Daniel Chapter 1 Part 1

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Shalom and welcome to via hafte yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zahra Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel aarrg that's one word love Israel dot o RG now here's baroque with today's lesson God has given to humanity a great power and what is that power the power to choose and a very important truth that we need to remember is that there are consequences for the decisions that we make and therefore we need to choose wisely oftentimes principals priorities of our life when we set them correctly they are going to go a long way in helping us make the right decisions so I'm going to begin this study with a very simple principle and what is that principle to always remember that God is our judge now how would we say that in Hebrew well one name is very important and that is the name Daniel and Daniel means that name God is my judge and one of the reasons that I believe that Daniel was so faithful to God in other words that God used him in a mighty way is because Daniel live constantly with that recognition that ultimately he was going to be judged by God and because of that he remembered it and because he remembered it he made wise decisions well we're going to begin today a study in the Book of Daniel and we want to make right decisions in our life we want God to be with us and we want to be prepared for the establishment of the kingdom of God and the Book of Daniel it is principals we're gonna see that in this prophecy in fact the sages of Judaism although they recognize that Daniel is full of prophecy it is not in the section of the Old Testament called the prophets it is in the section called the two veem which is a hebrew word which means writing in fact Daniels seen just as much as a sage as he is prophet so we're going to embark today on an exciting study a necessary study that we might learn principles and prophecies so that we are ready that when Messiah returns earth he finds us faithful so with that said to get your Bible and look with me to the Book of Daniel in Chapter 1 the Book of Daniel in Chapter 1 one of the most important events in Jewish history is the Babylonian captivity and that captivity it was something that has still shaken the Jewish community meaning they realized that although we are the people of God by that covenant that God established with Avram it's cockin Yaakov we also need to realize that God is a faithful judge he rewards those who are obedient and he punishes those who are not and the Babylonian captivity is a testimony to that so look with me if you would to Daniel chapter one and we're going to begin in verse one we're to go through this entire book chapter by chapter verse by verse word by word in order that we might learn the truth in order that we might be ready for the kingdom of God in the third year of the kingdom of Jehoiakim now that man you hakim he was not a good king and it was during his ring and that's what it says here in the third year of his ring a individual came notice what it says then came Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon to Jerusalem and why did he come why he came look at the last part of the verse and he laid siege against it so Nebuchadnezzar this man came from Babylon this King he came with a mighty army and he wanted to lay siege against Jerusalem in order to take that city now to lay siege tells us something it tells us that the armies of Judah did not come out to fight and why was that because they knew that they could not in their own power that they could not defeat Nebuchadnezzar now where's the faith if you look for example in the book of 1st Samuel you will find that David went out to battle not because they were stronger that they were more powerful that they were more numerous that they had better weapons why did they go out and meet the enemy the answer is because God had instructed them but this was not the case at this time God was not behind the the Judeans he was upset with them in fact if we look for example at another prophecy the prophecy of Habakkuk or Ibaka in English we see that God raised up nebuchadnezzar he brought him to judah in order to be his vessel of punishment now does that mean that god was pleased with nebuchadnezzar that he was a righteous man and that he did this out obedience to god it does not but God used him even though Nebuchadnezzar he was not a godly man he was not a servant of God from a confessional standpoint meaning he did not recognize at this time the God of Israel and therefore God used him in order to accomplish his purpose and that was to punish the Judeans that southern kingdom you need to remember that the northern kingdom it had already gone into captivity it was scattered about those northern ten tribes so now God is bringing his judgment upon the southern kingdom we need to remember it says and he laid siege against it now that would have been a horrendous experience because no one could come out no one could come in meaning no supplies and the people would run out of food they would run out the things that they need it and the situation within the walls of Jerusalem that old city well it would have been disastrous and we can go back and read other accounts of this period of time and indeed it was a great time of suffering and and simple chaos occurred in Jerusalem and this was during that time what does the scripture say yojoa King now the Babylonian captivity did not take place in just a few days or weeks or month Nebuchadnezzar he gained control over Judea and he kind of made them his servants they had to pay tribute that is taxes but in the end we find that later on after yojoa King his brother took over and it was during his administration that we find that the capita tivity took place in the days of Sid Keauhou who was another King were Zedekiah as it said in English so it was a period of approximately eighteen years from the time that Nebuchadnezzar he came on the scene in Judea until the temple was destroyed and that final captivity took place but let's go back and see what's happening here we read in the third year of the kingdom of yahuwah King and you know that numbers are important in the scripture and the number three that number speaks of in this context God wants to reveal something to the reader and that's why this is happening in the third year of the administration the kingship of yojoa King and Nebuchadnezzar came he laid siege against the city and now move on to verse 2 and the Lord gave into his hand yahuwah came the king of judah so now you ho king he has been captured by Nebuchadnezzar and as well