a sign in a city like I know London Symphony August yes you know I'm literally desperately looking for something is like I mean Asian is Asia maybe doc maybe we need to try gain out of the Chinatown yeah if you look to the left in London that that that thing at the end that signifies the entrance in Chinatown in London right they have one of those arches yeah the question is do we go over here to the center square where we maybe see a lot who all do we bet on hoping that somewhere in front of the gate there is a sign saying Chinatown somewhere I mean the car Allu are also very Asian you know local is like all Japanese and Asian cars here we started one Mercedes Volkswagens oh wait wait wait number 26 Campbell Road Hong Kong instead a Cong ko ng here that looks like yes that yeah that definitely looks like ko ng right yeah okay okay so I think we're in Hong Kong I think we think that is pretty much it so if we want to find the exact location that big town centre thing that's probably gonna be the easiest for us to find on the Hong Kong city map oh my lord okay now we got warped somewhere Wow look there's a totally different oh wow okay look now chip Street job Street okay that's job Street good reason skills man yeah now look we're in a different world now literally oh my goodness this day's KFC okay Wow where did we even come from oh yeah we got we got like warped out into the streets all of a sudden I don't know where we where is the big thing we saw you know it's completely disappeared it might be to the left behind those trees maybe holy crap they have a KFC here yeah was a KFC which which wouldn't be surprising in Hong Kong right what is the reflection on the on the windows of this little car right in front of us it's like a reflection no the white one in the middle in the middle they they today there's a reflection on there that's the Google car okay I mean there is that is obviously something that could give us a lot of info right we should be able to tell what side of the road they're driving on here to you honey and it looks like it's this is this is a one-way road it's left right look so that points to Hong Kong Hong Kong yes yeah I think we're Hong Kong we're talking Hong Kong here so how they move do we still have two more I mean we definitely should use them so want to step out on the crossing here maybe look around I think we need to find like a big direction sign yeah somewhere so if and this looks like may in a highway yeah oh my god yeah but it's left-side traffic clearly clearly left behind traffic we got some some Caucasian people there though which is oh yeah throwing me off a bit yeah hmm is this even Hong Kong on ko saing kosong ko saing is also city in China ko saing oh wow this is so confusing Radio die master grande second day what language is that and what's what's the name of that big building up there which one that one white one yeah what's that Sarah Mac okay that doesn't really help us no man I mean I feel this so close to you know finding that that deciding hint here but we cannot really pinpoint it I have a look at those power boxes again that was a good look but we didn't we didn't spend a lot of time on that because this could tell us the city you know the City Council might be on here Lurie man yeah oh geez okay we've got one more move right yep so let's look it's just something that could tell us something and this is just a hotel that's how it's such a weird weird architecture here - yeah mm-hmm it's it's very very weird there a big sign and I'm trying to hurry I'm trying to get on this square here and then we'll go from there okay there's a ton of mopeds oh my good look oh is it Sri Lanka yeah that is really it's you know it's Paul Bali oh babe what's Balai but it's that's not Bali right there no must be something else but the city must be Balai then yeah the deadest suit that is reeling in a flag right what is that flag I think that's real anchor that's the that's what came to my mind first what are the three discs at the top there paulie's are we in India this flag is the flag yeah this is the flag check those three discs above the police station because those are looks look to be the signs of the city we can actually see anything okay so there's two flags there right which to me signifies two countries that already close to each other you know like it there's some countries that have sort of merged and Lanka a country recently or in early history there there were two countries and they become one I don't know that I might be completely wrong but something tells me in my brain that that might have happened yeah Alan cool one wing okay the thing is like this might be this is the city though the cities obviously Burleigh right yeah okay but so you say Sri Lanka right I mean this year there's to me this is just this one awesome raising up for right oh it might be Singapore is it not a little bit too built up for Singapore no no what is the yellow black and red flag is that Malaysia yeah I'm pretty sure we are yeah we are isn't that Malaysia I I don't know I ballet okay so let's look around a bit but um cool on Benton and then just go in a little bit pecan I mean it does sort of fit the the sound doesn't lie yeah seems to be lots of be city names here Banting and yeah I don't think we will then that's sucks a bit it's so that you know what the plot these flags have just thrown the whole thing off has been having it yeah well I mean you wouldn't recognize him but and I feel bad that I don't know them you know what I'm voting for putting