Genesis Chapter 19 Part 1

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Shalom and welcome to via hafte yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zahra Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel Oh our G now here's Baruch with today's lesson well let me say as we get going that this message is not going to be politically correct it may be offensive to many individuals that do not come from a biblical perspective we need to remember that God shapes our thoughts we need to realize that the Bible says that spiritual maturity is when we bring every thought captive to the obedience of Messiah Yeshua that means he determines what is right and what is wrong and not society in fact we're supposed to be influencers of society transforming society to the mindset the perspective the truth of Almighty God well we're gonna look tonight at the book of Genesis in chapter 19 so please open up your Bibles to that location the book of Genesis and chapter 19 now in this section we're going to see that it's a continuation you'll recall that in chapter 18 that God appeared to Avraham and he did so in the manifestation of three individuals we're going to learn tonight that they were angels and these angels represent God now some would argue that it is a manifestation of God theophany or others will simply say that these are angels that represent God's presence God's intimacy with Avraham at this unique time in Abraham's life well these angels are going now to Sodom and the purpose of that is because of destruction the cry of the people now these are wicked individuals but what we need to understand is that sin affects individuals adversely much of the pain and suffering that people endure today is a consequence of sin sometimes their sins sometimes someone else's sin and I like my sin and I don't care if it impacts someone else adversely that's the mindset of the world we want to do what we want to do and the results well as long as I'm being satisfied as long as it seems right in my eyes we tend to think that's okay that's how an unbeliever thanks but a true believer they have a very different perspective they understand and Paul points us out very well in first Corinthians when he says even though I may have a right to do something if it causes my brother to stumble if it gives a wrong perspective if it moves someone away from truth rather than praying them to the purposes and the will of God I'll just put it away he says I'm not gonna use my freedom as a way of injuring someone else well here you have someone not utilizing freedom but utilizing sin moral corruption that which God says is abomination utilizing that and causing the suffering of other individuals so this scripture is very significant for the society that we're living in curtly whether you are in Europe whether you are in Asia America wherever you might be this has great implications for the decline of societies around the world so God has already told Avraham that he is sending these two angels to Sodom now this is a significant it's significant because lot of Ron's nephew is there well let's begin look with me to chapter 19 and verse 1 the two angels now this is the first time that they're identified as angels all the other places up until now they're simply called men but here it's being revealed that they were angels angels sent by God to this place called Sodoma two angels came to Sodom in the evening now the evening we know that that more crime is committed in the evening than in daylight and so in this very wicked place the evening times are exceedingly dangerous and these two angels are coming to Sodom at what we could say the worst or the most inopportune time they came to Sodom in the evening and lot he was sitting at the gate of Sodom now he's a relatively newcomer to the city but noticed that he has taken a position of leadership and perhaps and some of the rabbinical commentators they see him as trying to be an influence for good that he's there at the gate of the city where judgment is is meted out judgment is given and he's trying to be an influence for good now how do we know that well notice the next part of this this text it says and he saw that his and lot saw and he got up to meet them meet these two angels and he didn't realize necessarily that they were angels sent by God and notice what he did though he about his face to the ground now this is a significant clue even though he did not recognize them perhaps in the full identity he saw that these men weren't like those who dwelt in Sedona and notice how he is going to begin to display a life that reflects the the call of God one of the commandments we find in the scripture is to be hospitable to be entertaining people to bless people to show where there's a need to show mercy to show compassion and this is exactly what lot does in this passage of Scripture keep reading verse 2 and he said Behold please Auto 9 now I mentioned this phrase back in the previous chapter and when I did so I simply took it as one possible meaning there is a term I don't need which means my master my lord the Lord word adone has to do with a term of respect it can mean simply a proper way to greet someone and to show submissiveness or to show respect to that person or that same word can be used as referring to the Lord as in God now here it's in the plurals not a Tony it's a deny but could there be a hint in the text based upon what we saw previously that he boughs down which is a posture of of worship or it's certainly great respect so is the text hinting that that lot understands that there is a divine connection to these men we can't answer that dogmatically but keep reading in the texts he says to these men please turn aside to the house of your servant and lodge meaning Lodge there and wash your feet and rise up and then you will go on your way so he's inviting them to not spend the night in any other location rather than his home and notice how he identifies himself as your servant that's important because