gets worse as well some of the vessels of the house of God that is the temple and they brought them too literally he brought them to Nebuchadnezzar to the land of Shinar into the house of his God now think about this these holy vessels some time ago we completed our study of the book of Hebrews and in the book of Hebrews chapter 9 the temple is mentioned and those instruments those vessels what we would call the furniture of the temple was spoke enough we taught on those things and now some of those things are no longer in Jerusalem they're no longer in the temple but they have been taken into exile there in Babylon in the house of a pagan god and we also read not only the vessels but look at verse 3 and the king he said to ashpenaz who is the captain of the eunuchs eunuchs in this day and age they would oftentimes make themselves to be a eunuch in order that they had no family no children no other responsibilities they were not someone that would be seeking women and therefore they could be totally dedicated to a purpose now this is not something that God is pleased with that practice but they would do so in order that they could serve in a governmental capacity that they could rise up faster within that government and an important position so we're talking about an individual who was the captain over the eunuchs in the Babylonian captivity and we read and find elsewhere in this same passage of Scripture that it says that to this man ashpenaz the captain of the eunuchs it says to bring to him some of the sons of Israel now words are important and notice what it says here verse 3 tells us that this man was given some of the sons of Israel and this is going to be important later on but remember that so some of the children of Israel were brought to him from the seed of the kings meaning the royal seed and from the nobleman so we find that some of the most influential individuals who had the best up reign who were royalty or noblemen they were taken into captivity earlier on in order that they might do something and what was that well look at verse 4 they were young it uses word yella deemed children it says children that was not in them any and the Hebrew word is moon the word mooom in Hebrew is a defect now in this case they're not talking about some physical defect because the next phrase is going to speak about that that appearance of them this is talking about the fact that there was nothing lacking in them they were individuals that had great potential both intellectually socially and the like so they had no defect within them and there was something else they were good in appearance and they had intelligence in all types of wisdom they knew knowledge and it says they had understanding in the sciences and they were also power was in them meaning an authority a capability in other words in order literally to stand in the palace of the kingdom meaning this that they had the ability from every aspect how they looked how they thought their knowledge their capability in order that they would be valuable to serve in the palace of the king and they were taught it says and they taught them the word is zephyr which is a book so they taught them education and language the language of the Chaldeans so they learn things that the Chaldeans should know their educational process also they had to learn language so that they would be equipped to be of an asset to the leadership of the Babylonians now move to verse 5 verse 5 says and the King appointed to them and this is an order the king ordered that each day that they would be given from the Kings della si meaning his food has fine food and from the wine that he drink in order that they would be grown or raised up for three years in this lifestyle so they would eat the finest food they would drink his wine they would study the babylonian literature sciences knowledge that they would be trained for a period of time of three years why three well as we said three is for the purpose of revealing three is for the purpose of testing so they were going to go through a process of Education and testing for three years and it says at the end of this time they would of course if they showed themself worthy they would stand before the king and that is an idiom they would stand in the King's service verse six now in verse six we see a transition we find the phrase of ayah he and the Hebrew it simply means and it came but it's a show a new segment in this story and it came about that among them among the children or the sons of Judah now did you see the change go back up to verse 3 and verse 3 we have this man that's mentioned here by the name of Ash - he was the captain of the eunuchs and it said he received from the children or the sons of Israel notice the term Israel but here we find the change saying group of people but instead of being called the sons of Israel B'nai Israel it's called Bnei Yehuda now most people wouldn't pay much attention to that but anytime there's a change it has a reason there's a purpose behind it now that word Judah well in its original form it means to throw something but it's not the word lymphs or or Liz rope which is normally used to throw something but this word for throw always has to do with giving praise to God so we see a distinction of these group of people from the children of Israel who were taken there was a subcategory of those and the text changes the word to say they were children of Judah meaning they were individual individuals that wanted to give God praise so whether this scripture is relevant or not to you is going to be based upon how you answer the following question are you someone that wants to honor God live a praiseworthy life if you are if this is your up most desire realize something that this scripture is going to have relevance for you if your desire is to simply have God be your middle man in order to help you to accomplish what you want to accomplish well you know what this book in fact not just the Book of Daniel but the entire scripture really isn't for you we need to remember what we learn in the book of Genesis and is that we were created in God's image and I've said many times that is a word that reflects a very important truth it is that we are called to reflect God's character we are called to be like him we are called to live in a way that brings him honor and glory that is that praiseworthy life and these individuals go back to the text look again at verse 6 and it came about among them from the sons or the children of Judah was Daniel Kanaya Mishael and Azariah now for individuals now we know something many of these sons of Israel were taken to Babylon many went into this process