them somewhere here between Jakarta and Singapore okay all right let's yeah let's do it oh yeah what yeah yeah not that okay okay nice it was actually what is that what is that country all right oh yeah it's here Kuching okay it's this the city it is what is that that is also see that's also part of Indonesia a'right yeah okay Indonesian I in here yeah yeah interesting I I didn't actually know that there was so much English in Indonesia so that's something interesting that I've learned that's cool oh well you weren't far off I mean you know that's not bad man still and always these tough calls bro okay okay alright we're talking Canada or Northern America here just because of seeing Aloise trees yeah good road edge more dish yeah land hemisphere the roads very well kept birch trees telephone poles yeah bit of a lake here oh oh hello hello yeah okay well that is a pretty janky looking car though I mean that you know looks like he ran out of money to pimp that thing out yeah yeah the road are we on here there's no signaling as Israel traffic to the road is this right side traffic I'm pretty sure I mean doesn't look like this must be not on America or Canada there's this there's a road sign on the left there where it looks like it that sort of is Dimond I think that which ways that face that would be just be like you know speed or a curvy road or something em you don't get much info from that so okay yeah yeah I'm gonna rule out Africa for this one because generally speaking you don't have houses just on the side of the roads like this they're generally more protected so this mirror and that's something that sign proves it there on the on the other side of the road because in that's um Stephanie right side so looking at the forest it doesn't look like this super crazy coastal forest but I still think like generally we are in this area here arrogant Idaho Montana like Northwest yeah and it's very very dense spruce Ryan so and it looks like it's far as this forestry here to if we look on the right there's quite a lot of feel well yeah mm-hmm okay let's move up a little bit that's our second move and look at the sign here yeah as I expected it's just you know bendy Road that's it mm-hmm and also I don't see anything there in the distance yeah there's no mountains to to show us anything here oh my god I'm thinking maybe this is this is more remote than than you think because there's no there's no cats eyes in the road either so this isn't a very busy road right no it's a logging road leading somewhere I mean definitely a logging road yeah you know definitely I mean there's logging happening up here there's logging happening here right don't think it's Montana or so that's too flat you know everything here in the Great Plains is flat I mean then I look at this stuff here it feels to me like an episode of gold diggers hmm it doesn't look like the Northeast to me honestly but hard to tell you want to move again let's see how far yeah let's try and get some distance on this bad boy yeah yeah you're not gonna get anything I'm very tricky yeah what was that number three and it's yeah it's literally this what is up front there there's something but it's just another curvy road sign so let's move one more time that's our moves yeah that's it oh no mm-hmm I'm thinking when that is yeah yeah it must be Northwestern us yeah I think it's like the northwest us or or British Columbia yeah so it's pretty safe bit somewhere somewhere around Washington State yeah I don't think you know there is merge I mean we're not really on the coast because you know there is no sequoia trees and stuff yes but so maybe a bit more east maybe yeah but we're most likely also not like they don't think this is east coast to be honest heart let's lock it in shall we Aaron is like locked down baby locked down and is it is something Wow back okay Wow okay well I mean I didn't actually see any water so we could have used that as a giveaway for four lakes but yeah I mean man ouch they're throwing it at Sonia data Ellis man is really tough another one of those okay in first thought Europe yeah and possibly England or Ireland when I look at this weather I look up at the sky I just see my every day and I recognize it quite clearly quite foggy I mean this could also literally be somewhere in Germany you know Poland yes yes so well the best thing to do is try and figure out which side of the road we're driving because that's gonna rule out I mean it's not a lot it most likely not Germany because the Google cars are not allowed there to drive outside so you can rule that out quite often I mean there's a sign okay so we're on the right-hand side of the road yeah so right right so no England no Ireland no should we try to there is some signage here yes let's see if you can see something there all right if we can spot a language oh oh come on really oh oh there we go okay this is France slip left laughs ser they let best luck okay how do you recognize that it's French this is France okay now the question is where is pretty big yeah we might have to use a move to see that sign more clearly yeah is France but we're okay I'm moving okay I want to read that sign I think it's Sarah maybe worse it got a temper often okay okay we are somewhere in France but holy thinking probably looking at the weather yeah yeah mmm once is a lot you know yeah nicer in general is be have always have the SS region here yes yes yes that region here I live here in Cosway so it looks a bit like that here but yeah this could also be well more to