Genesis 6:1-13 | As in the Days of Noah | Rich Jones

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are back let's take our Bibles tonight please and if you would open the Genesis chapter 6 and we're gonna begin in verse 1 and the title of our message tonight is as in the days of Noah it's a direct connection Jesus makes a direct connection between the days of Noah and the latter days that are leading to the end time so let's ask God's blessing and then look to his word tonight father thank you for showing us the insight of your word that you would direct our hearts toward you and God that you would establish your name in our lives your name strengthen our faith tonight as we look to your word bless us by your Holy Spirit we pray in Jesus name Amen all right so early on in Genesis of course God told Adam and Eve to to multiply fill the earth to subdue it and as we were reading people lived a much longer lives and had many sons and daughters so at this point when we get to Genesis chapter 6 there's actually like a population explosion that's going on and so Jesus then made a direct connection between the days of Noah and the latter days because what we see as we go through the book of Genesis is that as the population is increasing there is a dramatic increase in the immorality of man and so much so which is what we're gonna see as we go through this that god of course is going to bring a destruction through of course the flood but Jesus made a direct connection and he said that the last days the latter days will be like the days of Noah and and I'm convinced that we're living in the last days when you look at Matthew 24 and 25 where he gives us the signs of the times he said watch for these signs like when you watch for the budding of the tree we're at the time of year now where we can see the budding of the tree and so when you see the budding on the tree you know then that the summer is it's on its way summer isn't there because you see that so he said in that same way you watch for these signs and then you will know that the end is near right at the door right and so he referenced then that it would be in those days like the days of Noah and it says an interesting thing they were eating they were drinking they were marrying and giving in marriage now that's an interesting thing it could mean a couple of different things it can mean that they were just going about their lives without any concern at all about what God thought uh or it can mean what is described in Genesis 6 which we're going to see it's very very interesting can be a very similar thing and that they were going through life you know as ever everything was fine everything was good but everything was not fine everything was not good because there was something desperately wrong immorality had increased to the point where it was beyond repair humanity had become so immoral that there was no return in other words and so God therefore determined to bring that judgment on the earth which we have been studying about during our Wednesday study and then the in the in the future during the Tribulation Period there is the the latter days of the wrath of God poured out in a similar way that God brought up judgment on the earth in the days of Noah there is a coming similarly and so this is a very important things we are living perhaps in these very much like the days of Noah so that should cause us to look very carefully at these verses let's begin in chapter 6 verse 1 says he came about that when men began to multiply on the face of the land daughters were born to them and the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they took wives for themselves whomever they chose then the Lord said my spirit will not strive with man forever because he's flashed nevertheless his days will be a hundred and twenty years because it was a lot longer than that before and and so now much reduced the Nephilim this is verse four is a interesting verse the Nephilim are on the earth in those days and afterward also when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them these were the mighty men who were of old men of renown then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent this important verse here that every intent of the thoughts of his heart were evil continually and the Lord regretted it says he was repented in in some versions that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart and the Lord said I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land from man to animals to creeping things the birds of the sky for I've regretted or grieved that I made them but no one what a contrast but Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord now these are the records of the generations of Noah Noah was a righteous man blameless in his time he stood in contrast to his time the generation in which he lived and then it I love this phrase oh do I love this phrase Noah walked with God what a great picture it is of God's heart that he desires to see in us and Noah became the father of three sons Shem ham and Japheth and by the way on a side note which of those three then do the Gentiles come they come from Shem and that's something important to remember because they are the Semites when someone is anti-semitic then they it's a reference to their Semite or come from Shem now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God and the earth was filled with violence not only was a great immorality but tremendous violence on the earth and God looked on the earth and behold it was corrupt and all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth then God said to know at the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence because of them and behold I'm about to destroy them with their alright these are the verses I want us to look at we've been looking at some of the other verses on Wednesday so join us as we go through verse by verse but I want us to look at these because these are the days of Noah we are living in days very much similar to the days of Noah the population had exploded exponentially it says an interesting thing it says the sons of God were taking many women into themselves and so the theme of the day was like wanton immorality that was the idea now you may or may not be aware that there's actually a debate about what is meant by the sons of God in this verse so I'll give you some of the the theories that you might have heard or know about some