GeoGuessr 20k Challenge with Ethoslab

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alright guys welcome back to geoguessr and today yesterday y'all waited for a special guest has arrived [Music] the geoguessr special is the self-proclaimed yeah okay even though the master of geography who never get lost you never got lost oh yeah okay had some bad experiences in real life with getting lost but oh in real life too yeah I've been getting a little better with it oh dude but seriously I got also very since navigation GPS this is the thing you know I on the phone and in cars I became really really bad in remembering you know you're lazy lazy so yeah for the viewers we played a 20k challenge we are on five spots in the world random spots this is the first one looks already very none telling and well very dry that's some sort of desert yeah we can do five steps in each direction and we have to guess you know where we are so yeah dry I very much agree so hmm and Italy kind of rocky for people wondering ether is from Canada and we can definitely exclude it that this is Canada right yeah I would definitely say that's not Canada yeah and I don't I don't think it's like Utah area either is it cuz that's more reddish yeah I mean we have a sign back there alright that is always a great in test literally no vegetation I mean there is a few islands in the Mediterranean that are literally eroded like small islands Tenerife ah and so on you know back then when I don't know Portugal in Spain was super-powerful they literally chopped up every freaking forest it's half of Europe oh yeah and this is like my plants yeah yeah to build the Armada you know and then all the trees were gone and then erosion popped in and nothing could grow anymore and you end up with places like this here okay let's head towards the sign they have one more okay there's no lines on the road which I find kinda strange very nice there is something okay zone our language red is yeah I'm trying zona de no no ma no mo no mo track we track okay so this looks either maybe Spanish or Italian right candid a lure oh it could happy it'll it alright because Italy is pretty humid and yeah I mean then what I think I wouldn't think there's a area like this somewhere in Italy and the thing is I told you about the little islands in the min around Spain in Portugal I mean they speak Spanish and Portuguese there and they look like that partially so this is a tip but it could literally also be somewhere in South America you know like mm-hmm dryish you know the pampas may be in or you know some some desert what's Chile like you have any idea what Chile's like cuz they got the mountains there - yeah I mean we can look at bit at the topography here I mean here Chile you see how you can kind of see one can see the vegetation - exactly and I mean we know here is mountains big mountain range yes we see that so towards the coast yeah man this is really we have two more steps but I don't see I mean there is a road sign it just says yeah curvy very Road I would say somewhere around Peru yeah this doesn't look very European Chile this road sign yeah we have those in in Canada Peru Chile so we definitely know in Peru entry they speak Spanish they don't speak Portuguese and this doesn't look Portuguese to me so I think South America is it's not that bad yeah okay like de that's Spanish right that's yeah I mean there well don't you say French is not French yeah zona it almost so not I mean in don't you say in Spanish el del Norte for example Diaz del Norte can you read that no it's like oh okay you got younger I'm like I'm zoomed in on my monitor I'm like she's away from the stream you can hear then you go and step towards the sign or not this one yeah we can do that baby step because I think that's the only like information work oh yes look at that medio ambiente so now hello drink away no no track our respite a la velocidad yeah man that Spanish man you know yeah arrested what do this like in Egypt what kind of language with this its Arabian Arabian oh that's yeah that's a respected la velocidad that means you know don't drive too fast drive carefully okay so that pretty much is clearly this is Spanish there isn't birds you look at that they got like you know okay they say oh this is a bird the low ho it's like a pepper you know what water birds called in Minecraft parrot it's a parrot type look at them have to screen and they have a yellow-belly in death those are the beaks okay well it is well these parents from and you know I can tell you if I google search it okay but yeah I'm gonna say Peru that's my guess right now okay all right yeah but what is what does that say this is a brand Barik very convert media I'm be humping a maybe yeah we have two more moves maybe there's something hidden up in front let's move as far as we can nothing here okay see the shadow of the car no animals hi son pretty hard yep I mean the roads are really really crummy it's likely through this dirt road it's a paved