what central France it's not in the south I don't think so I agree I don't think it's southern France here it's it's it looks too I don't know Northern II I mean leaf is look I mean you know if that is a face look a marker fall in the village it's so small we're not gonna find it on the map by chance not it a days thousands of villages right yeah um okay I'm moving again I guess yeah we know where we have a signature oh man what it's very beautiful it looks awesome yeah yeah this is really stunning yeah and the car well kept till the the lawns are not even along this to this tiny road it's quite flat your vive la France quite flat here let literally no little bit of mountain no nothing anywhere absolutely yeah okay that well that's a pretty good tell for us then right I don't know the topography of France very well I'm gonna leave that up to you well German here I mean here's the black forest and stuff you know so towards here it's relatively hilly although here the flat area here that is divine a B'nai area it's quite flat here and it extends all the way to pretty much over here where it's okay let so and then of course I mean towards the middle of France has also some flat areas like this hole pretty much this whole thing here up to Paris and to the ocean is all relatively flat and then you have a few mountains in the middle again so here it's flat what we can clearly see is this is an agricultural area right yes is massive agricultural area huge huge fields of wheat or whatever they're growing here okay so with that in mind do you know a region of France that is you know that is why it's it's probably a lot of the of the country is like this hmm so that's probably difficult to you it's very centralized you know most of the industries around the big cities so you have a lot of rural stuff like this going on I think we got one more move right maybe we can be one giant zoom as we lost one okay paw up hey that's all it gave us okay it's ray beautiful here though I don't want to go to wherever this is it's really nice check it out okay so our best bet technically we know it is not sour straws we try to rule that out yeah so technically if we sit in the middle of northern France yep our chances are best to you know that it is close and I would argue that because it the the road is so well kept and the fields are so well kept it's probably closer to Paris then not closer to Paris maybe that makes sense yeah let's lock it in come on all right oh yes baby nice very nice good call I mean there was almost there literally so it is the small thing south of Paris good call saying that it's a bit more developed yeah very nice okay go in today my man we need to really scrape our points together don't you think it's like yeah it's like no mercy dude alright oh wow this is looking very cold barren terrible roads once again the yellow middle stripe but that can literally be anything why would I have to put you out in these no man's land situations all the time it's very hard I mean we've got some sort of civilization there to the left it's some sort of a building or a town or something very primary from the weather it's very difficult to tell whether this is standard weather for this area it looks like just a thunderstorm passing through no trees at all which kind of hints to me like it's it's either a very hot or a very cold climate but it's difficult to tell at this point I think our best bet would probably go this way yeah yeah we need we need we need another need something ooh okay okay mountains in the back there yeah and as this red dirt does this tell us anything we know where we drive can we learn anything from the car I don't think so mm-hmm not really there's no shadows anything there unfortunately is there a little sign there is that what is that yeah it's it no tomato sauce but it's okay that's interesting mailbox is interesting and that makes me think US or Canada right yeah we don't really have mailboxes like that in Europe just sitting outside on the road like that right dude man I mean the red I saw you know I didn't I think Arizona hmm that's it that's a very interesting call actually you know or I don't know Arizona might be a bit too far south to be honest Matt maybe Utah may I mean mainly Wyoming Utah yeah New Mexico maybe New Mexico just thinking about the you know the state of this road it's gonna be in a you know a less maintained state or or a state that's you know runs three days it's a nice sort of desert erodes or unless looked after generally right because they've sort of harder to look at this red this is the clue for somebody dead lives here is a clear tell that that's a telltale you know that's like yeah okay what else we got so doesn't telephone palsy that doesn't tell us very much mm-hmm we know it's extremely barren no trees so I think in we're in the right sort of area here maybe even even Mexico but the the the mailbox throws the throw is it all for me the question is is do they have shitty weather like that always or is it just a bad day I think to me it looks like a thunderstorm hmm just pass them through you I think I think it's very hot here and this is just a cloudy day hmm and I think that the clues are in the red soil and the and the janky-ass Road still quite green though you know this is not a desert II area so we might be yeah not too bad we've here what about California maybe I've not been to California no I don't knows I see no palm trees and that's always a dead giveaway for California if you see palm trees and you know evergreens in one