have suggested that the sons of God there are fallen angels who had relations with the daughters of men and had children thus creating the Nephilim a race of giants I do not believe that myself I'm not adhere to that theory here's my primary reason because Jesus said that angels do not marry are given in marriage which kind of suggests that they're not sexual beings and that's the main reason I reject the theory there's other reasons but that's a good one others suggest that the sons of God are descendants of Seth while the daughters of men are the daughters from the line of Cain perhaps so but I think that's also a bit of a reach I believe my theory you don't have to adhere to my theory your salvation is not based on whether you agree with my perspective however you would be wrong if you didn't okay I'm just kidding there but the sons of God can also mean and you look at the scriptures in this usage it can mean men of power and starch or men of nobility men of renown and it says what happened was it says they took wives for themselves whomever they chose in other words they chose that one and then that one and I'll take that one and that one and that one and that one and those three and that one you see the idea like when God made a man he said a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife and the two should be one flesh he's defining marriage there and so what's happening now is this immorality as men of nobility high positions of stature are now building like harems you're an immorality I'll take that one that one that one and all of them and so the the immorality is beginning to exponentially increase along with it the violence of these clans clashing and so this became the norm and God is very displeased and so it says I will not strive verse 3 my spirit will not strive with man forever thus we see an insight into the heart of the Lord and an application for us don't strive with God is a good insight for us because he does strive he says my spirit will not strive here he is in a time of immorality it says that his spirit was striving with them now that's an interesting phrase what does that mean that it means his spirit was like trying to win them trying to direct them trying to bring them back you know into a relationship to himself and the Holy Spirit does strive with men today that we don't strive with God as an insight for all of us he strives by His Holy Spirit and he brings to bear into our lives the conviction of you know the spirit in our life have you ever felt that ever felt the Holy Spirit just kind of wrestling with you striving with you kind of directing you don't go down that way don't do that thing that's the Holy Spirit of God striving with man striving against the lies in our lives so many people are bound up with lies and so he's bringing truth to bear you can see some of this contending striving like with Cain remember how God favored Abel's offering and had no regard for Cain or his offering and Cain is angry so God confronts him and when he speaks to him he's like you can see he's striving with him he's like trying to bring him to truth why are you angry why has your countenance fallen if you do well we'll not your countenance be lifted up you know this is Genesis 4:7 right but he said sin is crouching at the door if you do not do well and it's desirous for you but you must master it does that there's a conflict arising and so he's showing bias by his word stand God is contending though God is contending and striving there does come a point where God gives people over you know to the consequences of their actions see at first we strive with with the spirit within us and then we'll find that we're striving with consequences see and there was an example of this in Corinth I remember reading in the letters that Paul wrote to the church in Corinth that there was a young man there in the church that was in immorality he actually was having a relationship with his stepmother okay now this is just like no that's wrong right and the church wasn't wasn't striving with it wasn't contending with it they were just kind of accepting it and so Paul says I know that's not what we do we're going to contend with this because it's not right so Paul had a very different response right first Corinthians 5:5 I have decided he says to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus like he's gonna contend with the consequences of this until he can come back that's the point of striving that's why God strives with men to bring them back see and but of course as we know there does come a point where God gives a person over if they absolutely insist on having their way God does say then you can have it and then that's when it gets bad that's when it gets really bad Romans chapter one verse 21 and 22 even though they knew God says they did not honor him as God or give thanks but they became futile in their speculations and their foolish heart was darkened professing to be wise they became fools so therefore it says God gave them over to what they so wanted God gave them over to the lusts of their hearts to impurity so that their bodies would be dishonored among them like God says I've been resisting you and resisting you and resisting you and you just keep insisting on having your own way then you can have it now the day that God says that is the day that a person is in pretty big trouble would you not agree see don't contend with God God is no one to trifle with God's stronger God's gonna win that's something important when we see you know this when I think about striving and it reminds me of when I was a younger in eighth grade actually quite a bit younger and I was on the wrestling team and I at the end of the year of the wrestling year I I got promoted to varsity at the end at the end of the year I was in JV all year I got promoted de varsity so that I could wrestle on the last tournament yeah because here's the deal because the opposite team had the best wrestler in the state he won state you know for his like several years and he I mean he was I mean he he standing there he could not hold his arms to his side this was his natural state of being and whenever he walked you had to be careful otherwise you know because he's just a muscular he later went into the NFL and played for the Buccaneers and that his name was Fred Fred Nordgren some of you might know Fred you tell him I said hi so Fred they my coach is trying to figure