Exodus 6 - Bible Study - Pastor Daniel Batarseh

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if you can actually stand right back up as we open up the scriptures to Exodus chapter 6 verse 1 and we're gonna read it til verse 13 Exodus chapter 6 verse 1 this is what the Word of God says but the Lord said to Moses now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh for with a strong hand he will send them out and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land God spoke to Moses and said to him I am the Lord I appeared to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty but by my name the Lord I did not make myself known to them I also established my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan the land in which they lived as sojourners moreover I have heard the groaning of the people of Israel whom the Egyptians hold as slaves and I have remembered my covenant say therefore to the people of Israel I am the Lord and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians and I will deliver you from slavery to them and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm with great acts of judgment I will take you to be my people and I will be your God you shall know that I am the Lord your God who has brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians I will bring you to the land that I swore to give to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob I will give it to you for a possession I am the Lord Moses spoke thus to the people of Israel but they did not listen to Moses because of their broken spirit and harsh slavery so the Lord said to Moses go in tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the people of Israel go out of his land but Moses said to the Lord behold the people of Israel have not listened to me how then shall Pharaoh listen to me for I am of uncircumcised lips but the Lord spoke to as an errand and gave them a charge about the people of Israel about Pharaoh king of Egypt to bring the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt would you bow your heads with me in prayer father in heaven we thank you for your precious word or we gather here today to testify as a psalmist did when he said you have put more joy in my heart than they have when their wine and grain abound we have joy and we thank you that's given through your son Jesus Christ and we ask tonight as we eat of your word we would receive him even greater joy we would receive even greater satisfaction Lord that the hunger that is in us would find its place as we open the Word of God we pray Lord for revelation we pray for clarity of speech we pray Lord that every heart in this room would be drawn closer to Jesus Christ we pray that our emotions our thoughts our faith every aspect of our being would be aligned and directed towards the Son of God Lord would you help us Lord would there be freedom from confusion freedom from distraction any scheme of Satan any plan of the enemy that might rob the seed from the hearts of every person in this place we ask Lord that you would cancel it by your power and we pray we really pray sincerely Lord that though it is obvious that these things reach the mind these words reach the mind but we're praying that they would go deeper and reach our hearts and that we would be transformed by the revelation found in this chapter of your book and so Laura asking that you would have your way and that you would receive maximum glory from the revelation that will be spoken of from every mouth in this place we ask that Jesus would be glorified and we pray this in his precious and holy name and all of God's people said amen you may be seated exodus chapter 6 we touched on this last time we were together because really it's a continuation of chapter 5 that chapter break doesn't really do as much favor but we know that the first word there is but the Lord so we know that there's a continuation to just bring a recap a quick recap we know that from Exodus chapter 5 this is when Moses comes up to Pharaoh in his first endeavor to tell Pharaoh to let his people go God's people go and there is resistance that Moses put more burden on the nation of Israel and now they are trying to find brick with no straw they have to find the straw themselves and what happens near the end of chapter 5 not only this Pharaoh resists Moses and Aaron who else comes in an opposition just naming out if you know it the people of Israel themselves and we discussed how it's one thing to be opposed by the world it's another thing to be criticised by the church isn't it by the people of God and then we realize that Moses is obviously hurt because that obviously hurts more and we know that the plan of Satan aka Pharaoh amongst many other plans is to come against that people have got in a way in which he brings division amongst the people of God so Pharaoh puts burden on the people of Israel so that they can turn on who Moses and Aaron and blame them this burden is because of you and there's Pharaoh with a grin on his face this is exactly what I want to do guess what Satan still does the same thing today if you can get in and produce a fence in the heart of a Christian within a church within the gathering within the fellowship of the Brethren and bring division within that's a specialty Moses what does he do he goes to God and what does he say he doubts God he doubts the goodness of God he doubts his own calling he doubts even his ministry because he doesn't see the results though even God told him hey listen they're gonna resist you and those realities of doubt and discouragement are true because if you've been following this Bible series in Exodus up to this point one major theme concerning this study in Exodus is the idea of the call of right we talked about the call of God with Moses when he receives the call and then we know that Moses receives receives confirmation and encouragement and confidence for the call and now last week we talked about complications within the call and so chapter 6 is just a continuation of where we left off where Moses is in doubt Moses is experiencing discouragement and that will be true of every single one of us that wants to fulfill the call of God in our lives you and I will face complications and it has the potential to produce what doubt and discouragement and so if we were to put a title on this chapter on this particular Bible study tonight maybe we can say that God