shot you'll be like yeah was that I lost me yeah we have to lock in man I have no do not do a special call you want to say Kelly uh III don't think it's Kelly's I don't think the roads are too janky but I mean that's that's what's throwing me off is the state of these roads I mean all roads in the u.s. that's bad I don't know actually if it's back roads you know okay all right lock it in babe I have a good air I'm you know I yes man oh not too bad it was Montana but yep very nice okay so I was in Montana all right even if it was further up we had it here in the beginning even yeah kind of but that's good yo there was a tough round um I think we can be really proud of those when we get 13900 this one was a really good call yep this one was also a really good call I mean we did some good calls man I think we actually did really well I mean I mean look at the last one was the furthest trying yeah yeah okay I don't know it no no it was the candidate what we had one that pretty much wrecked us here but that was a very tough one let's say yeah we could have easily broken 15 cave that one well I'm happy with that I have to say that was one of the most difficult rounds okay okay and now the fun part all right failure places all right here we are famous places man weakens it like we had to restart again so what you're calling your famous New York City baby were calling it straight up all right so easy 42nd and third Avenue what I was I was literally in New York three months ago here these very streets Empire State Building right there there it is yep so okay we are at East East 42nd bed okay New York New York City we are obviously on manhattan manhattan here and what is it yeah East East 42nd what do we have here there it is there it is 41st to your right first second and third that's Madison Park what is there we go third are we cert yeah yes to the right there so no one wrote down our ground yeah there we go so it's the Chrysler Building not them yeah it's a Chrysler Building actually this is the Chrysler Building we're here is it where the Chrysler Building is the one with the fancy top yes oh yeah yeah that's the Chrysler Building that's the Chrysler yeah actually when I went to New York thought the Chrysler was the the Empire State and we went in and asked the guard how do we get up to the Empire State and just look this good oh go down the road follow follow the road yeah okay let's lock it in I mean that must lock it it is full points Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam that's how you do it bro oh yeah okay not alone yeah yeah clearly I mean easy no doubt Oh stressful Izzy easy easy money talks we are 20km that's okay that's not Adam okay I agree just don't want to be tricked you know there's plenty of churches and stuff in in Paris oh not Adam is here on this little island and it clearly looks like we are right in front of it in the entrance you know not Adam is here and we are literally there yeah nice good fond of it yep but a boom bada bang BAM Oh missed out on one point dips I mean come on oh nice yay this is interesting almost looks like Paris again yeah it looks like some sort of old bullring maybe my first thought was long as a Spanish bullring oh but that's some Stadium or something this is interesting we're driving on the lenders left so we're in London instead something in London here some I mean here it seems to be some sort of Stadium oh this must be yeah this must be London yeah what's that sign to the left there which one there that that sign the head yep anything there are no red buses street sign in it do you recognise hmm I recognise behind us kind of or to the right of us rather sorry that to me looks like those buildings over there to the right all those white ones that's definitely London esque buildings huh where are we here I mean I'd also be in northern Europe must not be London we have a shop here we have volvo volvo volvo yeah mm-hmm so I don't think we'll be talking London here actually we're talking Denmark or Sweden here I think that's a good call the this this to me is a triple road right mm-hmm okay Denmark this is maybe go don't know if it's what hot is this I mean this has clearly been converted into a modern stadium right what was this before do these little statues give us a hint it looks like running track and field lighting so wait maybe it is too old olympic stadium in stockholm who that that's actually not a bad call yeah yeah yeah that's actually a very good call I think yeah because we've got the all the flagpoles at the top right so this is clearly some sort of international stadium yeah not a local football stadium or something in his famous places too so it has to be something something important okay old Stockholm Olympic Stadium where that is is another way no freaking clue I mean there's a bunch of museums here it's not right here in the city centre I don't think so no no no no I don't think so but there is there was Olympics in Stockholm right yeah it does feel very Swedish to me also yeah just the feeling or is it in Denmark hole oh man I mean I think I think I think that's a good cool I think it's the old the old stadium and in Stockholm I don't know where it is done one what starts Hawking is that something that he was stadium mm-hmm let's scan a bit through like that in a bit more soon Danish way hard to tell man I mean yeah I mean Stockholm isn't the biggest city right so yeah pretty straight out though concerts all circus what's that zoom in to zoom to that what is that no I don't think it's over