out who who who is gonna wrestle fed Marvin we need rich Jones I tell you not a lie we need rich Jones ring rich shows up from JV so that he can wrestle Fred darn good never mind he weighed 145 and I weighed 127 never mind this why you say why would they bring rich Jones up from JV to wrestle Fred Mergen you say that's a very good question I asked myself that very thing until I realized the answer nobody could beat Fred Norgren so why waste somebody good I know so but I've got my I got my call I'm gonna wrestle Fred Mergen 145 beefcake I'm gonna that's Fred I'm over there on the side and I'm practicing my takedowns this is my moment this is my moment and I'm just so finally my time came up to wrestle Fred no-good and I'm in I'm in there I'm not like really serious about that's right and and they said go I swooped in I swooped in and I did a takedown on Fred Norgren and the crowd went wild and then he flipped me over and pinned me see that's like wrestling god I mean you're gonna have a chance so when I think about this is such an important thing you know here's God the Spirit is contending or striving with man and-and-and what are we gonna see in the story of course is that he comes to the point where he says it's irretrievable but here's the thing that you have to see God always makes a way of salvation God always makes a way of salvation yes God came to the point where he decided to bring judgment but at the same time he brought he made a provision for their salvation God directed Noah to build this Ark at the same time then he tells us that God used Noah as a prophet to proclaim the good news and in fact it says in 2nd Peter that Noah was a preacher of righteousness it's interesting of course the name Noah when he was born he was given the name rest this was Genesis 529 he called his father called his name Noah saying this one will give us rest from our work and from the toilet our hands arising from the ground which the Lord has cursed that's an interesting thing Noah in many ways is a picture of the provision of Christ because there is a judgment that is coming on the earth but God offers rest God offers a provision God always has way as we see in the book of Revelation we were just recently studying in Revelation here we're talking about of course the the wrath of God being poured out the destruction of course that's coming upon the earth because the condition of immorality and condition in men's hearts but even during those last days God gives the opportunity to receive the grace and the mercy of the Lord God always has a way revelation this is revelation 14 verses 6 to 7 I saw another angel flying in Midheaven having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth this is during the tribulation I saw an angel flying him in heaven having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth to every nation and tribe and tongue and people and he said with a loud voice fear God man and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come worship Him who made the heavens and earth and the sea in the springs of waters God always has a way God always house and I say to you also this that God always has a remnant there even in the times of great immorality God always has a remnant there always some and in the latter days we're living in days of Noah and what we're gonna see is that the direction of the world is very much against God but always God has a Bement I don't know about you I want to be in that remnant I want to be in that those who stand with God in this generation it says the Noah is a picture of that rest that's found in Christ no man can earn his way or work his way no man is worthy of salvation by his own striving our hope is resting in the work that Christ has done for us even in the days before the flood right God gave them Noah as a prophet this is an interesting verse let me give you first Peter chapter 3 fascinating verses look at the whole context when you have time versus first Peter chapter 30 verses 20 to 21 the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah that's a good verse shows us God's heart the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah during the construction of the ark so the ark itself was like a testimony before their eyes of what God was going to do the ark the construction of the Ark and that took probably estimates are anywhere from 50 70 75 years to build the ark that's a long Testament of what God is going to do it says during the construction of the Ark in which a fuel that is a person's were brought safely through the water and then it adds this corresponding to that analogy is made baptism now saves you not the removal of dirt of the flesh not the physical baptism but an appeal to God for a good conscience through the resurrection of Jesus Christ it's a picture of Christ all of it it's a picture of Christ but amazing thing he's showing us he says but the patience of God was waiting during the construction of the Ark it's like here's this Testament can you imagine that people coming to Noah what are you doing what why are you building a ship I mean that is a that is an ocean-going vessel there that's 450 feet long 75 feet beam I mean that is an ocean-going vessel there Noah we are not even close to the ocean what are you doing to put it in the vernacular of the South what in the Sam Hill you think you're doing and what do you think Noah would say God is bringing a judgment on the earth and it's calling people to come it's calling to people to repent he's calling people to come back to him so he's a preacher of righteousness and the construction the patience of God kept waiting during the construction as the preacher of righteousness gave and it was right before their eyes and so the the lesson out of the story to be applied to our lives could be this go against the flow go against the flow though the direction of the world was very much against God Jesus said in the latter days it will be much like the days of Noah I suggest to you that we are living in days where the direction the flow of our culture and our time is away from God farther and farther and farther people are going away from God there's an increase as a dramatic increase in mocking of God's things and God's people if you notice this and there's a drawing farther farther away so Noah is like a contrast there was normal for people to take many wives it is as many as at one whomever they chose it says no I had