is going to teach us how to deal with doubt and how to deal with discouragement so we read that the Lord continues basis off of what Moses complaints him and Moses receives an answer now you shall see what I will do is to Pharaoh for with a strong hand he will send them out and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land God spoke to Moses now keep this in mind how do we deal with doubt what does God want to teach us about doubt and discouragement in these verses God spoke to Moses and said to him I am the Lord I appear to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty but by my name the Lord did I not make myself known to them what can we say about the first three verses there's many lessons in there especially verse 3 is an interesting verse trust in God himself so he's trying to provoke Moses to trust in God himself that's an important point remember we're just dealing we're we're dealing with Moses with doubts and complaints and discouragement God is answering him and that heart posture so what does God trying to say here addressing those things in his heart yes sure yes he is and he does that throughout the rest of these verses really he's reminding him of what the call was in the first place absolutely what else can we say and you have the right to even go beyond the first three verses if you just want to give general observation what else can we say about these scriptures here these verses yes it is yeah anybody read this chapter hope you did anybody fall upon verse 3 and have a question mark let's read verse 3 together I appeared to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty el shaddai but by my name the Lord what's that Yahweh I did not make myself known to them and if you've been following Genesis and Exodus up to this point there should be a major question mark why yes to give you an up ya know why should there be a major question mark blast this question has God revealed himself as Yahweh before this point have we seen capital L o rd up to this point a lot so how can it be that God says to Moses you know to the patriarchs I revealed myself as God Almighty but I have not revealed myself as Yahweh can I give you a verse that kind of on the surface level contradicts that Genesis 15 verse 7 Genesis 15 the top of your head who's God speaking to Genesis 15 Abraham yes and if you found verse 7 can you read it out loud for everybody to hear if you're there I am the what sorry is that capital L Ord yes so what does that mean Yahweh so I am the lord who is he speaking to Abraham but I come to this verse and the Bible is telling me but by my name the Lord I did not make myself known to them your Bible contradicts itself I've been in past the first two books and your Bible already contradicts itself how can I what does this mean what is God trying to say here and this is where the skeptics come and say see Moses was not the author of the Pentateuch of the first five books of the Bible these are different documents by different authors by different groups of people at different times but what we believe is that Moses because Jesus affirmed him is the author of the first five books of the Bible so we know that Moses he's not a dumb fellow would not contradict himself the Holy Spirit obviously is the author of all scripture so what is what is God saying in this verse yes okay yeah that you're you you have their ingredients in your answer right now that are very right so you're very close I know it's hard for it for for people to hear what she said but she's saying it correct me if I'm wrong that it wasn't the fullness of the revelation of who God was up to this point where Moses is gonna receive a great revelation of this God right okay yes absolutely there's elements of that that is very true what else can we say yes Tamara and then Lucy yes yes that's a major point as well that with the patriarchs he gave them the covenant with Moses he's gonna fulfill the covenant we're gonna put all these pieces together we're just getting answers from everybody here yes Lucy yes that's Yahweh yeah absolutely yeah yeah that's what he said Lord is I am that we this this is what God revealed himself as in Exodus chapter 3 it's it's very it's very important to understand that this is not a contradiction but Sophia and Tamara touched on it what do we know about names in the Bible what can we say about names are they random when God assigns a name is it random okay so we know that a name when a name is given to somebody or when a name has changed what's the purpose of it what is the purpose of a name concerning the Bible what is one purpose at least to reveal the person's character at least part of his character and so we know up to this point that God has revealed himself as a certain person el-shaddai God Almighty speaks of him obviously in many ways he reveals himself as Yahweh and throughout the Bible God is progressively revealing himself to show characters and attributes that reflect him through his name and so we're gonna learn a lot about God's names and all those names do what what are the purpose of those names to reveal something about himself so with that in mind what God is saying - Moses is not that they have never heard his name obviously they've heard his name Abraham heard his name Yahweh what God is saying to Moses in this text is that they have not experienced what that name means we understand if that name if a name reveals something about God it's one thing to hear the name it's another thing to experience the meaning of the name here's an example God is a healer is he not in fact that's one of his names Jehovah Rapha I am the God that healeth V Yahweh heals now you can know that name right we all we just heard the name Jehovah Rapha it's another thing to hear that name compared to experiencing it maybe there are people in this room that have experienced God healing their bodies when they've asked God to heal their bodies and they went from hearing about Jehovah Rapha to experiencing Jehovah Rapha they experienced the meaning behind the name not just heard the name here's another example this is probably so many of us in this room we grew up in the church is it not true right we grew up in the church a lot of us in your grew up in the church you heard the name of Jesus how many times probably hundreds and thousands you almost in robotic form repeated songs off the screen about Jesus Jesus Jesus you've