once again were having clues given to us in the text that lot is someone who recognizes these individuals in a different way than the rest of the people of Sedona now remember the scripture that I shared with you from the book of Hebrews chapter 13 a few weeks ago word says that that people have entertained individuals not realizing that these individuals were really angels so perhaps lot he is showing kindness not realizing that these are angels sent by God or it could simply be that he understands that there's a uniqueness that there is a heavenly connection to these individuals but nevertheless he says to them you know don't dwell anyplace else other than your servants household then you can rise up and go your way meaning in the morning and they said to him no rather in the street now that word Rahal can be Street as it is in modern Hebrew but Rahal can also be like the square of the city so perhaps they're saying no we're going to dwell in the square of the city verse 3 now verse 3 is going to have a word that is going to manifest itself again later on in the text it's a word to implore now we could translate it in English to press someone to do some to insist to implore them to press to do something and that's exactly what lot did he heard their intent that they want to stay in the open space in the square of the city he knows that this is a very vulnerable place let me say it another way he knows it's a very dangerous location therefore he implores them he presses on them greatly the word here is mailed very as in very much he implores them very much and they turned aside unto Him and they came to his house and notice what he did he just didn't gave them food but it says here that he made for them a feast the word mish day secondly we find mud suit a fava yo halo now this second phrase not only did he make a feast but notice what it says much suit that is unleavened bread 11 bread he baked and they ate now I would suggest as many others have done as well that this is a certain clue in the texts some have said that they came during the feast of unleavened bread what is unleavened bread about it is about getting rid of the Komets which is a hebrew word that that is used frequently in regard to the effects or the influence of sin so he bakes this unleavened bread and they eat and notice something else verse 4 but before they lie down the men of the city the men of Sodom they surrounded the house and they were the young the not are they odds I can from the young ones to the elderly meaning the older ones all the people and says me could say male it means literally from the end and this is an idiot meaning from one end to the other they all came and why was this because there were new individuals in the town now in the biblical character we should practice hospitality we want to influence them for God one of the traditions and it's not really just a tradition in and of itself but it's a commandment and the commandment of God says to put a mezuzah upon your door posts and upon your gate of your estate your your home and what was this so so someone who passed by would know that there is a place that they could find someone who feared God a place of safety to dwell with them because often times there were hotels and and lodging places so people had to to hope for the compassion the hospitality of others lot was demonstrating this well this is the exact opposite character that Sodom displayed so lot is practicing what we could say is and I realize this is before the Torah was given but he is in natural behavior displaying a Torah observant conduct a lifestyle where the men of saddam and we're speaking about Sodom and Gomorrha in hebrew it's saddam vey amaura these people displayed a character a lifestyle a culture that was in conflict with the laws of god the commandments of God the Torah of God so once again all the men from this city came verse 5 and they called to lot and they said to him where are the men whom came unto you this night bring them out unto us and here's the important phrase they need o top that we might know then now this is the same word that we find earlier in the book of Genesis where it says that Adam knew his wife it is a term that speaks about intimacy in a sexual way and that's very important because what we see here is an example of homosexuality so these men are wanting to to influence these new individuals in the city for their lifestyle choices which is one of homosexuality and that's going to be clearly clearly revealed to us in the text now why do I say that well look at verse 6 and he went out to them that is lot lot went out to them from the entrance and he closed the door he opened the door and he closed the door behind him and he said to them my brother's now he is a resident of that same place so it's a term of endearment he's going to make a request he says my brother's do not do this evil now that is one word in the Hebrew the word raah can be used both as a an adjective and a verb in in Hebrew and in this sense he's saying don't do it's in the verbal form don't do such an evil thing so right here in the scripture it's not what I think is important but what the scripture says is homosexuality in God's eyes in this passage is evil and there's no other way to get around this text it is a clear it is the only interpretation that one can find in this passage that meets the clues and the laws of biblical interpretation known as hermeneutics or exegesis so lot goes out and he says in a kind way in a respectful way do not do this evil now look if you would to verse eight now verse eight we're coming to what we could say is a very controversial verse what we need to remember is that the scripture it is the inspired Word of God there is no heirs in this book and if you are a follower of Messiah you need to affirm this book as truth secondly you need to let the word of God speak to you and not judge it based upon your own intellect which is very very small and insignificant compared to the perfect