Genshin Impact Co Op at 9AM

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Genji impact Co-op is one of the places you'll either have some great experiences who wants to go catch the rock boss geohypostasis Korea University Rock dragon or some not so great experiences wait why did they just kick me we were in the middle of a conversation and today we're probably gonna be subject to both it has been quite a while since we did a co-op video on the channel but we're back and just to get it out of the way yes I have a gun you know if you're curious how I got her it was about a week ago and here's a clip of that oh we got gold did we win the 50 50 though [Music] oh sleepy goat but I don't only have a gun you I also have an almost bow I'm literally just spending on the weapon Banner trying to get rust refinements for yomiya and I happen to get an ammo's bow and you'll never believe how any rushed or five minutes we've actually gotten now none I've gotten four sacrificial swords a dragon's Bane and two eyes of perception not a single refinement for the rust so in this video we're going into Co-op and let's just get this out of the way now my ganu is not really well built whatsoever she has some artifacts it's not the right set not all of them are maxed so don't expect huge Uber damage numbers from her she really can't do that yet but you know she's still hitting for something now the plan for this video is obviously going in Co-op and we're gonna go back to the riddles everyone loves some good old riddles but this time if they correctly guess the boss or enemy I'm referring to within three hints we have to do a 10 pull and obviously we're gonna be doing those temples on the weapon Banner will we finally get a refinement for the rust or am I gonna get another five star first let's find out just how bad this weapon Banner really is of course if we're gonna be doing some pulls on the weapon Banner we first need Primo gems to pull with and as you can see I don't really have those so allow me to go take care of that first the deed has been done and my wallet is now crying well that was quick we actually made it into someone's world within the first page of Co-op people that like never happens question is are they down for a riddle oh fellow right in Maine or at least write in user I already like them more would you be down for a little riddle of sorts I also forgot to just change my name or anything so I guess if someone recognizes me then they recognize me I will give hints and the answer will either be a boss or enemy when you guess we have to go defeat one of it slash the boss and then I will tell you if you were correct okay why I am down but I am wondering why for fun content sure they have just completed Subaru's exploration did they actually hold on hold on hold on oh oh oh they actually they gee gee that's actually impressive I thought they meant they just got all the waypoints or something they actually completed all of Sumer oh they did even golfing lightning I'm jealous okay first hint now I'm not gonna make it too obvious or too unobvious obviously that's a lot of obvious so first 10 this enemy would love the signature meal of Burger King if they know what that is this might be a very easy one if they don't know what it is we have a problem and I'm not gonna tell you guys what it is until they guess or until they don't get it right that way you can try to figure it out as well foreign [Music] I'm gonna wait over here you can stay over there Dory I don't know what you were saying but it was very loud oh oh I mean he just picked the fattest enemy in the game so they're guessing the hydro fatui skirmative skirmature not skirmisher skirmature and so if that's their guess we have to go kill one they'll lock it in I'm just gonna support them from a distance they got this right oh yeah look they just did 94k with Ryden burst not bad all right time to tell him was that the correct answer that was not the correct answer my guess is they just saw Burger King and thought fat and that was the first enemy they didn't actually think of what the name of their signature meal from Burger King is so I really don't think this hint is going to help them but it's time to give it to him time for hint number two this enemy is always the Imposter little bit of a sus hint right there what do you think it is they are deep in thought right now it seems they're locking in another answer maybe for Tui agent or maybe maybe what the guardian of Eternity shogun's Dome oh are we really about to go fight Shogun can you even do that in Co-op that looks like we're going so my question to all of you watching right now should I be offended because they took the first hint and they said oh must be an enemy that has a lot of weight you know a very rotund enemy and now they're saying it's the Ryden Shogun did they just call the writing Shogun fat oh my gosh Dory shut up I was not planning on having to fight her right now but to be honest I haven't fought her this week so this is fine although this isn't the highest level is it is 70 no she goes higher than 70 right yeah this isn't the highest level I'm not gonna collect these rewards that's okay well I hate to do this to you but that was also not the correct answer how was it possible okay let's go with this do you know what the signature meal of Burger King is I do not like eat burgers often when I get one my parents bring it to me I don't know why I find that so funny they're gonna be over there are like mother I am quite famished would you be so kind as to run along to Burger King and fetch me my burger so I do not know the signature meal of any restaurant or fast food XD you know what let's just do this this signature meal of Burger King is called the Whopper if they don't get it from that now knowing this information I I don't know what to tell them I mean I have another hint but at that point I won't have to do a temple oh I would never guess well luckily for you you don't have to because I just told you do they have another Guess watch them just pull out ashtaha or something please don't don't do that to yourself