had you've been to Bible studies about Jesus you've heard the name of Jesus you've heard the name but many people even today haven't experienced the name what does Jesus mean the always salvation God saves so it's one thing to hear the name it's another thing where Jesus becomes your salvation and now you experience the name the power behind the name is now something that you can testify to and so what God is saying to Moses here is that Abraham Isaac and Jacob they heard my name because I made a vennett with them but you and the people of Israel in your generation are going to experience my name that's what he's saying here here's a here's a verse to prove that argument that I'm saying that you can hear the name and experience the meaning behind the name here's a verse in Jeremiah this is important you can even jot this down behind this verse here in Exodus 6:3 Jeremiah 1621 therefore behold I will make them know this once I will make them know my power and my might and they shall know that my name is Yahweh do we see that so it is experiencing the power of God and the might of God in which they will not just hear the name Yahweh but they will really know the name Yahweh does this make sense tonight it's one thing to hear the name which reveals the character of God it's another thing to experience the manifestation of the name and so what he's saying to Moses is hey they heard about the Covenant you're gonna experience it they heard about how I'm gonna deliver them from Egypt remember when he talked to him in Genesis 15 he says there's your people are gonna be in bondage for 15 rather 400 years I'm gonna pull them out remember you're going to experience my covenant name Yahweh not just hear about it so there's no contradiction here all he's saying is what he's saying in Jeremiah 1621 Abraham Isaac they had a limited revelation of what Yahweh was but you're gonna get the fullness of it and the people with you in this generation Moses are gonna be able to testify that they know my name Yahweh so there's some application for that let me ask you a question how did you see God how do you perceive God you would be amazed of how many Christians have different perspectives on God in fact you can tell aware somebody is in their faith if you just ask some who Jesus Christ is to them isn't that true if you just ask them who is Jesus Christ to you and you just it literally takes 30 seconds doesn't take much discernment to know who Jesus Christ is to them what I love about this is to Moses he received a revelation of Yahweh knows fulness Abraham Isaac and Jacob received a revelation of El Shaddai but we in the New Covenant experienced an emphasis on a certain characteristic of God which is so glorious what characteristic of God do we have the emphasis on salvation yes that's one but one there's one in particular that is so emphasized and there's so many believers sing about and hear about but don't really feel somebody said it Matthew 6:9 and when you pray say our Father our Father one of the greatest emphasis in the New Testament concerning our relationship with God it's not El Shaddai though El Shaddai is part of it is not Yahweh though Yahweh's an important part of it Jesus comes in and emphasizes one quality about God which is so glorious and it's God being father what does he say if we can turn to Romans 8 verse 15 Romans one of the greatest New Testament books they're all great it's all Scripture for all of you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but all of you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father this is what we emphasize on in the Neuse we don't we don't over emphasize in the sense where we neglect the other attributes but Jesus himself comes in and says even when you address God call him father and so seeing God yes and the beautifulest we have the full revelation of God these guys are receiving progressive revelation of God but in the New Covenant we have the privilege of being able to address God as father and feel the spirit of adoption that were sons and daughters because of what Jesus Christ has done on the cross for us what else can we say about this Exodus 6:3 there's something about this that I think is so important for us to grasp think about it these Israelites have been in bondage for many many many many many many years and it is through that bondage that they did not willfully put on themselves they did not make stupid decisions necessarily that they received this slavery upon themselves no circumstances outside of their control here they are in bondage but they are going to experience something out of this bondage they're gonna experience God as Yahweh all-powerful almighty covenant promise keeping God and that tells me something that in every circumstance every trial every tribulation that you and I face in this life is an opportunity for God to reveal himself in a special way you say what I'm saying because all things work together for our good whatever circumstance I face in life is an opportunity for God to reveal himself in a special way for example there are so many people that say you know I want to see God do something miraculous man I want to see God do miracles well hold on if you by nature want to see God do miracles you would have to be in a situation where it's impossible for something to happen we sometimes have no idea what we're asking God for oh god I want to see your hand intervene in my life okay let me put you in a situation where it's so frustrating where you can't plan anything in your human effort where everybody will you want to experience a miracle I'm gonna put you in a possible situation first and sometimes in life things happen but in those situations presents an opportunity for God to reveal himself not in some extra biblical way but in a way in which we do see him for example through broken heartedness that person has the opportunity experience God is healer right you can't experience God is healer unless you go through broken heartedness right or for the person that's lonely or for a person that's been abandoned by everybody they can experience God as friend as father and so every circumstance that life dishes out to us that is outside of our control is an opportunity for God to unveil himself in a way that we would not have known otherwise you know what that says to you and me anything that we walk into despite the pain and the hurt should create anticipation