road but it's like super crummy mm yeah okay I mean somewhere in South America you say Peru I I would definitely be in now do we know where it's more dried this looks very lush here in Peru doesn't it it looks or isn't the yellow on the map the dry spot sir yeah I am I reading that wrong yeah so this must be all mountain and hilly so maybe more towards the coast it's it's yeah I think that's just somewhere in Peru right and Chile Chile's like mountains though like huge mountains I think yeah it's it's more Manzo's this is this would be more hilly yeah let's just try man it's not bad Chile Chile oh snap but dude you were on it from how did you just a feeling gut feeling or just bit yes I don't know nice good job dude ah that was unlucky man you know we were I considered that really close but we actually got not many points for it but man I think there was a good cast dude ah well we knew it was one her that one or the other yeah yeah it's a bit of a gamble I mean literally could have nailed it just there you know so yeah all right hmm yeah vas-y vas-y awash oh this is Turkey yeah Vasco is it yeah in Turkish we have a lot of Turkish people here in Germany right and I know you have a co-wash means move quick quick you know go fast like you say that all right let's go yeah much nice line yeah and you say yeah and also here this is you know the accents here on the cedar yeah very Turkish parted a little bit yep I mean here this is Turkish right I have to you know how they got the slants on the eyes and that - yeah yeah totally yeah and also for example the red and white coloring that is the Turkish flag and having signs right that would you know they use it a lot Auto Electric yeah that is clearly Turkish probably this guy grew up in Germany and moved us and made Flemming store you know exporting this and again look over there we have a mosque right yeah yeah that's that's a good sign minaret here so yeah this is clearly somewhere in Turkey we need that okay so it looks like a hilly area mm-hmm yes cloudy so there's streets of a look here is that uh no in this game - you like actually see like street signs or it tells you where it is yes if you're lucky we could literally find a sign saying over there - of Istanbul oh look there's the Turkish flag yeah oh yeah that's a giveaway okay so which direction to go which is more likely to give us a literal road sign this debt they most likely are blue let's say that's a truck right I think I can't quite tell ya okay and it's probably on an interstate yeah it's a big road yeah let's let's move a little bit let's see if you see anything that says you know it looks like a main road going through a town here's nothing also there's lots of traffic going on oh here once there any it's just a name you know you know I'm hoping for something like Istanbul cars or you know a shop that would maybe tell us yeah where it is this ba-bow if you know what that means talk I'm gonna be impressed I think it's a restaurant okay so I would say it's not a super populated city in the hills or did we just drive into the okay oh you moved yeah hilly okay let's let's scope out Turkey right we have turkey here so I mean here this is the Istanbul area very that is you know can you see height map on the on the map there too yeah well a little bit I mean is that what the green is is that Hill green is Foresti okay and you know definitely forest either yeah the height is indicated a bit I mean it could be close to Istanbul thinking about it one of the main roads we have a few more moves maybe we see a name of the highway or something like that or exit you know actually I know a little of a few cities in in Turkey so if I see one name you know that's so clear have a great picture kind of spooky what clue man Stan know what blue is much of a city I don't think so and then it's good what is looming it's like all over those and then with Lulu maybe it's moot Lu is there a city go go over to the gas station yeah because I had Mulan there too didn't they yeah who is that oh that might just be a commercial sign yeah that building there but they have like you know either it's the mutlu family owning every surah hood including they have their private little chapel their church or whatever they believe in hmm yeah do oh that means stop stop yeah yeah okay whatever one more move and then we look for mutlu and yeah but here's no wooden mats are Matar yeah man I wish I speak spoken a bit more Turkish this stuff is I only know swear words and stuff you know of course that it's always tough to pick up from it I think you're done with moving okay I mean okay well I guess look at the map okay let's see I'm guessing it's on one of the interstates there yeah and at a town but not a big not a big city one of the smaller ones yeah it's a pretty big country as well yeah you know but it looks hilly and very forestry and here we have this hilly I mean this seems to be a big interstate here really yeah that's a pretty big interstate yeah look at