or wait do do that then I don't have to pull although I already spent the money so yeah do that wait that thing odd the signature meal is the hint oh no oh no okay I can give one additional hint then I hear sometimes they add flour to the Whopper when cooking it we'll consider this the third hint if they get it here I'll do a temple if they don't then I don't have to pull my wallet is in your hands also I'm pretty sure most of you can guess what the enemy is from this at least I would hope no no no wait is this the third riddle huh not sure exactly how to enter that so it's the third hint for which enemy it is you know I've never stayed in one of these domains until they actually kick you out that'll be a new experience because we're just kind of burning time in here look Whopper flower it should be oh oh we're speaking like Yoda now okay kill enemy to guess we must they have brought me to Whopper flower land or as I like to call them waffle flowers this was the correct answer it was easy uh yeah yep definitely yeah it seemed like you had a breeze with that one so I kind of did give them a fourth hint but they will consider it part of the third because they didn't seem to get the hint which means I have to do a temple on the weapon banner and hope to get a rest Oh I thought it was gold for a second I panicked oh all right any you know what I'm fine with that Noel constellation I kind of want more of her constellations but I also I would like a rust thank you for playing that was fun okay good at least they enjoyed it all right we've finished up with this person time to move on oh maybe they are right in Maine oh they kicked me I was gonna ask him if they were a ride in Maine the world may never know Noel Noel look what I got you I got your C4 it's here what do we got Greetings oh dang they came back at me with a double exclamation point oh they are happy to see me would you be up for a little riddle also shout out to this person who just randomly typed in my twitch chat while I'm not even live streaming I really wish you could type more than just like this much per message because then I would just copy and paste the instructions but no I have to write an essay every time first Hint it lives in a forest surrounded by water hmm oh that's a pretty long boss if it's not the right answer and it does appear that they are committing to this as their guess oh no they're gonna put Mike on you to shame don't do it to me don't you dare they're they're doing a little more than me honestly I don't feel that bad they're only hitting like 17K actually makes me feel kind of good considering I literally just threw random artifacts on her why are we walking why why are we walking what is this I guess ganyu does make this fight pretty easy huh no my gun you will probably die if I get hit by that what hit me stupid bird this was not the correct answer I said it lives in a forest surrounded by water they picked water surrounded by a forest hint number two this enemy puts itself on a pedestal like literally I I can't answer that it's a hint that's up to you this is harder than I thought so it lives in a forest surrounded by water and puts itself on a pedestal I'm curious how many of you guys watching this video are able to guess what it is let me think guys guys let them think look wait she's falling asleep back there oh we have a teleportation where have they got uh oh I I mean I did it could be the right place who knows oh no no no no no no you're joking right this this is a prank right you're not gonna you're not gonna make me fight ashdaha are you you wouldn't you wouldn't bring me in there you're gonna bring me in there ah and yes I know I'm bringing Electro and hydro into ashdaha when he's going to be Electro and hydro it's the only characters I really have built besides Kazu who's physical and I'm gonna need a Healer in here let's be honest at least people are being smart and they're not bringing me into the highest level domain like I never said we have to clear down the highest difficulty we just have to beat it there we go oh oh there we nope it's still alive okay never mind there we go this was not the correct answer they don't seem too confident anymore third hint time all right I'm gonna make it a little bit more obvious for them here I could say in order to beat this enemy but I'm gonna say in order to beat this boss with three s's apparently in order to beat this boss you must first remove the ground on which it stands I gotta be honest it doesn't really stand but I don't know what to call it this is your last chance to make me have to pull don't mess it up I have a feeling they're gonna get it here they're bringing me out to geohypostasis is that the answer well I guess we'll find out Noel where'd you go I need you why can I do no damage to this excuse me um uh oh ah there is a lot of connection delay okay good to know my ping is fine but yeah they're they're kind of just gliding around I'm so confused of what's Happening Here and then we just use our little burst that should be good okay very laggy but it's fine don't mind me actually just going to take this really quick I promise you that's definitely not why I made it one of the answers this was the correct answer they forgot this boss existed and for those of you confused this is the Stone Forest so it's a forest surrounded by water I think the other Clues are pretty obvious which means they guessed it on the third attempt so we have to do another Temple please just give me a rest that's all we're after here is cool our next victim is here wow look at this person need anything foolers flowers if so take them all Colon D this is a nice person I mean I I do need some but the ones I need are the kick cheat cheat the the flowers that spawn all on the mountain peaks of leeway they're really annoying ones to get so I'm not even gonna attempt to collect those what they would like to participate in a riddle so now I get to explain the rules again oh look at this they said must use Ryden big brain see they already know offering up anything in their world and they're using Ryden probably one of