god you're gonna do something and I'm gonna see you in a way and people who have been through brokenness that have cling to Jesus people who've experienced hurt and pain on different levels can testify coming out of it that God is faithful I've experienced God this way I really knew God in my financial trouble as Jehovah Jireh the Lord who provides so every circumstance every situation in life that seems dreadful that seems painful once again I know I'm repeating myself repetition is good is an opportunity for God to unveil himself in a way in which you and I would not have experienced otherwise and I think another thing to note with this too is that remember we're talking about doubt and discouragement God is trying to lift up the heart of Moses here and so doubt and discouragement is reversed in the revelation of the character of God himself that's what God is doing the first thing he does to encourage his servant Moses is I'm gonna just reveal how awesome I am to you and really that's that's the root of all doubt and discouragement is it not we failed to see God for who we is so God says I'm gonna reveal myself to you I'm gonna remind you of who I am and that is the first step and that is why guys guess what we have an advantage over Abraham Isaac and Jacob and Moses you know why because God in this point of history is progressively revealing himself we have the full revelation of who God is and so it is your responsibility and my responsibility to understand God for who he is and its entirety you know why the more you know God in his entirety the more whatever situation you face you have an understanding of who God is for that specific situation let's do this real quick just just as an example I need one person to turn to Hebrews Hebrews 13 verse 5 and 6 Hebrews 13:5 and 6 I need another person to turn to psalms 147 verse 3 another person psalms 147 verse 3 and i need one more person to turn to 2nd Timothy 4:16 and 17 Hebrews 13:5 and 6 and if you're there if you have a low voice you have every permission to shout it out go for it so if you're there shout it out guys catch that he says don't be covenants don't look at other people's stuff and and desire it because of your lack of possession why because the Lord says he is with you and he will never forsake you and you can know this that the Lord is with you and he's your helper what can man do to you so here we go I have a revelation of who God is so whenever I find myself in financial crisis I don't need to worry about it why because the Lord is with me I don't need to covet I don't need to worry he's with me he's my helper he will never leave me nor forsake me boom but what if I'm going through brokenness what if my I've been shattered emotionally what if something's happened to my life in which I literally feel like no doctor in this world can reach down and heal what I need to be healed Psalms 147 verse 3 who has it she shields the brokenhearted and he binds up my wounds so God is the great physician he can reach down as deep as possible and heal all the pain inside what if experiencing loneliness what is the Apostle Paul saying whoever's at 2nd Timothy 4 can you read it verse 16 and 17 this is the Apostle Paul what does he say what would you read here my first answer no man stood with me but all men forsook me who said that Apostle Paul said that everybody deserted me complications in the call of God we think is just Moses but what is he saying I pray God that I may not be laid to their charge what a man of God notwithstanding the Lord stood with me and strengthened me that by me the preaching might be fully known so he goes on to say everybody deserted me but the Lord stood with me and he strengthened me you and I can't experience that unless we experienced betrayal do you understand what's being said here in those circumstances in those things in which no man outside of the faith would want to even get near to we have confidence that God is the God for every circumstance the situation we face and it's our duty to know it or else we'll crumble in those situations get yourself in the Bible and know God the more you know God the more you know his entirety has character assist his name's the more confident you can walk through these circumstances that we face in life so II Ryan he reminds him and encourages them with himself but then we read in verse 4 I also established my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan the land in which they lived as sojourners moreover I have heard the groaning of the people of Israel whom the Egyptians hold as slaves and I have remembered my covenant so God first to reverse this discouragement to reverse this doubt in the heart of his servant Moses says hey Moses remember Who I am I am Yahweh I am that I am I am unchangeable I am immutable I am eternal if I made the covenant promised hundreds of years ago I'm gonna fulfill it but not just with himself he does something in verse five four and five how else does he encouraged his servant by doing what what is he doing here by telling verse four and five he's reminding him of what he's already done all right say look I made a covenant with them not only that moreover I've heard the groaning of the people of Israel whom the Egyptians hold as slaves so he's reminding Moses hey I've been faithful up to this point and so what does that say to unius servants of God that when we face opposition or when we face a season of our life in which we see a lack of results we have to remind ourselves of what God has already done so if I'm praying for something or someone and I'm not seeing that come to pass in fact it's been weeks and months you know what you and I have to do that moment look back and see how God has answered prayer in the past if I'm preaching the gospel and nobody I mean the fly isn't getting safe nobody's getting saved what do I do I look back at how God has saved my brother or my cousin or that co-worker I witness to and if it's something that we can't even look in and examine our own life we should look at how God has done in other people's lives and so what we have to do is remind ourselves of what God has done in the past when we faced situations where we don't see what we want to see quickly I know we can stay on this for a while by just gonna go in one psalm that depicts this so gloriously it is worth memorization Psalms 13 it's a short song but let's go that quickly turn turn