knowledge of God the second thing I want to say is that the scripture oftentimes employs literary devices when you are more familiar with Scripture you find these literary devices being used very frequently in many messages and sometimes things are suggested things are stated but they are never the outcome of them never come about and when that's the case what we've learned when you're trained in exegesis is the purpose of that statement the purpose of that verse is to provide additional information and what do I mean by that well let's move to this controversial verse verse 8 he speaks and he says don't do this evil thing last thing he says in verse 7 where he calls homosexuality an evil act verse 8 behold to me meaning I have but to me are two daughters which have not known a man here again this same word ladakh in the the infinity form the infinitive form is is to know in this context it means to know someone intimately and that that way that that sexual context so he says I have two daughters that have not known a man I will bring them out unto you and do to them as good in your eyes now there's two things that he's saying here he is not saying what he would do he's saying you do what you think is right now here's the important thing to realize the purpose of this verse is to not say this is a wonderful thing to suggest the purpose of this verse is to confirm two things first of all it is confirm what we're speaking about that is homosexuality there is a a what we could say a comparison being made and we see that homosexuality is worse than what we could call fornication homosexuality is worse than fornication in a heterosexual manner it is an abomination before God secondly we need to realize that this never takes place it never happens he doesn't bring his daughters out what this does is to show the reader what the intent of these men were all about and that they could not be changed they were what we would say in bondage to that act that lifestyle that behavior so the point here is that this verse is being used not to condone confirm to uphold what Lott said but it is a verse that's used literally to show us things that otherwise we would not be able to confirm as clearly as with this verse secondly keep reading he says in the second half only to these men do not do this thing or do not do anything for therefore they have come under my my roof now he's saying here I'm responsible I've invited them into my house and therefore whatever happens to them I'm responsible and therefore he is using all of his resources to protect them now that is something that is a very important principle when you are responsible you need to follow through on that responsibility using all your resources to uphold your word your commitment to a situation and there's another very important aspect in this passage of Scripture and that is to show the the place that God should have in a person's life now these two angels we know that they in a unique way represent God God sent them here they're there on his assignment and in regard to the text it's almost as they represent the vanity God's very presence by being there and what this text shows is that our responsibilities to God comes before all things that is a very important principle we need to understand that our commitment to him is the priority the priority of all things now I'm going to be teaching next week in a different location it won't be recorded won't be a video but I'm going to be teaching from the book of of Luke and the last seven verses of chapter 9 and this is where it says no one has who has put his hand to the plow looks behind looks away is suitable or fit or appropriate for the kingdom of God and if you read that passage there are several statements that people make that seem reasonable to us I mean yes I want to serve Messiah but allow me to finish up some loose ends allow me to it seems reasonable but they were all rejected by Messiah so this scripture is showing that our responsibilities our commitments to God comes first above any earthly earthly responsibility or commitment well look now to verse 9 and they said basically stand back and they said this one referring to lot now up until this time they have used a pronoun like him or they've used lots name to refer to him but here they're calling him by a different term they used the term ha Akkad which means the one now if you were to take that expression ha a HUD and ask someone you know when you hear that phrase ha ha ha what comes into your mind the one and I bet about every person that comes from a a a position of Judaism would say the Lord God for he is one he is the one I think that's exactly what the scripture is trying to say here that that in these men's eyes these these men who are wanting to commit an abomination what God sees as evil what what they see lot representing is the one true God so let me ask you a question do you think when when people who are living unrighteous ly wickedly sinfully in this world who has an opinion who have a perspective that is in conflict with the things of God what they see as good God says as evil and they see as evil God says is good do you think do you think that they see you representing God what this text is doing is saying that lot is indeed representing God in this passage so they say here look again at at verse 9 they say you know stand back will the one who lives meaning has soldiered here you're a newcomer or we could allow that newcomer to - to judge us well he certainly be our judge and notice their response keep reading in verse 9 Nora Luca mayhem which means let us do evil to you meaning we will do evil to you more than to them so they're angry that lot is an influence for godly things that he speaks against and calls this behavior this so-called lifestyle decision this choice that he's calling it evil and he does so twice so they say here we will do to you evil more than them and they pressed against the man against lot very much now if you look at that word at the end of