one life and his sons had one life as God had said as God had said today to Adam but see he refused to walk as everyone else was watching go against the flow we should go against the flow because we should stand take our stand with God see it's it's it's easy many people justify their actions somebody's alarm is going off they're tried to ignore that which I just brought your attention to it some people justify their actions by saying to themselves everybody else is doing it isn't it isn't that true or some people justify their actions by saying well everybody else is doing it I remember back in the early 90s the church was just young and I was working as a server in a restaurant and I was in the back area and another server we just had all kinds of conversations you know in the back and another server came up to me and and he knew that I was a pastor we had started the church you know and the church was small but he was a pastor and and I think he wanted my reaction and so he was telling me that he had just moved in with his girlfriend he's looking for my reaction you know and so he was telling me this you know and so I didn't know what to say you know but I all I could think of to say was does your mother know about this and and he said my mother of course my mother knows about this and then he said walk him to the 90s cuz it was awhile ago welcome to the 90s he said to which I said you know God hasn't changed in 2,000 years it was wrong when he said it it's still wrong today and he said oh why do you have to be so serious I said hey you're the one who brought it out go against the flow but let's do something different walk with God like Noah walked with God that's just something different let's walk with God that's what Noah did see in verse 9 it's very clear that Noah is different he's blameless in his time he was righteous he walked with God doesn't mean he's perfect in fact later you see his imperfection the walking with God such an important key to this such an important key to our lives doesn't mean being religious doesn't mean doing religious things you can you can be very religious but your heart be very far from the Lord if you're doing religious things for the sake of religion the end there's no fruit there's no fruit from that yeah that's deaf actually in fact Isaiah 29 verse 15 speaks to it this way Walter those who deeply hide their plans from the Lord that that is an interesting phrase don't you think those who deeply hide their plans from the Lord and whose deeds are done in the dark place and they said who sees us who knows then he says you turn things around I know you just love the way God's speaking right there you turn things around I can just I can just hear the heart of a father because I raised five and I can just hear myself saying that you turn this around you know any good thing any good thing that we get in our lives I want God to give it amen any good thing you get in your life don't you want God to give it to you let God give it to you let God be the blesser walk with God he's the blesser of your life so if you're walking with God then you're gonna see the fruit of it because his life is power and his power is at work in your life Galatians five verses 22 and 23 speaks to those who have a relationship to God by which the Holy Spirit is actually on the move in their life Galatians chapter 5 the fruit of the Spirit that is the result of the Spirit of the Living God the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such things there is no law this is the transformation God on the move the Holy Spirit getting all of your life as you're walking with God Enoch was such a man we read about him in the scriptures Enoch was unique he and Noah it says both of them they walked with God and Genesis 5:24 Enoch walked with God and then it says and he was not for God took him what what amazing verses that I mean Enoch stood out from his time as his generation he walked with God and God and he were so close I just imagine when they just walked and they walked and they walked and they just kept on walking and walked right at home they walked with God there's a relationship that we can have God has made a relationship to him possible because of Jesus Christ because God has made a way through Jesus Christ if you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart God has now opened a way for you to have a relationship with the Living God my suggestion what I'm saying here is take full advantage of the opportunity take full advantage of the opportunity that he has opened a way now for a relationship to the Living God because you could not have had that way before you could not have had a relationship to the Living God outside of Jesus Christ he's open the door take full advantage of the opportunity walking with God see walking with God is a great picture because it means like one step and then another step and then another step and then another step that's walking it's a great picture in contrast to like a mountaintop experience once in a while walking step by step by step you get up in the morning with God it's like you eat breakfast and God's there right and and you drive to work and God's in the car oh it would not change how we drive won't change how they drive but it could change how we respond to how they drive the way you go about your business with God you go about your business with God come home with God if you watch TV then got with God kind of change the channels when God's there than that true how you talk to your family with God how you talk to your husband and your wife with God what you look at on the internet with God kind of changes the whole perspective doesn't it even when you go to sleep you can go to sleep under the care of God can I give you a great verse this is an amazing verse Psalm 127 verses 1 & 2 unless the Lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it so the the labourer the worker is building the house but God's building the house because God God you doing this God is actually the one who is superintending over your life the laborer is building the house but God is superintendent therefore it says unless the Lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it if you don't have God if you're doing that without God you're doing in vain and then it says it this way unless the Lord guards the city the watchman keeps awake in vain though the watchman is watching but unless God is