the smartest players in the entire game time for hint number one this enemy is almost always alone but finds strength in numbers I'm using my small braish brain oh they went somewhere where are we going looks like we're going to fight ocean it again uh I mean you know what that's not even a bad guess not that it's not the answer of course it could be the answer maybe it is or maybe it isn't wait can you give me a minute wait what is happening here can you give me a minute because they're getting off to go to their brother's game he is playing for what is happening let's fight it's been like three seconds huh what about your brother I'm so confused I'm gonna be honest with you guys this is not the right answer but I can 100 see why they would guess this oh wait I don't have kokomi I can't heal up uh oh okay guys look if if we happen to accidentally die here um just pretend we didn't yeah they took the time to say AFK and then respell AFK instead of just going to do whatever they had to do we're in shambles well my partner in crime is officially dead and I think Ryden is about to join them yep right and just joined him okay Kazu has solo baby Oceanic oceanid you good what's going on oh did they disconnect you know ocean it's kind of peaceful when it's not spawning enemies look at it it's just like a big fish which literally oh oh now we're spawning things in okay never mind I am so dead here oh I'm so dead here no okay guys we just don't talk about it right it didn't happen you know what they're AFK right now let's just tell them that we beat it they won't know the difference sorry I fans fought anything right now but was that the right answer unfortunately it was not they're asking what the answer is I'm I'm gonna see maybe they're not able to play more right now I am anal is that an acronym what does that mean able wait then why then why why this stood up here you said you can't fight anything this person confuses me I'm supposed to be the one confusing people all right I guess we're moving on to hint number two oh it's gonna cut me off by one letter it fought this delusional enemy quadruples the number of opponents you're facing there's really two hints in that hint question is will they figure it out can I ask something go ahead is it a cube you know what just because I don't want to have to make them fight another boss I'll give him a bonus Hint it is not a boss they where the heck did you go oh they were gonna go to oh wait no I I think the answer could be over here maybe I'm pretty sure one of them is over here if I'm not mistaken right right there right there that's the answer it's gonna be so funny if they teleport away from here when the answer is walking right behind them they wait did they actually just teleport away they just left no how could you do that well now you guys know what the answer is I'm curious what they're thinking the answer is where are thou taking me seriously though where are they bringing me what enemy do they have in mind where did you go in here uh well I have you know this dude also does multiply but he multiplies into six clones with his attacks I said that the enemy we're looking for quadruples the number I like how they're explaining their reasoning while we're fighting it this was not the correct answer either they are on the right track they're just not quite there yet and they don't make the illusions of themself they make clones using a delusion and I don't know if I should consider that I already gave him three hints because I'm 99 certain this last 10 is going to give them the answer so I don't know if I should pull from this but they are friends with mosquitoes and yes they're not really mosquitoes but they're basically mosquitoes you know what if they guess it here I'll give it to them because their first two guesses for the most part did make sense with the hints that I gave the quadruple thing not really but the whole finding strength in numbers and one enemy turning into multiple enemies say they're both along the same lines they've definitely teleported to the correct location education for one of them and Ito has gone into the ground and let me guess they're gonna type that this is their guess before we even kill it no I don't want to play what this person confuses me so much thank you for the drops the boy fried got involved what about the boy grilled either way that was the correct answer I like how they say thank you but like I said we are going to count that as them getting it correctly because their guesses were pretty good so one more ten pole coming up another purple will it be a rust no it's the pain slasher it's it's literally not even on the banner oh this game I swear thank you for playing no thank you fizzm-tism okay bye bye me have to go bye okay see ya that was that that was quite the experience I don't know what else to say I think we're gonna try and do two more riddles so we need two more participants and the first one is going to be this person right here I've explained the rules and their responses ooh sounds funky you know me and my funky riddles oh wowie this is like official so the first hint when these are above ground they can fall without standing that might be too obvious of a hint there's actually two hints within that hidden but we'll see we'll see maybe okay good it's not too obvious so now it's up to them it's up to this fool oh you know I really wish that there was a way to get this pet again it's a little familiar I love that one I want it so bad but this account didn't exist when that thing was available they're guessing the ruined serpent so it looks like we're going to fight it I love when this thing tries to do the sand attack and I can just sit in the middle of it with a kokomi oh apparently in Co-op I can't use my how am I flying but apparently Co-op I can't use my Gadget to do the whole light thing of this boss I feel like we should be able to do that nobody listens to the rules this isn't the first person that I've had to re-explain it doesn't have to be a boss look at this I'll give a hint and the answer will either be a boss or an enemy technically