verse 9 Ward says vibe sorrow Vash they locked me out it is the same word that I mentioned to you earlier on in the text when we were speaking in verse 3 when I said that he implored and that word could be to press to press emotionally to press with words to beseech someone strongly but now we find here it's being used in a physical sense to press against this man a lot and they they came forward the approach to break the door down verse 10 now when we make God our priority when we demonstrate a commitment to him above all things God is going to be faithful God is our deliverer you know there's a wonderful term I'm going to be sharing at a conference this coming week and in this we're going to be defining salvation it's good to be in Finland and and in defining salvation we're gonna see that the term salvation is a very very full rich inclusive word salvation means victory it means deliverance it means fullness and what we can can be assured of is that when we take a commitment for God God is going to move in salvation what do I mean by that well we are his saved people and therefore he is going to act in order that that salvation experience the fullness of that that victory that deliverance we're going to experience it now we're not just talking about life in the kingdom of God that is the conclusion of it but God is going to be our defense he is going to move for salvation in a thorough complete in its entirety and that's what we see here we see that God moves through these two angels in order to save a lot from these people look again at at verse 10 and the men they they sent forth really they they sent their hand and they they brought him meaning lot unto them and the door and it was closed so they brought him literally they stretched their hands we might even say through the door to grab lot and they brought him through that door and it was close after them verse verse 11 literally says they closed it verse 11 and the men who were at the the prints of the door they struck spill speaking about these two angels they struck them with your Bible may say blind less blind blindness but the word here has to do with like a glare it's a word when something just dazzle with brightness and I believe it's a reference to the manifestation of God God was manifested in this situation it's not the normal word for being blind iver it's a different word that shows being blinded by glare that's how it's used in modern Hebrew from light shining in your eyes and I believe it's a reference to God's presence in that situation and here what we should see we should see here that that when someone puts God's Firth as lotted and thanks you know what I'm willing to sacrifice all that's mine everything that's under my authority I'm willing to to set aside for the purpose of defending God what I mean defending him I'm speaking about his perspective his truth his commandments taking a stand for him and his perspective regardless of what we might suffer when that happens and remind be reminded nothing happened to his daughter's in fact it's going to be his two daughters that are saved from from what's going to happen and that is God's judgment upon this city but that's for next week so we read in this passage look at verse 11 and the men who were at the the entrance of the house they they they struck with this glare this brightness from the little unto the great now I always like to pay attention to changes of words if you go back up and look with me if you would to to earlier on in the scripture were the men - to Lots house and if you look here it says here that two types of people came the NA are they Zack n now if you look and let me find it in this passage we look at middle of verse 4 it says at the end of this passage me na RV odds I can calm me cut say so when we described the people all the people says the NA are the young one and the second the old one but when we look down now at verse 11 where it says that they were struck with this this glare that blinded them it says mica tone feared Godot from the small to the launch and what that means is this doesn't matter who you were whether you were someone insignificant or someone very significant in the city it is a change of terminology to show that with God's judgment well he does not judge with with any impartial T he does not judge with with favoritism doesn't matter who you are whether you're an insignificant one or a very significant one when god's judgment falls it falls upon all and they became and notice this next phrase at the end of verse 11 of i yell all them so capita which means here that that these men became weary now it's the same word for leia remember raquel and Leia now this word Leia well remember it says that she had weak eyes and that's why she was called Leia well in this passage they became worn out trying to find that door and what it shows is this even when the presence of God is manifested to them that bright light that plane they didn't say you know what you know what was supernaturally delivered this door is supernaturally being defended but they kept going they kept moving according to their sinful desire they were worn out by trying to fulfill the desires of their flesh and they were not satisfied and as they persisted in this what's going to be the outcome God's judgment look now to verse 12 and the men said and these are these two angels these men said to a lot more from you here it's a question you know who do you have more in in this place your your son-in-law your your sons your daughters all which is to you in this city bring out from the place now what he's saying is this very important lot because of his faithfulness because of his prioritizing God first he is going to be blessed and the blessing is all who are connected to him all who have a relationship with him and let me share with you how many scholars see this lot what do we know about him well we know his behavior but the key hermeneutical clue that is when we deal with the methodology a Bible study interpreting