that thing for example right I mean it goes to rasili Foresti area yeah and we're obviously in one of the towns maybe we are here car knows man we'll figure it out yes okay not too bad it's kind of in the area all right yes yes good job thirty seven hundred and sixteen points antek okay it is not go nobody will ever figure out the place is called cockily okay I'm back yep I'm happy with that filled out it was turkey chili was still impressive to me okay mmm kind of drier yep could be Australia could be FBI that I actually like that yes I think it's so what do we have here was like rabbits or what or goats do they have okay electricity that's kind of a yeah in factor - yeah oh there is some people's look at them people to have very dark skin color I think this is African people it might right yeah you wanna you want to go towards them we can't I think no the car like drives on the roads just by the road no sorry oh okay they have a sign here cow crossing or something okay okay so in certain African countries obviously they have a lot of cows for example if you think of Kenya with the Maasai you know long tradition in cow breeding but yeah you had a darker skin complexion of these people could tell a story that this is Africa which direction you want to add man is hmm I watched the documentary lately where they were trading their their daughters for cows in the marriage like like it's a big thing in some some of the cities yeah sometimes goats as well yeah yeah some today I guess it's more like a thing of tradition not really you know the real reason for it but I guess back in the days yeah daughter mint mint coverage is so I guess either way right I mean there's a little bend up there hmm what is that is that a bus stop actually why um looks like a bus stop man if you look at the road it's kind of weird they have the the dotted white lines on one side and solid on the other so that means you can pass yeah I guess but it's not on a hill yeah I guess like probably figure out what what direction they drive on yeah yeah I mean this is a bus stop here right obviously so yeah the bus comes along from here and goes in here and then they go this way or does they come from here so as they go this way and there is to watch out for the cow signs the question is now is there an end for the guys driving on the left lane or for the guys on the right I think it would be on the left lane all right yeah right otherwise it would put the sign on the right yes you drive out to and be like hey you watch out there's cows okay I did yeah so I think they drive on the left so now we're in Africa do they drive on the left do they drive on the left in south or I don't I don't know how it works in Africa do you know how it is in Australia left is it left okay yeah but he had a dark skin complexion of the people threw me off and also even four arms let's say Australian outback this looks a bit crummy to me right I mean you know the bus station here and everything looks vegetation buys good be African like in Australia though they have pretty underdeveloped areas in the desert I think absolutely yeah out there in the outback and zone do we have eucalyptus trees that would be for example at that giveaway for maybe Australia let's move as I said I know ok that's just I mean I guess it doesn't make much difference ok let's see people got cars those are pretty decent vehicles right yeah looks like Toyota's also Japanese cars maybe this yeah mmm there's a there's kind of like an evergreen tree there you see that mm the left yeah oh right there yeah Oh what is dead what is the treat instead an arc ellipses tree there you know they have this long small leaves koalas would eat them yeah I'm not sure hmm anything else Oh what is that it's just some sort of whatever hmm the houses are also pretty underdeveloped and pretty rough usually and what is that it it looks almost like can't read that see the name okay maybe we can move along here and spot some more people in the yards or so if we could see some writing somewhere that would help a lot there's oh yeah okay tell you it's Japanese cars they have a few oh okay it's almost like a scrap yard for tractors yeah it's definitely prairies yeah it looks pretty crummy but you know as you said places like that exist as well in the outback in Australia are easy like you know these copper PD or some small villages out there somewhere okay let's move I'm still hoping to see another person if they're of a dark-skinned chance' Heights probably Africa they they got satellite dish here yeah this looks pretty cleaned up they have power lines yeah what's the animals that this is a cow this is a cow all right so at all now think about how do I did you watch documentaries about people in Africa and yeah probably what cows did they have although they were pretty thin yeah this is this it's pretty thin cow right yeah it's a young young one though still but hmm-hmm it's tricky man all right let's see no right all the people they blurt