of this three years of growing them maturing them training them and also bringing about an assimilation they learn to eat the King's food they ate the drink that drink the King's wine they learn the culture and the language all of that was to say you know we recognize that these young people have great potential they are from the noblemen from the house of royalty these are our good stock but we want to utilize that for our purposes and the foundation the first thing that was mentioned was food and during and we know something we know the food and drink play a very large role in culture you go to a different country the food's different so he wanted to give them his food his drink in order to bring a change what were these individuals well the text is emphasizing that these were not just Jewish men but they were ones who wanted to honor wanted to glorify wanted to praise God and the battle was this they wanted to change them and we'll see this undeniably so for individuals Daniel Kanaya Michelle and Azaria look at verse 7 this captain of the eunuchs he placed upon them names now no sooner are we told what their names are these Hebrew names and what do we find they are given new names names that do not reflect the theological significance of these young people's thing remember we have Daniel we've already talked about that means God is my judge the next one Kanaya speaks about God is gracious the the next one Michale that is a word for who will ask and many will say it's a reference to praying asking beseeching God and then the final one azaria meaning God helps so all of these names had significance biblically and they were in regard to God but what happens they come to Babylon and the chief of the eunuchs he gives to them different names and that's what the text says he said to Daniel the name bout shall Tsar - Han ayah Shadrach and to Mishael Meshach and to azaria Avett so all of these names according to what the scholars say has to do with reference to pagan or idolatry or to false gods and all of this was a battle spiritually if you missed that you miss everything and what we're finding today in our study is this there is a spiritual battle that we are in presently and that print that spiritual battle is going to get more intense as we come to the end of this H now the Book of Daniel it is prophecy it reveals to us much about the last days we're going to see that as we move into the later chapters of this book but understand now God is giving us principles he's teaching us foundational truths in order that we I make wise decisions see it's not enough that we just know prophetic truth if we don't make the right decisions in the myths of prophetic events taking place all that knowledge all that understanding of prophecy isn't going to be of a great result in our life so it begins here by teaching us that look now to verse verse 8 and Daniel and this word of up in some cases it has the the meaning of our English word but it has to show a contrast so we already talked about what the purpose was to cause these individuals to assimilate to be like Chaldeans to be like the Babylonians to think how they thought eat how they ate lived how they lived and furthered the Babylonian purpose but it says in verse 8 there's a difference there's a contrast Daniel did something but Daniel and I love this expression via sim I'll libo which means and Daniel put upon his heart now what does the Bible say that one does with his heart well as a man thinks in his heart so is he so Daniel did something he put upon his heart what does that mean well if you ask any of the rabbinical sages they would tell you in their commentaries of long ago or even today they would tell you that that is to make a decision it is to choose to pay attention to one thing at the expense of something else so all that was going on in Daniel situation this fine food this drink that was being offered to him living in a very very nice lifestyle because they wanted them to become leaders in the palace of the king that's what the Texas so they had many advantageous to have advantages they had many things going for them but Daniel did something look again and Daniel set upon his heart he purposed himself that he would not and notice this next word yet got Al now the reason why I mention it is because often times in the Bible you have to realize something now Daniel this prophecy is made up of both Hebrew and Aramaic the chapter we're in right now is Hebrew and we have to look at this word because oftentimes what we find in in English is a simple understanding of that many Bibles will say Daniel purposed in his heart he decided not to defile himself but what does that mean to the file you may think one thing I think something else but when we look at this word well it becomes very interesting because this word in the normal verbal condition would be gah-gah is a Hebrew word which has to do with redeeming and Daniel purpose in his heart but it's the phrase not God but it's a hit pal and this is the reflexive which it literally means as Daniel decided not to redeem himself and you know what you can't redeem yourself read emption is something that has to be done for you done in your behalf and who does that the Redeemer God it is a messianic word this word redemption so when Daniel said I'm not going to redeem myself what he's saying is this I am NOT going to take matters into my own hands in order to save myself by submitting to this food this drink this lifestyle I am not conforming to them and it was Daniels recognition and here's the key it was Daniels recognition that he had to depend upon God that caused it not to be defiled he understood that Redemption is not initiating with oneself but it is from God it's a gift to receive and what Daniel wanted to do was to put himself in a location where God would move in his life so what did he do look again at the scripture but Daniel purposes heart he set upon his heart that he would not defile himself with the delicacies of the King and with the drink that he drink so he sought and that is he requests it from the chief of the eunuchs that he would not be defiled verse 9 and God gave to Daniel kiss it now that word kiss it is very important it means mercy or kindness or grace before the chief of the eunuchs and what we're going to talk about next week is how God moved in the life of Daniel in order to position Daniel where he could be a servant of God rather than a servant of a pagan king well we'll close with that until next week and we continue on in Daniel chapter 1 well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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