a boss is an enemy but you know what I mean but either way on to hit number two take a knee or take out two you'll have an easier time if you do I like that hint because it Rhymes but I also feel like it makes it pretty obvious when you said fall without standing does that imply they don't stand or can I not know that I will restate the first hint but I cannot divulge further information when these are above ground they can fall without standing and yes the whole Capital Argan capital a thing is also a hint within a hint now it's time for the typical gentian impact Co-op experience of jumping around the other person while you wait for them to type is it the flying ruin guards I don't know their names we'd have to fight one to find out slight problem here if they go and fight that it kind of makes my last hint irrelevant between me and all of you watching that's not the answer but my last hint was basically going to give them the ruin part of the name so that's an issue come back I'm trying to come up with another hint as I'm following them they brought me to a ruin Hunter it's a it's a ruin enemy yeah uh it's not the correct ruin enemy this was not the correct answer okay okay brain brain full power think of a new hint no pressure they're just waiting for you to say something just out of curiosity is this for Content or are you just Reviving I'd be lying if I said it wasn't for Content oh this is this is good though it gives me extra time to think oh that made them feel special okay that's good now I don't know if they know of the channel or if they just assume anyone doing this must be trying to make a video out of it hint number three time which I definitely know obviously I'm not gonna not know my own hints ah there's um yeah hint number three right okay I I got this it's easy it's of course I have so many hints lined up if they already get the ruin part of the enemy I this isn't really a great hint but I can't think of anything else if this enemy was a teacher they'd be a tough grader okay they got it that was easy they don't seem to know where one is so I'll just bring them over to one because these guys are a little bit more Uncommon there it is now this is the correct answer so question is can we make it fall before it stands uh maybe maybe not nope looks like it's gonna stand up and then it falls this was the correct answer so for anyone curious with the Wendy's are above ground they can fall without standing I believe it's an enkonomia or the chasm one of the two but they're both underground they spawn standing up but all over the surface they spawn sitting down so you're able to kill them before they even stand up and then the r a thing all of the ruin greater names start with r a and then a set of numbers so it was two hints in one now I have to do a temple the better question is oh no wait no no no I just won't rest I just want no keep keep okay you know I'll take it it's fine kokomi kokomi you got enough grade and a dragon's vein cool nice show me rust show me rust no not Chung Yoon still no rust I hope your video turns out well whatever it's on just Co-op Shenanigans Shenanigans did I spell that right should man is it I don't know Shenanigans they want the channel name so Java the cup there you go you know what we're speaking about the channel I mean if you're watching this video and you want to hit that subscribe button we're trying to hit 200k by the end of the year so I would appreciate that very much kokomy look look what I got you I I was definitely trying to get this for you I wasn't trying to get a rust or anything no definitely not uh oh wait a minute they know me you're the little coffee cup man I will happily accept that title I told them that I had to come up with a third hint on the spot and they want to know what the original third hint was so I guess I could say it so that all of you guys know as well if taken lightly they will leave your team in Ruins we are now back in our own world I do have another new riddle that I could use but I only really have two good hints for it so that works well if they guess it but if they don't then the third hint would basically just be a giveaway and that ruins the whole point of this so the question is do we just hit him with the old Fierce owl so if they've seen my video then they're already gonna know the answer to this but what are the odds of that hello puppet I'm so glad that most people seem very interested in trying to solve The Riddles I hit him with all the instructions again and tried to make it more obvious that it could be a common enemy even though this time it won't be hint Number One fierce owl and for those of you who never understood it the first time I think I've explained it since if you unscramble these letters you can get ice flower which I guess in this sense could go towards one of the Whopper flowers so you know what if they pick a cryo Whopper flower I'll give it to them all I can think of is the boss that a needs oh no not the Thunder manifestation no I don't want to fight that thing if that's your guess we have to fight it to find out please please rescind that guess please oh no they said okay I mean yes I have not fought this boss in so long wait wait wait wait they're changing their mind the chicken in sumeru let's go fight the chicken in sumeru the Sumerian chicken oh they're positive that it's the Sumerian chicken I want to bring kokomi in here but this stupid thing won't let me change my team all right Sumerian chicken what you got kind of a fat enemy honestly oh I got an achievement three strikes nah bad I don't know what that is but I got it did I just miss a crit with Ryden Ryden why would you do that to me I thought we were friends I'm a flexitarian that's really an achievement flexitarian interesting this was not the correct answer dang it what were the other hints I used for this in the cryo Regis vine video oh oh I remember the hit now that's what it was it's certainly easy First Look onwards walk expect resistance because the first letter of This spells out Ice Flower so if they guess the Whopper flower I will give it to them because