something out here - yeah oh wait wait wait dude we have a hint from the car look son we are taking the here is the front of the car yeah right so we're driving in this direction so we clearly know we're driving on the left side of the road yeah I mean it doesn't help us know cuz we don't know so in Africa it could be it could be Australia then though it could be Australia look at the look at the roofing because you can kind of tell by roofing - I think that's pretty shingles right yeah that Kleiber either this is the richest person in this village here in Africa or it's a stand Everage house in Australia you know what I mean there's in Africa a lot of places have tin roofs and I think yes yeah or maybe even you know straw a lot of locally available materials that are you know I really see that sophisticated probably out in there somewhere there's a this is a cacti right Oris is some Bush got weird leaves as we are driving on the left side and it looks superb Cassity and bushy I would say we say South Africa South Africa ok just to be different I'm gonna say Australia okay fine we got to turn this into some sort of a competition yes all right yeah of course we're clueless always yeah wait wait wait go back up yeah it seems to have just fins all the way around not to say places in all places in Africa are bad or anything they got nice places too of course but this is a kind of rule yeah exactly I mean how would you know something really far there is this plane flying yeah right yeah and I mean no single cloud Sun is there sometimes a hint is also we know the compass right so red means we're looking to the north so this would be facing north is it just me or is that a huge Sun it is it looks pretty huge yeah yeah like is does that mean it's close to the equator yeah potentially you know it could be like if you're looking to the Norse here right that means we would be somewhere below the equator and looking up okay and the Sun is you know up there and pretty big so you know it's yeah if we still straight yeah oh all right I went you get the final yes on this one let's go Australia I guess you sure no not at all what do you see if it is Africa where's the equator is at the that line that yeah here so it would probably be like mmm Tenzin yeah yeah some be a billboard or maybe here yeah Madagascar is it that dry a squid okay if it is if it is Africa I'm gonna say that but soon a place or whatever but savanna yeah all right I'm still kind of leaning towards Australia all right so straight road super dry I mean most of the people live here in Australia then you have massive outback and then you have some people over here and a few up there maybe but they're mostly theirs yeah then this Adelaide maybe it's between on the way to Adelaide somewhere yeah I could say I would see that or maybe above have a lived a little bit you know any guess and it was the place I thought yeah look yeah it's in it should I listen to be dark but you know I see the beginning no III thought is this really I'm left driving traffic in South Africa ah man yeah four points oh my god man ah okay here we go this looks more like something we might recognize that looks nice yeah good nice green grass right well no I love that green grass yeah yeah could be Europe definitely yeah I could see that man there's not a lot of indicators you think that's like some kind of park this looks more like maybe a place where somebody would keep their horses maybe you're so you know okay to let them graze and run for a bit seems day because it's just it's just grass and it's well-kept which is yeah kind of odd yeah I mean I seems to be a farm farms yeah bit in the background okay we don't see these very bright red houses with white framing which would point to Scandinavia you know Sweden this typical white and red house I don't see any of those okay hmm okay what's the other direction not much I mean there is a little bit of a street sign here that mm that leads in the forest there's a vehicle area yeah Road looks like some tank truck or so yeah water earlier maybe want a fuel or anything like that gas yeah hmm you want to move towards the city yeah probably if it's all better but okay sadly no street sign here there's an evergreen trees yeah interesting they look not very German or you like Austria Switzerland those trees here they are looking more I've never seen such trees or rarely seen they move in Northern Europe mmm so moving it's a it's a bit of a warmer climate yeah maybe almost looks like a bit of a Sequoia a little bit you know but only a little yeah and then this is this is a big oak trees though or something in there leafless yeah so it's probably winter time yeah autumn with no snow yeah autumn or winter leaves on the ground everywhere obviously we could see that okay some wiring okay let's move into the village a little okay I guess yeah this is your up doc this is your your hometown you get you got to get this one yeah yeah yeah I mean it clearly is I am still having a