here no the Abba museum yeah I've gotta love the suite up I mean you know it's good art Bo stock games sports mmm it's the University there's the Sports Center hmm that was like a square building though right huh maybe it's our cousin somewhere completely else so I guess we go for somewhere right in the middle it's calm and try lock it in baby suck it in Oh oh yes oh yes oh yes it was nice yeah the Stockholm stadium look at that probably nice hole doc that was a that was a pretty single on your own yeah half they did Wow oh yeah nice that's okay um whoa oh this is the Louvre isn't it no no the Louvre has a glass pyramid is it just some random glass cover I don't think well it's got a lot of glass in it though right it's not just the pyramid is it I don't know maybe of some kind that doesn't look like it to me but I could be wrong every that it doesn't call out to me right away and tells me hey do you run wait a minute mmm look at them towers and stuff that is it also seems really like kind of elevated above the city here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't think it's silly well actually it does kind of make me think Boston Science Museum but I don't know if Boston Science Museum would be famous enough for this mm-hmm and it doesn't really have art in an either but this is let's look at the building a little bit closer through the glass mm-hmm because we can actually see the whole structure right so it's quite a modern building oh man come on this it's it's got to be a famous gallery but which one okay can we can we spot a language can we spot what language were in here maybe in this visitors hold to our left over here we can look in typically the famous places it's like I know you know it or you don't and this one I have no idea what are the people I mean this is all tourists here oh it's a tourist yeah let's look to the right again into the shop so what art is this this is old roman mosaics I would call yep or Greek art though this whole place here doesn't look like Greek architecture to me that looks more like Roman architecture yeah chances are we might be in Rome I think that's a pretty decent call actually looking at the buildings through the glass does call out Rome to me actually also you know it's a little bit rundown at times of certain places and you can in this gallery is exactly topknot the walls are kind of peeling obviously there it's the old walls so they're not they don't restore them but it's not the most at like amazing gallery that I've seen so it might be the Rome gallery if there is such a thing I mean Hillary galleries in Rome of course the famous Rome gallery famous Rome gallery I mean there's literally a million so what can we exclude it is not the Colosseum yeah not it's it's got to be some sort of a gallery given away by the the piece of art that is not the Pantheon it's not the Pantheon it is up on one of the hills of Rome there's seven of them right it could be the museum the model the modern the film model in there and what a lahar I'm like modern art pretty much yeah what an art but I don't think that we don't see any of those round buildings in that one unfortunately no and yeah I sadly I problem is there's like a million yeah of course finds of his interest right it's like we can't probably say it is some sort of Museum but yeah it's tricky I I think just plop it on on the room and hope for the best oh yeah oh da holing it tonight my dude you are absolutely nailing it man okay this is silica decent Pietro okay the Sun Pietro oh it's actually 30 years in Peter's Basilica right so it was part of the Vatican okay interesting so somewhere behind here that is you know Pope's it's here he just shows them in huh okay nice cool man last night school all right last one hmm oh wow we have a flag crap hmm Norwegian doesn't help white red blue white red yeah maybe it looks to me like some sort of Pope it looks like it's on the coast it's like a port fort or a seat of sea fort of some kind I own not necessarily often these forts were build up in you know a little bit of a hill yeah we've got a moat there or so yeah I definitely don't I mean I've seen I've seen many places like this in England you know forts like this in England but this building to me well you know those little windows at the top of the roof there though is a quite British I mean you see those on Westminster mm-hmm just not feeling the architecture here this is not Imperial you know what I mean yeah way too simple to be Imperial I agree I agree that's nothing it's like literally a wall and the only like decorative stuff to have a little bit it's maybe the tower here and so on but this looks really plain like yeah you know like so it wasn't military building this is not like a car through the barracks service I mean any more flags here what often it's really very old Ryan I mean massive old I don't think soup old at least those mark those new walls I mean you know they are six eighteen hundred walls on work it feels to me not super old in that sense is always from those people what style is that is that new classicism I don't know where's people there yep the tourists just Asian what's that sign behind them does that give us that's good hmm I thought that might have been a flag but no yeah those those pillars are ready you know it almost feels Eastern European to me maybe Poland yeah it's not us or so it's not one of the famous places in us right there are some crazy battle in the Civil War went down or something it could be I mean geez you know if we don't like you