watching he's watching in vain to see he's watching with God God is watching then it adds this phrase I love this phrase it's vain for you to rise up early to retire late to eat the bread of painful Labor's because it is he who gives to his beloved even while he sleeps that's walking with God right there that's walking with God and then it tells us this the key the key is the desire of the heart verse 5 verse 5 the problem is very clearly seen it says the the wickedness was great and the reason is deeper God saw that the intent of the thoughts of their heart was only evil continually the passions and the desires he's speaking to that isn't he the intent the desires in the intent of their hearts see passions and desires that we have define who we are they're so critical they define who we are because passions and desires are transforming powers passions and desires are transforming powers aw toes a very famous writer in Christianity he wrote in this regard something very very powerful he said it this way we are becoming what we love because love is a transforming power therefore what you love is prophetic what you love what you're passionate about is prophetic of your future see and the problem is that is that many people when they're in the world when they were in the world they were very passionate about living in the world and then when they're in Christ they're bored you know why because they're not passionate about their heart after God the very intent and thought the passions and the desires of our hearts see that's what he's talking about walking with God there's a relationship where the heart is engaged in it when you are walking and you have a relationship the heart is engaged and in contrast you know when we're in the when we were in the book of Revelation and he was talking about Babylon Babylon which represents the world by the way next we will look at the history of that's very fascinating but he's saying essentially don't be part of Babylon don't be part of that put your passions on the things of the Lord walk with God the intent of God's heart is that we be filled with life and filled to the full with life Psalm 16 verse 11 you will make known to me God you will make known to me the path of life for in your presence there is fullness of joy and at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore some people say well it's not working for me this way this Christian thing it's not working for me can I suggest why because God wants us to walk with Him with our hearts he's made a way for us to have a relationship and we even get when you engage your heart then you see the power of God on the move in your life see Isaiah 29 verses 13 to 14 is the Lord said these people because there's people they draw near only with their words and they only honor me with their lips but they removed their hearts far from me and their reverence for me it consists of tradition learned by rote therefore behold he says I will once again deal marvelously with his people wonderfully marvelously and the wisdom of their wise men will perish and the discernment of their discerning men will be concealed now that's a--that's a warning right there right but he even but he gives a greater word a greater hope in Joel chapter 2 verses 12 to 13 where he says it this way he says yet even now declares the Lord return to me with all your heart and with fasting and weeping and mourning rend your heart and not your garments now return return to the Lord your God for he is gracious and he is compassionate and he always makes a way to come home he always makes a way to come home for every prodigal son that's been walking far from the Lord must know that when you turn your heart toward home your father will come running down let's pray father thank you so much we see your heart in these verses and it just draws us to yourself it catches our attention because it speaks to the deepest things of our hearts and God I pray that you would show us that your desire is so good the intent of your heart is so for us that you would be the one who would build the house or guard the city it is vain to rise up early in retired leads or eat the bread of painful Labor's but God you are the one who gives to your beloved that's us even while we're sleeping God your hand a favour blesses us we want to thank you for that and recognize that we need you in our lives and God we want to walk with you as Noah walked with you as Enoch walked with you you've made a way through Jesus Christ help us to take full advantage of that and to walk nearer to our God every prodigal son is welcomed home Church tonight are you a prodigal son are you a prodigal daughter have you been walking too far from the Lord would you know that when you come when you turn your heart toward home he walk comes you home and he'll rebuild your life and it brings blessing and favor and he'll show you how to walk in higher places he will show you how to walk in higher places for the prodigal son was living in a mess but God will make him live in a higher place your prodigal son or daughter did you come home God's calling God's calling you home but you turn your heart toward home tonight could you turn your heart toward God it's a heart thing it's a heart thing it's not a religious thing it's a heart thing would you turn your heart to God tonight would you just raise your hand and say to the Lord God I want you to know I'm turning my heart toward home just raise your hand god bless cabulance you're not alone you are not alone many hands anyone else I'm coming home I'm coming to anyone else god bless you god bless you I'm coming home God I'm coming home thank you lord for everyone who lifted their hand tonight who said to you I want to walk with you God helping to live according to that desire to walk with you for you are the blesser of our lives and we want to give you thanks for it and honor you for it in Jesus name and everyone said
Channel: Calvary Chapel Worship Center - Hillsboro, Oregon
Views: 18,242
Rating: 4.1428571 out of 5
Keywords: The Bible, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy, Pastor Rich Jones, Pastor Matthew Dodd, Calvary Chapel, Faith, Grace, Revival, Truth, Prayer, Salvation, Calvary Chapel Hillsboro, Genesis, Matthew
Id: R3_I-fvPmOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 39sec (2499 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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