bit of a hard time my finger on it could be France you know Netherlands in the Netherlands people often have houses yeah they have brick houses often and have big windows and it's no problem that people walk by and watch into people's houses it's very common huh you don't do it but you know it's yeah that's a they often have big windows in the living okay let's move chickens there so this is like some kind of village right yeah it's clearly it's not this is not Germany by no means it is British look at that a red flower yeah go somewhere yeah the UK right yeah could be Scotland could be Ireland could be somewhere in the countryside in the Midlands somewhere in England yeah Oh what does it say here I'm not reasonable but we know we're in England that's good oh but UK somewhere that looks like writing right yeah we use that side flipped it around English but it might be a proper name yeah Oh what do we have here some sort of church also not readable but a church like that that would also very well fit into England you know yeah I and everything that's that looks like an old one - yeah or Ireland or so Scotland somewhere up there okay mmm which direction to head we paint from the vehicles there to the vehicles okay yeah I think this is our last step it looks weird okay there's a is that a the gate construction uniform er a safety vest you have two safety vests or anything yeah carry I know somebody home man that's so creepy you know everybody what if you're just doing something stupid just now and as I miss the church yeah it must be UK right I mean 100 percent so now the question is are these red phone booth is only an English thing you know or our red phone booth is also in Ireland for example all right yeah cuz I could see that being Ireland too yeah I mean they're really found or they eat yogurt or aquifer that is literally led right next to each other wait yeah so we had I really don't know Europe - yeah look okay so there's side by side yeah they call the they call Ireland the teddy bear with his butt showing towards England see that's the head of the teddy bear the two arms and and that's the behind after that is England or you know Great Britain and because the Irish don't like to British that much they say they're the countries showing them their backside yeah it could be a scotland is up here you know alright then we literally have England and then Ireland Northern Ireland can you zoom out a bit I want to see how far it is from that Queen er oh it's far I mean it's the equator is here alright okay which here is Germany's right here and then here's to Canal there are mcallen here's the tunnel that connects underwater oh really yeah it's right here I was wondering where that well yeah it's Cali Cali indoor the connection here that's really far yeah but it still it's a it's not not that far that this may be good I don't know 200 miles tops yeah is I would think is that the channel or the man yes something yeah exactly that's the Strait of Dover the channel if you hear about it it's always the channel yeah yeah it's really close you can get over there fast yeah okay so UK let's just make the assumption maybe it's a dumb assumption that red phone boosters are only in England not in Scotland then okay then we have to Midlands up here of England and I assume it's somewhere there so let's say close to Birmingham oh I think it's a I think it's a village right yeah but you know there's a lot of stuff around it I mean yeah maybe it's out here I've been to Coventry once so that's that looked like it here oh yeah look at that pretty close pretty close nice actually is still yes on English soil it's not Rock Island nice man look at that four thousand three hundred good job how much do we have in total okay eight yeah we got dropped by that one we got a four on that one yeah oh man oh there's a sign there yeah Green Street signs like that yellow that points me definitely towards Canada or yeah kind of like BC or something yeah yeah British Columbia for the people wandering yeah yeah what do we here have here is a brown sign mmm thing you can get look at their green one again it looks very blurry if you zoom in yeah to zoom in that's the best we get out of it yes literally does that help zooming in and out no can't quite figure it out no so what is that I mean everything is so blurry right here I mean yeah as you said PC it's very slow we go left again yeah is that birch trees yes that is birch clearly yeah hmm so we have options at a crossing pretty much we go this way trace these this almost looks like it's off going off the main road though yeah mm-hmm yeah it's a country road sort of thing you want to move up and maybe we can read this sure okay yes here it's not really getting better man this is a really blurry picture what's been raining or something yeah lighting is bad yeah look at this cloudy it it really feels like British Columbia yeah for sure man yep I've been there myself too I've only like really been to the Rockies though