say if we don't recognize it right off the bat then it's really we just have to try figure out the country that's a red blue and white bin no yes that's got some Norwegian vibes to it maybe the flag there oh wait a minute hmm what about Swiss no to me that flag looks like red and white with like a maybe a Red Cross in the middle of it you see yeah yeah that could be the Canadian flag to you right that could be the maple leaf in in the red yeah hmm sadly I don't get a I have it more you Rob you've just feeling wise but sadly this doesn't give away much architecture wise as well as literally stupid flat walls but do we have here there is some ornamentation that already include muskets and lenses or something you see that or like a pickaxe maybe yeah I'm starting to think Canada did Canada yeah like like East Canada like British that you know like like British Canada hmm so here yeah mm-hmm some fort here on the Nova Scotia where I don't know maybe think Joan I mean I have no gut feeling but I kind of refused to go to North America but okay I mean my thinking is like you said the architecture is quite rudimentary which to me indicates that it's clearly of European descent but to me that's you know the the colonies wouldn't have put so much detail into their buildings it's not that earlier architecture the newer stuff is not that old that gate is not so old you know you wouldn't depict muskets right exactly exactly so this is chopped off there was a like as you know family insignia here once but it's gone kind of so was it conquered we have cannons up there even you know yeah we got some cannons hmm I mean I guess the musket is the best clue that we've got like which countries would use would have used the sort of musket in there consiglio I mean it's very green it's another thing yeah it's very green but it's not southern Europe let's look through the door see anything out there that it was painted red obviously once upon a time super red lots and lots of red yellow we have red shutters yeah man I am having a hard time pin pinning that down do you want to go with a red one I'm it could also be for example let's say something like that here in Denmark and then guess where were stood there is a book here and barks when Bork you know they have the Hat is defensive yeah the poles right here on the on the islands and you know I mean you know I don't think we're gonna we're gonna get this one I mean we just have to you know my sort of gut says Northeast America but I don't know it feels a little bit too European doesn't it even the early colonies probably wouldn't have built things like that Ryan I mean we must be in Europe yeah we must be in Denmark red red and white lotsa red lots of red then Denmark I think we're talking Denmark all right pretty sure you know red and white flag that is Denmark we have a lot of red something and you know I mean then it's probably not Sweden right where it was Denmark where's Denmark historically been attacked from the most where would they put their forts with the Swedes and from below I mean they fought well here with the Germans as well all right so maybe west coast and marked in I mean if then it's probably here maybe sønderborg you know those are those they have yes it's like that those sort of faults like that right and the walls around you know I don't know if it's dead one specifically you know I mean I think we just got to lock it in dock I mean we've done as well as we can here screw yeah yeah okay it was actually a Danish and it was the Helsingborg ah well you called it I mean you called the country nice call doc I mean ah that's pretty good yeah tricky housing bokya let's look at it real quick yeah there we go see it's another one of these see like they all look the same they kind of have but it didn't have to the building in the middle right but yeah that was a good cool I mean you're getting good at this doc jeez deed I feel like I may I may have added more confusion no then help one things waiting k baby 20 K baby yeah there we go yeah holy crap dude but I have to say there were a few tough calls in there definitely in the world map thing very difficult ones and yeah even the famous places there was not as easy as I expected it but hey we did good I say I mean as far as as the schools go we do better than most people that you played with indeed sweet that's awesome so that was cool guys if you enjoyed it let me know in the comments how much did you get right did you know we're at the Helsing booth was there in the end and yeah Machu Picchu we screwed up to make sure to subscribe to Ren link in the video description Ren is also streaming regularly so checked it out - good stuff and maybe you know we can play some geoguessr on stream one day that would be cool it sounds like a plan man alright thanks for hanging out see you next time we're out bye
Channel: docm77
Views: 24,386
Rating: 4.9787879 out of 5
Keywords: geoguessr, google maps, funny, world, geo guesser, geoguesser, docm77, geoguessr challenge, docm77 challenege, mindcrack colab, Geoguessr, Geoguessr Game, Geoguessr Gameplay, Geoguessr Playthrough, google street view, google game, google geoguessr game, guess the location, guess the world, guess the place, location guesser, rendog, rendog colab, rendog hermitcraft, rendog docm77, rendog geoguessr, rendog challenge, hermitcraft challenge
Id: EhOZ5BCn9dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 33sec (3573 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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