your pages of Psalms 13 look what the psalmist does in Psalms 13 verse 1 verse 1 of Psalms 13 a psalm of David how long O Lord will you forget me forever have you ever felt like that how long O Lord will you forget me forever answered prayer hasn't come as I felt like forever you see nobody save has it felt like forever that breakthrough whatever you needed God to do in your life has it been like it felt like forever well I was saying it feels like forever are you gonna forget me forever now look what he says how long will you hide your face from me have you ever felt that man I can not sense God have you ever asked that have you ever said that out loud have you ever thought that driving to work how long will you hide your face from me how long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day not part of the day talking all the day how long will I have sorrow in my heart 24/7 how long shall my enemy be exalted over me consider and answer me O Lord my god light up my eyes lest I sleep the sleep of death lest my enemy say I have prevailed over him lest my foes rejoice because I am shaken the psalm is depressing up to this point but it's a reflection of what we go through in life but the psalm does not end there what does he say in verse 5 but I have trusted in your steadfast love my heart shall rejoice in your salvation look how it ends I will sing to the Lord because he has dealt bountifully with me he starts one way in verse 1 he ends another way in verse 6 what was the turning point yes he pours out his heart before God yes he comes before God honestly yes he prays but he ends with singing he ends by singing how does somebody have the ability to sing in which we think we can assume that he's obviously going through a hard time his enemy seems like he's winning we don't know when the song was written per se how do you have the strength to even sing well he tells us I will sing to Lord because he's dealt bountifully with me because he's been faithful in the past I have every right to sing in the present because she has met me up to this point I can by faith rejoice and know that he'll deliver me from this that is the place where we need to get to and when you waltz into church and you had a terrible weekend terrible week where even prayed and heard God for a while you can come in and look past you can look at the past you can look at your journal you can remember what God has done and that producer join you enough strength at least sync them see God you are awesome and you are worthy when we go back to Exodus 6 what did you say verse 60 say therefore to the people of Israel I am the Lord and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians and I will deliver you from slavery to them and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with the great acts of judgment I will take you to be my people you guys seeing a trend here and I will be your God and you shall know that I am the Lord your God who has brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians I will bring you into the land that I swore to give the Abraham to Isaac at the Jacob I will give it to you for your possession I am Lord how do we reverse discouragement in doubt what does God do to Moses he says hey I'm God remember me just me who I am as a person - do you know what I've done up to this point I appear to the people of Israel when they cried out to me I've answered that prayer and Here I am you think I'm gonna stop at this point so he reminds them of what he's done so what is he doing here in verses 6 to 8 how is he encouraging them he's giving them promises again so how do we reverse discouragement in our hearts with that cliche answer we all know Bank on the promises of God it's so easy to say all this Christianese stuff you know God is faithful brother he's faithful to his promises yeah but it's another thing to really believe it and so how do we reverse that know who God is the more you know who God is the more you could face different circumstances because he has he has a name for so many circumstances you remember what he's done in the past your life already but you also remember what he can do for the future promises for the future he's reassuring them with what he is able to do and it's no different for you and me he says I will do it but it's more than that I believe it's a humbling thing for Moses up to this point too because Moses is learning up to this point that it's not up to Moses it's up to God in these two verses God says I will seven times I'm gonna do it Moses I'm gonna do a nation of Israel I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it so we need to know the promises of God and we need to come to a place like these Israelites and like Moses and receive it so what happens here's Moses coming with his doubt and saying god I don't even know why you called me in the first place God says remember Who I am remember what I've done know what I can do awesome he's got his sermon ready he's heard from God he's ready to go to church Sunday morning he's gonna preach this message that came straight from the heart of God the people of God are gonna hear it revival is gonna break out people are gonna be encouraged they're gonna go back at the egypt they're gonna see deliverance right that's what happens right what happens moses spoke veste the people of israel but they did not listen to Moses I mean anti-climactic or what you come up to God after the people opposing you say God why God gives you a message God encourages you you're fired up you're ready and you're thinking this is going to go in the right direction you come and that people say no thanks men they reject the message why did they reject the message for two reasons what is it saying this verse because of two things what does it say because of their broken spirit one and because the harsh labor in other words the people rejected the Word of God because of how they were feeling in the inside and of what they were seeing from the outside broken spirit that speaks of the internal man harsh slavery what they were experiencing in their circumstance and these things quenched the encouragement that God wanted to give them listen doubt is fueled by two things doubt is fueled by emotion and doubt is fueled by circumstance if a believer lives by emotion and if a believer is dictated by circumstance you can expect a rollercoaster ride in this thing called life doubt is fueled I