so I don't know what the other areas are like why do you have to put such photos up there man this is useless I'm gonna try to step one more what is that thing it's just signs what does that look English to you it looks anything it looks like somebody buried area with a spray can and wild well I guess yeah we're not gonna find much more here on this blurry picture but I definitely agree with you to have it somewhere up in northern america in the northwest maybe you know it's weird that the trees are so short though ya know ya know up there I mean one thing I remember I mean there was pretty epic forest and stuff you know somewhere around here that has the avenue of giants with super big sequoia trees and stuff yeah and it does this looked like West Coast vegetation to you you know if you if you gotta left again yeah it looks like we're on a hill all right you see the horizon there very left of the screen yeah it's like we're aiming down a little bit at least yeah but it's not like a big mountain or something it's like no but it is a bit of a hill yeah so I guess we have to make a guess I am you see the the white flowers there oh okay here we go are they too blurry they're pretty blurry whatever it's not daisies something else probably I don't know yeah now you plant expertise would come in and if it wouldn't be so if I can see you they kind of look like clovers to me I think we have one more move so let's give it another shot with this sign I think that's it but this is unreadable it is literally yeah so I'm not sure although if that is West Coast vegetation up there I almost I don't think it would be right by the ocean I know I think it's a bit more inland there were always more Sequoia style trees and you know all other kind of needle trees when I when I remember West Coast like I don't think it's in the forest areas maybe it's also right here somewhere or somewhere in Canada I mean how about I don't know what Manitoba's like either like I've heard these seen pictures yeah I think it's a bit humid though too there yeah this is definitely a very humid area hmm so it has to be it kind of any super super midlanders so it has to be on one of the coasts but I don't think this is West Coast so it probably is somewhere around here and you'll notice it's not entirely flat so it's not Saskatchewan stature and that has a long-running joke that it's the most boring place in the world oh okay you drive for hours and nothing changes inside inside Canadian jokes yeah I don't know we wanna we want to go somewhere here maybe run to run to a beef live so I'm thinking PC okay I'm going with you I could see it being Toronto and sherea yeah like in the suburbs somewhere but we're more - what's Vancouver guigo in words Calgary Edmonton I go above Vancouver a bit maybe okay yeah do we have here I'm in March it's literally it's on a road oh here's where the roads man okay here days one leading up from go by there's no this is Whistler mountain okay it's probably further oh is that mountains there yeah yeah I mean this is a little mountain this is skiing you know what I mean to solve this hardcore skiing and territory here okay maybe it is more towards the coast then huh I have no idea yeah we want to go here on the island go up a bit more yeah I guess maybe it's by the war or gone or whatever it's called what we're up in Alaska in the Yukon no no zoom in like in the center of BC somewhere okay okay so this is PC yeah we have tackle ending Mount Blanchard Provincial Park Smithers landing Smithers probably a little bit all right just do by Smithers it was Toronto right yeah pretty much we're like around that area yeah but hey oops we got close we got nine thousand seven hundred and forty-five points our review I mean we got this one pretty good we got this one pretty good this was unlucky I would say this was tough but we should have listened to our gut feeling seeing you know Africans it could probably be Africa and then we had yeah that one yeah thoughts it didn't look like West Coast vegetation and for most of these low we we had like one or the other yes and we just got wrong and yes not one or the other yeah totally that's the difficult part about it but famous places now that's quicker and there is no doubt because either you got it or you don't that's it what's this one called Venice or so that is clearly yeah clearly and we also we cannot move in this one and also we have to yeah make a bit quicker guesses I guess I mean II so this is Italy in Europe France Italy and here is Venice in this Bay all right oh it's not like multiple choice you still got it yeah find it yeah you gotta find it and you literally got a nail it down in the city you know and the closer you get like if you're ten meters away you get five thousand points so it's literally okay so Venice is made like that look you have to a canal around there the big channel they call it this s-shaped thing or question about it this is the main channel going all the way through through