I did say it could be a boss or a common enemy and either one of those could fit for both of the hints now so there's two correct answers the flying creatures that follow the female witch the citizens only one way to find out I'm so sorry sis and Mage you didn't deserve this but it must be done that was not the correct answer either let's just start dumping out the hints but it's okay no need to cry over it the owl hint is confusing me owl and really easy um they're uh all right let's uh they're not reading too much into these hints they're trying to get me to go fight slime so first The Ordering of things isn't always as important as the contents of what's there for instance Fierce owl and I'll restate the second hint so we got both hints here and if you look I did capitalize the first letter of each word in here and if you look here all of these are capitalized so you know what do those two hints have in common oh I remember this one I advise you to capitalize upon this opportunity yup that definitely an owl 100 an owl owl and expect resistance maybe I don't know what they're trying to get at with this they're really stuck on dendro slimes I'm really trying to give them ample chances here I don't think you are capitalizing upon the opportunity they're saying they're horrible at this I could start getting very obvious here it's okay my friend Reggie couldn't solve it either but he's just a plant so that makes sense I call him reg for short I don't really want to say the next part because it's a dead giveaway but that's besides the point and I've successfully diverted their attention from that whole Reggie thing I once again gave them this hint and told them to capitalize upon the opportunity because they were questioning what I meant by capitalize so that should make it a little more obvious definitely unrelated but my friend reg used to be obsessed with Vine before it shut down completely off topic of course definitely not just a blatant hint or anything the answer is a creature that fights back right not like an animal that roams they still have no idea what it is I will tell you that it it is a boss but don't cry over it if you don't solve it maybe it was a mistake to bring this riddle back I think I might have fried their brain I'm gonna say uh all right I'm waiting for you to say oh you better say uh I mean you told me we're gonna say it you wouldn't lie about that would you the cryo flowy they make it look like they're only guessing this because of the cry over which I mean it's a hint so that makes sense but that whole reg liking Vine conversation they must think I'm just insane all of the sudden I randomly just say oh by the way I have a friend named Reggie that I call Reg that used to like Vine because you know that's just a typical conversation you'd bring up against an impact Co-op and then you also tell them that that friend reg is actually a plant you know just a normal day in genshin well down it goes that was the correct answer I'm gonna be honest I don't think I need to do a temple because of that I've just explained everything and they said they feel so I'm assuming dumb now that it's how like anyone feels when you can't figure out the Hanson and someone explains it you always feel stupid after but it's not really always your fault I'm sure if someone came to me with those hints I probably wouldn't solve it either oh I was right their brain is fried now all righty let's head back home I have enough Genesis crystals for one more Temple so let's just make this interesting pulling engines and impact is all about 50 50s right so let's just leave this up to a 50 50. here's what we're gonna do we're gonna tell them to pick a number between one and ten if they pick an even number we pull if they pick an odd number we don't pull I would like you to pick a number between one and ten even this pull odd is don't pull my fate is in your hands survey says six looks like we're pulling and then they just run off into the distance all right well will I get a rest probably not let's find out we don't get a gold we get the fifth sacrificial nice nice and back to our world once more so what have we learned here today since pulling on this weapon Banner we've gotten one two three four five sacrificial swords two dragons Banes a pain slasher three eyes of perception a Chung Yoon C6 constellation a Noel C4 constellation The Amos bow the donut and not a single refinement for rust so in conclusion the weapon Banner is a giant scam we already knew this we've learned nothing new here getting one four star bow is harder than getting both of the five star weapons that's unfortunate but you know what isn't unfortunate right now if you head on over to the gamer Subs website and use my code Java the cup you can get 10 off anything there plus they have a special promotion going on right now where if you buy any tub you get a free waifu cup the samurai waifu cup as you can see here which I'm gonna be honest that's actually a good deal getting the cup for free with the purchase of one tub that's really good like they're not telling me to tell you this I'm just telling you because it is really good value and I do drink this stuff every day big thanks to gamer subs for being both a sponsor and partner of the channel if you did enjoy the video though feel free to press that like button check that you're subscribed if you would like to be and with that being said I will see you guys next time [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 675,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact coop, genshin impact co-op, genshin co op, genshin impact co op, genshin coop, genshin co-op, genshin at 3am, genshin at 4am, genshin riddles, genshin co op riddles, genshin at 9am, genshin at 8am, genshin co op funny moments, genshin co op funny, genshin co op moments, genshin co op raiden, genshin raiden shogun, genshin impact raiden shogun, genshin impact co op gameplay, genshin impact co op funny, genshin impact coop funny moments
Id: 2rXzF5T3bAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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