mean if that's already a fire you can fuel it by how you feel and you can fuel that based on the circumstances that you're experiencing but doubt is quenched how when you rehearse the truths of God over your life concerning his character and his faithfulness that's how doubt is quenched when you rehearse that God is with me when you rehearse the Scriptures that we just read that's how doubt loses its power over you but it's fueled when you say but this is how I feel and this is what's happening and this is what I see you're just adding more fire to the doubt Moses spoke to us the people Israel but they did not listen to Moses because of their broken spirit and harsh slavery there needs to be an ability within each of us to have strength to overcome our emotion and what we see and grab a hold of the Word of God we need to that's on us that's on us to do I don't feel this way but I trust what the word God says because God is this and you rehearse that over your heart and you'll see how doubt won't be quenched and will shrink in your life so what happens to Moses I mean he just came into this situation with doubt and discouragement and he's thinking that this is gonna be reversed and now what happens just even more so you know what God says so the Lord said to Moses in verse eleven go in and tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the people Israel go out of his land it's like yeah but God I know that you're all seeing look at verse 12 but Moses said to the Lord behold the people of Israel have not listening to me how then shall Pharaoh listen to me for I am of uncircumcised lips my church doesn't even want to hear my sermon you think that the people in the streets want to hear my sermon what's Moses experiencing now seems like the preacher needs to preach his own sermon to himself preachers need to do that sometimes what happens here yes you nailed it he gives a reason why he thinks that the results were produced in such a way he says how am I going to speak to Pharaoh when the people of Israel didn't listen to me why for I am of uncircumcised lips so you can interpret that one way in which he does before say I'm not eloquent of speech I can't I can't say fancy words I can't say big words but there's another connotation here when he's speaking of uncircumcised lips like unworthy like these lips aren't even clean they're not they're not worthy to even speak these things so there's a sense of unworthiness there's a sense of lack of qualification and so he's putting the blame upon himself due to the lack of results this is so important he feels like a failure why does he feel like a failure because he he did what God told him to do and the results didn't show forth now in the eyes of the world does he look like a failure perhaps but boys Moses a failure why was he not a failure because he's obeying God this is so necessary for longevity in any type of ministry there's a matter of your full-time vocation does not matter if you're part whatever you want to do for God this right here is vital to understand Moses feels like a failure because he did what God told him to do and the results did not show forth now we the readers looking at say no Moses you're not a failure why because you obeyed God and that needs to be true of us as well we need to understand that as well results don't determine success results do not determine success the world measured success by results God measures success with faithfulness so Moses is frustrated because he's saying nothing's happening and God is saying move on why because you did what you were supposed to do let's not sit on camp here now go to Pharaoh but God nobody answered you don't understand it's not about how they answer it's about the fact that you answered me listen to me and obeyed me your faithful move on and so many people are paralyzed and wanting to serve God and moving forward and serving God and wanting to go and hit the streets to serve God and wanting to pray another prayer meeting to serve God because of what didn't happen last week when we went out and talked to people about Jesus and what didn't happen when I witness to my family member is this not true due to the lack of results there's a lack of motivation to wanting to serve God continually and God saying you've got it all wrong listen no man in this room no man in this nation no man I don't care how great of an orator I don't care how much commentaries they've written there is not one person in this lifetime not one person in history that has ever impressed God there's no revival that's been ushered in by any man that has ever God not once wasn't having such that is amazing Wow I cannot believe you did that Michael Gabriel check this out not once the only thing that can impress God is God God Himself is the only thing no man no ministry no service no amount of times you pray doesn't matter if you fast the point where your ribs show through your shirt does not matter what matters that you're faithful that you're faithful here's a striking picture of how results does not necessarily mean success numbers 20 we're dealing with the same guy numbers 20 verse 10 what happens in this text Israel's thirsty again and they complain to Moses and Moses says all right Lord around 2 he says I want you to do something Moses I want you to go up to that rock and I want you to speak to that rock when you speak to that rock I'll take care of the water clear-rite Moses all you need to do is obey me speak to the rock what happens then Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock and he said to them hear now you rebels somebody's angry shall we bring water for you out of this rock shall hoo-wee and Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice and the water came out abundantly and the congregation drank and their livestock stopped Moses I want you to speak to the rock you rebels I'm sick and tired of you and you would expect nothing to happen but the most striking thing out of all the things that we can learn from this portion of Scripture probably the most striking thing in this text is the fact that the water actually comes out he disobeyed and water gushes out to the people of Israel this is awesome oh he did it again waters out but there's one person that's not pleased God in heaven results always equals success not in God's eyes because God says something in verse 12 and the Lord said to Moses and Aaron because you did