Venice and then you always have this little site to canal yeah this looks like a site yes that is a side channel and so now we know there is this church church there I don't know exactly what the name of it is but it's somewhere behind us and we are looking north west so let's say whereas I'll show you like churches and stuff up here's palazzo palazzo is a palace right palazzo palace Piazza is a church Piazza okay so looks like there's our tech church and I just tons obviously yeah so yeah it can be any of these channels here any of these I don't know if this bridge is very famous I mean I know the Rialto Bridge this is this one that one's famous but this there's millions of bridges in Venice you know mm-hmm so where exactly that is is the whole city like big buildings like this or is it would this be more of the same it's very typical like that you know you have two canals and then you have these 3 to 5 storey buildings like all right they are they brick plastered is that what yeah okay part of it is build on you know old oak stilts and stuff it's pretty crazy yeah and now in a situation yeah dude it could be literally anywhere I mean we go around the corner and it looks like it's almost like a crossing here or so a smaller one but yeah you think that's a big channel where the green boats are yeah I would assume so that the main boats run on a rod or on the main channel and I can't tell if that's the main channel back there doesn't look that wide eater right yeah it's still pretty thin perspective could could be a bit deceiving there but yeah yeah dude maybe it's a split off of one of the semi main channels like okay let's look at the church is there a church yeah there's a Basilica so we could literally know yeah oh wow fine not bad 500 meters good enough good enough so we set here and it was here somewhere site site channel okay and we're probably seeing this church here or this church here yeah probably the one on the right right I mean there's literally one two three four yeah yeah loaded but good look at that 4900 good enough all right oh this is Asian this nun call what okay dad this doesn't look familiar to me so those towers they look very ankle what to me is there a copper roof that green thing no miss just moss I think no are they're renovating it or whatever yeah anchor what is somewhere in in Denis Indonesia I think but I'm not 100% sure somewhere here I think okay oh man but where my god oh god yeah it's somewhere here I got no no tips on this one yeah it's you know it's a very old temple thing but where exactly was uncovered man dude I can't really tell we have two I'm gonna go in the ocean here okay in the ocean and over - oh dear no that doesn't make sense oh come on Doc you got a gavel it's either one or the other yeah you can't go halfway well I didn't vote yeah yeah it is uncalled oh you get no points for that oh we're so far away yeah but look at that far away but it's ankle what see yeah but yeah I didn't know where it was man and in the famous location thing you literally have to be you know exact so if you don't know where it is good luck all right next one Oh who did some downtown of somewhere in lots of cabs us a New York ought to tell there's a lot of cabs the flag is on half pole okay there's some famous Tower but which one is that oh it's the Willis Tower Chicago okay right yeah Willis Tower is Chicago do we see taxicab do you know local area codes no yeah but I'm pretty sure Buddhist towers and there's a there's a sign there can you see the sign the green one which one yeah yeah yeah no so blurry but I'm pretty sure this is for this tower in yeah Willis Tower is in Chicago right or is it FedEx all greens yeah let a station up there or a bus stop mm-hmm that's some station may be of some metro or so sky deck if you look at the Chicago map it it won't show you Willis Tower in the middle it will alistair color well yeah so Chicago is here wait here so [Music] Willis Tower will probably be downtown it looks like the the flags are really moving it's windy there yeah the Windy City it's what they call Chicago Chinatown lore is I mean if been I've been to Chicago actually years ago I watched a Michael Jordan game is actually super cool yeah I think I've only drove through it okay I mean it's the Field Museum Willis Tower I'm there Willis Tower look at it okay this tower and now we need to make out where exactly we are so we're literally right in front of it a little yeah that's that looks like the front entrance there right yeah okay let's make a guess 5,000 Congrats nicely done okay eight meter one meters yeah agree we owned that one all right next up yeah oh this is in the UK all right no clothes no fraud those in France this is Paris okay is this that building that like goes all around you that's the not Kadam the the building that goes all around you is to Louvre where you know the famous art exhibition that is a famous Church in Paris so not to them it's I've been there billion times so I know no doubt