the scripture wanted the clues that is set forth here is that lot the first thing that's said about him is that he was sitting at the gate that is a term as I mentioned for judge judging the city influencing the city trying to bring a change about in the city for the purposes of God and we see that displayed in his words and in his actions and because he put God first what's gonna happen all who work connected to him all that we might say in our modern language all that he won for God everyone who he influenced to be to be attached to him because of his commitment to God his relationship with God they are being offered a salvation they are being offered deliverance from the judgment that is going to come upon this city so these two angels they asked you know who belongs to you in this place the city for we look now it says for we are destroying this place for great is their cries unto the face of the Lord for he has sent us meaning the Lord has sent us to destroy it so they're on assignment and if what and this is an important principle to realize if lot had not done anything if he had just not been at the gate of the city just been going about his business if he had just been doing his will instead of trying to be an influencer for the things of God he would have been also also destroyed and the judgment of the city but because he and the midst of evilness stood out because he was an influencer for the things of God that's what this passage says he put God above all things because of this he is being delivered he is a recipient first and foremost of God's deliverance secondly he is a recipient of God's revelation see when we put God first not just in thoughts but in deeds and in words God is going to give us greater revelation he's going to share what he's up to so that we can participate more in his activity so they revealed to him God's we're sent here to destroy this place and lot goes out look now to verse 14 lot goes out and he speaks to his sons-in-law now it's in the plural now these are the men who have taken it says his daughters and he says rise up go forth from this place for the Lord is destroying the city now I see and it's just not me but others have seen as well a connection between lot going and choosing to live elsewhere based upon what he thinks is good that sounds a lot like who well it sounds a lot like le mela in the book of ruth remember le melech he because of the famine land he chose the plains of Moab and now what we find here is that what he has chosen the key car hired n that is the plains of the Jordan because this is a rich fertile area from a a agricultural standpoint it would be good for him from a physical standpoint but what about the spiritual well it is a place of moral corruption nevertheless he chosen and now we're going to see something whereas the women Ruth and also Naomi these two women they well Ruth came to faith and she clung to Naomi who was an influencer for the things of God that's how Ruth knew of much of what to do and what not to do because in the Oh me shared it with her but unfortunately here these two sons and laws they did not agree with looked they were not influenced to walk in that same manner and therefore it says at the end of verse 14 and it it came about as though he seemed to be foolish literally laughter they laughed in the eyes this was laughter in the eyes of the sons-in-law that God was going to to destroy the city they laughed it off they thought he was was just joking with them we might say even though he wasn't verse 15 and as morning went up it says that the Angels now here again change in words they were called unashamed men for for the last few verses now once again they're called angels now this is the same word for messenger as well and these angels implored lot that is they urged him they urge lot saying rise up take your life and take your two daughters that are what that are on themselves that are here that are found in this location less in the iniquity of the city that says that that they will come to their end that that it will be an end of the city that they will be consumed in and what happens look at verse 16 it says and he delayed now he lingered he didn't respond and therefore the men and it's once again the word for men they took him seized him by his hand and the hand of his wife and the hand of the two daughters now what's important here is that Lord is being saved but also three women now women are taking a what we could say a position of of importance in this passage and therefore when women take in a place of importance or priority in a biblical text it teaches us about Redemption it changes the context and we learn things about redemption so let's conclude these angels they take them by the hand and notice it says becam lot Hashem Alif because the pity or compassion it's not the normal word for compassion raka meme but more pity or some Bibles will say mercy but here again it's not the normal word for mercy the pity of the Lord is upon him and they brought him out and they set him outside the city now God moved through these angels to deliver Lord and his wife and his two daughters because of why because he took a stance against what was prevalent in that society what was approved in that society against homosexuality and that is a lesson for us today if we want to be people who are influencing this world for God's perspective well the story's going to continue next week as we continue on into the second half of Genesis chapter 19 until then may God richly bless you Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot bow RG there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
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Keywords: Bible & Teaching, Creation, Israel, Missions & Ministry, Religion, Spiritual Growth, Education
Id: aDyvteDsWPQ
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Length: 46min 15sec (2775 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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