not believe in me to uphold me as holy in the eyes of the people of Israel therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I have given them God is not impressed nor is he moved by the results that we can produce for him this is a picture of Moses acting in the flesh you say how because if you were to speak to the rock God would have been glorified but it said in his own strength he strikes the rock who gets glory Moses does and God says listen you might have fed everybody the water is still gushing out why is the water gushing out because God is gracious but there's something that's not pleased God because God is concerned about faithfulness more than what you can produce for him don't be fooled by numbers don't be fooled by followers don't be fooled by any of those things if those things are being produced outside of what the scripture says I can guarantee there's somebody that's not pleased Oh though the people their drinking water oh there we're being ministered to though yeah but what are you more concerned about your results about pleasing God it's about being faithful that will set you free from so much hardship as you serve the Lord from so much anxiety from so much distress who cares Moses needed to know that he goes I don't know God and what does God do in verse 13 the same thing he did in the beginning of the chapter the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron and gave them a charge about the people of Israel about Pharaoh king of Egypt to bring the people he says just keep going God but I'm circumcised lips and it goes you'd understand it's not about what you can do for me it's about just obeying me keep going just go keep serving me the way you're serving me and I'll take care of the results and if we really grasp that this thing walking in the calling of God will be enjoyable you'll enjoy it why because you know that you're doing this thing for God and you know that as long as you're doing what God called you to do he's pleased what more do you want than that so if you have their Facebook ministry and you like to post things if you're concerned about how many likes you got on that post and it's not the same amount of likes you got the other post you're gonna dredge serving God we're so results-driven I love what brother Keith says keed English coming in a few weeks he goes whether you bless me at the door or curse me at the door does not matter the only thing that matters to me is after I preach that I get to my room as fast as I can and know that Jesus smiles that is the freedom we need when we serve God and all for sudden in verse 14 down to verse 30 it's just this genealogy and without getting too much into it though there are many reasons for it it's almost like a commercial break to the story really the author the Holy Spirit pauses and brings us to a place to understand where Aaron and Moses came from and I think that's where we get some significance because the genealogy is not of all the fathers of the nation of Israel all the tribes it goes from Reuben verse 14 verse 15 simeon verse 16 Levi and it stops that Levi and it breaks it down it's there to show us that Moses and Aaron are from the tribe of Levi then when we go to verse 28 down it just brings us back just like if you're watching a show commercial break and when you come back to the show it tells you the last bit where you left off before we go back to the story but I think there's something significant here that we know the origin of Moses and Aaron what tribe did it come from what tribe you they come from the third tribe boys the third tribe Levi now this is the beauty about connecting books of the Bible we talked about the tribes of Israel when we were concluding the book of Genesis what do we know about Levi that's later on yes they were the priesthood but what do we learn from them from the end of Genesis what kind of people were Simeon and Levi yes Phoebe yeah ii remember when there's this blessings at the end in Genesis 49 it speaks of Simeon and Levi how they forfeited what they could have received from Reuben because Reuben forfeited it why because they were torturous vicious men they went in there and they slaughtered animals and people that that is the last residue we have from the people of Levi and here we are the nation of Israel knows as well that Reuben forfeited it Simeon forfeited it Levi forfeited it but who comes out of the tribe of Levi that the livers of Israel what does this speak of this speaks of the grace of God why that regardless of the history regardless of how other people might label you God is able to redeem it and use somebody out of it Moses and Aaron come out of the tribe of Levi the murderous blood shedding people and he says I'm gonna use you you know where that says you to mean whatever the history of our family is whatever even the past of your life is God is able to redeem it and redeem you and use you again for his glory that is the hope that we have through this God specializes in taking things that seem hopeless and making something out of it that's the God that we serve and that's what we can take out of this genealogy that Moses and Aaron come out of the tribe of Levi they Levi forfeited the blessing God is still able to use somebody out of that and say I'm gonna use you to deliver this nation and we're gonna find out that Levi later on in fact becomes the priesthood and we talked about that last time in Genesis dealing with doubt and discouragement are you doubting today God are you discouraged on how you're serving God not seeing the results that you would like to receive for God here's the remedy know who he is gift familiar with him I love the fact that he says they have not known me as Yahweh because Yahweh is the Covenant name of God it's his personal relationship name know him and know how dear he is and know how near he is know him in the New Covenant sense that he is your father nobody's done in the past I answered your prayers up to this point you can look back there's one thing that you and I can never say of God that he lied to us that he's failed us and that he's forsaken us you will never be able to say that about God never you might feel like he's not there but he is there you may not see the fullness of the fruit that you want to see but he didn't fail you and there's one thing for certain he'll never lie to us looking back at what he's done but also clinging to the promises