no doubt okay we can locate that as well that is in Europe and we have France here and Paris is here and right in the middle is not Kadam I just saw it not Kadam here see this this plate and I can open out the art kind of thing so David are we on like by the Cathedral everywhere yeah we're in front of it so we are here okay all right this is the front right right point to civil woods Charlemont the Lewis I think this is his yeah that's the statue there so we are pretty much there all right all right pretty close yeah bit further on oh yeah probably yeah we should have been smart and put it on a actually actual pass but yeah all right neat okay oh wow you have never seen a car that you can actually look down on the under vehicle sometimes that's the first time I actually seen it what is that integrand and uh okay you can see the whole recon there that's interesting then yeah they got a GPS here and then the rig huh okay yeah anyways where are we some bridge yeah I mean that bridge looks really really really and say yeah it's crossing crossing some big river and the picture is obviously also not the best it's cut cut up here yeah I mean this is okay so this is a famous bridge this is the Panama Canal maybe maybe they're like they're shipping there yeah you know huge container ships going inward this looks awesome erican to me here it could well be a bridge over the Panama Canal you reckon yeah I mean look this looks like this super long straight thing here we cannot really see it but could well be and is that a city yeah maybe yeah all this big Harbor talking I mean this bridge is old look at that and when the Panama Canal was stuck out a few decades decades ago so yeah there's a lot of cracks on that pitch yeah it doesn't feel too safe to drive over there man hmm yeah ah beautiful yeah that's my only guess I have you got anything else no no these ones are finding hard yeah yeah it was not easy so I mean we have the Panama Canal is somewhere here right it goes through Panama where is it oh it's you I think you just out there today oh yeah is it is it there yeah I just literally tree it canal they dock I don't know where it is actually I've never really thought about where the Panama Canal exactly is I would think you would it would be more distinguishable right under Oh is there a road that goes across the water yeah in the picture if you zoom in there where by Panama City yeah yeah I mean it's like would it be one of those yeah probably it could be this after America does America's could well be man I mean why not I have no idea on say come on it must be it's one possibility though cuz that looks about the size of the water ok I'm going straight in the middle if that's it I mean there's another one here but yeah ok it could be anywhere please be it it is oh my god wow look at dad that is really close yes amazing I'd literally didn't know that it was just guessing and yeah I mean it must be a landmark so here is the Panama Canal I wonder so you drive in there oh yeah so did they talk parts of it here I guess and then you keep on all the way and then through here I've assumed through here so yeah glad you got that shipping lane that liner is that country territory yeah I probably come to Todai how do where do you drive out of it again I hear I up over there yeah okay two lanes yeah I wonder if they enter on one side and leave on the other they're probably right I mean guess this isn't it almost looks like this has our two lines separated already yeah in and out huh well in any case let's look at our summary yo9 formal over pretty good 35 points off of the strategy K are you kidding me this killed us here yeah yeah but it was a really good night for that one right yeah I know the - nothing yeah it's always this one if you would have found that that would have been world record oh well we did good I think I had a lot of fun man that's awesome yeah it's cool yeah so it's a one hour long video the longest you guys in history have fun with that have fun with that people enjoy thank you you so very much for joining me much appreciated yeah I hope we can do another one I have to think about a more competitive and shorter format though all right or don't do that don't do both in one yeah I think that would make sense alright see you next time guys bye bye
Channel: docm77
Views: 156,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geoguessr, google maps, funny, world, geo guesser, geoguesser, docm77, geoguessr challenge, docm77 challenege, mindcrack colab, Geoguessr, Geoguessr Game, Geoguessr Gameplay, Geoguessr Playthrough, google street view, google game, google geoguessr game, guess the location, guess the world, guess the place, location guesser, ethoslab, etho, etho challenge, etho face reveal, etho facereveal, etho colab, etho docm77, etho minecraft
Id: obYScGGaYh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 7sec (3607 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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