that he's able to perform and knowing this Moses stopped thinking about the results and how you think you influence the results just serve me just do what I told you to do and I'll take care of the results I will I will I will I will you just do what you need to do there's freedom in that there should be freedom there should be joy to say Lord Here I am whatever you want me to do I'll do it whatever I fail to see your order of I do see is by your grace side no maybe God does not want you to see everything because it might puff you up a little bit so he hides things God in His wisdom knows what to do and how to do it all you need to do and all I need to do is be thrilled with understanding that he's pleased when we obey Him let's pray bring your doubts and discouragement before the Living God tonight Saint Lord hears my heart and ask him lord I don't want to be about stats and numbers and seeing thing I just want to be driven by being faithful and if nobody else sees what I do for you and appreciates what I do for you as long as you're pleased that's a that's tough but it's possible and even if you have to pray that prayer ten times in 10 weeks if you have to pray that 10 times a day throughout ten weeks if you have to pray that prayer over and over again do it why because it is so freeing to walk in a way in which you are not beat down about what you see or you don't see but you're driven by pleasing him as our there in that place of Prayer I'm going to read one more story just just to give you a counter example of what we're saying here just continue in that place of Prayer there's these two kings and first kings 20:2 they have been Jehoshaphat and Ahab wants to go to war and he invites Jehoshaphat and Jehovah shop which a fat says listen let's inquire first of the word look word of the Lord let's get some prophets in here to give us direction of we should do this then the king of Israel and first kings 20:2 gathered the prophets together about four hundred men and these four hundred prophets come and here are these two kings the king of Israel in the king of Judah and the prophets are saying go up for the Lord look give it into the hand of the king but Jehoshaphat the other King said is there not here another prophet of the Lord of whom we may inquire and the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat yea there is one that can inquire of the Lord micaiah the son of imlah but I hate him why for he never prophesized good concerning me but evil and Jehoshaphat said let not the king say so so then they go and they fetched Micaiah here's four hundred prophets they're saying go for yes do it you'll get victory verse 13 and the messenger whom was sent to summon Micaiah said to him so here's the messenger that fetches his prophet and he says behold the words of the prophets with one Accord are favorable to the king let your word be like the word of one of them and speak favorably so here's Micaiah here's 400 prophets the the messenger goes down he goes hey listen um everybody is saying the same thing if you want your ministry to be awesome if you want to be you really want to be liked say the same thing say the thing that's favorable to the king alright Micaiah what does Micaiah say verse 14 but mkhaya said as the lord lives what the lord says to me that I will speak so they bring in mkhaya this is nicaya what's the word because ya go up victory and they have says I know I know I know you stop playing games tell me the truth then he gives this whole vision about how he's gonna pretty much die and verse 24 says then Zedekiah the son of shenana came near and struck mkhaya on the cheek and said how did the Spirit of the Lord go from me to speak to you and mkhaya said behold you shall see on that day when you go into the inner chamber to hide yourself and here's these four hundred prophets mocking Micaiah striking Micaiah they aren't throwing up in jail but Makai wasn't bent on the thing that was favorable nor on the thing that was popular he had one thing that was driving him whatever God says to me and that's what I speak if you don't like it I'm not doing this out of love I'm doing this in love but I'm here to serve an audience of one and his name is Jesus that's the heart we need to have so father tonight you've revealed yourself in your fullness because all Scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training and righteousness that the man of God may be complete what if there's any man in here that's facing doubt or discouragement concerning themself how they're serving you the lack of results that they anticipate would you Lord remind us of how good you are would you remind us of what you've done in the past in this house and the lives that are sitting in these chairs and family members and our friends and Lord would you help us have a hunger to memorize and know the promises of God to know that in every circumstance there's a promise but finally Lord may we be driven by faithfulness every person in here driven by just knowing that they're pleasing you and what they do to be free from comparison from competitiveness from looking at our limitations instead of looking at you're all power and might and to take the instructions that you've even given Ezekiel whether they receive your word or reject your word tell them what I tell you maybe be like Micaiah even when we're to seduce to compromise even when we're seduced for any reason outside of your will we may say I'm just doing this for the Lord and your name we pray amen to stay in that place of Prayer we're gonna sing in a moment but we just read the Word of God and it's a Living Word and he just spoke through his word the words that we just read God just spoke to us now respond to him in prayer sing Lord I want my heart to change as I leave this place and in a moment we're gonna sing together
Channel: UE Church - Chicago
Views: 2,377
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Keywords: exodus, bible, study, exodus 6, exodus 6 bible study, friday bible study, old tastement, torah, Uec, ue church, united evangelical church, daniel batarseh, agape young adults services, ue church agape, christians, sermon, preaching, teaching, jesus, god, holy spirit, christ, christianity
Id: -9WkgvbK5LM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 47sec (4007 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2017
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